‎Mar 03, 2025
07:56 PM
could it be possible to adjust the way out of sync indicators make grabbing audio handles incredibly annoying/impossible? Currently it's impossible to initially grab the handle if an indicator is present, and annoyingly difficult if a transition exists but is behind the indicator. The only way to initiate an audio transition if an indication is present is via hotkey (or by dragging a preset I guess) which is a little annoying and flow breaking I'm honestly not sure what the best solution would even be here as I imagine you wouldn't want to move over the indicater incase in causes confusion. Maybe just being able to grab the handle behind the indicator, even if it isn't visible? not the most elegant solution but surely better than having no access to the handle at all.
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‎Mar 02, 2025
02:22 PM
I'd still love to see this feature expanded to trim functionality
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‎Feb 26, 2025
07:30 PM
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‎Feb 26, 2025
07:29 PM
and even when you do start with a rectangle, sometimes you'll click a corner with the selection tool to move it and somehow you've now randomly grabbed a microscoping bezier handle that is now creating a curve instead of moving the point :))))
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‎Feb 24, 2025
05:39 PM
1 Upvote
Toggling multicam view & proxies at the same time can cause the icon to get stuck in a (I assume..) "disconnected" state, even though there are no disconnected proxy files It will not return to normal until prem is rebooted. This issue is present in windows (v25.0 & v25.2beta126) & macOS (v25.1) I don't think this issue is directly tied to the multicam icon itself, just that prem is stuck doing something else while the user tries to disable proxies, causing the icon to maybe think it's lost its link to proxies even though it hasn't? Just a guess on my part. Seems pretty easily replicated on my end, at least on a timeline that takes a second or two for multicam to toggle on/off. Video attached below on how to replicate
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‎Feb 24, 2025
04:58 PM
1 Upvote
I HEAVILY agree with this, it was super random and confusing to me recently why selecting a clip during playback was suddenly pausing playback. Personally I have no need at all for the direct manipulation feature and never go out of my way to manually enable it - it would be nice if premiere didn't just auto enable (or at least FORCE enable it). If I move on, it should revert back to its previous state or at least not pause playback
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‎Feb 21, 2025
01:33 AM
Those of us who are annoyed make 90% of the posts This really isn't always the case at all. When we're talking about giant companies like adobe a lot of people won't come to the forums for multiple other reasons; they don't feel like their opinion will be heard anyway so what's the point, they simply don't use forums at all and wouldn't even know how best to participate, they simply don't have the time in their work schedule to keep up to date with beta versions or just forums in general, or they just think "someone else will do it". My entire edit team dislikes both discussed changes, none of them would ever come here, it's just not in their nature. Your entire post however I feel misses the point. These changes made to premiere are posted here specifically for feedback, the feedback given has been overwhelmingly negative (a lot of emotions were thrown out as well though I definitely agree there), adobe however still silently trots along or gives weird or vague reasonings for why they're making changes. That's the point. It just disincentivises people to give their opinions going forward when it just feels like you're talking to a brick wall. I had to literally dm an adobe employee on reddit of all places to get the invisible edit point bug fixed after 25.1 launched. I flagged it months prior when it first appeared. I know it's impossible for adobe to see/catch everything, but it's far from the only example. People get rightfully cranky because changes like the two mentioned here have sweeping effects on people's jobs and when feedback falls on deaf ears and no options are given you're essentially being told "tough". It sucks, my job is now harder for no reason and there's literally nothing I can do about it. The rounded corners example you gave strengthens my point more than anything, there were plenty of valid criticisms against the change, they made 1 change to the radius (which really hasn't fixed most of the issues people actually have with said change) then completely vanished from the discussion. The same pretty much happened with this change too. Adobe is a software company making programs aimed at professionals. Professionals tend to like the ability to customise things to their needs - a lot of the recent changes however have felt very apple in approach, "This is the way now." and that will always come with abbrasion, especially from the group of people that have been doing this for decades and especially when no options/customisations are given regarding said changes. The recent UI changes are w/e and not that big of a deal, the rounded corners really could (and should) be a toggle - I can't imagine most would care if rounded stays default for example as long as those that are inclined can disable them, and the fx badge is the most confusing of all because you realistically could just fuse the old/new versions and have the best of both worlds but instead we end up with a complete regression in functionality. In my opinion a lot of recent changes from adobe