Mike McCarthy
Community Expert
Mike McCarthy
Community Expert
‎Feb 19, 2025
04:41 PM
What is the smallest increment that the scroll changes the zoom for you guys? (When at or near 100%) Mine adjusts by 5%. I suppose if you are used to 25-50-100-200 then that will 'feel' slow by comparison, but I can get from full frame to close enough for detail work with a single finger roll. (I have a Logitech G604, so it might depend on the specific mouse too.) I wouldn't want it any faster or it would lose precision.
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Community Expert
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Feb 19, 2025
04:37 PM
1 Upvote
‎Feb 19, 2025
04:37 PM
1 Upvote
I know about the "Show Scroll Bars" in the wrench menu. But that shows them all the time, not just when you need them to scroll to other parts of the image, so they no longer function as an indicator that you aren't seeing the full frame.
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‎Feb 19, 2025
12:03 PM
I agree that the zoom tool is too sensitive, and needs less zoom per cursor distance. For the jumpiness, why not have it measure total distance from click point, regardless of x or y? Using x or y based on first motion, might get thrown off by a 1 pixel shift at click, causing it to behave differently than desired. On the otherhand, the current mouse wheel zooming speed is optimal on my system, with Shift if you are in a hurry. That may be effected by different users scroll settings in the OS, but I definitely wouldn't want it any faster than it is now. (Mine is 5% change per click, relative to the scale, so 2.5% when at 50%.) That seems well designed.
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‎Feb 19, 2025
11:52 AM
I agree with @Shebbe that the AE implementation is optimal, and should be replicated in Premiere as closely as possible for consistency. (But they have spacebar for panning around, Premiere will need an alternate modifier.) And I still think there needs to be a clear way of communicating to the user when they aren't seeing the entire frame. This used to be denoted by the presence of scroll bars, and has not been replaced when that was redesigned.
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in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Feb 13, 2025
01:16 PM
‎Feb 13, 2025
01:16 PM
I agree with reverting the behavior in the short term. (Presumably to scroll will zoom) And I expect most users would agree that matching Lightroom is not as important as matching AE. BUT, there is one other important consideration that might have been overlooked. How do we make it clear when the user is manipulating the viewport, and not the underlying clip? I believe this poor user has been navigating around the viewport, thinking they are reframing the clips in their sequence: https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-beta-discussions/i-need-help-stopping-adobe-premiere-pro-beta-from-reframing-my-images-and-video/td-p/15149777 And it is not a bad idea. What if the controls were setup that CRTL Scroll/pinch/pan etc manipulated the CLIP, and SHFT Scroll/pinch/pan/drag manipulted the MONITOR. (Or vice versa, but CTRL is usually used for manipulating clips) And then ALT could be added to make the scaling viewport centered instead of cursor centered, loosely similar to ALT in Photoshop. So CTRL+ALT scroll would scale the clip on center, while SHFT+ALT would scale the monitor view. (Or you could make SHFT the viewport centered modifier, and ALT the monitor one.) Then unmodified scroll/pan could move through time, as was suggested, to avoid the unintended issues outlined in the issue reported above. And in any case, you need to figure out how to make it VERY clear when the monitor is not showing the entire sequence image. (Replacing FIT in that case is good, but maybe make it red when the image is being cropped for display, and clicking on that will recenter/fit.)
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‎Feb 13, 2025
12:54 PM
You could try to export an FCP XML, and import that into the non-beta version of PremierePro. But I suspect that won't solve the underlying issue. Adobe just implemented a change in the beta where you can now easily manipulate the viewport of the program monitor using pinch, zoom, and scroll. Are you sure you are manipulating the clip, and not the monitor window? Because that is the only explanation I can imagine that would lead to the results you are reporting. Are the Motion Effect values changing when you are 'reframing' your clip? (Looking in the Properties panel is the easiest way to check that.) If not, use those values to reframe your clips, and see if those changes are retained when you re-open the app.
