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‎Mar 08, 2025
04:33 PM
Depending on the audio, you could use Adobe's "Enhance Speech" tool here on the web: Or right in premiere: Not sure how that would work in the case of isolating a vocal track from the rest of a music track though, I think it's more designed for removing background noise from regular speech, but you could still try it.
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‎Mar 08, 2025
04:24 PM
Actually, this is a dilemma of sorts. You don't really need compression until the files get very big, like several GB - but that's the size range where compressed open/save times get absolutely unbearable, like several minutes. You could call that a rock and a hard place.
By @D Fosse
Yea I really wish they'd add some kind of option to compress or not, right in the Save-As dialog so that I can keep it off until I'm finished with a particular project. I seem to recall somewhere that the compression is basically to gzip the entire project so that can be an insane amount of time for very large files for someone like me who likes to spam Ctrl+S
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‎Feb 19, 2025
11:35 AM
I don't quite know the answer, but I do know that when installing a program in Windows in general, the program will go into the AppData folder when it's set to be installed for the current user, but into Program Files for all users. So that might be a hint.
I'm not familiar with the UXP Plugin installation process like whether it gives you an option to install just for the current user or all users, but if there was such an option presented when installing it, I bet that would be the reason. It could also possibly be affected by whether you run the plugin installer as admin or not, but that's just a thought.
Looks like in this article under "Where are plugins installed?" it does mention the two locations you did, but doesn't exactly say the reason for each besides that the user level location (AppData) is the default. I'll try reading more into and updating what I find if anything.
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‎Feb 17, 2025
10:52 AM
When using certain emojis (seems like many of the face emojis are effected) with the built in Windows 11 "Segoe UI Emoji" font, certain parts of the emoji are wrong.
Below is an example of two that look wrong but in different ways, and another that appears correct, so it's not all of them:
How they should look (screenshotted from microsoft word):
You can see that for the turning head emoji, in Photoshop it looks much darker than it should. And for the thinking emoji the problem is obvious. I also notice how in the thinking emoji, the main face part has gradients, but the messed up version is all just one flat color - not sure the significance of that.
Looking in the Glyphs panel, it seems that many of the face icons specifically are affected, though there could be others and it's just more obvious with the faces:
Here's some of my system info, I can provide the entire "System Information" contents if needed.
Adobe Photoshop Version: 26.3.0 20250122.r.156 bfca642 x64 Operating System: Windows 11 64-bit Version: 11 Build 10.0.26100.3194 (Version 24H2)
CPU: Intel 13900KS
GPU: Nvidia 5090 - Driver 572.16
It does the same thing when I tried it in virtual machine also using Windows 11 24H2 with a fresh copy of Photoshop 26.3.0.
It also does the same thing in the Photoshop beta (Version 26.5.0 20250212.m.2973 455b503 x64)
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‎Jan 23, 2025
12:00 PM
First thing I'd test is to see if any F-key shortcuts work that don't have modifiers. Like try adding just a shortcut for the action to "F5" and see. If it works like that it could be a clue.
I'd also check if shortcuts F5 or Shift+F5 in other apps. If not it's possible the keyboard has some kind of feature that locks the function keys to instead use the 'secondary' function like setting brightness or whatever else the F-keys have as dual purpose.
Apparently there are "keyboard tester" sites like this one which can show you which keys are getting pressed, so maybe you can see if the keys you expect are actually registering:
(Just realized this is an old post so hopefully you figured it out before my response 💀)
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‎Jan 23, 2025
11:52 AM
Closest thing I could find is this page:
That has a lot more than just modifier key functions, but I guess you can sort of find all the ones you're talking about by searching that page for the following terms:
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‎Jan 23, 2025
11:07 AM
Not sure if you've seen this support article but it has some helpful info in there in addition to talking about cache levels and stuff:
Based on this it seems like you might want to try just setting cache levels higher:
If you use files with larger pixel dimensions—say, 50 megapixels or larger—set Cache Levels higher than 4. Higher cache levels speed up redrawing.
It doesn't mention anything about number of layers like it does in the app so that's probably better. I've personally always just kept the cache level set to 8, not sure how much of a difference it truly makes.
