5 hours ago
...in another AI model "Liar" produced images of blonde women only. Generic words only produce biased results in these things. Don't expect anything else. Use more specific prompting.
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5 hours ago
1 Upvote
A male business owner / a female business owner (first try): Why do all men have beards? How WOKE is that! And why are all white women blond haired?! More WOKENESS! Why do all white women and men cross their arms? WOKE WOKE WOKE! This is "a terrible person" (first try) in Firefly: Jeez, a black man in an army outfit is included here with three zombies. Wow, that's pretty WOKE! Where are those white males then? ...Anyway. Instead of crying "WOKE!" every single time something doesn't yield to one's expectations, just type more specific prompts. All these AI models are incredibly biased. This has nothing to do "wokeness". For example, in my experience all AI models tend to favour women in these type of generic prompts. Here is "a business owner" in an open source AI model: And here "a male business owner": This particular AI model is utterly biased in favour of white people. WOKE! So WOKE! And young white males only. With NO beards!!! And perfect teeth!!! How WOKE is that?!!! Joking! Just joking! 😉 @sharp_partner0967Simply use more specific prompts. And using negative biased prompting here is merely trying to rile up things and evoke negative emotional responses. PS "terrible persons" generally does point at males throughout the world and its history since males, for the most part, have been responsible for the majority of human kind's suffering. So it kinda makes sense that the AI model would favour males when "terrible person" is included in a prompt! 😜
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‎Feb 26, 2025
11:13 AM
It's an older thread, but still useful for those looking for an answer: PhotoLine loads and saves multi-page TIFF files without any problem. Also supports colour management and higher bit depths, as well as 1 bitt TIFF files with multi-pages. (No other image editor on the market can handle TIFF files with multiple 1-bit image pages, btw)
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‎Feb 22, 2025
09:22 PM
Well... @creative explorer Let's take a pragmatic view on things 😉 Dreamweaver (once king in the lands of code editing) is discontinued and no longer actively developed and struggles onward in a zombie state, endlessy roaming the wide lands they once ruled, and despised and ridiculed by the one who stabbed him in the back with an accursed dagger: Visual Studio Code. Animate (once Queen of the realms of animation) --as far as Adobe's silence can tell us-- is no longer actively developed and, in the likeness of Ophelia, drowned in the rivers of 2d animation she once commanded. Still barely alive, those who still serve her and her younger selves keep her memory alive. To no avail: ToonBoom, the Conquerer, rules supreme in 2D animation land now, yet allows those who wish to keep Animate's memory alive to serve her in her death. Adobe XD (once a promising upstart prince in prototyping lands) is discontinued and lies in a shallow grave, with some followers feeding him tears - hoping for a ressurection that will never arrive. Hope is a sweet worded yet deceitful friend indeed. Muse (a beautiful princess once pacifying the courts of visual web page development) is discontinued and left the world bereft of dreams and filling it with sorrow in her stead. Fireworks (once ruling over the vale of web graphics): dead and long forgotten, its dried corpse hidden in the Caves of Perpetual Licenses, with aging apostles clinging on, and chanting to their demi-goddess in sorrowful and melancholic voices. "If only...." "if only..." Air... Gone with the winds... And lest we forget those other rulers of old that went before: Authorware, Director, Freehand, GoLive, ImageReady, Dimensions, and others. Their visages engraved on the pillars supporting the Adobe Halls of Termination, filled with the apoplectic whispers of betrayed acolytes. But! I hear you plead: What of those still ruling the courts of Adobe? Photoshop, cold ruler over image editing, lost the battles to maintain dominance in the Southern lands of Digital Painting and in the North had to withdraw from webgraphics and web mockups. Photoshop's rule is besieged from all sides by a number of rebellious upstart lordlings who are quickly maturing. In the midst of this war of attrition, Photoshop hopes to appeace the masses with magical AI spells, yet their fair looking countenance is betrayed again and again by their aging and decrepit soul. Age catches us all in the end. Illustrator in the wild isles kingdom of Vector maintains a strong hold on dominance. Yet here too a small crowd of younger rebels vie for attention and leech users away. Princess VectorStyler is very close to feature parity, while prince Designer sports fine looks... InDesign's supremacy over the Mountain Kingdoms of Desktop Publishing remains in place. Those few contenders for the throne