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‎Feb 10, 2025
10:00 AM
1 Upvote
I hate this change, and it stunned me how bad it was at first, but it looks to me like they were focusing on improving trackpad functionality, and then did mouse testing on mac mice which can scroll both directions. It probably seems functional on those devices, but any PC mouse user is going to hate this, and for good reason.
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Community Expert
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Feb 10, 2025
09:56 AM
‎Feb 10, 2025
09:56 AM
This is a shocking bad "improvement." It took me a while to comprehend what happened, but it appears this change was driven by trackpad functionality, and mouse users just weren't fully considered in the design. I think nearly all mouse users will agree that scrolling to 'pan" (tilt) vertically in the viewport is a useless mapping, so what should it do? Someone suggested scrolling could advance frames in time, but it was pointed out that can be done by moving the cursor lower to the mini timeline. So zoom is the most logical option, and it matches AE's behavior for years. And the code exists, because it was working last week. (Also, I wouldn't be unhappy with keeping CTRL and ALT for the zoom option, and scroll frames in time, but you lose consistency with AE, and the current vertical pan is terrible.)
Now removing the CTRL+Drag function for panning was also removed, (replaced for trackpad users with this new 'scrolling' but not for mouse users) unless you count middle click dragging, which many people don't have access to. So adding middle click drag is fine for those who have it, but I see no benefit of removing the CTRL drag support. (I can see how middle drag, plus the previous scrolling zoom functionality, could allow full viewport manipulation with a single clicking wheel, but it is not lost on me that Adobe is giving mouse users that functionality with the middle finger;)
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Community Expert
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Jan 21, 2025
04:17 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jan 21, 2025
04:17 PM
1 Upvote
I vote turning this on by default. I agree that the whole tab (or its outline, to keep the text legible) could be colored. And bolding the text of the selected tab could make it easier to see what tab is currently selected, which has become harder to identify as the UI evolves. What about color coding the different projects within a production? Tinting the full panel BG for different projects could be helpful in identifying which panels go to which projects.
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Community Expert
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Jan 08, 2025
04:04 PM
‎Jan 08, 2025
04:04 PM
I can see a number of potential issues with this. Software Only is a good fallback option for troubleshooting or avoiding render errors. It either helps narrow down the issue to the GPU, or allows you to render anyway if necessary.
For example I just reviewed a new laptop that only exported R3D files in Software Only mode, and it appears that was due to the 4GB of RAM in the RTX1000Ada GPU. (6GB in the RTX3000 did not have that issue.) I was actually impressed with the performance of Software Only on that system, as long as GPU FX weren't used in the sequence.
I was involved in a project a few years ago that was entirely edited in Software Only mode, because the "Offset" effect gave different (incorrect) results GPU mode, but worked perfectly in Software Only mode, even outputting a 6K wide image in RT. I just tested, and that particular bug appears to be fixed, but I have encountered many other issues that I have used the software renderer to avoid over the years.
I have another friend who just downgraded back to 2023 because best we can figure, his GTX1080 was not supporting hardware accelerated export on in 2025. So this change could be an issue for a lot of laptop users, or others with older hardware. But if a brand new top end system couldn't GPU render two months ago, you guys need to fix that, before you remove the software renderer, which is how people in those situations currently continue to function. Similar problems if a bad driver gets released, as mentioned in Jarle's post, there is no fallback option, when (not if) that does happen.
Making the software rendered harder to activate (especially accidently) might be a better place to start, and see how much user uproar that generates. Maybe a default checked preference labeled "Disable Software Renderer" which greys out the existing UI, and generates an error when no supported GPU and drivers is found. (But when uncheck, gives the users the options they have now.)
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‎Sep 19, 2024
01:12 PM
I agree that there needs to be some visual indicator that your view of the image is being cropped by the edge of the monitor panel, and scroll bars used to serve this purpose. Maybe having an overlayed diagram showing the image frame and the monitor frame whenever some of the sequence image is being cropped. Ideally it would also allow you to navigate the image by dragging the yellow monitor frame, for when you are zoomed far in for detail work. I am not stuck on it overlaying the image, but I am not sure where else this UI element would fit, and it needs to be close to the program monitor to be a functional warning.