I will say that history states might make a bigger difference than you expect - especially for huge files, you can see the difference after a while if you clear the history, a lot lagginess goes away if you had a lot of states. Until you build up more again of course.
The article also talks about other things that might be helpful like the "efficiency" indicator.
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‎Jan 23, 2025
10:47 AM
I figured out kind of a hacky way to do it but it seems to work 💀
The default setting appears to be hard coded within the following javascript file called "0.js" at:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2025\Required\UXP\com.adobe.photoshop.exportAs\js\0.js
Open the file in Notepad (you'll need to run notepad as admin probably), and search for the following string and simply change the '5' to a '6':
(The value is 0-index based, so 5 actually corresponds to 6 in the UI, 6 corresponds to 7, etc. )
Anyway after restarting photoshop it now defaults to 7 for me. I checked the output image and it indeed used the highest quality.
Of course you might potentially have to re-do this every time photoshop updates, not sure how often it checks the integrity of files. It might consider it "corrupted" and restore the file periodically, I have no idea.
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‎Jan 14, 2025
02:03 PM
1 Upvote
@IanB_360 Hm does your history panel only show a single action occurring when you press it? The problem isn't that it's not setting the color, it's that the action happens twice, as viewable in the history panel every time one of those shortcuts is pressed.
Here's a video of what I mean. I have F5 and F6 set to green and yellow, and I press each once, but the action shows up in the history panel twice for each:
Also there seems to be other issues with the F5 and F6 shortcuts because at least for me and MeyerPj, when assigning the "Add Edit" command to F5 or F6 it doesn't fire at all (it doesn't make a cut and doesn't show anything happening in the history panel).
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‎Jan 14, 2025
07:41 AM
1 Upvote
By getting stuck do you mean it kind of lags and stutters during playback?
If so, I had this issue and for me at least it turned out to be caused by Nvidia G-Sync. If you happen to have an Nvidia GPU with a G-Sync capable monitor, check the nvidia control panel and ensure G-Sync is NOT set to "enabled for windowed and full screen mode". Just make it for full screen apps or disable altogether.
Might not be it but worth a look
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‎Jan 13, 2025
07:35 AM
One potential thing to check is if you have an Nvidia GPU with G-Sync enabled. If so, try changing it in the Nvidia control panel so G-Sync only applies to Full Screen apps only. I had an issue with a laggy playhead and that was the problem for me at least.
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‎Jan 13, 2025
07:10 AM
@jamieclarke On Windows it occurred in both 2025 and 2024. On MacOS it just did it for 2024, not 2025.
So that difference was the operating system. I'll update the middle of the post to clarify that better.
Though MyerPj's reply made some observations that suggest there might be more strangeness at play with the keys in general. Like him I tried adding the "Add Edit" command to both F5 and F6 and neither of them fire at all with that.
So maybe the double action behavior is just for the label color commands, and for other commands those keys don't work at all 🤔 (I had only seen the double action with the label colors which is the first command I tested, so I must have been presumptuous to say 'Any Command' in my original post - I'll update that in the reproduction steps to be more specific)
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‎Jan 12, 2025
12:26 PM
Affected Versions Based On My Testing:
Windows: Premiere Pro 2024 and 2025 (Didn't test any others)
Mac: Premiere Pro 2024 (But seemingly not 2025)
Steps to Reproduce:
Open the Keyboard Shortcuts menu
Assign one of the 'Change Label Color' command to either F5 or F6 (Keyboard Shortcuts > Application > Edit > Label > [Whatever Color] )
Press the shortcut key once with a clip selected
Result: The command gets triggered twice, despite a single keypress of the shortcut.
On my main Windows machine it occurs in both 2025 and 2024. I also tested this in a fresh Windows virtual machine with a fresh install of just Premiere Pro 2025, even using virtual key input to ensure it wasn't my keyboard affecting it, and it still does it. (I didn't test PP 2024 in the VM)
I also tried it on a Mac (M2 Macbook Air 2022), and for MacOS it also does it in PP 2024, but strangely not PP 2025 it seems (unlike on Windows where it occurs for both 2024 and 2025).
