Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Sep 23, 2024
03:43 AM
1 Upvote
Hi everyone. I have this problem that the brush palette is behind my canvas. It's difficult to paint when I can't easily ajust my brush. Do anyone know what to do? /Kenneth
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‎Sep 02, 2021
10:43 PM
@JohanElzenga Thank you. I'll give that a try
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‎Sep 02, 2021
10:42 PM
@Earth Oliver It is 100% but the problem is that there is two scrollbars which indicates the window is smaller than the canvas. And the canvas is only 300x300px. My photoshop has never done that untill I made an update.
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‎Sep 02, 2021
03:23 AM
1 Upvote
Hi. Everytime I create a new psd or open other psds, the window is always 50% smaller than canvas. Yes, I can press CMD+1 but after 20+ documents I get tired and frustrated. Is there anything I do to change it or is it a bug? Bonus info: I've just updated my photoshop and now have Ps 2021 version 22.5.0 and then is happened.
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‎Dec 11, 2018
01:34 AM
You can do it in a more simple way. In Adobe Animate you create a HTML5 canvas and create you banner. Then you make an invisible button (fx instance name: btn_ClickTag). Create a new layer (fx AS) and put in: this.btn_ClickTag.on("click", function() { window.open(clickTag, '_blank'); }); If you want to test it, put this code in the published html in <head> section. <script>var clicktag="http://www.google.com"</script> !!!! Remove this html code when uploading to DCM. Had problems with that. !!!! Test it here HTML5 Validator
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‎Nov 14, 2016
07:05 AM
I've found the answer to my own question Apparently all the folders in my document had been changed from "Normal" to "Pass-through". If this had anything to do with the update... I don't know but it happened on the same day.
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‎Nov 14, 2016
06:43 AM
Hi I just updated photoshop to Photoshop CC 2017. It worked fine for some hours until now. When I open some of my PSD some of the layers are not visible. The layers are there and the little thumbnail shows that I still have elements but on the actual document there is nothing. If I press Cmd+T I can transform it as I please... I just can't see the result. I can see a preview of my saved document in the Finder folder but when I open it some layers are not visible. I can restarted my mac after update. Please help me!! /Kenneth
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