‎Feb 17, 2025
08:20 PM
Agree, having got beyond the waitlist, i thought i'd give it a try... first off, I just did something random just to see how it worked and then, satisfied with that, I tried to do something I actually wanted - and yep, at this point found out i'd already used up my two free goes and now have to subscribe! The problem is, I work for a company that currently has a plan for Creative Cloud with multiple licences - and no-one in charge of that has any idea if each user has to get a subscription, or if it's going to be already included, or what? Sure they'll work it out eventually, but in the meantime my experimenting with Firefly video is over. Hmm...
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‎Dec 18, 2024
09:57 PM
Sorry if i'm missing something... the OP observed that Maximo exports FBX files, but AE imports GLB files. Are you saying that a) Maximo can now export GLB, or b) AE can import FBX? The link you have provided suggests the answer is still "no" ? I've been playing around with maximo and AE Beta and I cannot get them to talk to each other. I am looking for a workflow that lets me take a character + animation from mixamo and lets me adjust lighting, camera angles etc in a 3D space whilst the animation still plays. The nearest I have come up with so far is to pretend that Adobe Aero is a 3D program - and create a video of the imported animated character, by doing a screen record! Thoughts, Thanks!
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‎Dec 18, 2024
07:14 PM
hello - it's almost 2025.... did this happen?
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‎May 09, 2023
09:17 PM
same thing here. have emailed adobe a few times over last 3 weeks. no answer...
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‎Sep 24, 2020
09:03 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks Jeanette, Appreciate that there is only so much you can say publically, and for letting us "read between the lines" for some things you can't say. On the downside I think it's slightly concerning that << Mixamo has a new PM and team now >> yet here we are on a Mixamo forum (I assume we are, I find adobe's navigation / search to be 90% guesswork) yet there is no Mixamo spokesperson as such, and it falls to the PM of Dimension to address the community... On the upside, I take comfort from << We see character creation as an important part of our ecosystem of 3D >> Hope to see that in my lifetime! Curiously, there is still quite a bit of Fuse stuff lurking around the adobe/CC website - example attached, screengrabbed today... Thanks again!
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‎Sep 23, 2020
04:29 PM
okay Adobe, now that Fuse is gone and Mixamo is the way forward, what can we expect to see in the (near) future? The whole point of fuse was that we could customise our own characters, now it seems we have to choose from pre-made characters... not very satisfying as a creative experience. Would love to hear that such functionality is in the pipeline / would hate to think that what we see now is all we will ever see... thoughts, thanks!
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‎Aug 09, 2020
08:44 PM
Thanks for digging this deep, and finding the answer << Replaced the Ampersand with something less flashy >>. Interstingly if you google quicksand, a whole lot of stuff comes up showing the "flashy" ampersand and i'd imagine plenty of people have activated the font from yourselves and expected to be able to use it. I'm interested in your suggestion << Perhaps you can contact the font's designer at his own website per above and convince him to make a version of the font for you (expect to pay for that service) that restores the old ampersand design. >> Not sure i want a version just for me/us, because we often have external people working on our stuff and not sure I want to muddy the water further by having yet another iteration of the font floating around. Hypothetically - if I contacted the original designer and he agreed to just "make the original ampersand available" is there a scenario where adobe could just add it to the available glyphs, or would there be an insurmountable mass of legal/contractual/technical/financial stuff preventing that? thanks!
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‎Aug 02, 2020
09:47 PM
We have a brand that uses quicksand, from the days before adobe fonts. Now, we want everyone to use the adobe fonts version of quicksand for consistency, but the ampersand is a completely different shape - and there isn't the one we want in glyphs. The ampersand features prominently in most of the work, so what are we to do? Not sure that i'm going to get a helpful answer, but maybe I can request that when you look to add font families to the site, they at least contain the same elements as the originals! thanks
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