‎Feb 27, 2025
02:57 PM
1 Upvote
I had a thread reporting the same issue. I consider this to be a fairly big accessibility bug that needs to be fixed. I just now made a Bug Report, hoping to get more traction. My Discussion Thread: My Bug Report Thread: If you can upvote bug reports it might help to do so.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
02:55 PM
1 Upvote
I hope I am doing this right. I created a thread before that ended up in "Discussions," not "Bugs." The brush sizes in Photoshop seem to be tied to Accessibility Pointer sizes in MacOS. If a person wants or needs a bigger pointer in the OS, it has a significant adverse effect on how the brush size displays. Here is my thread and another thread about this, both in Discussions. My thread includes screenshots and another person's "solution," which sort of fixed the problem, but makes clear that there is an accessibility issue here. Someone in my thread told me to "add it to the feature request." I consider this a bug that needs fixing, not a feature I would like added.
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‎Jan 09, 2025
09:16 AM
1 Upvote
Been a while and I never answered this before. You are right that this "fixes" it. But I still consider it a bug that needs addressing, as it presents accessibility problems. A person who needs to have the mouse pointer bigger in the OS should be able to do so without it creating brush size problems in apps.
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‎Oct 25, 2024
11:13 AM
Is there no way to edit/delete my own comment? Figured out where that option was hiding so please disregard the above.
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‎Oct 25, 2024
10:02 AM
Has this Preflight setting now been taken away? My Preflight dialog box has no Pages group, and searching for the word Flip returns no results.
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‎Aug 14, 2024
12:09 PM
I am encountering a bug in Photoshop for MacOS where the previewed brush size is not correct no matter what resolution my monitor is running at, what scaling Photoshop is set at, or what zoom level my document is at. The preview brush size seems to be about 50% bigger than what the brush actually does. System details: Mac Studio 2023 with M2 Max Chip MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1 Photoshop 25.11.0 Monitor: Dell 27" 4K P2723QE (As I mentioned above, the issue is present whether running at 1080p, 4K, or anywhere in between) The image below shows the size of the brush preview, and what actually paints. The size of the brush doesn't seem to matter, it's about 50% bigger no matter what size it is.
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‎Oct 10, 2023
11:55 AM
I am at Adobe MAX and wanted to explore the Text to Template beta. I didn't see an intuitive way to find it so I googled it, and found a link, that takes me to what seems like the right place, but when I try to make a template it dumps me back to the main Templates page.
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‎May 12, 2022
09:36 AM
Oh, forgot specs: MacOS Monterey 12.2 on an Intel-based MacBook Pro, Bridge
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‎May 12, 2022
09:23 AM
I just experienced a situation where Bridge messed up some, but not all, file extensions during a batch rename. It's similar to some other threads I found, but different enough that I thought I'd start a new one. I have a folder with about 175 items. There are CR2 and JPEG files from two cameras, and HEIC files from an iPhone. When I did the batch rename, several, but nowhere near all, of the CR2 files, and a couple of JPEGs, got assigned the HEIC file extension. And some of the HEIC files were given the CR2 extension. There seems to be no rhyme or reason. As you can see from one of the screenshots, consecutive RAW files were given different extensions. My rename setup did not involve altering the extension at all. On top of all of that, about 8 files did not get renamed at all. Now, I can't undo the batch rename, and will have to take a great deal of time going through and fixing them. Anyone else have this problem, or know a remedy?
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‎Feb 16, 2022
09:21 AM
There are multiple Library folders. One inside System that's not writeable, one on the same level as System that is, and then there are user Library folders. It may well work, for one user, to put the plist file inside the user's Library folder. However, that would only work for the one user, and when I go to look, there is no QuickLook folder inside /(user)/Library but there is one inside /Library.
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‎Feb 16, 2022
09:18 AM
1 Upvote
/System is not writeable /System/Library is therefore also not writeable /Library (without system in it) is writeable. That's where I put the modified plist file, and it worked.
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‎Feb 16, 2022
09:10 AM
The System Library folder is no longer writeable. In the same folder as the System folder is a Library folder. Inside that is a QuickLook folder. Put the modified plist file there.
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‎Feb 16, 2022
09:08 AM
This worked great, thanks so much!
