Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
Feb 04, 2025
03:03 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you for that feedback. Noted on the interface refinement 🙂 As for productions - there's some good and some slightly less good news. The good news - the search panel already works on all open projects, not just the active one. So if it's feasible for you to have the source media project open alongside your editing project you can already search across (parts of) your production projects while editing. That said - we are aware editors would like to search through production projects without opening them. But this requires additional effort. Since we need some of the information from the project there is really no good way to search through projects without opening them at least once (+ of course analyzing the footage). But we are aware of that request and might come back to it in a future release.
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Jan 10, 2025
01:12 AM
Hi @Autocrescimento_Marti9126 - if transcription is getting stuck at the 25% mark that means that Premiere rendered the audio of your timeline and is now trying to transcribe via our Sensei Engine but is getting stuck on that. Can you go to the creative cloud desktop app and check if the language pack for the language you are transcribing in has been successfully downloaded? If not, can you quit Premiere and download it manually? If you're e.g. offline, behind a firewall or have uninstalled the creative cloud desktop app, this might be what's causing issues for you.
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Jul 22, 2024
08:57 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for reporting. The bug fix for that went in today. Should be fixed in the next official beta build.
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Jun 27, 2024
10:38 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for your reply - please let me know whenever you can send me a repro or can send me your system config. In the meantime - if you turn transcription off you should have these two options to manually transcribe clips (the context menu in the project panel also works on multi selections):
Context Menu from the project panel:
Flyout menu in the text panel:
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Jun 27, 2024
09:12 AM
1 Upvote
Hi there - this is an area that we're looking at improving - particularly making sure that non-speech clips are not transcribed at all. While this is still being worked at, would one of the following solutions work for you? - Disable Auto Transcription completely (Settings->Transcription->Automatically Transcribe Clips). You can of course still manually use transcription on the source clips you need or want to have transcribed. I read that you mentioned you tried that and it removed all your existing transcriptions. That should not be the case. Can you tell me how to reproduce that behaviour? - Set auto transcription mode to "Only in timeline". While maybe not optimal - this would at least ensure that only clips that are in the timeline are transcribed. All that said - I am surprised about two things: a) If you cancel a transcription on a clip, that should be sticky and that clip should not try to auto tanscribe ever again. Is that not the case for you? b) You say that transcription is eating all your resources - normally transcription only works on a subset of your systems resources so I am surprised it has such an impact on your system. Can you send me (via PM or via this boad) a message that shows your system configuration and ideally a video where you can show me what's happening?
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Jun 26, 2024
10:31 AM
Hi, while the language detection usually is pretty acurate - there are rare cases where it can predict the wrong language. In these cases you can either re-transcribe the file manually (right-click it in the project panel and select Re-Transcribe) or turn off auto detection of language. If all your content is in English, I'd suggest to just use english as the default language and not use the language auto detection. Please let me know if this helps with your issue.
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Apr 22, 2024
01:23 PM
Can you multi-select all source clips and go to the project panel, right click and chose "Re-Transcribe..."?
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Nov 30, 2023
11:03 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you for sending me the audio files. I have to admit - this one was a head scratcher. There was no real reason this sequence shouldn't transcribe. Finally found the culprit in the raw audio files. Seems when recording these someone set up the stereo mics in a way that they produce a 180 degree phase shift. In other words - the left and right track cancel each other out. You don't hear that in the sequence or when exporting as stereo - but when rendering the audio as mono (which is required for transcription) the left and the right channel sum up to almost exactly zero (+ a bit or residual noise). So in this case the fix is "relatively" easy. Just open the raw audio files in Audition, select either the left or the right channel, use Effects->Invert and save the file. This should make transcription work again.
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Nov 30, 2023
08:55 AM
happy to take a look at this. Any chance you could try this in the current beta version (we made some fixes in that area so there's a chance your issue is already fixed. You can install Beta in parallel to the normal version). If that doesn't help - would it be possible for you to send me the project you're using + the audio assets. I don't need the video assets but would be great to get the audio. Thanks & Greetings, Nico
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Oct 13, 2023
06:12 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for posting - this is because in 24.0 we targeted the most common use case which is multi mono (coming from e.g. multiple mic recording). Since your file consists of muliple stereo clips it will not give you the option to transcribe a specific clip. But... We are aware of this and have improved the system in Beta already. Could you try this in the latest beta and let me know if it works for you? If it still doesn't - could you upload this clip somewhere so that I can take a look?
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Oct 12, 2023
02:41 AM
If you have the rights to send the clip and can upload it somewhere I am happy to download it and take a look on what's failing. MXF makes me think it might have something to do with channelization of the clip. But I'd need to take a look to make sure. Could you eventually trim the clip to a shorter version? If transcription is failing - a 15 second clip might already be sufficient.
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Oct 12, 2023
02:31 AM
Got it - that is good to know that it works on some clips but not on others. Any way you can send me the clip it's failing on via PM? Can you check if you run into the same issues with "Auto Language Detection" disabled (Preferences -> Transcription).
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Oct 12, 2023
02:10 AM
Thanks for the report. Transcription is working for us internally under MacOS Sonoma with M1 Laptops - so I'm trying to get to the bottom of this. Can you send me a screen recording of the error you are seeing and could I get access to the specific source clip you are using to see if is in any way related to the clip?
