‎Aug 20, 2024
03:46 PM
@Sameer K Thanks for trying to reproduce the issue! With JPG files (and Camera Raw filter) I observe the desired behavior (effects settings do not reset). I've also tried to reproduce the issue on a different machine, but it behaved correctly with both raws and JPGs. I did some digging and I think I've tracked down the root cause. Before clicking the eye icon we need to create and set a Raw default profile. Step 1 - Set texture, clarity and dehaze to distinct values (let's say 1, 2, 3) Step 2 - create a preset, name it "test_effects_reset", check only "Effects" (and possibly "Support Amount Slider", not tested with this unchecked) Step 3 - set this preset as camera raw default     Step 4: now set "texture, clarity and dehaze" to some random values. Press & hold & release the eye icon. The sliders are reset to the value from the "Raw Default" preset, not to the previously set value. Step 5: set the "Raw Default" to "Adobe Default". The problem is gone - the sliders are reset back to the previous value after releasing the mouse button. Could you please try to reproduce this issue with "Raw Defaults" set?
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‎Aug 19, 2024
05:09 PM
Clicking on the eye icon in the Effects panel resets all effects settings. Expected - effects should be temporary set to zero and returned to their original values after releasing mouse button. Camera Raw Windows x64  
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‎Jul 25, 2024
02:03 PM
1 Upvote
@CJButler thanks! I would be grateful if you would consider, as a last resort, changing to the non-Async version guarded by a flag in PSUserConfig.txt (let's say: `UseNonAsyncKBModifiers 1`) . That way only the bravest of the users would be exposed to potentially breaking change. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the review!
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‎Jul 25, 2024
12:51 PM
@CJButler Thanks! I'm very grateful for you quick and honest responses. I'm curious, if this issue happens also on non-Windows platforms. I'm not even trying to imagine the complexity and layers that grew over the years. I'm myself very, very, surprised that ditching the Async version solved the problem on my end. I will use the patched version for a while and report any issues. But I use a very specific subset of functionalities (no artboards, no stroke smoothing, etc.) and this change might have impact that is hard to predict, even with access to the source code. > how this negatively impacts your day-to-day workflow, It's manageable. But the original issue (with moved layer) happens ~2x day. I have to redo some work ~x1 month, as I usually notice the layer shift, and have enough history to undo, but it's irritating. > and whether your workarounds are tolerable or not I'm OK with running the patched file, but every new release (especially beta releases that happen very often), would require me to create a new patch. Time consuming, but better than having layers randomly moved. Adding to my previous post, I did a little more digging. Fortunately `GetKeyState` is present in the imports table. I was able to find a single call in Photoshop binary that has to be patched. It's a very small stub, called from >50 other places, but at least I don't have to patch a system-level dll. If you are interested in trying my workaround, here is the patch (you can use https://hexed.it/) for Photoshop.exe: For "Adobe Photoshop Version 25.11.0 20240716.r.706 b326a7d x64", file offset 0x00A303C6, change 96 to D6 For "BETA Adobe Photoshop Version 25.12.0 20240722.m.2708 7e0e5ce x64", file offset 0x27927D6, change 3EB0 to CEAF (all it does is changing a call to GetAsyncKeyState into a call to GetKeyState)
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‎Jul 25, 2024
08:01 AM
1 Upvote
Well... it was that simple 🙂 At least it seems to solve both problems I've described and is not breaking anything obvious. I've hot-patched GetAsyncKeyState (in user32.dll) to jmp directly to GetKeyState. This is quite heavy-handed, but it's a good place to start. There are many justified uses of the Async versions for sure, and patching them all willy-nilly will break something else. But if you can pinpoint the call used in the drawing/scheduling code path, that might be it 🙂
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‎Jul 25, 2024
07:41 AM
1 Upvote
@CJButler thanks for logging the bug! The lag of a big brush is to be expected and I have no issue with that. > One thing that might be done is to somehow reject KB modifiers while a brush stroke is still painting. Yes, that might solve this particular issue, but would not address the root cause. I've tried sampling a color (by Alt+clicking, releasing Alt immediately) while the stroke was being painted. That revealed another strange behavior. A single dot is being painted in the place where I sampled a color from, as if I just clicked there, without holding the Alt key. On the other hand, when I paint a "slow" stroke, then click without holding Alt, and press & hold Alt after clicking, a color is sampled instead of painting a dot in the place I clicked. I can only speculate how the code works, but it seems like the KB modifiers are read using GetAsyncKeyState (which ignores the message queue) to decide what tool operation should be scheduled (brush, move, sample color), whereas mouse/pen events are processed from the event queue. If the modifiers keys were also read from the event queue (using GetKeyState, without Async), then the state of modifier keys should be updated appropriately for the tool choice. It should solve those odd behaviors, but I guess it is not that simple...
