Evandro Leite
New Here
Evandro Leite
New Here
‎Oct 05, 2023
06:40 AM
1 Upvote
I found something that solved the problem for me. I needed to clear the font cache in the Adobe folder and the fonts started working normally again. But before that, I reinstalled the fonts that were causing the problem a few times and tested other ways to solve the problem, perhaps this had some impact on the result. The folder is in "C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2024" and you must delete the "CT Font Cache" folder.
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‎Sep 18, 2023
04:55 AM
I'm having a problem with some fonts in this Photoshop update, Google Fonts typography is buggy with the weight variation, especially in the bolder versions. Some letters are in bold/black while most remain in regular/light. I tried reinstalling the software and fonts, I tried variable and static ones, but nothing works. Now Photoshop only recognizes font italics. Some of the fonts I'm having trouble with are "Red Hat Display" and "Figtree".
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