Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Dec 04, 2023
06:09 AM
100% agreed. I use a 30" and 27" and the badges did nothing but make it more difficult to view. I'm not sure how it would benefit anyone... Glad to hear there is an update.
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‎Nov 06, 2023
02:17 PM
Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this, but i just noticed that I can no longer OPT + Click in order to select a source when using the clone stamp tool. I tried closing photoshop and re-opening, but when i try to select a source for the Clone Stamp tool, nothing happens and i get the error message below. I am most definitely trying to option click on my mac - but nothing is happening. My option button seems to be working otherwise. I'm running PS 2024 25.1.0 release on a Mac running OS 13.6.1 Will need to downgrade Photoshop until this is resoved.
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‎Nov 06, 2023
01:49 PM
Not sure where someone got the brilliant idea to cover ½ of the mask preview with that….isn’t have the mask itself, enough to indicate it’s a masked layer??? My team are all reverting back to older versions of photoshop. It’s insane. Thanks. ________________________________ This message is for the designated recipient only and may contain privileged, proprietary, or otherwise confidential information. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original. Any other use of the e-mail by you is prohibited. Where allowed by local law, electronic communications with Accenture and its affiliates, including e-mail and instant messaging (including content), may be scanned by our systems for the purposes of information security, AI-powered support capabilities, and assessment of internal compliance with Accenture policy. Your privacy is important to us. Accenture uses your personal data only in compliance with data protection laws. For further information on how Accenture processes your personal data, please see our privacy statement at https://www.accenture.com/us-en/privacy-policy. ______________________________________________________________________________________ www.accenture.com
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‎Nov 06, 2023
01:27 PM
I'm not really sure how to describe this problem. I believe it is part of the latest Photoshop CC release for Mac. I noticed today that all of my layer masks have a weird square icon with a circle in the center, in the preview. It's covering up about 50% of the mask, so i cant tell which mask is which by lookign at them. I'm not sure what this is supposed to indicate but it's really annoying and I am looking for a way to turn it off, so i can see my layer masks. see screenshot below. I'm running Photoshop 2024 25.1.0 release on Mac running Ventura 13.6.1  
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‎Jul 12, 2023
09:34 AM
1 Upvote
today, while using the remove tool, i started getting some unexpected results. Up until today, about 25% of the time, the remove tool would take a bit longer to render, and i would get a spinning wheel, while rendering. But most of the time, the corrections were almost instananeous. today, when the tool need to render and goes into the spin mode, when it's done the sample is either completely pixelated or black (see attached screenshots). When the remove tool doesn't take the extra time to render, it works correctly and looks fine. I am using the tool on a fresh layer and have it set to sample from visible layers. often the issue happnens the first time i use the tool on a freshly opened file, but additional tool useage, looks fine, until it tries to render again. I've tried changing the preferences for image processing to more stable, but that didn't help I'm running Photoshop 24.6 Mac OS 13.4.1
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‎Apr 11, 2023
08:37 AM
1 Upvote
It's the "Save" part of the action. I have a separate step to close. It stops and errors out on "Save". No problem saving files manually.
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‎Apr 11, 2023
08:27 AM
Same issue. A BIG problem for me when batch processing...
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