NetPixel Studio
NetPixel Studio
‎Oct 18, 2024
08:46 AM
1 Upvote
Add Bridge 2025 to the list. Scrolling is utterly slow in every list. Scrolling through hundreds of Folders or images is practically impossible, grabbing the scrollbar is impractical because it jumps too much.
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‎Oct 18, 2024
08:34 AM
Today I updated Bridge to 2025. I was using 2022 because of the newly introduced features were too annoying. I am very-very sad to experience this SLOOOOOW scrolling speed in EVERY list. This must be some bad taste or lack of understanding among the devs... I tried these: - Folders - Images - Preferences -> File type associations - Preferences -> Metadata It seems that in every list one scrolling (a half wheel) scrolls around 2 lines of text which is infuriating. Yet the scrollbars are thin, grabbing with the mouse is another challenge. All these contribute to render these new versions of Bridge counterproductive. Instead of focusing on their work, users are annoyed by these problems which are working well in every other software. Dear devs, there are some bad default settings in your scrollbar component. This bad setting propagates everywhere, in every list. Just make scrolling 3x faster. by default Please, look at browsers, Windows Explorer, or any other image viewer software and see how should the scrolling work. There is a setting in Windows for the scroll speed, that thing also should be taken into account. I have to return to Bridge 2022 yet again.
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‎Jun 10, 2024
04:36 PM
No Macs here, in my area everybody uses Windows... Starting with a language already set works slightly different... Windows is configured to switch the language separately for every application. Therefore, starting AI defaults to English (but this can be anything else). Therefore, changing the language has to be done while AI is already running. Another important thing is that the language has to be switched while AI is open, because different texts has to be typed in several different languages - an obvious case of using multiple language inputs. Currently there is one single way to use Illustrator: write the texts in another software, eg. Notepad, then copy/paste every single piece of text to in its place... Quite archaic and very time consuming. Accidentally switching the language means UNRESPONSIVE FREEZE (End task), the only way to recover the work is frequent saves or the automatic recovery. As a software developer I really feel ashamed. Adobe really needs a deep bugfix edition for all their applications and also needs banning those incompetent developers and testers. Years ago all Adobe software was free of such basic untested bugs...
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‎Jun 10, 2024
04:18 AM
I have the same issue. Illustrator is practically unusabel due to this. I NEED to change the language, but Illustrator instantly freezes. I need a refund!
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‎May 28, 2024
01:36 AM
Hi! Thank you for your response. Here are the answers: - Windows here. Everything is the latest version, because from a long time ago everything is updating automatically. Although this doesn't matters at all, because the problem persists from a long time ago. - I can't share a screenshot or video due to privacy problems and also it does not shows anything but an open window of a PDF. It's quite straigtforward to reproduce the problem: 1. Open Windows Explorer where are some PDF's 2. Double click or Enter on a PDF file. 3. See the Acrobat window size/position Problems after resizing/maximizing the acrobat window then closing: - Maximizing the Acrobat on the other monintor, then closing, then reopening, forgets the monitor (it reopens again on the wrong monitor) - Resizing the window then closing then opening again forgets the window size. - Maximizing the window then closing then reopening forgets the maximized state. However the most annoying thing is constantly offering updates, reset settings, reboot, etc. to solve problems. Very annoying. Software bugs cannot be solved by resetting settings. I simply don't understand why people think a factory reset magically solves ALL problems. Just stop copy/pasting "update" and "factory reset" Also, imagine, people work a lot on fine tuning the settings of an app, it is not good to wipe the settings just because this MAY solve some bugs. So I updated my computer, rebooted, I have more than four computers (of course the problem is present on all of these), the problem is tested from a long time ago on many computers, but the window size bug remains.
