Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Oct 15, 2024
05:45 AM
/* Batch Save As WebP scriptUI GUI v1-6.jsx v1.0 - 14th March 2023, Stephen Marsh v1.1 - 11th January 2024: Added a "fit image" defaulting to 1920px step v1.2 - 10th February 2024: Added an explicit step to change to RGB mode v1.3 - 12th September 2024: User "filduarte" Added ScriptUI and user input for max image size, resolution and quality v1.4 - 13th September 2024: Added various GUI control options. All files saved as 8bpc sRGB, overwriting existing WebP files of the same name without warning v1.5 - 21st September 2024: Changed the dropdown to use label names rather than compression values as names. Removed the Save a Copy checkbox. v1.6 - 11th October 2024: Added dropdown menus to optionally run an action on each file before saving as WebP. Cosmetic GUI layout changes to reduce the vertical depth of the window. */ #target photoshop // Ensure that version 2022 or later is being used var versionNumber = app.version.split("."); var versionCheck = parseInt(versionNumber[0]); if (versionCheck < 23) { alert("You must use Photoshop 2022 or later to save using native WebP format..."); } else { // Create the ScriptUI dialog window var theDialogWin = new Window("dialog", "WebP Batch Processor (v1.6)"); theDialogWin.orientation = "column"; theDialogWin.alignChildren = "left"; var infoText = theDialogWin.add("statictext", undefined, "The WebP files will be converted to sRGB 8 bits/channel"); infoText.alignment = "center"; // Input Folder Section var inputFolderPanel = theDialogWin.add("panel", undefined, "Input Folder"); inputFolderPanel.orientation = "column"; inputFolderPanel.alignChildren = ["fill", "top"]; // Align all children to fill the width inputFolderPanel.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Make the panel itself fill the width inputFolderPanel.add("statictext", undefined, "Select the source image folder to process:"); var inputFolderRow = inputFolderPanel.add("group"); // Create a row for input field and button inputFolderRow.orientation = "row"; inputFolderRow.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Make the row fill the width var inputFolderText = inputFolderRow.add("edittext", undefined, ""); inputFolderText.characters = 30; inputFolderText.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Make the input field fill available width var inputFolderButton = inputFolderRow.add("button", undefined, "Browse..."); inputFolderButton.alignment = ["right", "top"]; // Align button to the right // Process Subfolders Checkbox var recursiveCheckbox = inputFolderPanel.add("checkbox", undefined, "Include all subfolders"); recursiveCheckbox.value = false; // Default to not recursive // Output Folder Section var outputFolderPanel = theDialogWin.add("panel", undefined, "Output Folder"); outputFolderPanel.orientation = "column"; outputFolderPanel.alignChildren = ["fill", "top"]; // Align all children to fill the width outputFolderPanel.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Make the panel itself fill the width outputFolderPanel.add("statictext", undefined, "Select the location to save the WebP files:"); var outputFolderRow = outputFolderPanel.add("group"); // Create a row for output field and button outputFolderRow.orientation = "row"; outputFolderRow.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Make the row fill the width var outputFolderText = outputFolderRow.add("edittext", undefined, ""); outputFolderText.characters = 30; outputFolderText.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Make the input field fill available width var outputFolderButton = outputFolderRow.add("button", undefined, "Browse..."); outputFolderButton.alignment = ["right", "top"]; // Align button to the right // Mirror Directory Structure Checkbox var mirrorStructureCheckbox = outputFolderPanel.add("checkbox", undefined, "Retain the source subfolder structure"); mirrorStructureCheckbox.value = false; // Default to not mirroring mirrorStructureCheckbox.enabled = false; // Disable by default // Enable/Disable "Mirror Structure" based on the recursive option recursiveCheckbox.onClick = function () { mirrorStructureCheckbox.enabled = recursiveCheckbox.value; }; // Create a panel for the compression settings var compressionPanel = theDialogWin.add("panel", undefined, "Compression Settings"); compressionPanel.orientation = "column"; compressionPanel.alignChildren = ["left", "top"]; // Align controls to the top left compressionPanel.margins = 15; // Add padding around the content compressionPanel.