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‎Sep 19, 2024
12:50 PM
This has been 'solved,' at least in the the current Beta version, in that the Program Monitor wrench menu now has a "Show Scroll Bars" option that returns the panning functionality that was previously removed. I expect that function will be in the next release in a couple weeks, but you can try it now in the public beta if desired.
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Community Expert
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Sep 19, 2024
10:39 AM
1 Upvote
‎Sep 19, 2024
10:39 AM
1 Upvote
Regardless of what you name the new setting (which needs improvement), it should be on by default for NEW projects, even if it is OFF by default for projects upgraded from V24. It might be even better to have it ON for upgraded projects, and have all 'legacy' media already imported into the project set to Override to Rec709, unless it was previously a color managed clip.
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in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Sep 18, 2024
01:30 PM
1 Upvote
‎Sep 18, 2024
01:30 PM
1 Upvote
I am super excited about this development, and while I have not had the time to dig into the minutia as much as some of the others on this amazing thread, I am impressed with what I have tested so far. The one issue I have discovered, is that while R3D files default to importing with the decoding settings set to Log3G10/RedWideGamutRGB (Which was a great improvement a couple years ago) the new color management system identifies the Media Color Space as Rec709. As soon as you go to 'Interpret Footage->Color>Override Media Color Space' and select Red Log3G10/WideGamut, then things seem to work correctly. But really that should probably be the default color management setting for all R3D files upon import into Premiere. And hopefully that should be simple to fix.
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‎Sep 17, 2024
10:54 AM
1 Upvote
Looking forward to trying it out. I am still not sure I have wrapped my head around how it will be accessed, inside Premiere?
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‎Apr 02, 2024
10:00 AM
This is due to a new change, as the Program Panel works differently now, with the mouse pan and zoom feature they just added. So no more scroll bars, instead you pan around the image by holding down the middle mouse button, or using the 'Hand Tool' (press H) if you have a trackpad. I kind of like saving the space the scrollbars used to consume, but it probably is less intuitive to new users. Here is the detailed description of what thy added, including pinch zoom for touchpads:
Details of this feature’s use include:
When using mouse scroll wheels, magic mouse scrolling, and tablet scrolling, zooming is anchored to the centre of the monitor view. For these devices, holding Opt/Alt + Scroll lets you zoom into the pointer’s position onscreen, so you can zoom directly into any detail you choose.
When using trackpad pinch, zooming is anchored to the cursor. In this case, holding Opt/Alt + pinch lets you zoom while keeping the image centred to the monitor view.
Holding the Shift key while zooming with a mouse scroll wheel, trackpad, and wacom pen accelerates zoom so you can get where you need to be faster.
Panning is also supported using Mouse Button 3, aka the scroll/middle button.
At this time, no panning is available when using a trackpad. However, you can use the 'H' keyboard shortcut to select the Hand tool with which to pan the image freely.
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Community Expert
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Apr 02, 2024
09:58 AM
1 Upvote
‎Apr 02, 2024
09:58 AM
1 Upvote
For #3, adding Fit as one of the steps of the scroll spectrum would offer that option without a mouse click. Current steps are 7% apart, so they could just add 'Fit' as an option where ever it fits in that spectrum for the current panel resolution. If Fit happens to be 85% at the moment, then as you scroll, it would go 100%->93%->87%->Fit->81%. And as long as you land on Fit, it will retain that Fit setting even if you resize the panel. (And make 7% changes from there if you scroll again.)
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Community Expert
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Apr 02, 2024
09:50 AM
‎Apr 02, 2024
09:50 AM
I favor both ideas. It should snap to 100% (because no one really needs to view at 99.2%) and maybe snap to 'Fit' when you get close to whatever percentage that is for your panel size, but I also like the idea to have buttons & shortcuts available to jump to 100% and to Fit.