are still too young to threaten it. The old emperor's (Quark) acted as a tyrant and made too many enemies. Too old to matter and despised by the populous, he is holding on to old memories of greatness, yet lives a solitary live with a few who continue to serve him: banned to the Isle of Mist. But Lo: the latest youngling's affinity may be closing the gap to InDesign... Premiere always had to share ruling the Kingdom of Video Editing with all its brothers and sisters: Avid for the editorial regions and DaVinci Resolve in colour and finishing lands. The provinces of marketing, web media, advertising - those Premiere still commands. The lure of DaVinci's no-taxes rule attracts many new followers though... After Effects remains the only Night Queen of Layered Motion Graphics and her FX domains range far and wide. An uncertain and fragile truce holds between her and the Dark Lord of Noodles, the undisputed ruler over the dark swamps of Nodal Visual Effects . Quite a few youngling attempted to breach this truce, yet none have survived the ruthless smiting of any potential rival by either. It is rumored that the Night Queen and Dark Lord of Noodles are lovers in secret and it is foretold that their heir shall replace them both... The Adobe court is alive with younger siblings and cousins: Adobe Express, Dimension, Rush, Fresco, Firefly, to name but a few. None of those hold their own lands yet, because too many compete with them. And those outside of the courts are fairer and more powerful. Their future is uncertain and for most death is what awaits them outside the court. 'Tis a sad and sorrowful yet all the more intriguing story: but for Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, the hegemony of Adobe's software agents is a shallow existence, and time will lift the final telling's veils.
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‎Feb 21, 2025
11:46 AM
1 Upvote
Notwithstanding the good intent behind your post: once more history repeats itself here. As with other products being sidelined by Adobe and development stopped, users proposed the exact same legal actions, class action suits, etcetera etcetera. It has never worked, and it never will (with Adobe). When Freehand was cancelled by Adobe, the Freehand community started legal action, and even had a in-person meeting with Adobe's management. In the end nothing could be/was done or resolved. So while I understand the sentiment, history shows us that there is absolutely no point in trying. Been there, done that. Pointless.
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‎Feb 19, 2025
08:39 PM
1 Upvote
History once again repeats itself. This is Adobe management's standard behavioural pattern, people! Nothing new to see here.
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‎Feb 13, 2025
02:31 AM
1 Upvote
@DdavidChung First, I actually am in favour of full freedom of information and art. If people here want to use genAI to create nudes in their art, then it is simple enough to install open source tools that are available for free and do not censor the output. Get a good Nvidia GPU, and you have full creative control! Secondly, it is impossible to separate the tools from the actors and vice versa. It is well researched and documented that a tool will influence the actor's behaviour, thoughts, intentions, and interactions in the external world. It is an extremely naive worldview to think otherwise. Context is everything. And everything is connected, nothing is truly separable. What is happening in the world right now only proves that the average human being still needs supervision. Earlier in this thread someone mentioned that only children need to be watched over. Obviously many adult humans require the constant threat and supervision of the law and societies policing to behave "nicely". And unfortunately this works on both micro and macro levels: give a country nuclear weapons and their behaviour changes dramatically on the world stage. If it were true that human adults require no supervision we wouldn't still have wars, strife, and untold human and non-human suffering all around our small and fragile planet. We would work together instead and nurture every single human life and non-human life. This, unfortunately, is not the case. So while I hope for a better future in which humans can be allowed full freedom, reality tells us otherwise at this point in time. Controls and supervision need to be in place. GenAI's threshold for destructive purposes is too low. The proverbial monkey could generate "art" with it. Now, I do agree that it would be possible for Adobe to put firewalls and paywalls up for those who want to use its genAI tools to create nude art. It is however a cost-benefit calculation, and it seems Adobe management decided against potential litigation and a large extra financial overhead to maintain these. Anyway, the tools are out there to do what you @DdavidChung want to do. Redirect your attention elsewhere instead of butting heads with a corporate wall that will not and cannot budge (for good reasons).
