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‎Sep 27, 2024
12:02 AM
Hello All, I am once again having ongoing struggles with PP and AE integraion after the Sequoia update to my Mac. This is occurring even after allowing "Full Dish Accesss" to both PP and AE. Not only for integration operations betweeen PP and AE but even doing simple things such as scrubbing throug a timeline, importing clips and many other PP operations causing ongoing crashes. I have submitted error reports on all and am hoping and praying for a quick update to resolve this issues soon from Adobe!
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‎Sep 25, 2024
01:38 PM
I also had crashes on starting a new and existing project but so far the "Full Disk Access" seems to also have taken care of that. I am egarly awaiting Adobe's fix for this though as it makes me very uncomfortable to give full disk access to any app on my Mac.
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‎Sep 24, 2024
07:39 PM
I'm having the same issue since updating to Sequoia on my Mac. Not only the constant irritation of 'Premiere Pro would like to access data from other apps' popup every few minutes but other stability issues with dynamic linking between Premiere Pro and After Effects. Thanks for the temp fix though! The 'Full disk access' seem to clear things up for now. Now happy giving these apps complete access though and look forward to a real fix from Adobe. Thanks
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‎Jun 20, 2024
02:07 PM
1 Upvote
In the program monitor window, the new zoom feature on mouse scroll is very frustrating and impossible to get used to. I would typically scrub through the timeline with the previously convenient and speedy mouse wheel method. The new update is adding a tremendous amount of time to completion of projects due to scrolling by accident on the program monitor preview area, then having to go back and readjust the program monitor to "Fit". PLEASE GIVE US THE ABILITY TO TURN THIS FEATURE ON AND OFF WITH THE NEXT UPDATE! I realize that scrolling on the ruler area of the program monitor window is now the means of accomplishing a mouse scrub, but it is a very small and limited area to maintain the cursor and routinely slips off to the preview area.
The speed at which the mouse wheel scrub is dramatically slower now, making it almost useless to use the mouse wheel scrub at all. A was to adjust the scrub speed in the settings would be tremendously helpful!
The new transition representation in the timeline is very difficult to get used to and to adjust transition lengths. It mostly seems counterintuitive and confusing and also lengthening my workflow. An option to go back to the original transition representation in the timeline would be most appreciated.
After expressing all of this, I realize that the only answer is to revert to the previous version until some of these issues are addressed. Thank you for listening to my complaints.
Mod note: The title was changed for search purposes. Sorry for the frustration.
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