Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Mar 10, 2025
08:10 AM
Thanks again for reporting this issue. We have a ticket open on this issue, so it was not lost in the transition from Uservoice to Adobe forums. I also moved this thread from Discussions to the Bugs.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Mar 07, 2025
02:47 PM
Hi @cdglab,
Thank you for reporting this issue. A log file would be helpful for us to see more information on the std::exception. Since you cannot launch to enable logging, try this:
Open a new blank file in TextEdit
Select Format > Make Plain Text if it not already a plain text file
Save the blank file as "After Effects (Beta) Log.txt" in "/Users/<yourUserName>/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects (Beta)/25.3/logs". Please create the logs folder if it doesn't exist.
Try to launch After Effects.
Share the After Effects (Beta) Log.txt file with us via a link (since .txt files cannot be attached to a post)
Thanks very much for any further info,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Mar 05, 2025
08:54 AM
@Jay C - Atlanta Thank you for those details.
I see that you've posted about this previously in the Discussions section, mentioning that this is occurring in both After Effects 2024 and 2025. If that's the case, I'll see if our team is able to reproduce in either of those versions.
Regarding format, are you primarily working with footage from a camera or files exported from another video application? What codecs are being used by the interlaced files?
Thanks for any further info,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Mar 05, 2025
08:37 AM
Hi @spiegelball,
Thank you for reporting this. Would you be able to share one of your plug-ins with us so that we can reproduce the failure?
Is the failure to load happening on all both Mac and Windows, or only Mac?
Thank you for any further information,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Mar 04, 2025
05:24 PM
Hi @Jay C - Atlanta,
Thank you for reporting this issue. You mentioned that you're used to After Effects immediately honoring the interlacing change—what version where you using previously that honored the change immediately?
Also, what is the interlaced format you are working with?
Thank you again for reporting this issue,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Mar 04, 2025
10:49 AM
Hi @_Maik,
A fix for this issue is available in the latest Beta builds of After Effects ( or later). Please give this a try in After Effects (Beta) and let us know if you continue to experience a crash when selecting ProRes QX in the Render Queue.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Mar 04, 2025
10:33 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @andrejs_4202,
Thank you for reporting this issue. Try changing your project to use the JavaScript expression engine in File > Project Settings, under the Expressions tab.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Mar 03, 2025
01:45 PM
Hi @ahmed hamed elsaid, thank you for patience and for mention.
In looking at your specs and the log file, I see a couple possible culprits for the slow down. Please try the following and let us know if it makes a difference to the lag:
There is at least one ScriptUI panel being loaded when After Effects starts. If you remove that panel from the workspace, does the performance improve?
Separate from the script, does AE's UI performance improve if you disable your internet device or disconnect from the internet?
Thanks again for your patience,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 27, 2025
03:05 PM
1 Upvote
@monicah18480071 Auto Levels is an effect that ships with After Effects, so you'll need to disable "Only Show Third-Party Effects" in order to see it in the list.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 26, 2025
09:53 AM
Hi @simon0815,
Thanks for reporting this issue. If you change the word "Slider" to 1, does it work? E.g.
effect("Slider Control")(1);
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 26, 2025
07:36 AM
Hi all,
This issue has been fixed in the 25.1 version of After Effects. Please let us know if you continue to see this error after updating to 25.1 or later.
Thanks again for reporting this issue,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 24, 2025
06:56 AM
Thanks for posting this list, @code with5C86. As noted in How do I write a feature request?, please keep each thread limited to one idea so that discussion can be focused.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 20, 2025
09:59 AM
Hi @ahmed hamed elsaid,
Thank you for reporting this issue. We have been investigating similar reports from others using After Effects 25.x (both release and Beta), but we've been unable to reproduce this lag in-house thus far. Would you be able to provide your system specs?
Windows version
RAM (memory)
GPU memory
GPU driver version
Additionally, could you share an application log? Follow these steps to create one:
Select "Enable Logging" in the Help menu
Quit and relaunch AE (as prompted)
Create a comp, move a layer, move the Current Time Indicator, and move a guide in the comp.
Quit After Effects.