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‎Feb 12, 2025
05:19 PM
Making counterfeit money is illegal. Making nude art is not. ... Using nudes to extort, bully, emotionally intimidate, abuse others is, however. GenAI is very, VERY good at that. So using money in art is legal. Making counterfeit money is illegal. Making nude art is legal in some countries, and illegal in other countries. Using nude art to extort, etc. others is illegal. See? Not so simple. Nothing is ever black-and-white. It depends on the context. If I were Adobe I'd think twice before allowing full "creative freedom" and enabling ANYONE --without any artistic technical skills-- to generate photo-realistic offensive and illegal imagery within seconds anywhere in the world. It's all about context.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
11:35 AM
Here ya go. Easy peasy. 😉  
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‎Feb 03, 2025
05:48 PM
JPEG/JFIF supports a maximum image size of 65,535×65,535 pixels. So not an option for the OP's file which has much larger dimensions.
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‎Feb 03, 2025
05:33 PM
Have you considered BMP yet? I can save a million pixel wide file in PhotoLine as a BMP. BMP ought to work. Scratch that, Photoshop doesn't support BMP for larger files. Sigh. I should've known. Tiresome. I'd just switch to an alternative at this point, to be honest. Download the fully functional trial version of PhotoLine at pl32.com, import the psb, export as BMP. Or even as a RAW image. Share with the others. Done. If the tool is found wanting, find another tool. (Unlike Photoshop, PhotoLine doesn't impose arbitrary limits on its image dimensions - it's memory limited. That said, saving a 1,000,000 by 500,000 monochrome image as a 62.5GB BMP file did take a while on my 128GB machine 😄 Another advantage of PhotoLine over Photoshop is that layers have their own individual dimensions, bitdepth and resolution. That allows for a much more efficient resource management compared to Photoshop. A small edit in a huge file only has to take place in that one particular spot. Yes, it loads fits files too. )
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‎Jan 31, 2025
11:30 PM
Wowsers! My feature request is approaching the 8 year mark! Perhaps a screenshot of PhotoLine might serve as inspiration. Compare Photoshop's tiny Curves editor with PhotoLine's infinitely scalable Curves editor:   ...and why is it still not possible to work with LAB or HSV in the curve editor while in RGB image mode? Sigh...
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‎Jan 31, 2025
10:10 PM
If we consider historic precedences at Adobe (Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Adobe XD, Muse, etc.) then at this point it is reasonable to assume that the Animate development team was probably disbanded a while ago. Or a pitiful shell of its former self remains. I doubt that there is (much of) a product team left at this point in time. The way this communication debacle is going down matches Adobe management's historic behaviour.
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‎Jan 24, 2025
06:34 PM
Don't bother with the rigging and bone tools in Animate. Those are well-known for being half-baked, buggy, and almost worthless. There is a way out, though. Flanimate's rigging and character animation plugin tools for Animate and Flash are a brilliant modern and actually working replacement! Save yourself the frustration. Get the tools here: https://flash-powertools.com/
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‎Jan 21, 2025
05:38 PM
Wow, I did not notice the necro thread. Forget what I wrote. 🙂
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‎Jan 19, 2025
11:55 AM
...not that simple. The same desktop software is used in schools, colleges, and universities. Both by adults and under age people. And what about religious institutes? And government places? Or businesses whose management want to avoid their designers/employees from abusing genAI for unwanted imagery? Adobe software used at home by professionals is often shared with their children. It's never as simple as it seems. Human society and behaviour are very, very messy. There is no black-and-white answer within that context. Only "it depends" answers apply.
