‎Jul 05, 2024
09:59 AM
1 Upvote
1. Edit > Keyboard Shorcuts > 2. Scroll all the way down 3. Delete the shortcuts for 'Show Previous Layer Boundry' and 'Show Next Layer Boundry' Worked on macOS beta for me. Will test on Windows when I get home tonight. I appreciate the continuous improvements being made to Photoshop. However, I wanted to provide some feedback regarding the feature that will display the previous/next layer boundary. While this feature might be useful in certain scenarios, I find it challenging to see its necessity in my workflow. As an avid user, I frequently change brush sizes for a variety of tasks, including photo retouching, composing/compositing scenes, creating collages, coloring illustrations, drawing/line work, digital painting, making adjustments on artwork, retouching type or logos, designing icons, preparing vector art, adjusting traps for separations, character design, making patterns, and adjusting layer and filter masks. In essence, changing brush sizes is an integral part of my process almost every time I use Photoshop. Thank you for considering this feedback. I believe that focusing on enhancing core functionalities like brush resizing would greatly benefit many users.
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‎Jun 10, 2024
07:37 PM
1 Upvote
appears to be fixed in the latest beta
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‎Jun 10, 2024
07:12 PM
I can replicate the bug in Adobe Illustrator 28.5 both on macOS and Windows 11 on PC. Happening on all file formats in Adobe Illustrator 28.5 using linked or embedded black and white bitmaps, even if they are set to spot or process colors in Illustrator. It's happening with linked PSDs too, not just linked TIFF files, these lines appear until very zoomed in. The problem persists when embedding the images too. Like in this CD face with spot gold and black inks with intricate line art. The art is all gone when you zoom out to try and see the whole CD face: Also 'Unembed' is grayed out with black and white bitmaps. Working in CPU mode is way too slow, not a viable solution, only for a quick preview.
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‎Apr 14, 2024
08:30 PM
1 Upvote
Did anyone figure out how to ad navigation to a 'Welcome' page? I was using one for my demo reel, wanted that separate from collections, just as it's own link, but I want the navigation on it like the rest of the pages. @kglad those links don't have any information about adding navigation to welcome pages. I experimented with creating a standalone page, but it ended up being placed in an additional collection, which necessitates an extra click to access the demo reel, adding unnecessary steps for viewers.
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‎Apr 07, 2023
12:45 PM
Those links you posted don't even work and are irrelevant to the question. The correct answer was: Edit > Preferences > Tools > unticking the 'Spring-Loaded Tool'
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‎Feb 20, 2023
02:23 PM
GPU Compositing is not an option. Windows 11, RTX card.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
07:37 AM
Just ran into this bug today. this is on a PC so nothing to do with Apple Studio Display. Why did Adobe waste time with the export tab instead of fixing this! I built a template for several sequences that used the same audio tracks ane effects, now I have to redo the audio on all these projects, what a headache!!
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‎Jan 20, 2023
12:28 PM
Okay actually, in Indesign CC 2023 these Clipboard Handling settings work for what I was trying to do. Not sure if it helps anyone else! At least it retains the font.  
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‎Jan 20, 2023
11:50 AM
1 Upvote
Wordpad doesn't work for that, at least not for what I'm usually trying to do.
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‎Jan 20, 2023
11:45 AM
1 Upvote
Making InDesign and Illustrator text engines compatible would be a great feature. Anywhere to vote for that?
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‎Nov 29, 2022
05:59 PM
I thought I was having this same issue in AE 2023, and it turned out it was something different altogether. For anyone else, it may happen too; It was because After Effects makes comps start at 00000 by default, and my animation started at 001. I was looking at my animation one frame off, fixing my frames externally (Blender) on the wrong frames, reloading footage, and not viewing updates on the correct frames. Solution in my case: Start your comp one frame after so that it's at 00001 instead of 00000, extend it one frame at the end if needed and then the frame numbers will match.
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‎Sep 28, 2022
03:47 AM
This is super important. If this can't be fixed at least remove from After Effects and put it in Media Encoder, it makes no sense to send a gigantic file for review. I'm not going to upload a one-minute 10GB video file for review from Frame.IO, makes no sense. The workarounds to send an H.264 via are beyond annoying at this point.
