Jeffrey Mayfield
New Here
Jeffrey Mayfield
New Here
‎Oct 17, 2022
10:14 AM
Just confirming this is still a problem for me. Have a relatively new PC (intel i7 - 48GB Ram) and ipad pro. This combo was reliable for a while, but once this problem showed up, it has never gone away. It has slowed down productivity significantly as I can no longer reliably cull images on the ipad (the faster way to cull). Really hoping Adobe does something about this soon.
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‎Mar 25, 2022
08:12 PM
I have had this problem for a few months. The rrbuild of sync does not solve the problem. 1) I load photos in LRC on my PC (this time 543 pics) 2) I cull them on the ipad pro (flag by favs - this time 173) 3) when I go back to LRC - only some (this time LRC only has 85 of 173 flagged) 4) When I check cloud through adobe - it agrees with ipad My workflow is has been to go back to LRC (assuming sync correct) and delete the unflagged pics - but cannot without re-culling on PC. Is there another workflow I should consider in LRC remains unreliable?
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