‎Oct 31, 2023
05:17 AM
Brush in "eraser mode" ("clear" mode in fact) let you erase with your current brush without switching tool (keeping brush form and size). Tild ~ is the spring-loaded shortcut, but it is also accessible in the tool menu bar. E shortcut will switch to the erase tool, changing brush form and size.
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‎Mar 31, 2023
09:30 AM
i forgot, but you can obviously combinate the two workaround, create a customized keyboard layout and use it only with photoshop !
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‎Mar 31, 2023
09:27 AM
1 Upvote
4 years and still no fix from Adobe... I've found a fix too (on windows at least) i'd like to share. Use the free and official tool Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator to remap any key you want to any character/symbol you want, regardless of your keyboard/language setup. I've done it for the unavailable ~ tilde shortcut and / shortcut, works like intended. And you can assigne your custumized layout to work only in Photoshop or other, so you can switch to your mail for example and have your normal layout. Check this post for more explanation :
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‎Mar 31, 2023
08:46 AM
The issue hasn't been corrected yet, but i found an easy fix. With Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator you can remap any key to the desired one, even if not the same language. So using it, i've remap my ² key (french keyboard) into ` key (unicode U+0060) which behave like the tilde shorcut, it is still a toggle hold and release but works like it should. more explanation here :
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‎Mar 31, 2023
08:35 AM
1 Upvote
On windows, i've just discover a quite easy fix. Using Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator you can remap any key you want with any character, may it be another language symbol. So just remap one key to the US tilde key `~ which output is ` (unicode U+0060) more explanation here :
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‎Mar 31, 2023
06:26 AM
don't know why my post is listed as a spam for now, but shortly, in windows : remap one key to the ` key (U+0060) wich is the output of the `~ key aka tilde ~ shortcut using Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator !
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‎Mar 31, 2023
06:16 AM
I'v post a workaround that fix this problem where i explain how to remap one key to the right tilde key :
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‎Mar 31, 2023
05:51 AM
As there are several posts/users with the same problem, i'm posting here how i've solve this for myself as i was looking how to switch my paint brush into eraser mode in Photoshop with the missing ~ tilde shorcut on azerty. This should work for illustrator or any other software : Workaround 1 : change your keyboard language to English United States, then the ² key (french keyboard here) will work as the ` key, which is the `~ key, aka tilde ~ shortcut. You can also change language per application in advanced keyboard parameter, then you have to change language once for every app you use (win+space) then it will remember it. So you can work in qwerty US photoshop and azerty FR (or other) for the rest without switching every time. Workaround 2 (Win 11 & 10, and some older versions) : keeping whatever keyboard language, remap just one key to the US tilde ~ key (which is `~ but output ` as mentionned before) using Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator (on official microsoft website). Steps : Start MKLC, load your existing keyboard language from the list, remap the key you want by clicking on it, then All... then change <key> to U+0060 (which is the unicode for ` ). Project>properties, rename (name of dll, customize it so it wont be the same as one already used (usually kbd followed by language letter like kbdfr or kbdus), description is the way it will show in windows (ex : Français - Custom Photoshop)(cannot edit the name it will show in windows). Validate layout, test it, then "Build dll and setup package", open created folder, run the intall exe (from which you can also uninstall or repair if needed), then restart or just log out windows, log back in, change to your newly created keyboard layout (win+space) et voilà !!! works great, my ² key works now as the tilde shortcut and my layout is still french azerty ! And you can remap (more or less) any key you want with symbols and other not available in your language, also with combinaison of shift alt ctrl ! You can use charmap.exe (included in windows, aka character map / table des caractères) to find any of them and their unicode, so you can mix multiple character in one layout, crazy ! Hope it will work for you too ! (but sadly workaround 2 does not work with tourbox, seems that it doesn't share keyboard layout with windows but uses pre saved layouts, so i'm still waiting for a proper fix...) edit : I've made it work with tourbox ! the problem was that ` was on two keys, the one i created, and the original one which is a dead altgr key. So by removing this one in MKLC i can now use that damn shortcut with tourbox/azerty layout, it's perfect, but i've lost hours. Hope it will be usefull
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‎Mar 31, 2023
03:59 AM
1 Upvote