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‎Sep 28, 2021
01:53 PM
I wish Adobe would spend more time investigating this. At least twice a week many of my keyboard shortcuts stop working - the space bar won't invoke the hand tool, the option key functions like copy-on-move, and similar stop working. I am currently on macOS Catalina 10.15.7 (often don't update macOS right away because Creative Cloud often has conflics), with the newest Chrome and updated versions of CC apps. I use InDesign the most, but this happens in multiple CC apps, regularly, and updating or closing Chrome doesn't usually fix it. I don't want to have to trash all my CC preferences every time it happens, and having to shut down everything and restart doesn't help productivity.
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‎Apr 20, 2021
04:40 PM
1 Upvote
This worked for me as well, would suggest adding it as a (the?) correct answer for the thread.
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‎Apr 20, 2021
04:39 PM
Just wanted to reply to this thread in case Adobe is watching, as I had the same problem just now. After trying several solutions in this thread, the one that worked for me was the one beccaru posted about changing the color settings back to North America General Purpose 2 worked for me, but I don't know how it changed in the first place. It's concerning that this issue lingers three years after others have the same problem. Specs for me: MacBook Pro 16" (2019) MacOS Catalina 10.15.7 InDesign 2021 Bridge 2021 (Included because Bridge is mentioned as a potential soure of problems below)
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‎Apr 08, 2021
04:54 PM
Am having the same problem, Photoshop 22.3.0 crashing on MacOS Catalina when opening HEIC files.
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‎Dec 17, 2020
09:45 AM
With all due respect, that's a very weird and unhelpful answer.
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‎Dec 17, 2020
09:29 AM
As I am new to Lightroom, I'm not sure if things are "paused," but the Face Detection box in Catolog settings is not checked and never has been, and the "Look up city, state...." box in Address lookup is not checked and never has been. I just unchecked "Export address suggestions whenever address fields are empty". I have nothing set in the Lightroom Sync settings and no storage taken up online. Is there something else I need to do to make sure syncing with mobile is paused? And frankly, even if any of those things were on, it is still absolutely unacceptable for LrC to have any reason to use 110 GB of "RAM". There were something like 7 images in the slideshow. Prior to that I had only started to sync about 1000 photos that take up 6.26 GB on my computer, and had done an export of 112 images, resizing them to 1000px wide. That task had long been completed when I started playing with Slideshow.
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‎Dec 17, 2020
08:15 AM
I've been told to start a new thread about this, as the thread I initially posted in is 2.5 years old, although its most recent post before me was only a couple weeks ago, and the issue sounds like the same issue everyone in that thread had. I had never used LR/LrC before, but decided to give it a try on a brand new MacBook Pro, because my previous photo sorting/cataloging program I only had in 32-bit, which isn't supported by Catalina. But within half an hour of using LrC for the first time, a warning popped up on my screen saying the system was out of resources, and showed that LrC was using 110GB (!!!) of RAM. I was only doing a relatively minor sync, a few hundred photos on the machine's SSD, and playing with the Slideshow function when it happened. Again, this is a brand new machine, with fresh installs of my CC apps. Brand new MacBook Pro (16-Inch 2019) 2.3GHz 8-core i9 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD macOS Catalina 10.15.7 AMD Radeon Pro 5500 8 GB Graphics LrC 10.1 [202012012023-e92d50bb] The experience makes me never want to touch LrC again. What, if anything, is the remedy for this problem that has plagued LrC for over two years?
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‎Dec 16, 2020
10:26 PM
I just read the reply to the post above mine and apologize, though I can't seem to edit or delete the post. I suppose I can make a new thread. But to make the post more helpful: Brand new MacBook Pro (16-Inch 2019) 2.3GHz 8-core i9 16GB Ram macOS Catalina 10.15.7 AMD Radeon Pro 5500 8 GB Graphics LrC 10.1 I was experimenting with importing, not a massive number of images, a few hundred maybe, and playing around in the Slideshows app.
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‎Dec 16, 2020
10:20 PM
I tried to use Lightroom Classic for the first time tonight after avoiding it for years, because I have a brand new MB Pro with Catalina and the program I've always used is a 32-bit program. And this brand new computer with the latest version of LRC just told me it was using 110GB of RAM. How is this still an issue after two and a half years?
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