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‎Mar 26, 2024
11:26 PM
I agree with point 4, but in point 5 I would recommend against just calling it "Channels" as this could be assumed to mean audio channels, the way WAVs are viewed in the source monitor. "Color Channels" or "Individual Color Channels" would be good, although I am not opposed to "Individual RGBA Channels" as it is very clear and specific. For 6, I think "Composite Full Color Video" or "Composite RGB Video" is good to have outside the color channels menu, so it is easy to find, but I can also see the value of consistently keeping it in "Display Mode" to match the other two places it can be selected. But "Display Mode" is very generic, so a clear visual communication that it is in single channel mode, that offers an easy way to switch back to Composite RGB, without searching through any of these menus, seems important to offer to the 90% of users who aren't ready to fully take advantage of this new advanced capability.
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Community Expert
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Mar 26, 2024
09:58 AM
‎Mar 26, 2024
09:58 AM
I agree with everything Shebbe said, but want to really highlight the significance of clearly displaying to the user that a single color channel is being displayed, and maybe even clicking on that UI element (colored box like AE is fine) resets the output to Composite RGB. You don't want someone who accidently gets themselves into that mode to A-not realize why their video looks black and white, and B-no know how to get out of that mode.
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‎Mar 25, 2024
08:43 AM
You didn't specify any details about the settings for the file you are recording on your iPhone, but it seems likely that the variable framerate (VFR) of the files shot on iPhone are the source of the problem. Premiere isn't the only app with that issue, I believe Resolve, Avid, and others have the same problem with VFR files on Windows. Transcoding to a new standard file on Mac is the usual way around that in most workflows. (Or shooting ProRes on the Phone, or disabling VFR on some models and apps.)
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Community Expert
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Mar 25, 2024
08:31 AM
‎Mar 25, 2024
08:31 AM
This is great, and works as advertised, although I don't quite understand why centering zoom on cursor isn't the default option, instead of the ALT option, since the cursor has to be in the panel for the function to work. And I also think that any zoom within 1-2% of 100 should automatically jump to 100% for pixel accurate viewing. (I keep finding it at 99.8% and such)
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‎Dec 30, 2023
07:58 AM
I had to sign in to that top bar tool separately from signing into the FrameIO panel. Is that expected?
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‎Dec 08, 2023
09:40 AM
1 Upvote
Have you done a comparison of recording HEVC 4:2:0 versus 4:4:4 for your workflow? If you don't need to color correct (tune your image in the software before recording it, that is one of the benefits of virtual production) and your output is 4:2:0 (anything going to the web) then maybe HEVC 4:2:0 might be ideal for your unique workflow. And it would be accelerated in PPro. Or you could proxy to 4:2:0 if you want to improve performance, the files are small.
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‎Dec 08, 2023
09:23 AM
1 Upvote
I believe that your outlined solution should work, when selecting Use Proxies to Export, but why wouldn't you instead use the proxies functionality the way it is designed? If you create Prores Proxy files in HD or UHD, for good playback response, and then export from the camera originals, the results should be higher quality (one less generation) and much less disk space wasted on duplicate media (ProResHQ at UHD is much larger than your source files, with no increase in quality). Plus it should work better with your UltraStudio.
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‎Dec 06, 2023
09:29 AM
1 Upvote
This is one of the few times where the dedicated conversion hardware in the AJA Kona/io4K cards could be helpful. It should allow you to convert a 1080p50 sequence in Premiere to a 1080i50 output to your video monitor. That way your video looks good on your computer (50p) while accurately displaying the interlaced output on your video monitor, without a performance hit. The Blackmagic cards don't have that conversion option, and only display the exact frame and format that Premiere sends it, and the interlacing step is probably where you are seeing the performance hit. Otherwise editing at 50p and exporting at 50i is probably your best bet, and do an early temp render to playback and look for issues.
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