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‎Jan 15, 2025
10:49 AM
Step 1: Go To Edit > Free Transform To activate the Transform Tool, select a layer and then use the following menu path: Edit > Free Transform or press Control + T (Win) or Command + T (Mac). Note: To preserve the quality of the object when scaling first, convert it to a Smart Object by right-clicking on the layer and selecting Convert to Smart Object. Step 2: Right-Click To Select The Transform Mode You can right-click (Win) or Control + click (Mac) to access the Transform Tool options. Or you can use any of the shortcuts detailed in the next section to access each mode. Select Perspective. Step 3: Perspective The Perspective setting automatically moves the opposite handle in the opposite direction to add a one-point perspective to an item. This is an accurate way to change the perspective of an object. Hold in Shift + Alt + Control (Win) or Shift + Option + Command (Mac) to temporarily activate the Perspective setting, then drag a corner handle, and the opposite handle will move in the opposite direction, creating a perspective distortion. Source: https://www.bwillcreative.com/free-transform-tool-in-photoshop/
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‎Jan 14, 2025
11:23 PM
@griffin_3550 JoãoCésar already provided a good list of animation software with proper looking bitmap brushes for the type of work mentioned by you. Additional contenders vying for such a job --with good raster paint brush engines-- would be OpenToonz (free, open source), Tahoma (simplified user interface variant of OpenToonz) and TVPaint.
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‎Jan 12, 2025
09:43 PM
Hi Guys, Can we create interactive email newsletter, emailer in indesign, No. NOT POSSIBLE. However, you can create a visual design for your newletter and then have a developer convert the design. You cannot create a working version that actually 'works' in InDesign. Also: email newletters do not support interactivity. Only if you link from an email to an external URL with a server-side application can that be achieved. Even static email newsletters based on a single image often fail to work effectively for recipients, because many email clients turn off images by default when they receive email from unknown senders. And the html that InDesign produces isn't suitable for email newsletters either. So it needs to be recoded. In short: not worth the time or effort. Please provide some best of best examples projects, so i can get inspired and learn. By @Yogendran5FEA Sorry, there are no example projects for interactive email newsletters made in InDesign, because that is impossible. But you could google general newsletter designs or mockups, both paper as well as email designs.. At any rate: designing a visual mockup for an email newsletter design is better done in Illustrator, Photoshop, or (preferred nowadays): Figma.
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‎Jan 10, 2025
11:55 PM
1 Upvote
What I would love is the functionality of the Image > Mode > Indexed Color wherein my final result is separated in to individual channels that I can see in the channels window. If I could extract channels or even layers from the 'Indexed Color' process, that would allow me to separate any art file in to the spot colors that I need to run a screen print. It would also take little to no time/effort which can't be said for current separation processes. By @Ciminelli Separating colours into (named) layers can be done automatically in Krita. Krita is free and open source: download it from krita.org. Import your indexed coloured version and choose Layer-->Split--> Split Layer. It will even automatically name the layers according to the colours. And it is possible to use your own palette, if need be - handy for your spot colour scheme. Save the result to PSD and load the result back in Photoshop (if required) to convert those to spot colours. It may potentially save you a lot of time and headaches when prepping for screen printing. By the way, Photoshop's conversion to indexed mode leaves something to be desired. There are better tools to generate an indexed colour reduced version at higher quality and with far more contol over the end result. I prefer Color Quantizer myself. https://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Graphic/Graphic-Others/Color-quantizer.shtml Krita also has an interesting Palettise function that allows you to feed it a specific limited colour palette and an Indexed Colours function for additional control.
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‎Jan 02, 2025
04:29 PM
Petitions never influenced any of Adobe's decisions. Freehand, AdobeXD, Adobe CC subscriptions, ... No effect whatsoever. Well, not entirely true that last statement: with Freehand the community's "leaders" did get a live meeting, but in the end it was a big "Sorry, but no sorry". Save your breath. Adobe management does as Adobe management wants.