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Make the panel full window width // Create a main group to hold all controls in a single row var mainGroup = compressionPanel.add("group"); mainGroup.orientation = "row"; // Arrange controls in a row mainGroup.alignChildren = ["left", "center"]; // Center align children vertically mainGroup.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Make the group fill the panel's width mainGroup.spacing = 10; // Add space between controls // Compression Type Dropdown (compressionLossy | compressionLossless) mainGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Compression Type:"); var compTypeDropdown = mainGroup.add("dropdownlist", undefined, ["Lossy", "Lossless"]); compTypeDropdown.selection = 0; // Default to Lossy // Compression Quality Label mainGroup.add("statictext", undefined, "Compression Quality:"); // Compression Quality Slider and Text var qualityGroup = mainGroup.add("group"); // Create a group for the slider and text qualityGroup.orientation = "row"; // Arrange slider and text in a row qualityGroup.alignChildren = ["left", "center"]; // Center align children vertically qualityGroup.spacing = 10; // Add space between the slider and the text var compValueSlider = qualityGroup.add("slider", undefined, 75, 0, 100); // Start, Min, Max compValueSlider.size = [281, 20]; // Size of the slider var compValueText = qualityGroup.add("edittext", undefined, "75"); // Change to edittext for user input compValueText.characters = 4; // Set the number of characters for the input field // Update the edittext and slider to reflect the current value compValueSlider.onChanging = function () { var sliderValue = Math.round(compValueSlider.value); compValueText.text = sliderValue.toString(); // Update the edittext }; // Update the slider based on edittext input compValueText.onChange = function () { var inputValue = parseInt(compValueText.text, 10); if (!isNaN(inputValue) && inputValue >= 0 && inputValue <= 100) { compValueSlider.value = inputValue; // Update the slider } else { compValueText.text = Math.round(compValueSlider.value).toString(); // Reset to the current slider value if invalid } }; // Function to toggle the slider based on compression type function updateCompressionControls() { if (compTypeDropdown.selection.text === "Lossless") { compValueSlider.enabled = false; compValueText.enabled = false; } else { compValueSlider.enabled = true; compValueText.enabled = true; } } // Initialize control states updateCompressionControls(); // Disable compression quality slider when "Lossless" is selected compTypeDropdown.onChange = function () { updateCompressionControls(); }; // Create a panel for all checkboxes var checkboxPanel = theDialogWin.add("panel", undefined, "Options"); checkboxPanel.orientation = "column"; checkboxPanel.alignChildren = ["left", "top"]; checkboxPanel.margins = 15; checkboxPanel.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Make panel full width // Create a group for the three columns within the panel var checkboxGroup = checkboxPanel.add("group"); checkboxGroup.orientation = "row"; checkboxGroup.alignChildren = ["left", "top"]; checkboxGroup.alignment = ["left", "top"]; // Make the group full width checkboxGroup.spacing = 20; // Add spacing between the columns // Left column var leftColumn = checkboxGroup.add("group"); leftColumn.orientation = "column"; leftColumn.alignChildren = ["left", "top"]; // Ensure elements fill the width // Fit Image Checkbox and Input var fitImageGroup = leftColumn.add("group"); fitImageGroup.orientation = "row"; fitImageGroup.alignChildren = ["left", "center"]; fitImageGroup.