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‎Aug 24, 2022
11:14 PM
I'm pretty sure this is a bug both on Windows and macOS. First on macOS, my clipboard is 3000x3000. If I hit cmd+n, usually the preset details on the right would match the clipboard. In this example, by default the document size is set to 221x201 instead of 3000x3000. 221x201 is the size of what was previously, not currently in the clipboard: As you can see it is also happening in Windows 11: The clipboard is 787 x 697 pixels, but on the right our document setting is 3435 x 4082 pixels. Before if you copied an image or a portion of one and hit ctrl/cmd+n and enter the new document would match the clipboard exactly, with the latest update it's not doing that. The work around is to click on any of the Custom icons, then click back on Clipboard color and pixel dimension settings, then click on create or hit enter. I'm looking in Preferences and I am not finding how to switch this back to normal so I am assuming it is a bug.
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‎Aug 06, 2022
03:05 PM
1 Upvote
That's a good question, I think the idea is that if you need to get a client a quick h.264 asap then stay in AE, if you need to keep working on other AE comps while rendering then hop to AME. I wonder if it was the user requests, or for AE to play nicer with, maybe both? There was also a recent viral video by Corridor Crew criticizing AE. Not being able to export h.264 directly from AE was one of the main points.
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‎Aug 01, 2022
04:03 AM
This isn't a feature yet and the request has been around for over 2 years? Wow... I thought I was finding a tutorial, not a feature request. Yes, this would greatly improve Media Encoder.
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‎Jul 26, 2022
12:06 AM
Hi Tarun, thanks for your help. I was also having the same error every time I quit Photoshop. I just followed your instructions, and now every time I open Photoshop, I get a User Account Control dialogue asking if I want to let Photoshop make changes to my device... Additionally, I can't edit linked files from Adobe Illustrator in Photoshop via the 'Edit In Photoshop' button anymore. Illustrator says 'Cannot find associated application.' Any idea how to fix these new bugs now? Also, this did not solve the old bug, I still get the 'Can't write new document presets file.' error when I quit Photoshop.
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‎Jan 23, 2022
11:26 PM
Thanks! This one works perfect: // convert all top level layers and layer sets to smart objects.jsx
function main() {
if (!documents.length) {
alert('There are no documents open!');
} else {
function processAllLayersAndSets(obj) {
// Process all layers and layer sets
// Change the following 2 entries of "obj.layers" to "obj.artLayers" to exclude layer sets
for (var al = obj.layers.length - 1; 0 <= al; al--) {
app.activeDocument.activeLayer = obj.layers[al];
// Process Layer Set Layers
for (var ls = obj.layerSets.length - 1; 0 <= ls; ls--) {
// Convert to smart object (Cleaned AM code)
function newPlacedLayer() {
var s2t = function (s) {
return app.stringIDToTypeID(s);
executeAction(s2t("newPlacedLayer"), undefined, DialogModes.NO);
activeDocument.suspendHistory('Smart Objects from Layers & Sets', 'main()');
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‎Jan 23, 2022
11:08 PM
I often find my self with PSD files that have many layers that need to be individually converted to Smart Objects. To save time I used to use this Photoshop .jsx script all the time to convert the multiple layers in to individual Smart Objects. I must have messed it up some how, or not sure if something changed with scripting in the newest version. Not sure how to fix it. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
function convertEachLayerToSmartObject(){
var resultLayers=new Array();
var idGrp = stringIDToTypeID( "groupLayersEvent" );
var descGrp = new ActionDescriptor();
var refGrp = new ActionReference();
refGrp.putEnumerated(charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " ),charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" ),charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" ));
descGrp.putReference(charIDToTypeID( "null" ), refGrp );
executeAction( idGrp, descGrp, DialogModes.NO );
for (var ix=0;ix< llen; l++ ) {
app.activeDocument.activeLayer = resultLayers[l]
executeAction(stringIDToTypeID('newPlacedLayer'), undefined, DialogModes.NO);
return resultLayers;
convertEachLayerToSmartObject(); The dialogue box error I get is: Error 15: Try without catch or finally. Line: 18 -> Is there a better script out there for this? Or a better way to do this, without having to individually right click each layer Convert to Smart object? thank you!!