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‎Dec 28, 2024
12:30 AM
1 Upvote
Zipping multiple PSB files adds an additional point of potential file loss. See it this way: suppose you saved your files to an external backup drive. You saved a bunch of PSB files in one folder to that drive and a zipped version of that folder with PSBs. Now suppose that the backup drive's file system is corrupted for some reason (for example, due to a power outage or a system crash while saving another file to that drive). Your attempt to fix the file system is only partially successful: the folder with the PSB files and the zipped folder with PSBs are affected. So what are the chances of rescuing our data compared for each? First you check the folder with PSB files. It seems that out of all the PSB files (let's say 5) 2 files are corrupted. Because each file was saved separately, 3 files are fine. Then you use various PSD/PSB repair tools as well as opening the PSB in Photoshop or other image editors. One of the PSBs you can repair, and the other file at least could be partially opened in another editor, and you saved a few layers. Now, your chance to repair and rescue all or part(s) of the PSB files in the ZIP archive is (much) smaller, because: (a) all PSB files are part of that ZIP file. (b) there is almost no redundancy built into a zip file (unlike proper backup tools that compress the files). That means you need to somehow rescue all data for each PSB that is zipped. (b) it depends wholly on which part of the datastream in the ZIP file is damaged. For example, if the compressed data stream is corrupted somewhere at the beginning of the ZIP file, chances are you will not be able to recover any of those files without dedicated zip recovery tools. Or if the data errors/CRC errors persist for different files throughout the corrupted ZIP file: that going to be a tough nut to fix, if it is possible at all. Or if the headers are corrupted, we would need to manually fix those headers. If the ZIP's "dictionary" is kaputt, and there is no second copy saved or that second copy is also toast: no way to save any of the files (what I understand). Anyway, from personal experience: at some point I thought it was a good idea to save work files in a ZIP file as an archive on a USB drive. That archive got corrupted. I failed in repairing and retrieving any of the files, despite my best efforts. All was lost. Had I saved those files individually in a folder on that drive, I would probably have been able to repair and rescue the majority of my files. Had I used a proper backup utility to create a compressed backup of all my files: I would probably have been able to repair and rescue most of my files, if not all, as well even with a corrupted and repaired file system. If you want to compress your files for archival purposes, my advice is simply: - NEVER use a regular compressing method (zip, 7zip, etc) to do so. You merely add additional potential points for corruption and file loss. - DO archive your files using a proper backup utility. Those tools add various levels of redundancy, and will be able to retrieve and repair most if not all your compressed files even if they are subjected to certain levels of corruption. In short: ZIP is not a valid compressed archival format. It is too fragile for that.
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‎Dec 27, 2024
07:20 PM
Well, yes - one can wait until the end of time for Adobe to improve the animation timeline in Photoshop and fruitlessy bash one's head in frustration against Adobe's unwillingness, praying and hoping, to add all the features that you want/wish/require. Based on past (and personal) experience with Adobe, however, I prefer to take the reigns when choosing tools that will solve my needs and problems NOW instead of waiting for something that is most probably not going to change in the foreseeable future (if ever). I mean: if Adobe's management can't even manage to develop and maintain Adobe Animate (formerly known as Flash), then I assume they just aren't interested in improving Photoshop's animation tools either. And history tells us that Adobe's management never understood the needs of traditional 2d animators. Adobe pulled out of the 2d animation market a long time ago. And if that is the case, since we are part of a relatively small segment of Photoshop users --who are interested in animation-- that Adobe management is willing to ignore. There is no money in it for them or the shareholders. Because 2D animation is dead, right? Instead ridiculous genAI tools are added to all of Adobe's products now. Animate anything with AI! Who needs manual animation tools! Righto... Message received. Thus, I vote with my wallet: switch to other animation software that does do what one needs as a 2d animator. Photoshop was never meant to be a frame-by-frame animation drawing software. If that is your goal, then it is a better idea (in my opinion) to add a new tool to your existing set of tools that fits your needs. Even free open source tools manage to do a (far) better job than Photoshop in this regard (frame-by-frame) animation. Life is too short for such humbug from Adobe. Take control over your own workflow and pipeline instead of relying on a company such as Adobe to magically solve these for you. Because you'll be waiting a LOOONG time indeed. Adobe management doesn't care. Neither should we care for Adobe and expect them to improve the animation tools in Photoshop. They won't. (Sorry to be such a downer... Just being a realist after 3 decades of dealing with Adobe)
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‎Dec 26, 2024
01:03 PM
All signs point toward Animate's been discontinued, unfortunately. It will not receive improved advanced rigging tools. If you need solid rigging tools, either install Flanimate's rigging plugins for Animate, or switch to Moho Pro, CelAction, or Toonboom. Or even consider switching to a 3D app such as Blender or Maya (which have great rigging tools that also work for 2d work).