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Make the group full width var fitImageCheckbox = fitImageGroup.add("checkbox", undefined, "Fit Image (px):"); fitImageCheckbox.value = false; var fitImageInput = fitImageGroup.add("editnumber", undefined, "1920"); fitImageInput.characters = 5; fitImageInput.enabled = fitImageCheckbox.value; fitImageCheckbox.onClick = function () { fitImageInput.enabled = fitImageCheckbox.value; }; // XMP Checkbox var xmpDataCheckbox = leftColumn.add("checkbox", undefined, "Include XMP Data"); xmpDataCheckbox.value = false; // Middle column var middleColumn = checkboxGroup.add("group"); middleColumn.orientation = "column"; middleColumn.alignChildren = ["fill", "top"]; // Ensure elements fill the width // PPI Checkbox and Input var ppiGroup = middleColumn.add("group"); ppiGroup.orientation = "row"; ppiGroup.alignChildren = ["left", "center"]; ppiGroup.alignment = ["left", "top"]; // Make the group full width var ppiCheckbox = ppiGroup.add("checkbox", undefined, "PPI Value:"); ppiCheckbox.value = false; var ppiInput = ppiGroup.add("editnumber", undefined, "300"); ppiInput.characters = 5; ppiInput.enabled = ppiCheckbox.value; ppiCheckbox.onClick = function () { ppiInput.enabled = ppiCheckbox.value; }; // Include EXIF Data Checkbox in the center column var exifDataCheckbox = middleColumn.add("checkbox", undefined, "Include EXIF Data"); exifDataCheckbox.value = false; // Right column var rightColumn = checkboxGroup.add("group"); rightColumn.orientation = "column"; rightColumn.alignChildren = ["fill", "top"]; // Ensure elements fill the width // Photoshop Data Checkbox var psDataCheckbox = rightColumn.add("checkbox", undefined, "Include Photoshop Data"); psDataCheckbox.value = false; // Create a panel to contain the action dropdowns var actionPanel = theDialogWin.add("panel", undefined, "Run Action"); actionPanel.orientation = "column"; actionPanel.alignChildren = ["fill", "top"]; // Align children to fill width actionPanel.margins = 15; // Add padding around the content actionPanel.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Ensure the panel stretches full width // Set the width for the dropdown action menus var dropdownWidth = 350; // Set dropdown width // Create a group for the action controls var actionGroup = actionPanel.add("group"); actionGroup.orientation = "row"; // Set group to row orientation actionGroup.alignChildren = ["left", "top"]; // Align children to the left and top actionGroup.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Ensure the group stretches full width // Create a group for the Action Set label and dropdown var actionSetColumn = actionGroup.add("group"); actionSetColumn.orientation = "column"; // Set column orientation for Action Set actionSetColumn.alignChildren = ["left", "top"]; // Align children to the left actionSetColumn.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Ensure this column stretches full width // Add Action Set label and dropdown in the Action Set column //actionSetColumn.add('statictext', undefined, 'Action Set:').alignment = ['left', 'center']; var actionSetDropdown = actionSetColumn.add('dropdownlist', undefined, []); actionSetDropdown.preferredSize.width = dropdownWidth; // Set width // Create a group for the Action label and dropdown var actionLabelColumn = actionGroup.add("group"); actionLabelColumn.orientation = "column"; // Set column orientation for Action actionLabelColumn.alignChildren = ["left", "top"]; // Align children to the left actionLabelColumn.alignment = ["fill", "top"]; // Ensure this column stretches full width // Add Action label and dropdown in the Action column //actionLabelColumn.add('statictext', undefined, 'Action:').alignment = ['left', 'center']; var actionDropdown = actionLabelColumn.add('dropdownlist', undefined, []); actionDropdown.preferredSize.width = dropdownWidth; // Set width // Force the dropdowns to resize to match the specified width actionSetDropdown.onResizing = actionSetDropdown.onResize = function () { this.size.width = dropdownWidth; // Ensure dropdown maintains the specified width }; actionDropdown.onResizing = actionDropdown.onResize = function () { this.size.width = dropdownWidth; // Ensure dropdown maintains the specified width }; // Populate the action set dropdown actionSetDropdown.add('item', ''); // Add a blank/null option as the default var actionSets = getActionSets(); for (var i = 0; i < actionSets.length; i++) { actionSetDropdown.add('item', actionSets[i]); } // Automatically select the blank option for both action set and action dropdowns actionSetDropdown.selection = actionSetDropdown.items[0]; actionDropdown.add('item', ''); // Add a