Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Jul 25, 2023
03:21 PM
1 Upvote
You're gonna think this is the worst problems ever if i mention this to you rn but...i actually tried resetting my pc without removing the personal files etc. but guess what? It said "failed to reset pc" 💀😠i youtubed the problem and many people have faced the same issue. Ill try getting the pc to reset as well somehow if i dont get the product key to activate windows and get the error fixed. But on that note, thank you for all the helpful tips you provided for me and tried to help me with, seriously, i cant thank you enough, god bless you man for real. Like i said, i will get back to you if its sorted and share the full solution as to how i fixed it when i do right here as well. Thanks again man, god bless 💙
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‎Jul 25, 2023
02:54 PM
1 Upvote
@Sergio-CS , not gonna lie, the thought that it might not be a problem on adobe did in fact cross my mind but I wasn't entirely sure if that was the case. I think you might be 100% correct. But im gonna keep it real, im no computer geek 🤣🤣😠i suck at these things and my pc isn't the greatest of PC's either 💀 ill tell you why. So basically i have windows 10 enterprise. And i can't activate windows because i need the product key to activate windows which im trying to get from the owner i got the pc from. If i ever get it, you'll be the first to know. And also, another thing to mention real quick... I've used ae for over a year and a half without windows ever being activated. It worked perfectly fine till those errors started showing up 2 months ago when i stopped editing for a while and i found out about it after i went onto ae after that two months went by and started seeing those errors pop up, so yea. Ill keep you posted on the activation and see what happens
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‎Jul 25, 2023
02:29 PM
@Sergio-CS and btw, the "adobe bridge" error is due to the fact that i tried browsing for effects on ae
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‎Jul 25, 2023
02:28 PM
Okay so I've attached three screenshots from my pc that were taken right now for the problems that im currently experiencing on both after effects as well as premiere pro. The premiere pro problem is worded differently from the after effects issue but its the exact same. Its due to the fact that i cant import in premiere pro
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‎Jul 25, 2023
01:47 PM
Yes of course man i understand, sharing it here is perfectly fine. I just need help from one thing first. Which type of files do you think should be shared? I would think that you'd want the files that are probably causing the issue but i truly don't have a damn clue about which files it could be 😅. Could you maybe tell me one exact file you'd like to check first and then ill share it?
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‎Jul 25, 2023
12:34 PM
1 Upvote
Hey @Sergio-CS , please don't apologise for the late response because i too am responding kinda late due to the fact that i only received a notification that you replied to me now...sorry about this. But with regard to what you mentioned about the version of ae that im using that might be one of the causes... unfortunately, thats not it because I've tried using older versions and even installed the latest 2023 version two nights ago and the errors were still occuring within after effects. So i too am assuming the problem must be lying in between my folders or hardware or something...idk. And yes please, if i could contact you to show you exactly what im talking about i would greatly appreciate it. Would you prefer me to share you screenshots from my pc of whats the problem via email/whatsapp or whatever app you normally use? Because i would really appreciate it. Once again, sorry for only seeing your response now
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‎Jul 22, 2023
03:43 AM
1 Upvote
Hi rameez, i hope you are well. I am currently experiencing an issue sooort of similar to this one, but not the exact same. When i try an import files into AE (im using v22.0 of AE) then i get the error saying- "After Effects Warning: Classfactory cannot supply requested class" and when i try and browse effects on ae, i get the following error- "After Effects Warning: Adobe bridge is not installed". Even on Adobe Premiere pro, when i try importing files, i get an error that just crashes the app and kicks me straight out. O have no idea whats causing this problem and even uninstalled ae and reinstalled it. Nothings worked for me. Please can you help me as this problem is really frustrating. I did an sfc scan and tried practically just about everything. Please help me
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‎Jul 21, 2023
07:28 PM
Hi sergio, i don't know if you'll see this or not, but im currently facing an extremely frustrating problem with which i thought was just on after effects, but it's actually happening on all of my adobe apps (but i mainly only use AE anyway) Whenever i try and import files into AE, i get the following error- "Adobe After Effects Warning- Classfactory cannot supply requested class" and when i try to browse effects on AE- "After Effects Warning: Adobe bridge is not installed" Its super super frustrating, have you ever faced these problems before? Because i haven't ever seen a solution to this problem on yt or on google and i tried uninstalling and reinstalling ae, nothing's worked
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‎Jun 11, 2023
06:30 AM
Hi, i am currently using After Effects 2022 and I've been using it for more than a year now, but recently about 2/3 weeks ago i havent been able to import files or practically do anything on after effects, as well as adobe premiere pro because of this error: "After Effects Warning: classfactory cannot supply requested class". And i assume this is the exact same issue with adobe premiere pro, just that the error is worded differently on that app. If anyone knows what this means or knows how to solve it, I'd greatly appreciate the help
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