I also suspect this to be the cause of the problem a user described in this other thread:
They describe how the "Enable Transmit" command does not work when assigned to F5, but I think what's actually happening is the command is triggering twice, therefore it's simply toggling and instantly un-toggling again.
Windows System Info:
PP Version 25.1.0 (Build 73) & 24.6.4 (Build 3)
Sequence Settings: Doesn't seem to matter, it happens regardless of sequence settings
Windows 11 24H2 (Build 26100.2605)
System Hardware:
CPU: Intel 12900K
GPU: Nvidia 4090 FE
GPU Driver Version: 565.90 (Current latest studio driver)
RAM: 128GB
Storage: NVMe SSD - Optane 905P 1.5TB
Mac System Info:
PP Version 24.6.4 (Build 3)
MacOS 15.3 Public Beta 2
Hardware: M2 Macbook Air 2022, 16GB RAM
Example of assigned shortcut to F5 in Keyboard Shortcuts menu:
Result of a single keypress, command triggered twice:
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‎Jan 12, 2025
11:29 AM
I might have figured it out - I just noticed something strange with the F5 and F6 shortcuts specifically. By chance, to test I had set F5 to be a shortcut to the "Change label color to [whatever color]" command, which happens to be one that show up in the history panel. And I noticed that when using it, F5 triggers the command twice. (Perhaps someone can test confirm this happens on their computer too.)
I tried this in a fresh virtual machine with and Premiere installation, and it does the same thing. It seems the only F keys this happens with is F5 and F6. It does not seem to happen when a modifier is used with it like Ctrl+F5. Just like @Stan Jones noticed.
I suspect what's happening, is that since the "Enable Transmit" command is actually a toggle (it will disable if it's already enabled, and vice-versa), the apparent double-action bug of F5 and F6 means their shortcut is actually working, but it's triggering it twice therefore instantly toggling it back off.
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‎Jan 12, 2025
10:18 AM
Yea sounds like you might not be familiar with the two different modes of text boxes / text layers:
Point Text mode: Like you're describing currently happening, the text box resizes the text within it as you resize
Paragraph Text mode: The text size is independent of the text box bounds
You can convert between the modes for a text layer by right clicking that text layer in the layer panel, and clicking either "Convert to Point Text" or "Convert to Paragraph Text". In your case it seems you would want to convert to paragraph text.
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‎Jan 01, 2025
05:45 PM
Yea it's on Adobe Stock. There's a filter button on the left side which opens a panel:
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‎Jan 01, 2025
03:05 PM
It also helps to know the terminology of various styles of icons to search for - I've found this to be a pretty decent guide:
Some other styles worth mentioning are Google's "material" design and Microsoft's "Fluent" style
For your examples I think they would fall under "3D". So for the hammer, maybe searching things like: "3d hammer icon"
"3d style hammer icon"
"3d color style hammer icon"
Also it seems that checking "individual icon" in the filters gets rid of a lot of the super basic outline-only style icons that seem to fill up the results:
With it set to filter just to individual icons it seems you can probably simplify the searches and just do something like "hammer" instead of having to specify icon.
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‎Dec 21, 2024
05:04 PM
Finally after months I discovered that for me at least, it turns out this was caused by having my Nvidia G-Sync settings set to "Enable for windows and full screen mode". When I set it to just "Enable for fullscreen mode" then restarted Premiere, all the lag went away. So I would check what yours is set to and try that.
Alternatively, I think you could also go to the application-specific settings for Premiere in the Nvidia Control Panel (under the Program Settings tab, not Global Settings), then change the "Monitor Technology" setting to be "Fixed Rrefresh".
Before, I was having this same issue with playhead lag, and for me it got way worse as I added more markers. Even double clicking on a marker I could see the UI refreshing elements one by one. Undocking the timeline helped with the playhead being smooth, but the rest of the UI was super laggy. I noticed that if I went into Preferences > General, and unchecked "GPU Accelerated UI Rendering", the lag would go away, but the UI would continuously flicker on any change. Figured maybe it was some kind of monitor refresh issue. After a bunch of toiling around I'm pretty sure I narrowed it down to being caused by G-Sync. Apparently this might be a known thing for a while. If I do a google search for "G-Sync" limited to the adobe forums, it shows a lot of results of people reporting similar lag over the years, not even just with Premiere.