blank/null option as the default // When the action set is changed, update the action dropdown actionSetDropdown.onChange = function () { actionDropdown.removeAll(); if (actionSetDropdown.selection && actionSetDropdown.selection.text != '') { // Populate actions for the selected action set var actions = getActions(actionSetDropdown.selection.text); for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { actionDropdown.add('item', actions[i]); } // Automatically select the first action if the set isn't null if (actions.length > 0) { actionDropdown.selection = actionDropdown.items[0]; // Select the first action } } else { // If the action set is null, add a blank option for action dropdown actionDropdown.add('item', ''); actionDropdown.selection = actionDropdown.items[0]; // Select the null action } }; // OK and Cancel Buttons var buttonGroup = theDialogWin.add("group"); buttonGroup.alignment = "right"; var cancelButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "Cancel"); var okButton = buttonGroup.add("button", undefined, "OK"); // Input Folder Browse Button functionality inputFolderButton.onClick = function () { var inputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select the input folder:"); if (inputFolder) { inputFolderText.text = inputFolder.fsName; } }; // Output Folder Browse Button functionality outputFolderButton.onClick = function () { var outputFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Select the output folder:"); if (outputFolder) { outputFolderText.text = outputFolder.fsName; } }; // Cancel Button functionality cancelButton.onClick = function () { theDialogWin.close(); }; // OK Button functionality okButton.onClick = function () { theDialogWin.close(); app.refresh(); // Restore the Photoshop panels app.togglePalettes(); if (inputFolderText.text === "" || outputFolderText.text === "") { alert("Ensure that you select both input and output folders and other options before pressing OK!"); // Restore the Photoshop panels app.togglePalettes(); return; } // Assign selected folders to variables var inputFolder = new Folder(inputFolderText.text); var outputFolder = new Folder(outputFolderText.text); // Map dropdown selection to original compression type values var compType = compTypeDropdown.selection.text === "Lossless" ? "compressionLossless" : "compressionLossy"; var compValue = Math.round(compValueSlider.value); var xmpData = xmpDataCheckbox.value; var exifData = exifDataCheckbox.value; var psData = psDataCheckbox.value; // Gather fitImage and PPI parameters var fitValue = fitImageCheckbox.value ? parseInt(fitImageInput.text) : null; var ppi = ppiCheckbox.value ? parseInt(ppiInput.text) : null; // Process files with the recursive and mirror structure flags processFiles(inputFolder, outputFolder, compType, compValue, xmpData, exifData, psData, fitValue, ppi, recursiveCheckbox.value, mirrorStructureCheckbox.value); theDialogWin.close(); };; } // Main processing function with optional recursion and mirroring structure function processFiles(inputFolder, outputFolder, compType, compValue, xmpData, exifData, psData, fitValue, ppi, recursive, mirrorStructure) { var fileList = getFilesRecursive(inputFolder, recursive); fileList.sort(); var savedDisplayDialogs = app.displayDialogs; app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO; var inputFileCounter = 0; var fileCounter = 0; for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) { // Script running notification window - courtesy of William Campbell // // var working = new Window("palette"); working.preferredSize = [300, 80]; working.add("statictext"); working.t = working.add("statictext"); working.add("statictext"); working.display = function (message) { this.t.text = message || "Script running, please wait...";; app.refresh(); }; working.display(); // Open the files for processing open(fileList[i]); // Create mirrored subfolder structure in output folder if requested var relativePath = fileList[i].parent.fsName.replace(inputFolder.fsName, ""); var targetFolder = outputFolder; if (mirrorStructure && relativePath !