‎Feb 28, 2024
11:03 PM
Ok I found out why it is "Not Responding" by some tests. Work documents contain a lot of layers with lot of objects 200K plus. When I use the scripts it tries to do every single object "Small Caps" no mather if the layer is locked, unlocked, selected or deselected. If I use the script in new document with 15-20 objects it works perfectly. Is it possible to modify the script to change object names to "Small Caps" only to objects inside the selected layer, the layer will always be visible and unlocked? Thank you in advance for your time! 🙂
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‎Feb 28, 2024
07:57 AM
Script is working sometimes sometimes it crashes illustrator. Example: There were like 12-15 objects inside the layer. Object names were "XX-XXX TEXT TEXT TEXT X" where X is number. When script is used illustrator goes "Not Responding" and never responds, like it is stuck.
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‎Feb 28, 2024
03:49 AM
The case is that we have random number of figures with random shapes and colours that are named inside layer (with random name) with ALL CAPS. The goal is after running the script to change all figure names from "ALL CAPS" to "Small Caps". Exaple: RANDOM FIGURE 1 Endgoal: Random Figure 1
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‎Feb 28, 2024
03:16 AM
1 Upvote
Can someone share script for the following case. I have different texts (fonts,size etc.) every time. Sometimes there might be 5 textboxes sometimes there might be 100. Each textbox got two/three/four texts inside that needs to be split from one text box to the amount of texts there is inside. What separates the texts inside is always "Space". Example: One text box - [Text1 Text2 Text3] Goal after using the script: 3 text boxes - [Text1] [Text2] [Text3] Thank you in advance for your time it would be lovely if someone can help. 🙂
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‎Apr 20, 2022
02:19 AM
1 Upvote
It does the job perfecrly! Thank you again. 🙂
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‎Apr 19, 2022
01:20 AM
I do have figures with propertyes: Layer: RandomName Number of figures: Random (sometimes 100+) Corners: Random Colour: Random Stroke: Random Endgoal: Select all the figures, run the script and each figure to get an unique color (not slightly changed - that is not visible for the eye). Each figure to have only "fill" without "stroke" and opacity set to 50%.*  *In the example picture they are two layers for representing purpouses only. It needs to change the settings in the current layers the figures are located.
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‎Apr 18, 2022
12:51 AM
Deffinetly helpfull!
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‎Apr 15, 2022
04:16 AM
1 Upvote
Pf you blew my mind. It works perfectly. I am amazed by your skills honestly! Thank you for your time. I really apreciate it!
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‎Apr 15, 2022
04:00 AM
1 Upvote
Amazing! It does the job perfectly! 🙂
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‎Apr 15, 2022
03:28 AM
At this point the script does the circles. I might have not explane it properly excause me if this is the case. If I convert the text: Name 15, Name 25, Name 11, etc. to circles (as the script does). I want the circle to have the corresponding names of the texts they were converted from. If top right left circle was converted from textbox: Name 15, I want circle name to become Name 15. Do you think this is possible? Really apreciate your time. You are life saver. Thank you for your time! 🙂
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‎Apr 15, 2022
03:04 AM
Mmmm my point was that that's the only think I know (not necessery to use it), that the text will be inside the boundrys. I need to select one text (does not mater if it is inside the boundrys or outside) that can be multyple rows Example 1 (one textbox): Name 1 Example 2 (one textbox): Birds Fly and select one figure with name <Path> (default one after creating a figure with the pen tool), after running the script I want the figure name to become what is written inside the text box. Example: Select Textbox: Name 1 Shape: <path> Run the script Textbox: Name 1 Shape: Name 1 Do you think this is possible? If you need further explanation please tell me. 🙂
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‎Apr 15, 2022
02:45 AM
1. Hope this will help with the circle. 2. Either.
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‎Apr 15, 2022
02:34 AM
1 Upvote
It does the job perfectly! Thank you so much! 🙂
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‎Apr 15, 2022
02:25 AM
1 Upvote
Exactly what I needed. I am aware of the rearange you mentioned. Thank you! 🙂
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‎Apr 15, 2022
02:16 AM
1 Upvote
Perfect! That's what i needed. Thank you so much for your time! 🙂
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‎Apr 14, 2022
11:28 PM
I do have objects with different names but common words in the name. I want to be able to use a script to "Find and Replace" words in an randomly named layer. Objects can be 500+ sometimes. Endgoal Example: Select all objects in the layer run the script get an pop up like "Find and replace" in Excel, type the old name/s then type the new name/s and the words to be replaced in every selected object.  
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‎Apr 14, 2022
11:20 PM
I do have some figures (in randomly named layer) with random number of edges and colours and random texts (in another randomly named layer) placed on them (text can be on multyple rows). I want the figures to be named as the text on them. The only certen thing is that the text will aways be placed 100% on the figure. Endgoal: Select the text from one of the layers, then select a figure from the other layer and run the script, after that figure should get the text name (inside the layer). If it can be automated more as selecting all texts and figures at once and runing the script this would be amazing (if not it can be done one by one).  
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‎Apr 14, 2022
11:08 PM
I do have random number of texts (can be 500+), in a randomly named layer, randomly placed on the artboard. That needs to be converted to circles with the coresponding names. Endgoal Example: Select all texts in the layer run the script and the text to be converted into circles with the coresponding text names. Circles should be placed in the center of the textboxs. It doesnt mater if text names are lost as long as circles appear in textbox center with the coresponding name. Circle propertys: 1. Should be <paths> 2. Colour code: AAC945 3. Size: 15x15
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‎Apr 14, 2022
10:46 PM
I do have some figures with names that needs to be ordered alphabetically in the layer (random name) from Z-A (sometimes can be 500+ objects), it can be torture to do it manualy. Endgoal Example: I select all the objects in the layer, run the scripts and every selected object (or all objects in the layer) gets alphabetically ordered from Z-A.  
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‎Apr 14, 2022
10:40 PM
I do have random named layers with objects inside (circles, random edged figurs etc.). Object names most of the times do not have anything in common. They can be different shapes and colours. Endgoal Example: I select all objects in a layer or the layer (depends what is possible), run the script and some sort of popup comes up where I can place a text and it ads this text in front of every selected object in this layer only.
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‎Apr 14, 2022
12:28 AM
Is it possible to modify the script to lock the line only after creating it?
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‎Apr 13, 2022
11:21 PM
Ok I have tested it and it is working the way you mentioned. Thank you! 🙂
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‎Apr 13, 2022
10:28 PM
Thank you! It worked properly besides it makes the line green. Thank you for the fast response! Quick question. Do you think the action can be modified for the line to be yellow and below the two selected circles? Thank you in advance for your time! You are amazing. 🙂
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‎Apr 13, 2022
10:24 PM
Thank you for the script and your time! Have in mind that something does not work in it. But I already got a solution to my problem from the previous comment. Thank you again for your time I really appreciate it!
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‎Apr 13, 2022
04:55 AM
I need a script that draws line (stroke: 1, yellow) between center of two randomly placed <Ellipse> objects on the artboard. Ellipses size is 10x10 and they cannot be symbols. Elipses cannot have different names, there name should be <Ellipse> . My goal is to select the two green ellipses, run the script and get the line between the centers. End goal example:  
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