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‎Dec 21, 2024
02:01 PM
1 Upvote
Here's a script I came up with that should do it. It will link audio clips that have the same exact start/end points as each video clip. The video clips should all be on the same track, you can set which one to use by changing the number of the `
trackNumberWithVideo` variable. Then you can set which audio track numbers on which to look for matching audio clips to link with `audioTrackNumbersToLink`.
To run the script save the code below in a file ending with ".jsx", then you'll need a plugin since Premiere doesn't seem to have a built in way for some reason. You can just use this plugin from the Adobe Exchange which is simple but seems to work:
So basically:
1. Open notepad and paste in the below code (it's fine to include everything even the comment lines starting with //)
2. Edit the two options if you need.
3. Save the file as any name with the extension ".jsx"
4. Acquire the plugin mentioned above or some other plugin that lets you run scripts.
5. Assuming you used the JSX Launcher one, go to Window > Extensions > JSX Launcher.
6. When the extension panel comes up click the little hamburger menu next to where it says "JSX Launcher" and hit "Select Script Folder" to set the folder that contains the jsx file you saved.
7. Make sure the sequence that has the clips you want to link open and then click the script in the extension panel to run it. It might not look like it's doing anything but it will pop up a box when it's done.
To unlink clips on the other hand, you can just bulk select them and hit 'Unlink'.
/// ---------------- Options ----------------
// You can set this to the track number that contains the video clips you want to link with audio clips
var trackNumberWithVideo = 1;
// The list of audio track numbers it will look for matching audio clips. It will link any audio clips that have the same starting/ending points as each video clip
// Should be a comma-separated list of numbers between brackets, e.g. [1, 2, 3] - For a single track still use brackets like: [1]
var audioTrackNumbersToLink = [1, 2, 3, 4];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
var activeSeq = app.project.activeSequence;
// First get all the selected items so we can deselect them
var selectedItems = activeSeq.getSelection();
for (var i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++) {
selectedItems[i].setSelected(false, true);
// Get all the video clips on the track index (trackNumberWithVideo - 1)
var videoClips = [];
for (var i = 0; i < activeSeq.videoTracks[trackNumberWithVideo - 1].clips.numItems; i++) {
var clip = activeSeq.videoTracks[trackNumberWithVideo - 1].clips[i];
// Create dictionarys to store the clips. The video dictionary will have an index for the key and video clip object as value
// The audio dictionary will have an index for the key and an array of audio clips as value
var videoIndexDict = {};
var audioIndexDict = {};
// Now on each audio track, find any clips that match up with the same starting/ending points as the video clips
for (var i = 0; i < audioTrackNumbersToLink.length; i++) { // Loops per audio track
var audioClips = [];
var audioTrackNumber = audioTrackNumbersToLink[i];
var audioTrackIndex = audioTrackNumber - 1; // Track indexes are 0-based, so we subtract 1 from the audio track number
// Ensure the audio track exists
if (audioTrackNumber > activeSeq.audioTracks.numTracks) {
alert("Audio track " + audioTrackNumbersToLink[i] + " does not exist in the sequence. Be sure to set the audioTrackNumbersToLink variable to existing track numbers.");
// Get the audio clips on the track
for (var j = 0; j < activeSeq.audioTracks[audioTrackIndex].clips.numItems; j++) {
var clip = activeSeq.audioTracks[audioTrackIndex].clips[j];
// Now compare the audio clips to the video clips
for (var j = 0; j < audioClips.length; j++) {
for (var k = 0; k < videoClips.length; k++) {
if (audioClips[j].start.ticks == videoClips[k].start.ticks && audioClips[j].end.ticks == videoClips[k].end.ticks) {
// Store the clips in the dictionary
// If there's not already a value, create a new array with the audio clip, otherwise add it to the existing array
var videoClip = videoClips[k];
var audioClip = audioClips[j];
// Store clips in Dictionary
videoIndexDict[k] = videoClip;
if (typeof audioIndexDict[k] === 'undefined') {
audioIndexDict[k] = [audioClip];
} else {
// Now link the clips
for (var key in videoIndexDict) {
var x = Number(key);
var videoClip = videoIndexDict[x];
var audioClipsArray = []; // Ensure it's empty
var audioClipsArray = audioIndexDict[x];
// Select the audio clips then video clip so we can link them
// First parameter is whether to deselect other clips, second parameter is whether to refresh the GUI
for (var i = 0; i < audioClipsArray.length; i++) {
audioClipsArray[i].setSelected(true, false);
videoClip.setSelected(true, true);
// Link the selected clips
// Deselect the audio/video clips again so we can select the next set
for (var i = 0; i < audioClipsArray.length; i++) {
audioClipsArray[i].setSelected(false, false);
videoClip.setSelected(false, true);
alert("Done linking clips");
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‎Nov 21, 2024
09:42 AM
Yes please! I can't really use the tool at all because I use markers so heavily. For those who need a workaround, if you're just trying to insert a clip in the middle of a sequence, using "Paste Insert" (Or Ctrl + Click dragging the clip I believe) will shift the clips and markers.