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‎Dec 26, 2024
12:59 PM
@HUnknown1Even IF Adobe would continue to develop Animate, implementing those features you mention would take years based on the last few years' development "speed". And instead of adding a lot of AI stuff (which most artists detest and it would drive them away from Animate) it would be critical to first fix all the broken half-baked stuff first. No: it is obvious by now that Animate is done and over with.
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‎Dec 16, 2024
09:21 PM
The point of discussing Animate's buggy animation features is probably moot: it seems slated for discontinued development anyway.
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‎Dec 16, 2024
09:18 PM
In a most ironic sense you might be too late: all signs point to Adobe discontinuing Animate --or at the very least put its development on life support for minor bug fixing only. The future of Animate is uncertain, and Adobe is running in silent mode about Animate.
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‎Dec 14, 2024
08:35 PM
1 Upvote
Animate is prone to corrupt files under circumstances. Obviously you saved versions of your animation under different names, right? Because that's something we should always do. If not, your only recourse might be to try to recover some of the file contents via the WinRar method: ---- 1.Change the damaged file extension from .fla to .rar. 2.Open the damaged file using your WinRAR. 3.Winrar will display an error that you are about to open a damaged file, ignore this warning. 4.Select Tools>Repair Archive. This will make sure that the archive and FLA is repaired. 5.Change the file extension back to .fla --- On Mac you might find a recovery file in your library folder (if I recall correctly). In any case search for the file name on your entire machine: you might get lucky. From another related thread: ---- if you had auto-recovery enabled there's a small chance there's a non-corrupt recovery file. for win users, open C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Adobe\<animate version>\en_US\Configuration\AutoRecoverFilenames.txt and see if there was a saved file and, if so, check the folder location listed for mac users, check the folder (for a file with name recover_) where the fla was saved. if the fla wasn't saved, i think you're out of luck, but you can still search your computer for "recover_" ---- Otherwise, unless you saved incremental versions (which you should) you may be out of luck. @kglad wrote a nice script to save incremental versions. https://community.adobe.com/t5/animate-discussions/potentially-corrupted-fla-file/m-p/14256103
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‎Dec 10, 2024
09:55 PM
I checked the date on the header image for that article: 23 October. With the lead time on such a project, I'd imagine the design brief was given a longer time ago, and since marketing and development streams work independently, I'd wager a bet that that article means absolutely nothing in regard to Animate's continued development chances. With Adobe's management's history and past behaviour/events with sidelining and shelving their previous products in mind, though? Very telling, and matches the current events and communication blackout surrounding Animate. Animate is on the chopping block. It's over.
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‎Dec 02, 2024
01:00 AM
1 Upvote
A corporate entity such as Adobe isn't beholden to you or anyone else. It's not a democracy. Simple as that. Take it or leave it. If you want to take genAI prompts further than the censored ones provided by Adobe, your recourse is to (for example) download open source tools like Krita and its genAI plugin. Free, and completely uncensored. Download additional AI models from Civitai and other sources. Of course, those AI models all rely on stolen imagery from countless artists just like you. Your responsibility, your choice.
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