Yash Nene
Yash Nene
‎May 27, 2024
12:31 AM
Hi @EdHorta, Was having a mini heart attack because the changed coloured were very disorienting! Thanks a ton!
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‎May 22, 2024
11:28 PM
1 Upvote
Hi @CJCARNAHAN Sony has always given me pain. Be it C, or FX, or A7 series. On windows as well as Apple devices. I think the main issue, and mostly overlooked, is the recording codec. (Bad DOPs, who don't care about setting a proper codec, basically are showing the middle finger to the editor, should be punished, lol.) But jokes apart, I always transcode Sony footage before editing (after checking the recording codec). Proxy doesn't really work thoroughout the project, if your recording codec is not edit friendly. I think, even to display your footage in 1/8th resolution, the CPU has to do a LOT of work thanks to non edit friendly codecs and preference to "storage saving" and not performance. Sony=Transcode. That's my mantra mostly. Hope this is of some help. Cheers, Yash
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‎May 22, 2024
11:05 PM
1 Upvote
Hello people! I've been facing glitching issues, wherein the cursor appears and dissapppears whimsically. The glitch also happens for the generated waveform and the video thumbnails in the timeline, and sometimes the waveforms and the thumbnails disappear COMPLETELY, leaving me with solid clips (it has all the data, I can hear everything on playback, it's just that there's some glitch and the waveform isn't displaying.) EDIT: I'm using Premiere Pro version 24.3.0 (Build 59). Hardware- Apple MBP M1 Max, 32 GB memory, OS- Sonoma 14.3 Is anyone facing this? Please, need a fix. It is slowing my edits down. Cheers, Yash
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‎May 21, 2024
03:45 AM
1 Upvote
Replace with AE composition is a very good tool, but I just can't trust it. Hi @SPfoto, That's it mate. Replace with AE (dynamic link) is GREAT. Sadly, dynamic link has not worked for me as well. The workaround is to be precise with what you need, and shift the AE work towards the end of your workflow. This was annoying at first, but it forced me to be more organised and precise. And believe me it was a game changer, because BEFORE I even open AE, I know, almost precisely, what I need to do in AE. Massive time saver. Sorry for ressponding so late, but hope it can be of some help. Cheers, Yash
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‎May 21, 2024
03:26 AM
Hi @TorQueMoD2 , Premiere is an Audio-Visual software, so I'm not surprised. If the presence of an audio track visually bugs you, then you could maybe resize the audio track so that you don't see it at all. Or maybe if your work is animation heavy, you could shift to After effects (if you're sure you don't need audio). Also if you're concerned about having audio in the export, you could always switch off audio and export only video. Hope this is of some help. Cheers, Yash
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‎May 21, 2024
03:17 AM
Hi @KETONE37514494edof , Well, I know this is a Premiere discussion forum... but it should show as "Apple ProRes" in DaVinci. Or there's a preset on top that you can scroll, which has ProRes 422HQ in it.
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‎May 18, 2024
01:05 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @Harold Silva That's a great suggestion! I'll try and let you know Thanks for taking out the time! Cheers, Yash
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‎May 17, 2024
09:30 PM
Hi @mattchristensen! Thanks for that reply! You're right about the project file size not being large compared to what I've done, I guess I was just alarmed and thought I should note my concern. The project is working just fine, no hiccups so far, and I'm almost at the end, which is good! Exploring Production is a great idea and I've been meaning to do it for some time now. I'll read up about it too, thanks! Cheers, Yash
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‎May 02, 2024
03:27 AM
Hi @XenPixel, Few of things come to mind which you could check: 1. What is the playback resolution that the editor is using? Does the grey overlay appear even after using "Full" playback resolution? 2. Is the editor working with proxies? If yes, maybe the editor can try toggling proxies off. 3. Does the grey overlay appear even after rendering the sequence (with proxies toggled off) before playback? Hope this can be of some help, let me know if you could resolve the issue. Cheers, Yash
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‎May 02, 2024
03:14 AM
Hi @fernando alves I've faced playback issues while working with Canon C70 footage as well, and it can be extremely irritating. Working with proxies seemed to solve my issue. I created proxies using Premiere Pro (creating proxy jobs within Premiere) and toggled the proxies on while editing. I think having an edit friendly codec (Something like ProRes 422 LT, or ProRes Proxy) reduced the stress on Premiere and ensured a smoother playback. While glitching footage is not acceptable, and I understand that in the later stages of the edit one may want to see the crisp RAW footage even while editing, proxy footage worked just fine during assembly. After reaching the first cut if I wanted to review the edit with the RAW footage I rendered the sequence to review. Hope this is of some help. Cheers, Yash
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‎May 02, 2024