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‎Nov 21, 2024
09:37 AM
Ah ok thanks you're right, it shows the smaller top previews when there's clips on the left and/or right. I guess there isn't a way to have it show what I wanted, which would be a preview for the what the frame will be at the playhead, instead of previewing the new start/end frames. A lot of times I'm adding B-Roll and want some particular part to sync up with a certain point in the timeline. I guess adding a marker to the clip is still the best way for that.
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‎Nov 20, 2024
09:09 AM
How do I get the slip tool to show the little previews above the start/end preview boxes like in this support demo? When I do it I only see two. It's been like this as long as I can remember. I always found the Slip Tool annoying to use because I didn't know it was supposed to have the previews above (for what I believe are the view at the playhead, which is usually what I care about seeing). Until I saw some tutorial that had them. Not sure if it's a problem with my configuration or what. I tried using the slip tool in a fresh installation on a new virtual machine and it still only shows the above.
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‎Nov 06, 2024
01:31 PM
1 Upvote
There was a popular thread with this request that I guess was locked after UserVoice was converted to the forum? Anyway it's something that is pretty crazy that it hasn't been added in all this time. I imagine it would be a dropdown that could appear at the top when the Move tool is enabled. Here's the crazy thing: Nearest Neighbor scaling on smart objects is already possibly but only if you have it set as the Image Interpolation mode in the Preferences > General tab! So all that would need to be added for this feature is a dropdown setting and some kind of metadata property for the object on the backend to remember which interpolation method it was set to. Because unfortunately even if you change the default to nearest neighbor temporarily to rescale a specific smart object then change it back, if you go to rescale that smart object again, it uses the new default.
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‎Nov 06, 2024
01:09 PM
Yes please add nearest neighbor scaling! It's essential for scaling really any small computer graphic including desktop icons, screenshots, etc. The closest workaround I could come up with is something like a batch file like this that uses Image Magick to scale to whatever percentage you set. You can drag and drop an image onto it: @ECho off
set "filepath=%~1"
set "dirname=%~dp1"
set "filename=%~n1"
set "extension=%~x1"
magick "%filepath%" -filter Point -resize 300%% "%dirname%%filename%-300%extension%" That at least makes the image large enough where it should only have to be scaled down from its native size. Obviously still a pain to have to create a separate scaled version of the file!
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‎Nov 05, 2024
12:07 PM
1 Upvote
Right but to be clear it's still apparently an actual bug in Premiere that needs to be addressed. Because anyone who had the keybind assigned in version 24.0 won't be able to use that key as a keybind in version 25.0. What I posted is more of a workaround, not sure it should be tagged as "fixed".