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‎Dec 31, 2021
02:04 PM
I don't understand why this isn't a built in function in Photoshop yet. It should be right under 'Convert to Smart Object', 'Convert Selected Layers to Individual Smart Objects' if more than one layer is selected. Anyone know if there's a feature request for this? Thanks for the script though!! This is the 3rd or possibly 4th computer I have installed this script on or iterations of it over the years. Uploading it as a .txt for anyone else looking for it. Resave as a .js file for Photoshop to recognize.
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‎Nov 08, 2021
06:25 PM
This issue is still around on 23.0.0, I hope Adobe fixes it soon. A workaround that works for me without having to disable features or restarting photoshop is: Window>Arrange>New Window for ... I'm on an Intel Windows PC with Nvidia RTX graphics and Wacom Intuos4 PTK-440.
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‎Nov 08, 2021
06:03 PM
I'm having this same issue, so far happened to me about 4 times within the last hour or so today. The best workaround so far without disabling any features seems to be: menu Window>Arrange>New Window for... Your old document window will remain unusable but the new one should be fine. I hope this bug gets fixed soon.
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‎Oct 30, 2021
01:32 PM
1 Upvote
Window > Arrange > New Window for... is the best workaround for me so far.
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‎Oct 10, 2021
08:55 PM
1 Upvote
This bug is also happening in Windows. Here's another thread about the same bug: The quickest workaround is 'Window > Arrange > New Window for your doc...' Saving closing and reopening the document seems to work too. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.
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‎Oct 10, 2021
08:51 PM
This bug is still happening in Adobe Photoshop 2021 currently on October 22.5.1 Release. I'm on Windows 10, Wacom Intuos4. i9 and RTX card. I have yet to try the 'Window>Arrange>New Window for...' workaround thanks @dawidzadlo for mentioning that. Saving closing and reopening the document workaround isn't so great for large documents. Adobe: Any news on a bug fix for this?
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‎Jul 12, 2021
09:25 PM
1 Upvote
@JeffreyTranberry is it still? Would really love this feature for some halftone customization without having to design blindly in a smart object. If I ran a test 10 years ago in After Effects with a couple of blur, sharpen adjustment layers, yes, at print sizes it was a tough nut to crack on my 2008 MBP.
Ran that test today on an Omen PC. For a document 4000x3000 it was no problem. 10,000x7500 was noticeably slower but still workable. I imagine it should be no problem for a current state-of-the-art design workstation to have unsharp mask and gaussian blur as an adjustment layer in Photoshop. Or maybe 'effect layer'?
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‎May 20, 2021
01:50 AM
Restarting AE after sleep is a workaround for this bug. Just now tested the Edit > Preferences > Audio Hardware workaround and it also works, thanks for posting that!
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‎May 20, 2021
01:24 AM
that works for me too! thanks!!
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‎May 20, 2021
12:34 AM
One more note on this, if I'm waiting for too long for my comp to finish rendering and my screen goes black while the preview render is happening then the bug starts to happen as well, so the whole system doesn't necessarily need to be on sleep mode for the bug to happen.
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‎May 19, 2021
11:48 PM
After Effects will not preview any comps after sleeping. When I hit play, or the spacebar, even if I change the shortcut to something else as another post suggested, it doesn't play. The green line indicating render fills the whole comp, any comp, but even then it doesn't play. This problem seemingly happens after any time the computer goes to sleep. The only workaround is quitting After Effects and re-opening it. Once I restart the app it plays fine. This issue only seems to happen if the system fully goes to sleep but not if just the display is turning off. If I manually press sleep and don't leave it sleeping for very long on wake it can still play, but if I wait too long the bug persists. Adobe After Effects 18.2 (2021) no plugins. Windows 10 Home / Version 20H2 HP OMEN 30L Desktop i9 10850k, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX3090 24GB vram
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‎May 03, 2021
01:35 AM
1 Upvote
That solution does not work in Indesign 2021 anymore :(. Why didn't they make this work directly from Indesign to begin with? Why have to go to Acrobat to collate when it's supposed to be part of the Print Booklet option? So frustrating, no wonder many printers do not take Indesign files for printing booklets anymore, they want you to do the manual collation in Illustrator/Indesign so they don't have to spend hours doing the extra work.
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