‎Feb 06, 2025
12:10 AM
Almost a year to the day since I last posted, I'm needing to generate a book. LRC Books still generates only PDF, JPEG or Blurb. InDesign has a way to import a multipage PDF that seems to get me into the ball park! Have to match the dimensions and think about bleed.... https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/place-a-multipage-pdf-in-indesign/td-p/11343293
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‎Feb 05, 2025
03:24 PM
macOS Sonoma. Dual screen scenario - second screen is acting as a touch screen tablet. Moved the Photoshop main window to the second screen with the new Move To buttons behind the green window button (top left). With the main PS window on the second screen, a lot of the modal dialogs display back on the main screen. Breaks the flow since you are first wondering why you aren't seeing the pop over in the right place. You end up manually moving small windows. Default should be follow the main window unless I've manually placed it elsewhere.
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‎Dec 25, 2024
01:19 PM
LRC 14.0.1 on Sonoma 14.7.1
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‎Dec 25, 2024
01:18 PM
I've attempted to use the feature to remove people from group shots where people are the primary subject. The process seems to generate weird looking people. Have tried the Remove and Healing tools. The process doesn't seem to prioritise substituting the selection area for a part of the background, rather it opts for adding somebody that is potentially part of the group. Definitely not my intention - I don't need to add people.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
07:44 PM
I haven't ruled out whether the camera connection is failing. It definitely wasn't in "connected" mode when I check.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
07:41 PM
Download = from camera to computer. Yes, I really mean import. I guess I was thinking that it couldn't be upload since you don't push images from LRC up to your camera, so the logical inverse is download. But import makes more sense 😀 My manual back up solution is to drag my Lightroom folder structure which is an external thunderbolt drive to a NAS. That's manual. Time machine doesn't back up external drives to other external drives by default. I never went to the cloud for photo storage. It's a large amount of data and when I first started we didn't have incredible internet speeds (we still don't). I also don't like my photos being stored on unencrypted servers or have any chance of being used to train machine learning models.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
07:19 PM
Lightroom Classic 14.0.1
macOS Sonoma 14.7.1
I know I'm a dot release behind. I hinted at this bug in one of my other threads but I have a very obvious repeat.
Lightroom Classic sometimes does not download all the photos from a camera. In this case R5.
3 days of shooting. Typically under 5500 images per day.
First two days, I'm pretty sure (but now not convinced) Lightroom downloaded everything. (I"m hoping so because I erased the card after each day).
On the 3rd day, only 1400 images downloaded out of almost 6000 images. Because the magnitude was so different, I noticed. But could have imagined a scenario where I felt confident and repeated the erase process given the apparent success of Day 1 and Day 2.
Lucky there was no Day 4. I may not have noticed.
Bottom line is that there is a subtle irregular bug where Lightroom Classic concludes the download process without showing a failure message that says you started downloading 5500 images, but we only made it with 1400.
I've picked this bug up several times over the past few years. But has only been a small number of images.
Today was signficant.
There is no fail safe.
I used to do a second download attempt many months ago to cross check. I've fallen out of that habit recently.
It would be good to have this bug confirmed and confirmed that it is fixed. I don't want to imagine explaining missing images to a client.
[Moved from ‘Bugs’ to ‘Discussions’ by moderator, according to forum rules. You can only file a bug report for the current version..]
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‎Nov 29, 2024
02:04 PM
macOS 15.1.1 (24B91) Photoshop 2024 (25.12.0) Seeing a blank save dialog when going to File > Save. Note that it was a recovered file. The Mac did crash during sleep. Community suggests a smilar issue was fixed in 24.2. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-photoshop-24-2-when-trying-to-open-or-save-box-is-blank/idi-p/13650402
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‎Nov 05, 2024
02:29 PM
Thanks for the reminder that community helps reduce the friction of change. There's no such thing as frictionelss change. Change is constant (maybe more an increasing variable) and super exciting to be immersed in. Keep adapting!
