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‎Nov 11, 2021
09:14 AM
I bassically tried every proposed solution I could find (including the one you suggested)... even tried combinations of solutions and in the end did de-install, re-install and clean up EVERYTHING from Adobe on my computer... results remain the same... and as all this trouble-shooting is costing me quite a bit of time
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‎Nov 11, 2021
02:43 AM
Well, thanx Adobe for releasing a new update.... problem: it solved NOTHING 😞 still the only way to export anything from AE is via the own render-cue (at least!) oh, BTW it is a AE problem! PP, CH, AU they all make use of the ME with no hustle. plus, I had some projects that used dynamic link between PP and AE, and they ofcourse are all shot to hell... so untill you solved this issue, it does mean a lot of time working around it, which I can not ask my clients to pay for ... (yes, I tried ALL the work arounds to be found in all these forms and as (scarsly) provided by your company!) and please forgive the frustrated tone, but after rougly 1+ week of handling this issue on a daily (& nightly) basis while being in the midst of a major project for an important customer, I am starting to be a little bit annoyed... 😉 here's my Log-Link: https://shared-assets.adobe.com/link/e423a43e-9a79-4c3d-55d3-4b4f53aa468c
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‎Nov 05, 2021
06:12 AM
ok, so this is interesting. I did manage to export my composition via the AE render cue directly, AFTER disapling the multi-frame render setting in the preferences! Before I did try to first add it to the AE render cue and then via the Media Encoder. The ME did show me a cue in it's render list which had a different render setting (h.264 - propably from my last use of the ME) then the one in the AE render cue (quicktime custom prores 422)... so ofcourse, no results via the Media Encoder! here's the Log file: https://shared-assets.adobe.com/link/7190c776-2f76-4bec-4c98-7829daaf8157 well, at least I can continue working (somehow) although I do make use of exporting via the ME, so please make sure the next update fixes this issue!!! It does semm aparent that it's some bugg concerning the dynamic link between AE and the ME! oh, and as an add-on to this: After Effects does not realy close when I close it. the process is still running in the backround and I have to close it via the task manager! GRZ \m/
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‎Nov 05, 2021
05:31 AM
this time I tried a more simple composition, after a reboot with all external monitors and hardware unplugged... aperently, it didn't help... https://shared-assets.adobe.com/link/295fd705-d1fd-4052-490a-c64d63d98b4d
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‎Nov 05, 2021
05:17 AM
aaaand anther one... https://shared-assets.adobe.com/link/17ea4ef7-399e-4b0a-7ccc-54bf6427d981
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‎Nov 05, 2021
05:00 AM
ok, so, since I can't do any work untill this issue is solved, I will mess around with diffent setups (enabling, disabling, opening, closing, cleaning, re-installing...) as mentioned above and drop you the Log files here... until someone on the other end of the line figures out what's wrong... LLLink: https://shared-assets.adobe.com/link/14655072-60cd-42bb-6854-874d76836608 ...
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‎Nov 05, 2021
04:29 AM
ok, so I guess I'm not he 1st?! her's my log file to this matter: https://shared-assets.adobe.com/link/c9332c37-b2c2-4b28-5278-492108506504 (and just to make sure I also attached it 😉 I hope this is what you ment by "share the log file with us"?! I seriously hope this issue get's solved soon!!! GRZ \m/
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