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‎Nov 05, 2024
11:59 AM
Ok I actually figured out the problem and was able to fix it (it had to do with a problem with my .kys keyboard shortcut file), and I think I even know the root cause. And it does indeed appear to be a bug. Summary of the bug and cause (full details after): For context, I previously had the G key bound to the previous equivalent of the direct manipulation command in Premiere version 24.0 (where it would activate the transform controls in the program monitor). This command, the "" entry in the .kys file, appears to have been migrated from being a "timeline" context control in Version 24.0, to a "global" control in 25.0. But the timeline-level bind in the kys XML file doesn't seem to have been removed during the upgrade, and I guess that timeline context command doesn't do anything anymore. Since any more specific context overrides the global, that means that the non-functional timeline command would appear to block any command, even itself assigned at the global level! ------------------------------------------------------ Investigation - How I Figured It Out: First through some testing, I realized that if I set the Keyboard Shortcuts profile/preset to the default one (called "Adobe Premiere Pro Default" in the preset dropdown in the "Keyboard Shortcuts" menu), if I then set the same 'G' key to the direct transformation command, it worked fine! When switching back to my custom profile, again it wouldn't work. So to remove all doubt, I installed Premiere Pro on an absolutely fresh Windows virtual machine, with no extensions or anything. The 'G' key would work fine when bound to the direct transformation command, so then I copied over my seemingly-problematic .kys profile to the VM, and set that fresh install of Premiere Pro to use it, and same exact problem! I also realized that when setting the 'G' key to other commands like 'Audio Gain', that would also not work, so it wasn't just the manipulation commands. So clearly the problem was with the .kys file itself somehow The Fix: Looking in the .kys file, i found that the command in question was "". And I could see that the command appears in two places (like many commands do in the .kys file) in two "contexts", one for 'global' and one for 'timeline'. Below is those entries isolated to show the contexts they're in, but in reality the kys file has many entries for keys above and below each. < Version="1">
<item.611 Version="1">
<context.timeline Version="1">
<item.77 Version="1">
</context.timeline> (For those curious, the virtual key value of "2147483719" corresponds to the G key. If you convert the number to hex, it is "80000047", where the 'high bit' of 47 corresponds to the "virtual key" hex code for G, which is 47. Not sure why some keys are stored like this and others just have the exact virtual key hex number). I then compared those entries to another Test kys profile that was working with the 'G' key bound to the command, and in that working one, the entries looked like this: < Version="1">
<item.608 Version="1">
<context.timeline Version="1">
<item.76 Version="1">
</context.timeline> The Solution: I simply removed the following 4 lines only from the "timeline" context entry of the 'bad' kys file, so it looked like the working one (So only the 'item' and 'commandname' lines were still there): <virtualkey>2147483719</virtualkey>
<modifier.shift>false</modifier.shift> After that, where the "global" context entry was the only one, and the "timeline" context entry was empty, now the command worked as expected. It also fixed the behavior of any other command assigned to that key. The Cause: I then had a hunch, where I went on the virtual machine where I copied the 'bad' kys file, tried removing the 'G' keybind for the bad profile, and realized Premiere was not removing the "timeline" context entry for the manipulation command, only the global entry. It also appears that the manipulation command ID "" is the same as what it was in version 24.0, and G is the key I had that command assigned to, which must not be a coincidence. I believe in the process of 25.0 upgrading the .kys file, it probably didn't remove the "timeline" context entry for the command, which was meant to be migrated to the global context. But since the now-non-functional timeline entry was still there, it was blocking the global version of itself.
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‎Nov 04, 2024
03:23 PM
It's almost certainly a color management issue of some kind, but that's an entire can of worms. The problem could be occurring at the photoshop level, like due to the chosen working color space or exported/embedded color space, or it could be at the windows level with a weird ICC profile set, it could be the monitor (though if you didn't change monitors probably unlikely), or it could even be a change in how the facebook app assumes color spaces on photos. Though the fact that you mention it happens on multiple other devices that says to me there is a mismatch of chosen color space somehow on the device you're editing the pictures. If you want the simplest potential solution, take a look at these two options in the Export As menu when you go to save a photo: If they are checked, try unchecking them, and vice-versa, etc. You can also try just checking to Convert to sRGB without embedding the color profile. Another thing you could check is for this setting in Windows to "Automatically manage color for apps". If it's enabled, you can try disabling it, and vice-versa. I have an entire video about the topic which should be a pretty good primer, it's pretty long but you should have a better idea of why it's happening if you can sit through it. Ignore the semi-clickbait title, you don't necessarily need to change ICC profiles for your monitor, but you'll still have a better understanding of why different devices look oversaturated.
