Sight Seven
Community Beginner
Sight Seven
Community Beginner
‎Jul 27, 2023
05:16 PM
This is a step in the right direction. What about exporting? Davinci Resolve allows you to choose the colorspace like sRGB and gamma during the exporting stage, but it allows for more options such as gamma 2.2, 2.6 etc. Is Premiere going to be limited to only 2 and 2.4 during the project and then no options during exporting? We do commercial video work for some big brands and deliver for web, so ideally providing a global project setting that gets premiere pro to look like how it would if we were viewing on youtube would be best as this is likely the most common delivery format these days (Web). 99% of people are not using Premiere Pro for broadcast exports. My tests have shown that VLC shows content exactly the same as inside Premiere Pro because it can read the gamma tags Youtube or other websites look like what Quicktime shows, which is washed out/desaturated. I've even transferred a video exported from my Mac Studio and put it on my Windows PC and noticed it still looked washed out, even on YouTube, yet people are saying this is only a Mac issue. So I'm not sure. The conversion Lut approach that everyone says to do is not a good one obviously, so my solution has been to literally either deliver the project through Davinci Resolve, or to do a few color grade passes and cross reference until I find a good middle ground (More than I'd like for the final result in terms of saturation, but I try to pick the average between everything) It would obviously be best if all the big companies worked together to make a standard so everyone benefits...
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‎Dec 06, 2022
06:12 PM
I'm back to square one, unfortunately. I thought I was on to something, but I continued troubleshooting for the last hour or so and took some screenshots to compare, it looks like the monitor's color profile setting isn't helping in solving the problem. Here are 3 screenshots from a test shot I did. As before; I have 'Display Color Management' unchecked in Premiere Pro, with no corrective lut added. Color space in Premiere sequence and export is Rec709. Screenshots are named accordingly. No matter the color profile I choose on the monitor, all 3 look different, so I guess that rules that out.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
05:07 PM
That being said, I just experimented with changing my LG monitor's color profile from the Mac System preferences -> Displays settings and I tried SRGB 2.1 and I think it's made a difference to the point where it's much closer between what QuickTime shows and what Premiere shows. It used to be set to 'LG Ultrawide' as the default monitor color profile. I have 'Display Color Management' unchecked in Premiere Pro as I find when it's on it makes things look very dark and unpleasant. and I have not exported with the Adobe lut. Color space in Premiere is Rec709 and exports are also with Rec709. Maybe this is the best approach? Instead of trying to fix Premiere or QuickTime, simply set the monitor settings up to be displaying a gamma that's similar; In other words, a calibrated monitor will get you closer to solving the issue, instead of spending time exporting with a Lut that causes other problems for certain displays.
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‎Dec 06, 2022
12:08 PM
Hmm. This is really confusing because I own an M1 Ultra Mac Studio, and also a fairly high end Windows PC (I9 with GTX 1080), the exported video from Premiere Pro (Without the export lut) on BOTH systems (Mac and PC) looks washed out. My Mac is using an LG 5k2 Ultrawide monitor and my PC is using an LG 1080p Ultrawide monitor. The file also looks washed out on both systems when viewed in an uploaded YouTube video. If I view the file in VLC on the Mac, it looks the same as in Premiere. (I'm not using the adobe export lut as that will darken the entire video and it will be baked in.) I thought this was just a mac viewing issue? If I view the video on my Smart TV, the video does look similar to what's seen in Premiere. Howcome on my PC it also looks washed out? If it was just a mac monitor issue, that's a tiny market, but this issue seems to be much greater after testing it across systems. (Years ago, like 13 or 14 years ago I experienced the gamma QuickTime issue working on a feature film exporting ProRes files from Red Raw files out of After Effects and we were so confused at why the QuickTime file was washed out. We never really figured it out, but this entire thread draws some clarity. However, It still doesn't make sense to me. Everyone is talking about this only being a Mac issue, but my PC is doing the same thing when playing the Mac file back on both the desktop, or from a YouTube upload.
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