Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Mar 22, 2023
06:49 PM
I have confirmed that the problem is solved that way. Thanks for your help!
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‎Mar 22, 2023
02:44 AM
Thanks. I checked the GPU drivers. The version was the latest, but unfortunately it was one that is no longer supported. GPU driver: GeForce GTX 780 Driver version: As mentioned above, this is a GPU driver that is no longer supported, so it cannot be updated from the manufacturer's website. For the time being, we will downgrade to the previous version until this issue is resolved. I can only hope that subsequent updates will resolve the issue fundamentally.
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‎Mar 22, 2023
02:09 AM
Thanks for the reply. I was only looking at the Japanese community and didn't realize it. When you say others have reported it, do you mean the topic here? https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/photoshop-24-3-update/idi-p/13669450 I will check the GPU driver once.
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‎Mar 22, 2023
01:58 AM
Version where the problem occurs: v24.3 Usage environment: Windows 11 Pro The problem occurs in the following steps (1) Launch Photoshop. (2) Create a new document. As soon as the canvas is created, the image flickers violently. Or (1) Launch Photoshop. (2) Drag and drop the image file you wish to edit into Photoshop. The image is not displayed, and instead a violent flickering of black and white occurs.
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