‎Feb 20, 2025
02:14 AM
I have an update: Once I disabled the sync completely (by going to the lightroom page online in browser and choosing delete all synced images) - funny they did not provide any other means of switching the sync off completely via Lightroom UI! So once the sync is completely off - most of the lags are gone, except for one - creating new collections and adding new images to them. All the rest - applying auto tone, adding adaptive presets with auto-generated masks - all started working just fine. I must add here that while the sync database is active, putting sync on hold (pause), or letting it complete all tasks (green tick showing in sync status, all sync done) - DOES NOT FIX THE LAGS! Lightroom is still often using a bit more than 100% mac CPU and many operations lag atrociously down to downright freezing the whole app. I have no idea why nobody is working on this bug, and nobody even condescending to reply here.
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‎Feb 18, 2025
02:55 AM
so I guess Adobe gave up on this issue, nobody replying, nobody testing? Amazing!
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‎Feb 14, 2025
02:41 AM
Just tested the new 14.2 release that Rikk said contains "an update" for this issue, and NO, the bug is still there, glaring and strong. The symtoms are the same, perhaps even worse now, because even when sycn is all done and in "complete" green tick status applying Adaptive presets still lags, alongside with applying Auto settings, updating process version settings, adding pics to albums and collections - ALL STILL LAG. And the CPU usage is also same - while this lagging occurs Lightroom utilizes around 100% of Mac CPU (which means like 1 Processor Core in Mac's crazy CPU activity monitor) while sitting idle and apparently doing nothing (sync all done and complete, no export or other jobs on activity tab). It is beyong outrageous and beyond ridiculous that we are still here aFTER MONTHS AND MONTHS of me reporting this issue!
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‎Dec 24, 2024
05:33 AM
Not only not fixed in 14.1.1 but got worse. Again everything freezes for minutes, Rikk are you there? Time to poke those Quality department engineers. Lightroom with large catalog and lots of albums and AI portrait presets is UNUSABLE!
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‎Dec 21, 2024
09:02 PM
NOT FIXED in 14.1.1
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‎Nov 28, 2024
02:20 AM
Just a reminder for hard working Adobe engineers that this bug has not been fixed, and Lightroom is virtually unusable because with sync on it starts lagging after editing a dozen pics. After that, "auto" tone won't apply and all other commands affected by the bug start lagging also. Please somebody finally get the issue some priority!
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‎Nov 06, 2024
01:47 AM
1 Upvote
I am still having this issue, so obviously the bug was not fixed. Adding new images to collection lags atrociously after some time working with Lightroom, even with sync on pause (but there are images in the sync queue)
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‎Nov 06, 2024
01:32 AM
1 Upvote
I don't know how other guys are surviving with big catalogues, my Lightroom classic is borderline unusable for months since they updated the sync engine. The workaround with pausing sync is not always working: sometimes even with sync on pause the lags develop after a while, and then I cannot do any of the above mentioned operations, plus two more to the lags collection - delete images from disk, rotate image - also lags for MINUTES. Somtimes it says "Gathering Information" in the Activity progress bar on top left of screen.
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‎Nov 04, 2024
02:57 AM
If you test further with your reproduction instructions, you'll notice that same lag will develop after some time with 1/ Auto tone command 2/ Export file command 3/ Add to collection 4/ Show in finder and perhaps a few others. Try repeating those operations above a dozen times with sync running and you'll notice the lag immediately.
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‎Oct 25, 2024
11:13 PM
1 Upvote
yahooo! it took you FOUR MONTHS to acknowledge the bug I filed in July (don't recall exact day, but right after the new sync engine was pushed). You are amazing! 🥲 Perhaps another 4 months later you'll accept that this lag in Adative Presets is JUST ONE ISSUE of a global bug in sync engine code affecting MULTIPLE operations within Lightroom.