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‎Nov 05, 2024
01:52 PM
Thanks for that list - helps the search. I help out micro businesses and the dilemma has been that many don't do a lot of content updates and they've signed up to the major web-based web site builders. They are shelling out monthly fees and are barely using any of the services. I'm trying to find a tool does have one off payments so that I can keep my costs fixed to help these smaller clients. Previewing responsive, UI reuse, ability to connect with code, version control are important features. For these clients, I need fast implementation to deliver good UX design. But if I need to connect to code, it shouldn't be a hassle. Ideally, if it did integrate with LightRoom Classic and my Creative Cloud Libraries that would be so much better. Not sure if there's an API for third parties to integrate with but that would enhance productivity. (Hmmm Will that come under some interoperability criteria that the EU is pursuing?) I've spent a week in WordPress and don't feel super productive. To try and integrate a PHP/SQL back end isn't super obvious against all the available plug-ins and navigating all the Update to Pro buttons littered throughout the experience. In 6.4 it seems that they are still transition between the old and new interface experience. Templates and patterns are almost there but they aren't universally interchangable it seems. I've spent a significant amount of time reading how-tos compared to focusing on design and content issues. Sure there's a learning curve. But if I compare my first experience with Muse, you felt more productive earlier. And yes, the web world has moved on. It's disappointing that Adobe sees no opportunity to also support web design and development. I originally signed up to subscription because I had UX tools through to web tools (XD, DW, Muse) - but in my App Dev work and photographic work I could leverage PS, AI and LrC. I spend a heap of time in Xcode so I know what it's like to have an IDE that covers visual layout through to code and UI testing. I prefer a desktop solution so I know where all my files are and can access them when I'm not networked. I use Visual Studio but I still see it as just a code IDE. It didn't seem to deliver on the visual simulation. From the list I think that distills it down to Nova and Pinegrow are the things I need to check out. I'm searching for tools that help me become productive and don't place barriers in the way. I'd really prefer not having to relearn a whole new interface every couple of years. I have to maintain client sites over many years. I lose out when the content stays the same but I have to migrate the tools.
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‎Nov 05, 2024
06:26 AM
Muse no longer works. It seems that they "disconnected" TypeKit and somehow that made the app permanently crash. It was a quick tool to pull together responsive sites at the time. I used it when I had to do sites of a couple of pages. DW was used for projects that involved more code integration or you cared about the quality of CSS. I too can confirm that it works on 14.7. I'm more concerned about the upgrade to macOS 15. Adobe don't have an official position for Dreamweaver.
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‎Nov 04, 2024
11:27 PM
Noting the absence of Dreamweaver 21.4 in the current list of Adobe apps supporting Sequoia. macos-sequoia-compatibility-common-issues Has anybody run into significant issues of Dreamweaver on macOS 15 Sequoia? (I'm reminded of the Muse / TypeKit fail....)
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‎Sep 10, 2024
09:06 PM
The import flickering is still here in 13.5.1
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‎Aug 18, 2024
03:27 PM
I was looking for the opposite of Reveal All too. The changing of the Canvas Size seems to be more of a side effect than a feature. It's not expected or intuitive to change the canvas dimensions. However, it is in the same group under the Edit menu. (not that I initially noticed based on a search via Help). Perhaps the function or naming that we are looking for is Display Overbleed. It shouldn't change the Canvas dimension. But that would probably be a function that is under the View menu, rather than the Edit menu. New Artboard creates a bit of a mess to start off with. It changes what is visble with respect to layering and transparency. Don't have time to fix this. Thank goodness for undo via History. The scenario in my case is that I'm working with artwork designed by somebody else and I'm cleaning up graphics where there is content outside the canvas that is displaying in a downstream process. I definitely don't want to change the size or aspect ratio of the artwork. There is only the original default artboard.
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‎Aug 15, 2024
02:38 PM
I believe I see this behaviour with the Suspected Duplicates checkbox (currently) enabled. I'll check again on next import.
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‎Aug 15, 2024
12:32 AM
Does selecting it under Files vs Devices make a difference to the way that the source is "remembered"? When I've uploaded images via a card reader, if I've not erased those images and put the card back into the camera LRC then thinks that the images are different and says that they are New Images (clearly no checksumming in place to assess quick duplicates).
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‎Jul 30, 2024
04:06 AM
Thanks for pointing out #7 Surprising that the level of Acrobat Pro restrictions is not fine-grained to just allow changing commenting only. The allowed list under document security doesn't suggest any form of grouping. Commenting, filling in form fields and signing existing signature fields are all lumped together as one option in the pop up menu. I can imagine somebody saying that they won't enable commenting because it enables other things.... Maybe at an API level in an upstream tool you can just enabled commenting.
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‎Jul 30, 2024
02:10 AM
The tool bar seems to suggest editability by the "absence" of other tools. Not a great source of feedback if you only use Acrobat a couple of times per month.