Go to C:\Users\<yourUserName>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\After Effects\<version>\logs
Share the After Effects Log.txt file as a link (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc), ideally via DM in the forums since it will contain file paths.
Thank you again for reporting this and assisting with our investigation,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 19, 2025
04:55 PM
Thank you all for your feedback! In testing, we've also noticed descrepancies between zoom speeds on different devices. For those of you that feel the zoom speed is too slow, what OS platform are you on and what device/action are you using for zoom? E.g. scroll wheel, pinch on trackpad, etc.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 19, 2025
04:52 PM
Thanks for this feedback, @Brent Walker. You don't need to switch tools to zoom—scroll wheel zoom is always available and so is pinch-to-zoom on trackpads, both of which default to centering on the mouse cursor. Holding Z also works as a hotkey to temporarily engage the Zoom tool. Let us know if this addresses your concerns.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 18, 2025
09:37 PM
Hi all,
We been able to communicate this issue to the Mocha team at Boris and they have provided a fix for this issue. It is currently available to try out in the latest Beta builds of After Effects—please install the Beta and let us know if it is fixed for you as well or if you encounter any related issues with Mocha.
Thanks again for your reports about this,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 18, 2025
03:14 PM
1 Upvote
Hi all,
A fix for this issue is now available in the Beta builds of After Effects 25.2. Please give this a try in the Beta builds and let us know if you are able to read the expected overriden value via scripting.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 17, 2025
06:18 PM
1 Upvote
@예건262009771ezd Thank you for collecting that. Yes, the txt or zip cannot be directly attached—it will need to be as a link to Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 14, 2025
04:57 PM
@Hani ElTiby In the case you've described you've described (specifically for sourced layers), the expected behavior is that the child sourced layer should go to [0,0] on the parent sourced layer, which is the top-left corner.
(Sourced layers are those that have a source in the Project panel.)
For non-sourced layers (Shapes, Text, etc), the expected behavior is that the child is centered on the parent layer.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 14, 2025
02:39 PM
Hi @Hani ElTiby,
Could you share a project that behaves differently in AE 2023 than in 2024? There haven't been any changes to the coordinate systems of layer parenting during this time. What you might be seeing is a difference in the coordinate systems of sourced layers (Solids, footage, stills, etc) and non-sources layers (Shapes, Text, Cameras, etc). Looking at a project would be the best way to determine the descrepancy you're seeing.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 12, 2025
07:14 AM
Hi @예건262009771ezd,
Thank you for reporting this issue, sorry to see you're experiencing this crash.
When you experience this crash, are you prompted to submit a crash report? If so, please make sure to submit the crash report with your CC email address. These reports are critical to any crash investigation.
Additionally, a log file from After Effects would be helpful for us to see more details about the crash as it occurs. Please follow these steps to collect a log file:
Select "Enable Logging" from the Help menu and relaunch After Effects.
Create a 3D layer to trigger the crash
Open Explorer to C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\After Effects\25.1\logs
Share the After Effects Log.txt file (ideally as a link in a DM here in the forum, since the log will contain some file paths that you may not want to share publicly.)
Thank you again for reporting this issue and for any additional information you can provide,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 11, 2025
08:39 AM
@Matt2894429885pz Unfortunately there is no update on this at the moment. Until the issue is resolved, I'd agree that you may want to rework your extension to avoid using closeExtension for the settings.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 06, 2025
11:30 AM
Hi @sofi_vat,
Thank you for reporting this issue. Yes, the marquee selection rectangle was broken by a recent change, but it should be restored in Beta build 25.2.0 (102) or later. Once that build or a later build is available in Beta, please let us know if you continue to experience this issue.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 03, 2025
04:58 PM
Hi @Matthew Law,
Thank you for reporting this issue! A fix is now available in the latest Beta builds, starting in build When you can, please give the fix a try and let us know if it is working as you expect.
Thanks again,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Feb 03, 2025
08:02 AM
Hi @hfyhjxnce,
Thank you for reporting this issue. Do you continue to experience the memory warning in version 25.0 or 25.1? There are some fixes around memory management in those versions that might address what you are seeing.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Jan 31, 2025
03:16 PM
Thanks @1suky1! This feedback is very appreciated.