have felt very geared towards the masses, which isn't always a bad thing to be fair, but, I think the things they have chosen to change really just feels like a slap in the face to people that actually just need to get work done (which is the whole point of "professional" software). I know professionals at this point in premiere's lifespan are the complete and utter minority, I get it's just that tough pill of capitalism to swallow, that doesn't make it just suck any less and it won't really stop people from getting rather rightfully frustrated with the program they have to spend 38h+ a week using. I really can't blame people for getting upset, I do agree they need to chill out, but I also get it and understand it's human nature to a degree. Maybe this is all just me and I'm wrong for feeling this way, idk, but just my 2c really. Nothing against you btw or really anything you've said, nothing here from me is personal
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‎Feb 21, 2025
12:57 AM
1 Upvote
Yes the issue with edit points being invisible at min track heights has been fixed in the 25.2 beta
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‎Feb 19, 2025
04:57 PM
Windows 11 - 23H2 - build 22631.4602 mouse scroll wheel
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‎Feb 19, 2025
04:46 PM
At 100%, yes it's 5%, but my window is basically never at 100% scale 1 notch when starting from a fit window for me is 1.9%. It's not a linear scale (which makes sense, but the ramping just doesn't feel right for me) 1 "roll" of my finger takes me from 38% to 55%. I have to scroll 3 "full" times (but more realistically like 5+) to pass 100% scaling
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‎Feb 19, 2025
03:57 PM
1 Upvote
The silence is deafening but is it really a shock... same company that locked the thread about rounded corners because people were heavily against it but they knew they weren't going to roll it back. Starting to feel like every update is specifically catered to appeal to the masses as much as possible while throwing general logic and workflow out the window
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‎Feb 19, 2025
03:53 PM
Agreed on point #2. Feels way too slow, almost like what I'd expect by holding CTRL or something to be more precise
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‎Feb 07, 2025
06:51 PM
yeah imo zoom makes more sense to me because it matches with AE. It was a bit jarring at first but was SUPER easy to adapt to. Scrolling up and down by default is genuinely just so pointless when I can drag already using middle click.
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‎Feb 02, 2025
01:15 PM
1 Upvote
Yep, have also been experiencing issues with lumetri colour where it will no longer update live. It's pretty bad on 25.0 on large timelines as well Here is a screen recording of 25.0 on a rather large timeline, note; I am moving the mouse the entire time but it does not update until I let go. This is all footage proxied to prores - Moving to a smaller timeline does NOT change this behaviour for me. It happens regardless
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‎Jan 22, 2025
01:08 PM
Agreed, rounded corners is a complete regression of functionality. I've been using 25.0 almost exclusively because of them.
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‎Jan 08, 2025
05:04 PM
I've noticed a few icons in the 25.2(build 74) are noticeably blurry. I've taken a few screenshots comparing to v25.0 The multicam icon; 25.0 25.2   The plus icon that appears bottom right of the program/source monitor; 25.0 25.2 M & S icons for audio tracks when track heights are minimised (also funnily the lock icon used to be blurry but has since been sorta fixed aha);  25.0 25.2 25.2 with expanded track heights   All screenshots are taken on w11 at 100% windows UI scaling. I've noticed these on both my home and work PC that have different res monitors.
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‎Jan 06, 2025
05:32 PM
honestly guys... as someone who is currently flicking between 25.0 and the 25.2 beta right now and has been doing so since these were introducted... I still heavily feel like this is a massive mistake. General usability in the timeline is just worse. Like there's no real way to sugar coat it, it's just an overall worse experience to do my job in the rounded interface than it is when everything is squared off. I know at this point that it's probably too late but I really do wish this would be reverted or offered as an option because it's just... not good to actually use.
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‎Dec 17, 2024
03:31 PM
Hey guys, for a while now the M & S symbols have appeared blurry and dull while tracks are reduced to their minimum size. In my attached image you'll see what happens when I increase a track size even the tiniest amount. I first noticed this issue when the bug surrounding edit points not rendering on minimum track heights was fixed but it's possible this snuck its way in prior to that. This is on a windows machine at 100% render scale. v25.2(beta55)
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‎Dec 09, 2024
12:47 PM
Glad you think so! most working professionals here don't agree though! hope that helps! 😌
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‎Dec 06, 2024
06:43 AM
This is indeed fixed in the current beta versions. I was thankfully (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it haha) able to get in contact with an Adobe employee just as 25.1 started seeding and they notified the team of this issue. Bit of a shame it won't be in a public release until 25.2 as I'll have to hold off updating until then but glad it's fixed regardless.