== "") { targetFolder = new Folder(outputFolder + "/" + relativePath); if (!targetFolder.exists) { targetFolder.create(); } } // File processing options // Bitmap mode input if (activeDocument.mode == DocumentMode.BITMAP) { activeDocument.changeMode(ChangeMode.GRAYSCALE); activeDocument.changeMode(ChangeMode.RGB); activeDocument.convertProfile("sRGB IEC61966-2.1", Intent.RELATIVECOLORIMETRIC, true, false); activeDocument.bitsPerChannel = BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT; // Indexed Color, CMYK or Lab mode input } else if (activeDocument.mode == DocumentMode.INDEXEDCOLOR || activeDocument.mode == DocumentMode.CMYK || activeDocument.mode == DocumentMode.LAB) { activeDocument.changeMode(ChangeMode.RGB); activeDocument.convertProfile("sRGB IEC61966-2.1", Intent.RELATIVECOLORIMETRIC, true, false); activeDocument.bitsPerChannel = BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT; } else { activeDocument.changeMode(ChangeMode.RGB); activeDocument.convertProfile("sRGB IEC61966-2.1", Intent.RELATIVECOLORIMETRIC, true, false); activeDocument.bitsPerChannel = BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT; } // Run the selected action on each processed file if (actionSetDropdown.selection && actionSetDropdown.selection.text != '' && actionDropdown.selection && actionDropdown.selection.text != '') { runAction(actionSetDropdown.selection.text, actionDropdown.selection.text); } // Fit image to specified value and/or change PPI if enabled if (fitValue !== null || ppi !== null) { fitImage(fitValue, ppi); } // Save as a copy and close saveWebP(compType, compValue, xmpData, exifData, psData, targetFolder); activeDocument.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES); // Increment the counters inputFileCounter++; fileCounter++; // Ensure Photoshop has focus before closing the running script notification window app.bringToFront(); working.close(); } // End of script notifications app.displayDialogs = savedDisplayDialogs; app.beep(); alert('Script completed!' + '\r' + inputFileCounter + ' source files saved as ' + fileCounter + ' WebP files!'); // Restore the Photoshop panels app.togglePalettes(); } ///// Helper Functions ///// // Recurse into folders and files function getFilesRecursive(folder, recursive) { var fileList = []; var allFiles = folder.getFiles(); for (var i = 0; i < allFiles.length; i++) { var file = allFiles[i]; if (file instanceof Folder && recursive) { fileList = fileList.concat(getFilesRecursive(file, recursive)); } else if (file instanceof File && /\.(webp|tif|tiff|jpg|jpeg|psd|psb|png|tga)$/i.test( { fileList.push(file); } } return fileList; } // Fit Image function fitImage(fitValue, ppi) { // NEARESTNEIGHBOR | BILINEAR | BICUBIC | BICUBICSMOOTHER | BICUBICSHARPER | BICUBICAUTOMATIC if (fitValue !== null && ppi !== null) { // Both fit value and PPI are specified if (activeDocument.height.value > activeDocument.width.value) { activeDocument.resizeImage(null, UnitValue(fitValue, "px"), ppi, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC); } else { activeDocument.resizeImage(UnitValue(fitValue, "px"), null, ppi, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC); } } else if (fitValue !== null) { // Only fit value is specified if (activeDocument.height.value > activeDocument.width.value) { activeDocument.resizeImage(null, UnitValue(fitValue, "px"), activeDocument.resolution, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC); } else { activeDocument.resizeImage(UnitValue(fitValue, "px"), null, activeDocument.resolution, ResampleMethod.BICUBIC); } } else if (ppi !== null) { // Only PPI is specified activeDocument.resizeImage(undefined, undefined, ppi, ResampleMethod.NONE); } } // Save WebP Format function saveWebP(compType, compValue, xmpData, exifData, psData, outputFolder) { // function s2t(s) { return app.stringIDToTypeID(s); } var WebPDocName =\.[^\.]