‎Jan 09, 2025
11:26 AM
Hello, Viewing in Photoshop (100%): Viewing in InDesign (300%, same screen size as PS): Viewing at 100% in InDesign: Why do fonts now appear jagged and irregular in Indesign? I've used other fonts — same problem. I’m using a previous version because the latest version has bugs — especially when using high-quality display. How can I fix this? I want to use anti-aliasing for fonts whenever possible. Adobe Indesign 20.0 x64 Adobe Photoshop Version: 26.2.0 20241207.r.140 bc85906 x64 Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit GPUName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
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‎Jan 06, 2025
07:56 AM
After a few days without opening Photoshop, I opened it today and found my file like this. Some layers have this glitch and are uneditable. The background was supposed to be clean, not like this (it seems like the used fonts created those cutout shapes all over the canvas). Luckily, the file is just a sketch... but imagine if it were a final version? What happened to this file? Note: I noticed that other files created around the same time don’t have this issue. Adobe Photoshop Version: 26.2.0 20241207.r.140 bc85906 x64 Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit GPUName: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
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‎Apr 03, 2024
04:21 PM
Found the problem: the infamous overprinting. I selected the image and then Window > Output > Attributes Unchecked Overprint fill: And it's done. Thanks!
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‎Apr 03, 2024
03:07 PM
Hello friends, What am I doing wrong here? This guy: It's a compound path (group), so I can adjust its color in Indesign. But when I export as pdf... see: What's going on here? Can anyone help? Thanks!
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‎Aug 21, 2023
03:33 PM
Thank you, Monika. I thought there was a workaround to do it all in InDesign.
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‎Aug 21, 2023
01:59 PM
Hey Monika, I actually copied the elements in Illustrator and switched to InDesign and pasted it - this is what I do when I want to change the object's color in InDesign. But the thing is, when I change its color in InDesign, this happens: The background color changes, not the pattern color itself. I also receive this message when I paste the pattern in InDesign: I believe there is an easier way to do it... It seems so simple. Thank you anyway.
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‎Aug 21, 2023
01:44 PM
Hello, I have an EPS pattern: I wish to isolate the pattern from the white background in Illustrator and apply it to a page in InDesign (I also wish to be able to change its size). Additionally, I want the flexibility to change the pattern's color within InDesign itself (the idea is to change the pattern color as it's part of a collection.) I tried isolating the background by ungrouping the image and manually removing each background element (I'm still new to Illustrator, and I think I might be doing something wrong)... However, when I try to place it in InDesign, I can't change the color (the entire image's color is altered.) Could someone let me know what I might be doing wrong? Thank you!
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‎Jun 22, 2023
01:19 PM
Where is the "Ignore White" option on Image Trace?
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‎May 08, 2023
06:18 AM
Thanks for the link, @Barb Binder — it's helped me a lot! 😉
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‎May 08, 2023
06:17 AM
Thank you so much, @Mike Witherell ! It works perfectly fine so far. Thanks again!
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‎May 05, 2023
06:20 AM
I am producing a music catalog where I need to create text boxes in the following way: Each paragraph (should I call it line?) in the text box, therefore, has a specific font formatting. I have over 400 songs (text boxes) to apply to the project. Is there a way to automate this process? That is, first apply the text in a box and automatically replicate this formatting? I think this has to do with paragraph styles, but I'm not sure how to proceed... Could someone help me out? Thank you!
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‎Jun 21, 2022
09:15 AM
Don't even try to ask them about PS not showing images on thumbnails on Windows Explorer. Last time I complained, they told me to buy a Mac 😄
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‎Jun 20, 2022
02:35 PM
Just switched to Legacy "New Document" Interface and it works fine that way. Edit > Preferences > General > check Use Legacy "New Document" Interface
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‎Jun 17, 2022
12:12 PM
Phosothop won't automatically open new document with the same size the image from the clipboard has. Now I'm forced to click on some other size and then again click on the clipboard box (left) so the preset details give me the same attributes: I didn't need to do this before. What is going on here?
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‎Jun 15, 2022
12:32 PM
Só rindo mesmo.
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‎Jun 15, 2022
12:24 PM
As would be assumed, I cannot help you with PSD images and Explorer. And, if you're being true here and are not even slightly interested in Bridge, I'm not entirely sure why you are here. I am here because Adobe gives Bridge as the ONLY option to see PSD thumbnail images. That's why I'm here. I am being forced to use this software just for that. And it stinks. We don't need to continue this conversation. You already know what I want and you seem to be clueless why Adobe does not let Explorer show PSD thumbnails. And they don't give a damn about it. Thank you for your suggestions.