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‎Jul 30, 2024
02:03 AM
It was all stamps. Just figured out what's going on. First the first time, one of the PDFs was sent as secured. Which means can't be modified. So what this reveals about Acrobat usability in this scenario is: The feedback about the document being secured is located in the top tab Tabs are typically always truncated, despite in this case only one file being opened - there's really no need to truncate unless there are many more files Hovering over the file name in the tab only *sometimes* reveals the "secured" label - just tried again and could not reveal it There doesn't seem to be any other place that shows a security lock, so there is minimal feedback The stamp tool isn't smart enough to reveal that this document isn't editable, the stamp tool should be disabled or give better feedback about the document security. Other edit workflows keep asking for password entry. Defaulting to being a bounding box isn't helpful - it should do nothing and update the cursor to give the right feedback Suggests a new feature to embed a secure PDF within a stamped PDF. I've been legitimately sent a secure document that I do need to annotate for my filing purposes - but in no way modify - I should be able to create my own version that retains the orignal document but just adds a layer for my stamp. (to get around this I'll probably convert it to an image and bring it back as a PDF - a slight waste of my time)
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‎Jul 29, 2024
09:39 PM
For about a year now, I been using a dynamic stamp a couple of times of month to annotate PDFs. It has been working fine. However, on one Mac when you select a stamp the placement no longer shows the actual stamp and is really in "selection mode" only allowing you to draw a blue bounding box. It really isn't going into stamp placement mode where you see a preview of the stamp before you insert it. Manually copied the stamp to another machine. (Realised that stamps have no sense in following the user sign in around - that's an oversight and a missed opportunity to use Adobe Cloud space). It works as expected on the second machine. What kicks stamps into proper gear again? I've just uninstalled and re-installed and that didn't make a difference. Latest Acrobat on Sonoma 14.5
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‎Jul 11, 2024
07:02 PM
It happened again about 3 weeks ago. Which probably means the bug is still in 13.6 (latest). I do have a movie but not easily uploaded here. This shot is midway through so the grid is not populated, its only uploading to the first position in the grid index. No thumbnail preview shows. At the end it updates the full grid.
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‎Jul 01, 2024
06:15 AM
1 Upvote
I'm just catching up wth the "maintenance mode" news too. Muse Dreamweaver XD There's a pattern. Three of the reasons why I originally opted in to Creative Cloud. The web dev world has moved on and it seems Adobe isn't taking their customers anywhere near there.
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‎Jun 04, 2024
02:27 AM
I'm seeing new crash behaviour in the 13.3 LRC release on Sonoma 14.5. Just editing and adjust images. Have created a couple of presets to speed things up. Only playing with Exposure, Contrast and Highlights and maybe a crop. Worked on 2700 images yesterday it was fine. Today working on day 2 of the same project - so the steps are essentially the same. It's crashed 3 times in the last half hour. PS Upload performance seems to be faster..
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‎May 15, 2024
05:49 PM
For those having issues, what is Activity Monitor reporting in terms of CPU and Memory?
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‎Mar 27, 2024
03:36 PM
I'm seeing better performance with LRC 13.2 after upgrading to the latest Sonoma (from Ventura). Still seeing that images on the same card loaded either from the camera via cable or via a card reader are not regarded as the same image. So the same images look like new images to import. I would have thought they are duplicates.
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‎Mar 06, 2024
06:42 PM
Jusr recorded video of the flickering. But observed difference between different cameras. This is 13.1 since there were 13.2 issues so I downgraded in the hope things would go away. I'll repeat again in coming days after I update to do comparisons. R5 does the flickering of the first position in the image grid - so it looks like only one image is being added. Wait a while and the image grid updates. R5C started but then seemed to time out and go to sleep whilst connected. So I had to resort to loading from a card reader.
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‎Feb 25, 2024
02:50 PM
I was seeing a decline in camera upload performance and thumbnail refreshes so I had to downgrade.
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‎Feb 25, 2024
11:53 AM
In this case, it's on the latest Ventura.
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‎Feb 24, 2024
03:50 PM
1 Upvote
Here's a minor issue I've been noticing more on 13.1. When you open the crop tool, for the briefest moment you see a recent image that you have already cropped render to screen. It is then rapidly replaced by the current image. A buffer or reference isn't being reset before the redraw.
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‎Feb 07, 2024
12:02 AM
1 Upvote
Just revisting Books in Lightroom Classic. Curious to understand why the options are so limited given Adobe's other product range. So here are my two proposals: 1) Export to InDesign 2) Generate ePub
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