Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Nov 02, 2023
10:54 PM
sorry, imagine i said composition instead of sequence. was working in premiere pro just now and i mixed them up for a second!
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‎Nov 02, 2023
10:53 PM
So let's say you have a sequence completely made up of multiple sequences inside of it. Perhaps this is an animation for a lower third or something, or anything else where you'd have to change elements and reuse the whole sequence. Now imagine that you want to duplicate the sequence to reuse but you'd also like to change things in the subsequences inside of it. How can I duplicate a sequence while also duplicating and linking to new duplicated subsequences inside of it? For example, if I changed text in a subsequence after duplicating the sequence, both the original sequence and duplicated sequence would show the edited text, which is not wanted. This is also something I'd also like to know for Premiere Pro, if possible
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‎Sep 17, 2023
09:11 AM
I just tested it in 24.7.1 and it seems to not work at all, having thinnest weight at values 300 and 900, and peaking at around 550. Seemingly 25.0 makes it work for some letters. I wonder what's up with the font that makes it render improperly in Photoshop. Maybe in a few versions we'll get enough letters working to complete a full sentence!
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‎Sep 17, 2023
08:28 AM
I've tried to use a higher weight for this font, and it seems to not be applying that weight to some of the letters. Yes, I've made sure the font works by testing it in another app, and yes, I'm sure the letter has the right weight assigned. I'm using Red Hat Display which allows variable weights. Latest version of photoshop (25.0) Windows 10
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‎Jun 04, 2023
02:19 AM
I found the root of the problem! (I think). I removed a layer which I had used a rotobrush on and it seems to have fixed the problem tentatively. I'm going to stop using the rotobrush tool for now and look for another solution (probably keyframe with masks, although I am not looking forwards to that). However I still want to know if there is a solution or specific problem causing the glitch as the rotobrush tool is quite a useful one.
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‎Jun 04, 2023
01:52 AM
URGENT PROBLEM MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO USE AE! After effects preview stops rendering new frames from ALL sources after toggling visibility of some layers in a comp. Nothing new that I haven't used before is in this comp. Watch attached video as it shows the problem visually. Specs: RTX 3070TI Ryzen 5900X 32GB Ram 500GB free space left on hard drive Software: Windows 10, AE 23.4 Also closing after effects after the onset of the problem isn't possible except using task manager to force quit. I have tried to ignore the files which "caused" the glitch but it turns out that the preview breaking happens even when none of the visibility changes. Switching to 2 view (the comp is 3D) allows me to see the wireframes moving but no preview renders.
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