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May 29, 2023
10:23 AM
Hi Андрей5E17, there are essentially thress ways to change the language of a transcription for text based editing. To get started though - for text based editing it's vital to understand how the transcription of source clips affect the transcription of the sequence. Essentially - when you work in Text Based Editing Mode (which is the new default for the text panel), you don't transcribe the sequence anymore - you only transcribe the sources. The text that you see for the sequence is what is dynamically compiled from your source. while you edit the timeline. Because of that - the sequence can not be "retranscribed" as it is only a compilation of the sources. Sources (the media items in your project panel) however can be re-transcribed with a new language by right-clicking the source in the project panel and selecting "Re-Transcribe" in the context menu. You can also go to the (...) menu in the text panel while looking at a source transcription (usually the text panel will always display whatever is in your active monitor windows) and selecting Re-Transcribe. What you also can do is go to your application preferences and in the "Transcription" Settings select a language (or select "Auto-Detect") for auto-transcriptions. After selecting a language here, all future auto generated transcriptions will follow that language settings. Finally - the same setting is also displayed on the import window when you create a new project. When you select a language in that window, that language will be used for transcriptions of all future clips.
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May 21, 2023
11:07 PM
1 Upvote
Gotcha all - I was able to reproduce the scrolling bug on another system and we have submitted a fix for the issue. You should see all scrolling issues fixed in the next version. If anyone has time to download and test with the current Beta Version (Creative Cloud Desktop App -> Beta apps -> Premier Pro) - that would be awesome to make sure the issue is 100% fixed when we release the update.
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May 11, 2023
05:36 AM
I'm trying to repro the scrolling issue on my end and it seems to work normally on my side. I have a couple of questions that would hopefully help me get to the bottom of this: - Can you specify which hardware (Mac/Win, OS Version, Trackpad Brand etc) you're using? - Can you check your OS Input Device Settings (for the trackpad) if there are any custom settings that might be causing this? - Any additional plugins or OS Level Software that is installed on the system that could impact the track pad behaviour? Is this happening in any other panels in Premiere or exclusively in the timeline panel?
Thanks & Greetings, Nico
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May 09, 2023
04:06 AM
You can not re-transcribe a TBE Sequence because it is not transcribed 🙂 - only the contained source footage is transcribed. The TBE sequence is just a compilation of that source material.
So if your source clip is already transcribed in Cantonese, the sequence will also show a cantonese transcript. If you really want to hard-transcribe the sequence, please select "Generate Static Transcript..." from the overflow menu in the text panel (upper right corner of the panel). This will disable TBE for this sequence but you'll get to chose a language and transcribe the sequence audio directly.
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May 09, 2023
02:26 AM
Hi, sequences by default are now put into text based editing mode. What happened in your case is that the source clip was transcribed in English and is now used in the text based editing sequence. You have three options to fix that: - You can retranscribe the source clip (by right clicking the source clip in the project panel context menu) - You can set your App Preferences to default to Chinese or Auto Detect the Language and restart the project - You can put the sequence in the old "static transcript" mode by going into the text panel, clicking the overflow menu and selecting "Generate Static Transcript..." Let me know if any of these address your issue.
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Apr 21, 2023
10:57 AM
You could (also as a workaround) nest your source clip in a sequence and transcribe that sequence statically (Generate static transcript). That lets you select the audio track you want to transcribe. After that you can use the newly nested sequence as source and it should work.
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Apr 21, 2023
10:51 AM
Hi there, I am one of the engineers working on Text Based Editing. Not sure I fully understand your workflow but if I understand it correctly -- this should work. Could you make sure you are on the latest beta and share a screen recording of the issue you're describing with me?
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Apr 21, 2023
10:47 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for that feedback. Yes, this is on our radar as a future enhancement. The main issue I see is that this would not work with background transcription enabled but it would surely work with manual transcriptions. What you can do right now as a workaround (without re-encoding) is to wrap your source in a sequence, transcribe that sequence statically (via the text panel overflow menu -> Generate static transcript) and select mixdown or the relevant tracks there. You can then use the transcribed sequence as source footage for your timeline edit.
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Mar 14, 2023
04:09 AM
Hi, I'm currently looking into this issue and it would be great to get some more information on what you are seeing. What is likely happening is that when you are opening the project on a different machine we have to relink the media to the copied source files and are losing the transcripts in the process. When opening the media on the new machine - did you have to go through the "Relink Media" dialog? Or was it opening completely on it's own before the transcripts disappeared?
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Feb 23, 2023
02:04 AM
I'm sorry to hear that you are having problems with "Create Captions" in beta. We made a couple of changes to how we target a sequence lately which I think should address your issues. Please try out the latest beta - if you still see yourself running into issues, can you send me a screen recording that shows you not being able to create captions?
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Feb 23, 2023
02:02 AM
To be a bit more specific: Premiere Pro Version 23.3.0 BETA (Build 41) and upwards should include that fix.
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Feb 23, 2023
02:01 AM
Hi Mary, thanks for reporting this issue. Please upgrade to the latest beta version - we believe the crash should be fixed there.
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Feb 07, 2023
07:24 AM
Hi, can you check if you're on version or higher? The crash you are seeing should be resolved with that version.
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Feb 07, 2023
12:09 AM
Updates for Mac and Win have both been release and can be downloaded via Creative Cloud Desktop.
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Feb 06, 2023
01:15 AM
Thanks for reporting this. We are aware of the issue and the next build that will include the fix is in progress. Please update to 23.03.25 once it will be available in the next few hours to get transcriptions working again.
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Feb 14, 2022
01:46 AM
Please let me know if Transcriptions work for you with this build. We will look into the string issue. Thanks for reporting this.
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Feb 11, 2022
09:00 AM
I just downloaded the latest Beta to check and Transcriptions should work again. Can you please check your build number (About Premiere Pro). It should say 22.3.0 BETA (Build 49) or higher. If the Build number is lower than that - please update your Premiere Pro BETA version via the Creative Cloud Desktop tool. If you're already using that version (or a higher one), please let me know in this thread and we can do some further digging why transcriptions are not working for you.
Greetings, Nico
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