+$/, ''); // Remove file extension var WebPSavePath = outputFolder + "/" + WebPDocName + ".webp"; // Save path var WebPFile = new File(WebPSavePath); var descriptor = new ActionDescriptor(); var descriptor2 = new ActionDescriptor(); descriptor2.putEnumerated(s2t("compression"), s2t("WebPCompression"), s2t(compType)); if (compType === "compressionLossy") { descriptor2.putInteger(s2t("quality"), compValue); } descriptor2.putBoolean(s2t("includeXMPData"), xmpData); descriptor2.putBoolean(s2t("includeEXIFData"), exifData); descriptor2.putBoolean(s2t("includePsExtras"), psData); descriptor.putObject(s2t("as"), s2t("WebPFormat"), descriptor2); descriptor.putPath(s2t("in"), WebPFile); descriptor.putBoolean(s2t("copy"), true); // asCopy descriptor.putBoolean(s2t("lowerCase"), true); executeAction(s2t("save"), descriptor, DialogModes.NO); } // Get available action sets function getActionSets() { var actionSets = []; var i = 1; while (true) { try { var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putIndex(charIDToTypeID('ASet'), i); var desc = executeActionGet(ref); var name = desc.getString(charIDToTypeID('Nm ')); actionSets.push(name); i++; } catch (e) { break; } } return actionSets; } // Get actions from a specific action set function getActions(actionSet) { var actions = []; var i = 1; while (true) { try { var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putIndex(charIDToTypeID('Actn'), i); ref.putName(charIDToTypeID('ASet'), actionSet); var desc = executeActionGet(ref); var actionName = desc.getString(charIDToTypeID('Nm ')); actions.push(actionName); i++; } catch (e) { break; } } return actions; } // Run the selected action function runAction(actionSet, actionName) { var actionRef = new ActionReference(); actionRef.putName(charIDToTypeID('Actn'), actionName); actionRef.putName(charIDToTypeID('ASet'), actionSet); var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); desc.putReference(charIDToTypeID('null'), actionRef); executeAction(charIDToTypeID('Ply '), desc, DialogModes.NO); }
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‎Oct 15, 2024
05:32 AM
Nice script, the only issue I have is that running the script, is it renders my 2024 mac studio useless. I cant work, while it runs. When I alt tab to something else, the screen keeps popping back to photoshop.
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‎Mar 02, 2023
01:27 AM
I got several clips we shot out in the field, I dragged them into my timeline and applied Scene Edit Detection. It analyzes all the clips and when it's finished nothing has changed... I'm watching all these youtube videos where they go crazy for this feature but whatever I do it simply doesn't do anything. I've attached a screenshot of my timeline with the clips we shot. Am I forgetting something? Or does it only work on clips with clear speech? Because I have seen videos where it worked when there wasn't even any audio on the clips. Going nuts here.
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‎Mar 14, 2022
05:56 AM
Yea I just solved my own thinking error. But couldn't find how to close or delete my post! But thanks anyhow for the ultra fast reply!
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‎Mar 14, 2022
05:49 AM
So I have a 1080x1080 pixel canvas. The image I inserted is 5670x3840pixels and 300 DPI. So how come the link tells me the scaling is 117,1%? Based on the size and DPI of the image shouldnt the scaling be way under 100%? What am I missing here?
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‎Jan 27, 2022
08:17 AM
I'll see if I can accompish that, though it would be easier if the original script could be editted with a line that would instantly do the same instead of having to use two seperate scripts.
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‎Jan 27, 2022
06:59 AM
So I'd have to turn your code into a script and then first run the Original built in script and then yours. Is that what you mean to say?
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‎Jan 27, 2022
06:48 AM
Okay so I'm not at all a scripter. This is the original code: main();
function main(){
//Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on.
app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
if (app.documents.length != 0){
if (app.activeWindow.activeSpread.pageItems.length != 0){
else {
alert("The active spread does not contain any page items.");
alert("No documents are open. Please open a document and try again.");
function myDisplayDialog(){
var myDialog;
//Create the SelectTEXT dialog box.
with(myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"SelectTEXT"})){
var myTextFramesCheckbox = checkboxControls.add({staticLabel:"&Text Frames", checkedState:true});
myResult =;
if (myResult == true){
var myObjectTypes = new Array;
//Gather control settings from the dialog box and build
//an array containing the object types to select.
//Remove the dialog from memory.