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‎May 25, 2024
08:51 AM
It's 2024 and this is still an issue. After a restart, the Acrobat window opens again in a randomly restored state. It is incredible how these people a) are too blind to see this see this is a problem, b) are unable to allocate time to solve this problem. The result is a lot of erroneous clicks because the close button isn't exactly at the top-right corner (Windows here) because the main window has it's random distance from the corner... The IT team at Adobe is trully disastrous at solveing these seemingly tiny problems. They are another culture, another vision, they don't really see the tiny details, they only want to close the ticket and go home.
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‎Feb 24, 2024
09:47 PM
The IT team behind this change simply isn't aware of the damage they are creating by such changes. They are blinded by the urge of categorizing (or anything less important), yet they throw away the usability of the Basic panel, built in the past. Are these people totally dumb? Instead of maintaining the productivity, these changes force more and more wasted time because of stupid changes. Adobe! Productivity is first, fancy things and unnecessary categorizing is second, third, etc. With this change Adobe improved: - Zero things for the existing user base. Introduced the following problems: - All books, documentation, videos created regarding the basic panel became outdared. A huge confusion for everybody who meets slightly old tutorials. - Solo mode for panels is broken. Power users must constantly jump between 3 panels to adjust the sliders. The beauty and usability of solo mode is gone. Should we send invoices to Adobe for extra time needed from now on? - Ctrl-numpad switching is gone, since the number of panels has gone over 10. If the programmers, team leaders and beta testers aren't using this feature, it doesn't means, nobody is using!
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‎Nov 08, 2023
05:23 PM
@Swati Agarwal I downloaded the latest beta version and I can confirm that the scroll speed has returned to its normal state. For the moment I am still using Bridge v12 ( on my production workstations since it's fast and free of those newly introduced UI/UX glitches. Can your IT team re-analyze that v12 iteration of Bridge to see/feel the real difference? A question in parathesis: it was really necessary to rewrite the whole thing?
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‎Nov 08, 2023
05:13 PM
@Klaus5F8D I think, there are 2 scenarios: either you want to bring positiveness to this thread, either you just simply don't see the UI/UX glitches of the newest Bridge versions... Nothing personal, BTW, but I accept that there is such a thing "this is the way it is". Now, being a software developer, I can tell that there is a so called "universal taste" which is reflected in every software, such as mobile phone OS, earlier versions of Adobe software and all other software in the domain. For example take this slow scroll speed. There is a setting in the OS (Windows here) which controls the scroll speed; Bridge completely ignores it and it implements its own scroll method via its own scrollbars. It's simply incredible to me that you just don't realize, there is something wrong with the scrolling speed when going through long lists... Another thing is the overall sluggish response of the interface. Regarding the CPU and memory quantity of today's machines, Bridge must be lightning fast compared to older versions. But we experience more and more sluggishness as versions increase (Photoshop, Acrobat, Illustrator, Indesign is included here as well). Yet another thing is the awful white-black contrast in dark mode and those childish blue focus contours (Bridge), like the average user is so dumb that he doesn't knows where is the focus, so let's highlight it strongly for him... Other, countless threads can be found on this forum regarding the troubles regarding Bridge. And no, there is no such thing as "my machine", since on a daily basis I am using more computers (having different hardware setup) and I have access to computers of other folks too... From time to time I install the newest version of Bridge and I'm always returning sadly to the 2022 version, since that is the last, good working version. Thing is, I have 2 subscriptions at Adobe (full suite and photography plan) and I have to use an older versions to get the things done fast, without being annoyed by the newest glitches.