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‎Dec 04, 2024
01:45 PM
is it just me or are the layer icons all blurry now when using minimized track heights? almost like aliasing got turned off on M and S v25.0 v25.2 beta42 v25.2 beta42 with expanded layer
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‎Dec 04, 2024
01:38 PM
The faint white line on minimised track heights has been resolved in the latest beta. They caught the issue only after the 25.1 update started rolling out unfortunately.
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‎Dec 02, 2024
08:11 PM
Hey @michael_audio_team ! What I was seeing on my end was attempting to adjust the level volume (either with effect controls or with the keyframe bar on the audio track) any faster than an absolute crawl would cause it to update at like 1 frame per second - BUT - it appears that one of the beta builds between my message and the one I just installed ( has fixed that issue! it appears to update much more consistently now!
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‎Nov 26, 2024
12:58 PM
This looks like an amazing improvement. I was always someone who adjusted gain over levels specifically for the waveforms to adjust! Performance seems to chug a little bit if you adjust the volume in certain ways, but this is a really good start and I'm sure that'll be smoothed out over time Now all we need is live waveform previews during trim and v25 can officially be called the waveform update hahaha
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‎Nov 24, 2024
10:20 PM
this near 50% increase is then only increased further if you highlight the scroll bar and it adds a blue outline... personally I feel like the old height with the new outline would look much better and feel a little less *big*. On another note however, if you click on the scrollbar to highlight it, then start playback, the highlight gets chopped off at the top
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‎Nov 15, 2024
03:23 AM
yeah, I really hope someone from adobe see's this issue before it sneaks its way into a main build, it's a pretty unfortunate visual bug that makes it super super difficult to work with tracks minimized
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‎Nov 15, 2024
01:44 AM
edit points are still nearly impossible to see in when track height is completely minimized and feels like it's a result of corner radius shenanigans given that it's trying to "hide" the rounded corners for some reason when track height is minimized
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‎Nov 13, 2024
05:05 PM
Visually speaking though 2 extra pixels on both sides is nearly a 50% increase in size (9px vertically vs 13px for the bottom bar) - so I definitely was incorrect and speaking hyperbolic in my original post my apologies, but to me that still seems rather *in your face* compared to previously. It almost feels distractingly large to me, I can't really put my finger on why. To me a scroll bar doesn't need to scream "hey I'm here!!!!" if that makes sense, they should be out of the way. If the control itself isn't any bigger that is good and I'm happy to concede that point from my original post for sure, but visually speaking it still feels more claustrophobic and that it takes up more space compared to before in my opinion which still does matter I think. Esp like where I mentioned in the original post, the timeline where you have not only the bottom bar but also the one to the right of the timeline, you're visually pushed in by 50% on both sides by a UI element that I almost never even interact with at all and that I cannot make smaller or hide. Again, I'm happy to hear other thoughts and I apologise if I sound too brash (at work so more jotting things down than heavily thinking them through) but I appreciate the insight.
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‎Nov 13, 2024
02:43 PM
Maybe this one is just me, I'd love to listen to other people's opinions but in my opinion the new scroll bar (idk what else to call them really, resize bars?) in the beta are unnecessarily big. They seem to have almost doubled in size compared to previous versions. I've always kind of had the opinion that every little bit of screen real estate matters when it comes to NLE workspaces, that's why premiere is so great in how much freedom it offers us in customising that workspace, but taking up a bunch of that space just for scroll bars is almost visually claustrophobic (honestly it feels the worst in the timeline panel - the program/source monitor are... fine I guess but something about the combination of the bottom and dual side scroll bars on the timeline panel feels like it's just wasting space). Bars like these shouldn't feel like they're encroaching on the panel which to me they currently kind of do. Usability of premiere really feels like it's in such a weird place right now where performance is increasing DRAMATICALLY but the UI is just running into more and more small little gripes that start to add up to an annoying overall experience as someone who just has work to do. v25.0 v25.2 beta Personally I don't feel this change is necessary and is ultimately nothing but a downgrade overall. Premiere is a tool, not a toy, I really don't like the UI direction of treating it like a toy.
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‎Nov 11, 2024
03:15 PM
Are you on the latest beta (sorry I only ever experienced this on a beta version and didn't realise I was in the main forum, are you using a beta version? I only came across this issue in the 25.1 beta)? I thought they fixed it a few weeks back (I noticed it here)
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