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‎Jul 24, 2024
02:59 PM
@Nicole26080976f51u > will eliminate the alert for 25.11 If you experience this issue in 25.11 please share a sample file. For me, it works as expected in 25.11 (no "update" alert displayed)
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‎Jul 24, 2024
02:46 PM
A layer is moved while painting with brush, if while the paint stroke is being drawn I press Ctrl key (on Windows). Note, that I never have Ctrl pressed while clicking (and/or holding) the mouse to switch to the move tool. Probably the keyboard modifier key event is processed out of order, or the brush stroke code tests for Ctrl being pressed in real time, not at the time the stroke was scheduled. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a big RGB, 16-bit document (4240x6059), no background, one empty layer 2. Create a new layer, paint on something to notice layer shifts (for example the text "test") 3. Duplicate that layer 4. Set soft brush, size 2375, spacing 1% so that painting the stroke takes some time 5. Quickly draw several long strokes using mouse or tablet, to put them in a queue 6. While the stroke is being printed, let go of the mouse, press & hold Ctrl on the keyboard. 7. Observe: subsequent queued paint strokes are executed as Move commands (bug) 8. Repeat the above, but without holding Ctrl - all paint strokes are executed after several seconds (intended behavior) Same issue with 'Eraser" tool. See the attached video. I've included OSD with key/mouse presses to show, that I never press Ctrl while painting the strokes. I press Ctrl after I let go of the mouse. Severity: medium/high, it happens very rarely, but when it happens and the layer is moved without me noticing it, I have to redo some work if I merge the layers and have not enough history to undo. CC: @CJButler (who solved the "stuck space bar" issue, thx!) Please let me know if you can replicate this issue. Versions affected (Windows): non-beta: Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.11.0 20240716.r.706 b326a7d x64 beta: Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.12.0 20240722.m.2708 7e0e5ce x64
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‎Jul 24, 2024
12:03 PM
@Nicole26080976f51u Have you tried the latest beta (Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.12.0 20240722.m.2708 7e0e5ce x64)? I can no longer experience this issue after update. The newest non-beta Photoshop (July 2024 release (version 25.11)) also doesn't want to update any text layers.
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‎Jul 21, 2024
12:25 PM
Current beta (Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.12.0 20240717.m.2702 779bbfa x64) no longer shows the "Some text layers might need to be updated" dialog.
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‎Jul 19, 2024
09:43 AM
I've got rid of that "save the new target colors as default" dialog myself. If someone is interested how to do it, please DM me.
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‎Jul 19, 2024
09:38 AM
I still stick to Bridge 2022, new versions are unusable for me. Bridge 2022 is almost perfect - snappy (current version: laggy), previews load instantly (current version: I see low-res preview for about 1s after selecting a photo), filtering works fast (current version: feels slower and laggier), star rating and filenames do not take too much space (current version: they take too much space), dark theme is good (current version: dark theme is unusable).
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‎Jul 13, 2024
09:19 AM
Is there a way to disable the "save the new target colors as defaults" dialog, that appears every time I set a target color for curves adjustments? I really don't want to modify the defaults, never ever. If I do, I'm happy with opening the Auto Color Correction Options and using the checkbox "Save as defaults" from there. No need to nag me about changing the defaults every time I sample a target color.     
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‎Jul 13, 2024
09:11 AM
Only a workaround. See one of my previous posts. From what I understand Adobe consider it as WAI.
