Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Jul 14, 2022
02:52 AM
The culprit is indeed G-SYNC however G-SYNC should not work for windowed apps like Photoshop if I have following settings enabled: If I enable exclusion for Photoshop the real fun starts, for every refresh cycle my monitor changes G-SYNC from off to on. Do not do this. I dont know if the problem lies with NVIDIA drivers or Photoshop but I would say latter because this was not a problem until recently with the same driver.
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‎Dec 14, 2021
10:41 PM
It seems to me that it is working like it should. Finally 😄 Bonus: Errors at startup that were there since 23.0 released are also gone. Thanks @Mohit Goyal.
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‎Sep 30, 2021
09:44 PM
For everybody with this issue, try holding down mouse button for a second and then release when you select transform handle. For me when I do that, the bug never occurs. I know it is not ideal but still better than undoing. I hope this helps someone. Regards, Simon
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‎Sep 25, 2021
10:21 AM
Hello Mohit, Here is the link to video capture of this problem (I added mouse and keyboard input overlay so you can see when I press and release mouse buttons and my keyboard strokes): First two tries are when photoshop seemingly does not register mouse up event. Second two tries are when I long-press the bounding box corner and the problem does not occur. Thank you for your support.
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‎Sep 17, 2021
03:53 AM
(Version of the App) Adobe Photoshop 2021 - Version 22.5.1 (Platform and OS version) Desktop PC with Windows 10 (Problem) When I click (press and release button) on bounding box corner of smart object, photoshop sometimes misses the release part of my mouse click. Consequence of this is that it is stuck in resize mode even when i am not holding the mouse button down. To get out of this mode I need to right click first (but then the object is already resized because I moved my mouse). I tested this with two different mice and it happens very often, on 10 clicks about 5 are faulty. What I also noticed is that if I click and hold for a second and then release the problem is gone. This behavior started sometimes in last month. (Expected behaviour) Click on bounding box of object should select that object and not resize. Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Simon
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