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‎Oct 25, 2024
08:24 AM
Lightroom for Mac OS, all latest updates for both Lightroom and Mac OS, File name: DSC02784 I want to find it. I input 2784 - in search - result "Black Hole" no, results I input 02784 - file found. One question only, why you had enough time to come up with some fancy messages like oh-oh black hole, but you could not find search actually work as a proper search should?
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‎Oct 25, 2024
03:48 AM
Lightroom Classic Mac OS, 14.0.1 release, Mac OS Sequoia 15.0.1, Macbook Pro M2Max
With cloud sync enabled and working ( there are images in sync queue) it is impossible to appy Adaptive Portrait presets, its starts lagging, glitching, masks won't appear in the masks list, the small dialog window which should appear with Portrait Preset progress is not appearing, then it can pop up a minute later, and stop responding. As a result user can't continue to work with the app, one has to force quit. I will try to attach a video of screen recording with this bug.
This is one instance of the same old bug filed by me long time ago (in July, after the first release of Lightroom Classic with revamped sync engine). I tried reporting it muliple times but each and every time my topic was actively mismanaged by moderators: it was relegated to discussions, then the title was edited by moderators to make it totally irrelevant to the core issue, then locked, then merged with a bug thread reported much later and dealing with just one particular instance of the issue (concerning lag in creating new collections), and finally reported FIXED. Well, I've got news for you - it is not fixed.
- this is the thread in question: https://community.adobe.com/t5/lightroom-classic-bugs/p-adding-to-creation-of-a-new-target-collection-takes-minutes-unless-sync-is-paused/idc-p/14934424/page/5#M57799
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‎Oct 18, 2024
02:23 AM
@Rikk Flohr: Photography After you have multiple times downgraded my thread from bugs to discussions, then locked it multiple times because your "forum decorum" was rhyming in your head and you thought it proper to punish me for editing MY OWN THREAD TITLE, then after finally you've successfully diluted it by MERGING with a bug thread posted much later, with misleading description and dealing with ONE PARTICULAR INSTANCE of the issue (lag in creating collections), but nowhere touching on the core of the problem (poorly coded sync engine) and not touching on a dozen other even more serious instances of that same bug (lags in other various vital workflow operations), after all that you are saying "nobody is preventing you from filing"? You are a funny decorum rhymer! I hope Adobe soon realizes that employees like you who care more about your own decorum and display of your moderation powers are a detriment to company success. You are obstructing investigation of a very serious bug affecting perhaps thousands of users! I hope Adobe management will rhyme it up with you 😉
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‎Oct 16, 2024
04:21 AM
Rikk reported: "The October (MAX) update contains an update for this issue" and also the bug seems to have changed to "fixed" status. 1/ Bug has not been fixed. 2/ The real issue is not limited to "Creating Target Collections..." - moderators won't let me file this bug with proper description - it deals with lags in MULTIPLE Lightroom operations with cloud sync enabled, including but not limited to "auto-tone", "update to current process version", "apply Portrait AI preset" etc. I still see ALL OF THOSE LAGS in 14.0 OCTOBER MAX update (weirdly, export command seems to be working normal now - while before it used to be in the "lags" category - so there may be a bit of an improvement in 14.0) Once again a plea to moderators - please allow me to create a proper bug thread with adequate issues description. I did it as far back as July 2024, and ever since my thread has been - RELEGATED to discussions, LOCKED, and MERGED with other less adequately described bug issues. We need a proper thread for this LAGs bug - it has not been fixed in 14.0!
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‎Sep 25, 2024
07:26 AM
you do realise that what you are doing is changing NOTHING AT ALL? A digital copy is exact same file down to the last byte.