12:21 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @DlikeWater To me it is looking like a nested sequence. If you're certain that it not a nested sequence, please ignore this reply. If it is a nested sequence like I'm suspecting, you could try double clicking the green clip and you should see a separate sequence load up (te nested sequence). If you want to bring your clips back into your original sequence, you can select all clips from that nested sequence and paste into your original sequence. Thanks, Yash
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‎May 01, 2024
11:30 PM
Hello people, I'm editing a 15 min documentary and curently facing an issue where the project size keeps increasing more and more every day. I hoped that the project file size would stabilize after I set up the project as I'm not adding anything new to it. I'm working on a MacBook Pro M1 Max with 32gb memory. What I've done so far: 1. Imported RAW footage (RAW fotages are in an external drive while my Project File and Scratch Disks are on my Macbook Drive) (Mostly shot on A7s3, and some on FX9) 2. Created proxies using Premiere 3. Created Dailies (10 days of shoot, roughly an hour of footage per day) 4. Segregated footage according to topics etc (Meaning created several new timelines for it) 5. Started a basic lineup The Project File size is already 33 MB (never seen this kind of bloating before) and a lot of work is still to come on the project. I'm already seeing slower load times of the Project, and I'm worried that when I reach critical finishing stages the project file may give me problems. Any suggesting about what I should be doing to combat this issue? Or anything that I should have done better in my workflow? Any inputs would be appreciated. Thanks, Yash
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‎Apr 19, 2024
12:05 AM
Hello, Although Dynamic link is a fantastic idea, it has never really worked for me as it's unreliable. That may partly be because my hardware isn't powerful enough, but even in theory it doesn't sit well with me to let all these apps running in the background. Instead I just identify clips that need to be taken to After effects from Premiere, and take only those clips to after effects by exporting those clips from premiere. And even if I use dynamic link, After AE job is done I ensure that I REPLACE the dynamic link clip in premiere with a rendered file from After effects. This ensures that while exporting for delivery I don't have to depend on dynamic link at all. Hope this is of some help. Cheers, Yash
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‎Apr 18, 2024
11:13 PM
1 Upvote
I faced this too, my interviews were in Hindi and English. And when I transcribed for English, you guessed it, the Hindi bits were gibberish, and the other way round. I found a solution, I think. You can select in and out points in to select the English bits in your timeline and select the transcription settings according to your language. Then you can set your in and out points to select the French bits, or the other language and check the "merge output with existing transcription" and keep adding to your original transcript.
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‎Apr 18, 2024
11:05 PM
1 Upvote
Hello everyone! Whenever I'm editing a video with interviews I like to use the clip markers and not timeline markers to segregate the footage, so that the markers are carried ahead throughout the edit process. But since there's no way to drag and change the marker duration in clip markers (it just moves the clip, haha) currerntly we have to get into the marker settings dialogue box to change the duration. Here's the problem, there's no live preview of the marker duration on the clip while in the dialogue box. That means I have to change the duration-close the dialogue box-realise the duration change wasn't what I wanted- head back to the dialogue box-rechange the duration and hope it worked. Or alternatively, I roughly calculate how many seconds or frames I want the marker to be before I enter the dialogue box, which is too much of a hassle and wastes a lot of time. At this point in the edit, I want my full attention on listening to the interviews and marking relevant bits and not calculating marker duration. It'll be easier, I think, if live preview for marker duration is added. Or any other solution if someone can think of?
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‎Nov 26, 2021
11:17 PM
I'm facing the same problem, and now the only options are to attach hundreds of files individually, or make a proxy job but thats just a waste of time anyway because the camera has ALREADY made proxies and it doesn't make any sense to waste so much time doing it all again. Has anyone figured out whats wrong?
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‎Oct 25, 2021
01:43 AM
But I want to slow the footage down
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‎Oct 25, 2021
12:31 AM
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‎Oct 25, 2021
12:20 AM
After opening up a project it works fine for a while, but as I scrub later on, the error "Unable to create buffer image" pops up and Premiere eventually crashes. It's a 25fps sequence and most of the files are shot at 50fps mp4. I have attached the sequence settings and codec information of the files. Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz Installed RAM: 16.0 GB (15.9 GB usable) Can someone please help?
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