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‎Jul 13, 2024
09:09 AM
Thanks Cory! I switch between Beta and non-Beta versions, and don't want to modify/update the text layers back and forth. If there is no way to disable this new text engine features in Beta, I will simply stop using Beta and wait for the non-Beta text engine to catch up.
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‎Jun 27, 2024
05:55 PM
Hi @CShubert! Yes, that was originally a part of "fake colors" layer buried deep inside many groups. I've included only the problematic layer, to give you a minimal example. There were also other text layers using the same font, but only this one caused the message to pop up. I've created another test file ("test2-clean.psd"), starting from an empty doc and dragging the text layer over. Same issue. (I wasn't able to attach it to the response, had to edit the original post. The original attachment disappeared...) > Do you see the same issue with other files as well, or just this file? Only this file. Although I don't normally use text layers at all, and I have no other files with text layers created from scratch. > What do you think is unique to this file vs others... No idea, sorry 😞 I've opened the "test2-clean.psd" file in PS Beta, clicked "update", and saved as "test2-clean-after-updating.psd". I've then parsed both PSD files to look for differences. I've found a change in "cinf" layer tag ("COMPOSITOR_INFO") of the text layer: before updating: minorlong\u0\u0\u0\t \u0\u0\u0\u3fixlong\u0\u0\u0\u1\u0\u0\u0\u0
after updating: minorlong\u0\u0\u0\u0b\u0\u0\u0\u3fixlong\u0\u0\u0\u0\u0\u0\u0\u0
^^^^ ^^^ I haven't parsed the compositor info itself and I have no idea what's the meaning of those fields. I observed this unexpected behavior for the first time, let's say, 1..2 months ago. Older Beta versions did not show this message. It should be possible to run a binary search (like git bisect) to find a commit that introduced this bug.
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‎Jun 27, 2024
07:03 AM
@Sameer K FYI: the bug is still present in ACR
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‎Jun 27, 2024
07:00 AM
How to replicate: open the attached document in PS Beta (Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.11.0 20240626.m.2679 509bf35 x64) and PS 2024 (Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.9.1 20240610.r.626 e3aae35 x64). In PS Beta the following message is shown: In PS 2024, there is no message shown. OS: Windows 10 x64
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‎Jun 22, 2024
02:12 PM
@Sameer K Thanks! There was also a similar bug regarding the preview not updating while moving the Amount slider by mouse pretty fast, maybe it's connected: https://community.adobe.com/t5/camera-raw-discussions/amount-slider-in-masking-breaks-when-moving-too-fast/m-p/14602156#M25006
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‎Jun 11, 2024
02:10 PM
I have created this thread as a "bug" and provided all required info. It was changed to "discussion". It is NOT a discussion. Why someone changed that category? Please change it back to "bug", so that we can track progress. Thanks!
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‎Jun 09, 2024
05:18 AM
BUG: Amount Slider for Mask in Camera Raw Filter Smart Object doesn't update the preview on click
Version of the app: Camera Raw 16.3 and 16.3.1 / Photoshop 25.9.0 20240516.r.573 296f739 x64 same issue also in Beta Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.10.0 20240606.m.2655 bf45eb0 x64
Platform and OS version: x64, Windows 10 Pro 22H2 19045.4412
Severity: high. significantly disrupts my workflow and irritates me a lot.
Expected result and actual result: Actual: I have to release mouse button or move the cursor slightly to see updated preview. Expected: image should update on mouse click, even when I do not move the mouse or do not release the button. All other sliders update preview on click. Only Amount behaves differently.
Basic steps to reproduce the problem:
Open any RAW file as a Smart Object
Double click the Smart Object to open Camera RAW dialog
Create a radial mask, set exposure to +1
Activate the text field for the amount slider (click on the number 100).
Set the amount to value 0 (type in the number, using the keyboard only). The preview does not update.
Press up arrow on the keyboard. Now the preview updates.
Now using a mouse or a stylus click (and hold) near the right edge of the slider to set the value to around 190. Do not release the mouse button. The preview does not update.
Release the mouse button - the preview updates.