//Remove the dialog from memory.
function mySelectTEXT(myObjectTypes){
var myCounter;
var myObjectsToSelect = new Array;
for(myCounter = 0; myCounter < myObjectTypes.length; myCounter++){
if((myObjectTypes[myCounter] != "images")&&(myObjectTypes[myCounter] != "epss")&&(myObjectTypes[myCounter] != "pdfs")){
myPageItems = eval(myObjectTypes[myCounter]);
if (myPageItems.length != 0){
for(myPageItemCounter = 0; myPageItemCounter < myPageItems.length; myPageItemCounter ++){
for(myCounter = 0; myCounter < pageItems.length; myCounter++){
myPageItem = pageItems.item(myCounter);
if(((myIsInArray("images", myObjectTypes) == true) && (myPageItem.images.length == 1))||
((myIsInArray("epss", myObjectTypes) == true) && (myPageItem.epss.length == 1))||
((myIsInArray("pdfs", myObjectTypes) == true) && (myPageItem.pdfs.length == 1))){
//Is the page item already in the list of items to select?
myID =;
myAlreadyAdded = false;
for(myPageItemCounter = 0; myPageItemCounter<myObjectsToSelect.length; myPageItemCounter++){
if(myObjectsToSelect[myPageItemCounter].id == myID){
myAlreadyAdded = true;
//If the page item was not already in the list of items to select, add it to the list.
if (myAlreadyAdded == false){
}, SelectionOptions.replaceWith);
function myIsInArray(myString, myArray){
var myResult = false;
for (myCounter = 0; myCounter < myArray.length; myCounter ++){
if (myArray[myCounter] == myString){
myResult = true;
return myResult;
} Where in the original script would I put your code?
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‎Jan 27, 2022
06:05 AM
Right now the built in script SelectObject lets you choose what you want to select on the active spread. The only issue right now with the script is that it also select chosen objects on EVERY layer, locked or not, visible or not. What I'd like and need is for that script to do what it does but only on the active spread AND active layer. Anyone that could help me with that?
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‎Dec 10, 2020
05:43 AM
BASE Basis
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‎Dec 10, 2020
05:33 AM
It's always named BASE Basis
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‎Dec 10, 2020
05:16 AM
Okay somehow it is working now. Might have missed a character or something. But now I noticed I made a mistake in my initial post. The situation is this. I have 1 Base layer (images) and 10 language layers. In my current situation what I need is that the script does what it does now but It needs to be able to include any other active layer as well. Is that at all possible or am I being to difficult?
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‎Dec 10, 2020
04:58 AM
var doc = app.activeDocument; var myFolder = doc.filePath; export_preset = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName("(MODERNA_1v4_IND4)"); if (!(export_preset.isValid)){ alert('The PDF export preset does not exist.'); exit(); } function myGetVisibleLayers(){ var myVisibleLayers = new Array; for (var i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; i++){ if (doc.layers[i].visible == true) { myVisibleLayers.push(doc.layers[i].index); } } return myVisibleLayers; } var myVisibleLayers = myGetVisibleLayers(); myActiveLayerName =; myActiveLayerIndex = doc.activeLayer.index; doc.layers.everyItem().visible = false; doc.layers[myActiveLayerIndex].visible = true; app.pdfExportPreferences.pageRange = PageRange.ALL_PAGES doc.exportFile(ExportFormat.PDF_TYPE, File(myFolder +'/'+ myActiveLayerName + ".pdf"), false, export_preset); doc.layers.everyItem().visible = false; for (var i = 0; i < myVisibleLayers.length; i++){ var myLayers = myVisibleLayers[i]; doc.layers[myLayers].visible = true; } alert('Done Exporting the Layer '+'"'+ myActiveLayerName +'"'+ ' to a PDF!');
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‎Dec 09, 2020
11:41 PM
Hi Mike! I tried the script but it throws a "The PDF export preset does not exist" message.
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‎Dec 09, 2020
11:41 PM
Thanks I'll give it a try!
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‎Dec 09, 2020
06:33 AM
Right now Indesign gives you the option to use the document name as the export documentname. But I'd like to have the option or a script that enables me to do an export of the active layer and it automatically using the layers name. Does anyone have an idea how to achieve this?
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