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‎Jun 15, 2022
06:34 AM
Hello, @gary_sc, Thank you for your reply. I'm pretty sure the translator did a good job, but it seems you still haven't understood my venting here. Two questions: is that a formal database such as Access, or is that an inaccurate translation? Next, are these images all in one folder? If so, that's the problem. The images are all in one folder, separated by themes in subfolders. Bridge CAN NOT deal with that many images at one time — it will show the symptoms you describe. Explorer can do that, but Bridge cannot because Bridge is doing much more than just showing the jpg default image many images can contain. Bridge is looking at things like colorspace and a whole lot more. I'm not interested in the other features Bridge have. As I said, the ONLY reason I have to use Bridge is because I can't see PS thumbnail images any longer through Explorer. And that's Adobe's way to force me into using a software which is mostly useless for me. If you want an application that CAN work with 50,000 images AND is a database with significant search capabilities and much more, I suggest you look into Lightroom Classic. So you're suggesting me to BUY another product from Adobe just because I can't see PSD thumbnails on Explorer. Cool, but thanks! Meanwhile, if you wish to continue to test Bridge, I strongly suggest you start organizing your images. This other suggestion is to organize images by myself, which I didn't need to do when Explorer was reading PSD thumbnail images. I know you don't officially represent Adobe itself, but I find this strange: I'm buying a product (not so cheap here for us) that asks me to work for him. Weird, huh? Specially for a trillionaire monopoly like Adobe. Thanks for the suggestion, though. I wish I could help you more, but you have a number of very specific conditions, and it might be challenging to find the best option for your needs. No. I don't have a "number of specific conditions". My condition is only ONE: being able to see PSD thumbnails on Explorer. That's all I'm asking. I'm not even slightly interested on Bridge. I hope you now undertstand my rant. Thanks anyway for your attention.
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‎Jun 14, 2022
12:30 PM
Eu trabalho com design e ilustrações. Tenho um banco de dados com mais de 50 mil imagens, com diversos tamanhos e extensões. Muitas vezes faço busca dentro desses arquivos. Sempre usei o Explorer do próprio Windows para fazer essa busca. Nunca precisei do Bridge. Faz algum tempo que os thumbnails do PS não aparecem mais no Explorer. Isso impossibilitou que eu fizesse essa busca, ou então trabalhasse com ele para procurar arquivos. Cheguei a instalar softwares third-party para apresentar os thumbnails. Mas ultimamente não tenho encontrado mais programas assim que fossem gratuitos ou então que funcionassem. Fui forçado, pela própria Adobe, a usar o Bridge. Justamente porque o Explorer não consegue mais mostrar thumbnails de PSD. Até aà tudo bem. O Bridge vem junto com minha assinatura. Acontece que o programa, para mim, é uma tragédia. Ele é lento, precisa sempre carregar TODOS os arquivos para que eu faça uma busca decente. Muitas vezes ele congela e preciso fechar. O consumo de memória é impressionante -- não à toa que o próprio programa, sabendo da sua própria deficiência em emular o Explorer, pede sempre que eu limpe o caché das buscas. Quando eu usava o Explorer, isso não acontecia. Estou fazendo algo errado? Minha forma de trabalhar é inapropriada para o uso do Bridge? Ou o programa é mesmo deficiente, lento, pesado, com uma estrutura confusa e precária? O ÚNICO motivo que eu uso o Bridge é porque os arquivos PSD não possuem mais thumbnails com miniaturas. Por que, por tantos anos a fio, a Adobe ignora essa questão? Qual a relevância mercadológica ou então polÃtica que move a empresa? Eu duvido que seja incompetência, mas posso levar isso em consideração, se for o caso.
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‎Mar 16, 2022
01:54 PM
So there's this annoying bug on the latest PS version: everytime I resize an image, it leaves the resizing line border around the canvas: I need to zoom in and zoom out so it disappears. Any way of getting rid of it? Definitely annoying. System is Windows 10. PS Version 23.2.2 Cheers,
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‎Jan 27, 2022
05:11 AM
Have you actually read my question? I don't think so. Try again.
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‎Jan 27, 2022
04:51 AM
Quero um tutorial SIMPLES e COMPLETO de como utilizar a nuvem corretamente. Como uso arquivos que são sincronizados automaticamente na nuvem? Principalmente quando uso Photoshop e Indesign? Como organizar? Como armazenar? Como usar enquanto offline? Onde está esse tutorial?
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‎Jan 27, 2022
04:47 AM
Sabem porquê, apesar de ter disponÃvel as novas versões do Photoshop, eu continuo usando uma versão antiga? Porque, na versão antiga, o SageThumbs funciona. Eu consigo ver os thumbnails tanto no PS quanto no Explorer. Já na versão nova, o SageThumbs não funciona. Então sou obrigado a usar a versão antiga. Pois este problema estúpido, vindo de uma empresa bilionária, continua existindo, apesar de milhares de usuários ainda usarem Windows 10 em todo o mundo. Além disso, eu temo desinstalar as versões antigas, reinstalar o SageThumbs, e ver se isso resolve na versão nova — pois não tenho garantia que irá funcionar. Isso se chama descaso. Descaso vindo de um monopólio.
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‎Mar 15, 2021
09:46 AM
Olá, Esta talvez seja uma pergunta muito simplória, mas eu realmente não estou conseguindo compreender os procedimentos necessários — se é que eles existem. Tenho Photoshop, Indesign e Illustrator. Além disso, também tenho o Document Cloud. Eu gostaria de trabalhar diretamente com o Cloud, armazenando meus trabalhos online e trabalhando com eles em tempo real. Imagino que isso seja possÃvel: eu abro um arquivo, trabalho nele, ele é atualizado no Cloud e ao mesmo tempo no meu HD. Isso é possÃvel? Como devo proceder? Seria muito importante que eu tivesse um passo-a-passo para tal, já que não estou compreendendo os tópicos que me ajudariam nisto. Alguém pode me ajudar?! Sou grato desde já! Muito obrigado!
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‎Apr 20, 2020
10:07 AM
Acho lamentável que eu tenha que pagar anualmente por um software que não mostra thumbnails no explorer do Windows 10. Tentei usar o Sage Thumbs e ele não funciona para mim. É de uma pobreza impressionante da parte da Adobe. Só não jogo o Photoshop no lixo porque não existe concorrência decente para ele. Sorte a de vocês.
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