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‎Sep 25, 2023
06:51 AM
Dear folks in the Bridge team! It's beyond understanding how you don't realize, these versions of Bridge are a big failure!? It's like an early beta version. But already 2 years in beta... Compared to version 12, the newer versions have numerous bugs, the UI is almost non-responsive, etc. The overall feel of the software is like a bunch of libraries put together in a hurry, by a student. Annoying things: - The window often misses the clicks. Yes, clicking in the window, too often does nothing. Tested on multiple computers. (I have to connect this bug with the annoying sticky hand tool bug where the mouse button release is missed, making the hand tool and the lasso tool unusable in photoshop, and Lightroom Classic is affected as well with this sticky hand tool). - Scrolling is painfully slow, to the point of unusable. I see, the scrollbars were reinvented, just to break the things, because there are absolutely no benefits having some super minimalist fancy scrollbars. Instead of fixing the bugs, the team was busy reinventing the wheel. - Search is slow. I'm typing the file/folder name, then the window stays, doing nothing, then after some time passes it jumps to the target. But careful, because if something isn't focused well, search isn't working. - ... - Countless UI glitches, like awful blue focus outlines, bright white title bars of windows, forgotten menu separators, etc. Even amateur software writers care about these. - Countless other issues, mentioned by other members in this forum. I had to reinstall v12, that's the last usable version. About refunds: due to a non-working software and broken features, do we have a refund?
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‎Sep 25, 2023
06:31 AM
The same here. I could work as long as 2 days in Bridge 2024. It's practically unusable compared to 2022. The Bridge team is a big failure and it seems that nobody recognizes this.
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‎Sep 21, 2023
06:02 AM
Agree, the first thing I noticed in Bridge 2024. I am already very annoyed of installing an update for Bridge and then uninstall and revert back to Bridge 2022. I simply don't understand the taste of Bridge developers, everything is awful, non-working and modified beyond usability.
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‎Jul 24, 2023
10:43 AM
The lastest version, 12.4 (and I think the version before this), has an annoying bug. The hand tool often doesn't receive the "mouseup"event which causes the stuck hand tool - even if the user releases the mouse button, the hand tool keeps panning the image. Another click and another release solves the problem (in most of the cases). This is some low level system bug, since Photoshop has the same issue, but not only with the hand tool, often with other tools, which are working with click-and-drag gestures -
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‎May 31, 2023
01:28 AM
In 24.5 the hand tool often remains stuck. Holding the spacebar or simply activating the tool, when the mouse button is released, the tool is stuck moving the image - like I'm still holding the mouse button! Another click often doesn't help! Have to reinstall an earlier version of PS, because the current version is annoying and unusable! Windows 10, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 Preferences > Tools > "Enable Flick Panning" and "Animated Zoom" turned off, but still doesn't helps.
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‎Oct 04, 2022
08:17 AM
Vesrion 23.5.1 - after some time, PS being open, when selecting with the polygonal lasso, PS develops a bug - it stops responding to Backspace and Escape keys. When mistakenly placing a polygon point, it cannot be deleted with Backspace, also Esc doesn't cancel the selection. To recover from the locked state I have to Alt-Tab to another application. To stop this behavior, PS must be restarted.
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‎Nov 24, 2021
07:19 PM
As the title says, Illustrator cannot be closed. For real. I stay with the whitened screen, waiting forever. Please don't ask me for the latest version(s), since a long time I have no option to -not- upgrade Windows and Adobe (Help is transformed in a search something). Also, please don't offer any kind of dumb software reset. There is a thing: the software has gone mad, due to a reason, it cannot be closed, only from the task manager, by terminating the app. I'm not a beginner, I report such unusual behaviors only if I can't find no other resaons behind....
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‎Feb 28, 2021
03:41 AM
A lot of time passed since this bug was reported. This is getting really annoying. I had to stop using PS 22 and return to the previous version. Working a lot with precise selections, this is unacceptable.
Is PS tested before releasing? It's unbelievable, all testers are blind enough to miss this bug... 21 versions in the past were ok, how can be the 22nd version be released with such an amateur bug?
As a side note, developers are releasing more and more lower quality software/websites in every domain. It seems that attention to details is not important anymore.
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‎Sep 09, 2020
09:00 AM
When importing, I uncheck the videos, however, when syncing the folder there is no way to exclude videos. Since the folders change as the mobile device takes new photos, I have to sync the folders, instead of importing. The sync hangs, when cancelled this is the error message window. However it is an unknown error. It would be good to display some errors to be able to track down the source of the problem... The videos are mostly taken by Samsung Galaxy J5, so a kind of standard format...