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‎May 21, 2024
03:53 PM
1 Upvote
Version of the app: Adobe Photoshop Version: 25.7.0 20240415.r.504 130b225 x64 Platform and OS version: Windows 10 Basic steps to reproduce the problem: Open an image in sRGB profile. Choose Edit>Convert to Profile. Choose sRGB as destination profile (same as source profile) Make sure the preview box is checked. The colors are messed up. Click OK, the colors are back to normal. Expected result and actual result: preview should work showing good colors
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‎May 14, 2024
12:21 PM
@CShubert could you please take a look?
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‎May 07, 2024
11:22 AM
Thanks! @Rikk Flohr: Photography please let me know if you need more info to be able to reproduce this issue.
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‎May 07, 2024
11:20 AM
Severity: > How is this impacting your workflow? Medium impact, but very distracting. > What workarounds have you come up with? No workarounds found. > Is this blocking you from getting your work done? It impacts the time needed to set up masks. When I create masks with very subtle effect I want to be able to quickly disable and re-enable the mask with custom amount. I can use the eye icon to toggle visibility, but I want to have control over the amount too.
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‎May 06, 2024
05:20 AM
More context, based on a message from @CJButler (thanks!): > From what I can tell, the problem is not a lost event, but one of the slider > value being out of sync with what is currently being displayed. Correct. > One thing that might be helpful to offer the ACR team is whether > the min/max value is actually applied to the data. ; i.e. is the slider > number wrong on the control display, or is the preview wrong and > the underlying data actuallyhas had the indicated setting applied correctly. The slider value is being displayed correctly, but it is not applied to the data, i.e. the preview shows the effect applied as if the slider was in the middle possiotion. You can see that in my screen recording - when I move mouse to the left (fast! way over the left edge of the slider), the slider value reads 0 (correct), "Light" panel is disabled (correct), but the preview still shows (incorrect) dark circle, as if the Amount slider was reading ~170 (the value just before draggigng it to the left). The preview gets updated to the correct state after releasing left mouse button. If you move the slider slowly to the left, both the slider value and the effect visible stay in sync, both in the middle and at the "0" possition.
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‎May 05, 2024
10:25 AM
I was able to reproduce this issue on another two Windows 10 PC with latest updates. Any luck on reproduing this issue on Adobe side? Do you need more info?
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‎Apr 23, 2024
02:32 PM
Amount slider in Masking doesn't update the picture when moving too fast, while holding down left mouse button. Windows 10, x64, ACR / PHSP 25.6.0 20240312.r.433 2bfcbf1 x64 Resetting the Camera Raw preferences made no difference. I was able to reproduce this issue on a different Windows 10 machine, ACR / PHSP 25.5.0 20240214.r.375 Steps to reproduce: Create any mask (let's say radial), set exposure to -1, Feather 0 for better visibility. The Amount slider should be in the "100" position. Click and hold the Amount slider. Move the mouse pointer fast to the left. Don't release the mouse button. The slider position reads "0" but the mask effect is still visible. Release the mouse button - the mask effect updates on the image. The same goes for fast movements to the right (beyond the "200" position). You have to move the slider really fast to see this issue. Expected behavior: the mask effect visible on the photo should be constant with the slider value, even when a mouse button is not released.   (repost, since the previous post was not tagged as a bug)
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‎Mar 13, 2024
03:42 PM
Workaround, using AHK (Windows): #IfWinActive, Camera Raw
^1::Send e^1^1
^2::Send e^2^2
^3::Send e^3^3
^4::Send e^4^4
^5::Send e^5^5
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‎Mar 11, 2024
01:29 PM
@Erik Bloodaxe Thanks! does that imply that the first of the three numbers cannot exceed 99 since it appears to be allocated just two characters? No, just drop the space after the comma Like this: "spectrum-global-color-blue-400": "rgb(29, 128, 245)" - original
"spectrum-global-color-blue-400": "rgb(255,128, 245)" - modified I've also hacked my way around the bright app and menu bar on Windows ( https://community.adobe.com/t5/bridge-discussions/white-menu-and-application-bar-even-in-the-dark-and-darkest-theme/m-p/14481282#M49050 ), if you are interested. ---
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