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‎Nov 04, 2024
12:01 PM
Ah right, I forgot to include the info about the system. I've added that to the bottom of the post.
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‎Nov 04, 2024
11:41 AM
I'm not sure if this is a problem with my environment or what, but I'm having trouble with the "Toggle Transform Direct Manipulation" and "Toggle Crop Direct Manipulation" keyboard shortcuts apparently when assigned to specific keys. If no one else can reproduce it then it's probably something on my end 🤔 TL;DR: Basically the "G" key without modifiers (not sure about any other keys) doesn't seem to work to toggle direct manipulation modes from the timeline - the program monitor panel must be active for it to work. See screen recording below for better example of what I mean. What does not work (specific details): With either the "Toggle Transform Direct Manipulation" or "Toggle Crop Direct Manipulation" keyboard command assigned to the "G" key with no modifiers, if I try to use the shortcut specifically with just the clip selected in the timeline (so the program monitor isn't active), it doesn't toggle the direct manipulation mode. However either command (transform or crop toggle) DOES work if it's assigned to G with a modifier like Shift+G What does always work: Clicking the actual "toggle" button in the program monitor panel, not using the keyboard shortcut, always works With the program monitor panel active / selected, the keyboard shortcut always works, regardless of the assignment (whether the key is assigned with modifiers, or not) If the command is assigned to seemingly most other letter keys such as I or O If either command is assigned with a modifier, such as Shift+G, it does work. Below is a screen recording. Here's some notes on what I'm showing at different parts: 0:00-0:05: Pressing the "G" key with the program monitor active/selected, and the direct manipulation mode toggles as expected 0:05-0:10: With the clip selected in the timeline, but the program monitor not active, I'm again pressing the G key but it is not doing anything. 0:17 - 0:022: Showing the G key assignment to Toggle Transform Direct Manipulation 0:25 - 0:27: Showing that I also have the I and O keys assigned to the same command for the next demonstration 0:29 - 0:34: Pressing the I and O assignments DO work, unlike the G key for some reason These are my assignments to G: And as you can see there's no timeline panel specific assignment to G: System Info: Premiere Pro Version 25.0.0 (Build 61) Sequence Settings: Doesn't seem to matter, it happens regardless of sequence settings Windows 11 24H2 (Build 26100.2161) System Hardware: CPU: Intel 12900K GPU: Nvidia 4090 FE GPU Driver Version: 565.90 (Current latest studio driver) RAM: 128GB Storage: NVMe SSD - Optane 905P 1.5TB
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‎Nov 02, 2024
07:40 PM
I was able to figure out the info about most of the parameters. I can't remember where I got the list of the methods and parameters from GitHub, I just had them saved in a text file. But I've added the code comments below based on what I've figured out. addTransition(
transition: object, // Transition object from qe.project.getVideoTransitionByName(), such as .getVideoTransitionByName("Cross Dissolve")
addToStart: boolean, // true = add transition to start of clip and end of the clip, false = add to end of clip only
inDurationString?: string, // Duration in frames ("30") or seconds+frames ("1:30")
inOffsetString?: string, // Offset timing - Seems non-functional, couldn't figure it out, but works when using "0:00"
inAlignment?: number, // Position relative to cut: 0 = start at cut, 0.5 = center at cut, 1 = end at cut
inSingleSided?: boolean, // Seems to force transition to only one side of the clip. Set to false if you'll want the transition to span across the cut
inAlignToVideo?: boolean, // Purpose unknown - using either true/false seems to work
): boolean; // Returns success/failure of adding transition So example usage, where this would have a 30-frame transition centered on the cut, the transition would be only at the end (right side) of the clip. var transitionToUseObject = qe.project.getVideoTransitionByName("Cross Dissolve");
whateverQETrackItem.addTransition(transitionToUseObject, false, "0:30", "0:00", 0.5, false, true); Edit: I found the source of the list of QE Dom methods, not sure how complete it is: GitHub - types-for-adobe-extras / Premiere
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