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‎Feb 26, 2020
01:59 PM
inDesign has some trouble with fonts... First some fonts are doubled in the font list: "Barlow (OTF)" ans "Source Sans Pro (OTF)" appear twice. Which one should be selected? Problem: when I open a document created months ago, inDesign warns me that Source Sans Pro italic could not be found. Despite I didn't changed everything with the fonts in the system. The dialog to find fonts is popping up. But I can't select the Source Sans Pro. Looking up with another software, the Source Sans Pro Italic is there. Whats' wrong with inDesign?
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‎Nov 28, 2019
04:49 PM
Please consider a third, "Close" button that saves the dialog's information. The "Cancel" button can sit there and hitting it should cancel all changes, it's standard behavior. Thank you!
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‎Nov 21, 2019
03:34 PM
It isn't categorized correctly as idea! The expected behavior has been changed into worse one. I'm not asking for change. I'm asking to restore the original behavior of the Export dialog!
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‎Nov 20, 2019
04:13 PM
Smit K, please change the thread back to 'Problem'. Thank you!
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‎Nov 20, 2019
04:12 PM
LR should keep the way it was working before version 9, the 'Cancel' button should be renamed to 'Close'
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‎Nov 20, 2019
04:10 PM
I see, but presets aren't suitable for that. Regarding the frequent changes in the Export dialog, I would quickly have hundreds of presets... 😞
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‎Nov 19, 2019
02:25 PM
You remember wrong, or didn't checked the behavior at all... I still have LR 8.4.1 on my laptop and I double checked the behavior again. Yes, the Export dialog keeps the settings AFTER hitting CANCEL. If you don't believe this or don't remember well, an older version may be installed easily and may be checked.
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‎Nov 19, 2019
02:22 PM
The problem isn't related to presets...
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‎Nov 19, 2019
02:22 PM
Please change the thread back to problem. You should check yourself the old behavior... On my laptop I still have the 8.4.1 version and I can send you a video of starting an export, changing settings in the export dialog and then hitting cancel: when next opening the dialog, the settings are retained. Please install an older version of LR and check the behavior. Thank you!
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‎Nov 16, 2019
05:32 PM
In Lightroom, versions prior 9 the Export dialog had a very convenient behavior: any settings changed were retained, regardless of the fact that Cancel or X (close) was clicked. Now, in v9 this has been changed, so Cancelling the dialog looses all settings! The behavior before v9 was very convenient and somehow designed with the right intent: one may forget to do further adjustments to the files being exported, so the export procedure must be postponed... The behavior in the current version, v9 is quite unusable. Ok, if Cancel means cancelling all settings, then let the user retain the settings made already (chosing export location, file type, size, etc) so please add a third button: 'Close dialog for now' (or something similar, clearly understandable). Clicking this button should retain the settings but should not start the export procedure.
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‎Nov 01, 2019
06:04 PM
Yes, the keyword is there in the file (TIFF or JPEG). Always edit the original. The point here is to use a separate LR catalog just for keywording. Sometimes the file being keyworded needs editing - here is the glitch that happens.
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‎Nov 01, 2019
02:39 PM
[See this reply for a precise recipe for reproducing the bug: [See this reply for workarounds:] Externally edited images do disappear from the filmstrip when a filtered view is active. To reproduce the problem: 1. Create several folders with several tiff images. 2. Import the images in Lightroom. 3. Add the 'flower' keyword to every image. 4. In the Library module, in the 'Keyword List' panel click the arrow right to the 'flower' keyword. This will make Lightroom to show all the images that has the keyword 'flower'. Now comes the problem. Edit one of the images on the filmstrip in PS (Ctrl+E). After changing the file and saving it, when returning to Lightroom the image disappears from the filmstrip. When checking the image in the folder (clicking the correct folder in the Library) it shows up. When applying the 'flower' filter, the image isn't visible anymore.
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