5월 13, 2024
04:03 AM
I don't see that opion, I've read that it was a bug, the post was from 3 months ago, so it should be fixed allready, but it isn't
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6월 30, 2023
07:27 AM
I have the same problem, and answers above didn't work fo me. Bounding box center disapears when pulling a new or existing guide 😞
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6월 14, 2023
04:48 AM
sorry for spelling
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6월 14, 2023
04:47 AM
I pisk a color with an eyedroppper tool and it doesnt use it for foreground, until I restet is from panel. But then works only in cllasic gradient, and stopes working, after Iswitch to new) gradient, and back to classic gradient
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6월 14, 2023
04:37 AM
it works only until I switch from classic gradient, to gradient, then it gets stuck on a previous color
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6월 13, 2023
11:52 AM
thanks, I will, for a moment it was ok
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6월 13, 2023
08:12 AM
10 찬성표
thank you, I think I didn't explain my problem well. I know where the option is, I just dont want to change it from the panel, i want my foreground color to became automaticaly my foregroung color in it ws for 20 years of my work with photoshop
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6월 13, 2023
08:10 AM
11 찬성표
yes, I use foreground to transparent. The problem is - I have to go to that panel every time I want to change the color. Before it was automatic - the chosen foreground color would become the foreground color in gradient. Now - as you can see in my picture - it doesnt't change, it keeps the previous color. So I have to go to panel and change it, it is very tedious
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6월 13, 2023
07:25 AM
19 찬성표
why the new photoshop is not using colors for basic gradient that are currently chosen (in tools pannel) like it was in all previous versions? It's really annoying- I have to change colors erey time in the gradient options, instead of what was before - photoshop used current foreground color (i use it for shadows, for example)
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12월 28, 2022
10:52 AM
1 찬성표
I have the same problem, and SHIFT+DELETE doesnt solve it, it just brigs up the fill box. Content aware takes too long for my purpose.
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12월 28, 2022
10:47 AM
I have tge same problem 😞
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7월 12, 2021
09:13 AM
1 찬성표
OMG I guess I didn't its such a reflex, that I was could swear by it thanks, how dumb of me
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7월 12, 2021
09:08 AM
I always press D when I start doing anything with nask mask
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7월 12, 2021
07:25 AM
Hello, I don't know what is wrong - opacity, flow at 100%, color is black, but gradient or brush on mask are not fully covering. Wihout mask - both tools work fine. I have this problem, occuring out of nowhere for a few days now. Sometines restarting Photoshop works, but not today. Below are screen shots of my settings. Please, any suggestions?
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