I didn't read the post and my first instinct was Create menu but it's grayed out, and I can't figure out in which scenario it wouldn't be grayed out. It could be way easier through Create. A popup appears with all possible positional properties and I select which ones I want to create? Instead of me having to go into each effect, select the position property, then make sure I right click on them to get Keyframe Assistant menu...
This is an interesting suggestion. I'd be somewhat concerned about the sheer number of possible properties being overwhelming. What I'd suggest is filtering the properties in your Timeline to the effect properties you want to create Nulls for, then select them and create the Nulls. Would love others to weigh in here, too.
Another similar improvement would be "Create parented nulls for selected layers". I had many situations with a bunch of images in different sizes that need to be evenly positioned, sized, and then animated. So the only option is to painstakingly start creating nulls, or precomposing every image 1 by 1... This one would definitely be in Create menu.
Thanks for this, too! Would this be a separate feature request?
Also, we can right click from Effect panel on the property and get Keyframe Assistant menu but the option is again grayed out, but from properties panel it is not. If it's gonna stay in Keyframe Assistant then it should definitely work from Effects panel.
This is the result of there being differences in how the Properties panel and Effect Controls work; the Properties panel selects a property when you right-click it, but the Effect Controls does not, changing whether the menu command is enabled. It a very valid point though. Is the Keyframe Assistant an ideal place this command or would the Create menu alone make more sense?
And I might have found a bug? Creating positional point null for Shape layer's anchor point messes up its position. On solids it works fine.
This is a good call out. Shapes and Solids are handled differently, so we'll take a look at this case. That said, does selecting the Position property of the Shape layer produce the correct result? How would you use linking the Anchor Point to a Null differently than linking the Position? Thanks again for this feedback!
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Jan 31, 2025
10:06 AM
@_Maik I've just checked and we are aware of this issue, with a ticket open and ready to be investigated. The information from you would still be helpful, however.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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‎Jan 31, 2025
09:44 AM
Hi @_Maik,
Thank you for reporting this issue in the Beta build.
Could you please provide the following information:
What specific version and build number of the Beta crashed for you?
What are your system specs? This is very important since the error implicates your GPU.
Does this happen consistently when you select ProRes XQ?
Thanks again,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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Adobe Employee
in After Effects (Beta) Discussions
‎Jan 31, 2025
09:23 AM
‎Jan 31, 2025
09:23 AM
Hello everyone,
We're excited to unveil Create Nulls for Positional Properties, a new command for easily creating simple animation rigs for positional properties. This new command is available in After Effects (Beta) and later. After selecting a point property in the Timeline, you can use Create Nulls from Positional Points from either the Layer > Create menu or the Keyframe Assistant menu.
Much like Create Nulls from Paths (which we'll talk about more in a minute), this new command allows you to instantly create linked Nulls from any positional point in After Effects. Shape gradient points, Puppet Pins, effect points...the list of compatible properties and creative possibilities is extensive.
Linking positional points to Nulls has many benefits, including:
Attach any point to any layer through layer references or parenting without writing expressions yourself
Parent Puppet Pins to each other for character rigs
Bring 2D effect points into 3D space
Separate the dimensions on resulting Null layers for finer control of any point
Use parenting to animate the position of layers through scale and rotation
In addition, the three commands for linking Path points to Nulls can also be accessed through the same menus as the new Create Nulls for Positional Properties. The linking for Path points has been updated for better handling of Shape paths inside nested Shape groups, so the Nulls can be placed more accurately, even when the Shape group transforms are offset or animated.
Note: The Nulls can still become offset from the Shape Path points if Skew or non-uniform Scale are used.
What we would love to hear from you
Are these new commands useful in your workflow?
Which menu location do you find more intuitive? (Create menu vs Keyframe Assistant)
Are you encountering any positional points that aren't linked correctly to a Null?
What similar improvements might be useful?
Any other insights you can provide are greatly appreciated. We'd love to hear how this new feature is working for you in the Beta builds!
Thanks again for your feedback.
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‎Jan 29, 2025
06:07 PM
Thank you, this is good to know. I'm also unsure if anyone might be relying on the workspace changing when opening a project, but that's why we've got it in Beta. Spread the word and let others know to weigh in!
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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