Bonjour, Je n'ai pas Illustrator mais ca devrait marcher pareil, sur Photoshop je cherchais le même raccourci (tilde ~) pour passer le pinceau actuel en mode gomme et voilà comment faire (pour windows) : - Soit tu passes ton clavier en mode Anglais-Etats-Unis, et la la touche ² fonctionne comme le raccourci indiqué ~ (sauf qu'en vrai l'output c'est ` (accent grave)). Mais ton clavier passe en qwerty et c'est un peu relou pour les autres raccourci et pour écrire (tu peux aussi choisir la langue du clavier pour chaque application dans les options avancé du clavier !) - Soit tu réassigne uniquement la touche ² en touche tilde US `~ c'est à dire en touche ` (accent grave, sans avoir besoin de modificateur). Pour ça, installer Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator qui est dispo sur le site web officiel microsoft (c'est mentionné compatible win 10 & autres mais ca marche chez moi sur win 11). Dans cette petite appli, Fichier > charger un layout clavier existant (celui que tu utilises, donc Français-France) puis tu clique sur la touche à modifier soit ², une fenêtre s'ouvre, tu cliques sur All... et là tu changes <key> U+00b2 en U+0060 (tu peux trouver l'unicode de chaque caractère dans la Table des Charactères de windows ou Charmap), puis Ok. Ensuite Projet > propriétés, Name correspondra au nom du fichier système, Description sera le nom que tu verra dans ta barre des taches au moment de selectionner la langue. Ensuite Projet > Valider puis Tester puis Build Dll and setup package, qui va te créer un dossier avec les fichiers. dans ce dossier, tu peux éxécuter le install, ensuite tu déco/reco de windows ou redemarre, puis tu choisi ton layout de clavier ! et voilà , ton ² agi maintent comme le raccourci américain tilde `~ !!! ,)
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‎Mar 30, 2023
04:53 PM
For windows user : Workaround 1 : change your keyboard location (language) per application in advanced keyboard parameter. After that you have to change language once whenever you use an app then it will remember it. Workaround 2 : remap your key using Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator on official microsoft website. I have a french keyboard and remaped the ² key to ` key (accent grave, which unicode is U+0060)(when they say ~ it is ` cause their key is `~) . Validate layout and name it, test it, build package, open created folder, intall.exe, then log out windows, log in, change to your new keyboard layout (win+space) et voilà !!! works great and my layout still azerty ! (works with win 11 even if not mentionned on website) And you can remap any (more or less) key you want with symbol and other not available in your language, you can use charmap.exe (included in windows) to find them and their unicode. ((!be careful, works also with windows login password) (but sadly workaround 2 does not work with tourbox, so still waiting for a proper fix...)
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‎Mar 30, 2023
04:49 PM
For windows user : Workaround 1 : change your keyboard location (language) per application in advanced keyboard parameter. After that you have to change language once whenever you use an app then it will remember it. Workaround 2 : remap your key using Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator on official microsoft website. I have a french keyboard and remaped the ² key to ` key (accent grave, which unicode is U+0060). Validate layout and name it, test it, build package, open created folder, intall.exe, then log out windows, log in, change to your new keyboard layout (win+space) et voilà !!! works great and my layout still azerty ! (works with win 11 even if not mentionned on website) And you can remap any (more or less) key you want with symbol and other not available in your language, you can use charmap.exe (included in windows) to find them and their unicode. ((!be careful, works also with windows login password) (but sadly workaround 2 does not work with tourbox, so still waiting for a proper fix...)
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‎Mar 30, 2023
04:46 PM
For windows user : Workaround 1 : change your keyboard location (language) per application in advanced keyboard parameter. After that you have to change language once whenever you use an app then it will remember it. Workaround 2 : remap your key using Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator on official microsoft website. I have a french keyboard and remaped the ² key to ` key (accent grave, which unicode is U+0060). Validate layout and name it, test it, build package, open created folder, intall.exe, then log out windows, log in, change to your new keyboard layout (win+space) et voilà !!! works great and my layout still azerty ! (works with win 11 even if not mentionned on website) And you can remap any (more or less) key you want with symbol and other not available in your language, you can use charmap.exe (included in windows) to find them and their unicode. ((!be careful, works also with windows login password) (but sadly workaround 2 does not work with tourbox, so still waiting for a proper fix...)
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‎Mar 30, 2023
04:43 PM
1 Upvote
For windows user : Workaround 1 : change your keyboard location (language) per application in advanced keyboard parameter. After that you have to change language once whenever you use an app then it will remember it. Workaround 2 : remap your key using Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator on official microsoft website. I have a french keyboard and remaped the ² key to ` key (accent grave, which unicode is U+0060). Validate layout and name it, test it, build package, open created folder, intall.exe, then log out windows, log in, change to your new keyboard layout (win+space) et voilà !!! works great and my layout still azerty ! (works with win 11 even if not mentionned on website) And you can remap any (more or less) key you want with symbol and other not available in your language, you can use charmap.exe (included in windows) to find them and their unicode. ((!be careful, works also with windows login password) (but sadly workaround 2 does not work with tourbox, so still waiting for a proper fix...)
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