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‎Sep 25, 2024
07:21 AM
I filed this as a bug way back in July when the new release (13.3 I think) with revamped sync engine was released and all this trouble started. My post contained detailed descriptions, and I have provided all diagnostic logs to the Adobe teams. Despite all that, my thread was immediately moved from bugs to Discussions and the title of the topic was changed from "Multiple mission critical operations lag with cloud sync working" to "Collections take 2 minutes to appear in list". I protested and tried to edit the title back which only lead to the thread being locked by some obnoxious megalomaniac moderator. After I reported this counter productive behavior of moderators to Adobe customer care my thread was merged with a bug report that was filed very recently in September and under very non-descriptive title "Target collections take time to appear" which is just one particular instance of this bug, but by far not the whole story. There is some hope that this issue will be finally resolved and we will have a normal bug thread with a proper title as I was told today that my complaint was escalated to higher management and they are dealing with it right now.
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‎Sep 25, 2024
03:26 AM
1 Upvote
Is your problem only with "creaing new target collections" or with multiple lags in different parts and operations withing Lightroom Classic? If the latter please complain about moderators of this thread who are stubbornly changing the title of my bug report to dumb it down and downlplay the issue!
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‎Sep 22, 2024
01:12 AM
My RAM usage is "kind of" withing normal - 11-12Gb after several hours syncing
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‎Sep 22, 2024
01:06 AM
Thank you for the tip, do I have to pay for that plugin to use the navigation backtrack feature?
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‎Sep 20, 2024
10:15 PM
1 Upvote
The bug is still rampant and makes my Lightroom impossible to use, as of 21 Septermber 2024! I have also noticed that if the sync queue is above 10 thousand images, the lags become atrocious!
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‎Sep 19, 2024
07:38 AM
Thank you, this is close, but only lists recent "sources" like folders and collection, not specific images. If a folder has over 1000 images its still a pain to find the exact image you were at in the previous step. But better than nothing!
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‎Sep 19, 2024
12:28 AM
I have a huge catalogue of over 300K images, in multiple folders and collections. Sometimes I am browsing a certain folder or collection and work on an image, but then I move to some other folder or collection and that selection is lost. Currently I don't know any ways to retrace the steps and get back to the previous folder/ previously selected image in the Library. The "navigate" feature showing left/right arrow in the bottom strip on the Library Grid view doesn't work between folders. Is there any way at all to retrace at least 5-10 steps back in your library browsing history, to find the image that was selected in the previous step? If not, I think that should definitely be a feature! Thank you.
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‎Sep 17, 2024
08:33 PM
Hey Rikk, Despite the fact that you've now been forced to accept that my thread which you worked so hard to dumb down and downgrade and silence is indeed indicative of an issue, you are still continuing with your old tricks! You merged it with the bug report which only deals with specific "Lag in new target collection creation" and was filed September 15. My thread was much more broad and descriptive, it reflected the nature of the issue more fully, since it is not limited to only Collections, and it was initially posted in early July! May I observe here that your Process Version update lag (which you were able to reproduce, halliluja!) is just one of the dozen possible lags happening as a result of this bug. Similarly, updating the Loop preview can lag (after editing in Develop module, switch back to Loop and the preview is not updated to reflect edits), the apply auto tone corrections command lags, export image lags, create new collection lags, add image to collection, apply AI masked presets, and several others. What is interesting, is the fact that other commands, like making edits with sliders, etc - all work fine. So the lags are present only within a specific set of commands (that somehow got intertwined with the background sync processor thread which is only allowed a very limited CPU resource). Please update the title and issue descriptoin to reflect all the above, if you are indeed interested in helping the community to fix the issue, and not only in exercising you moderation powers by locking, merging and editing titles in a way that makes it very hard to find the issue or understand its nature (senior management is now watching you, so tread carefully)!
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‎Sep 16, 2024
02:53 AM
why was it moved to "Discussions"?
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‎Sep 15, 2024
02:27 AM
My topic dealing with a very important bug in current Lightroom Classic 13.5.1 on Mac has been locked again, because I did not accept the moderators' modification of the title of the topic! https://community.adobe.com/t5/lightroom-classic-discussions/two-minutes-for-item-to-appear-in-collection-list/m-p/14850289/page/3#M378762 Original title was descriptive of the issue "Lightroom 13.5.1 has huge lags in multiple operations with cloud sync running" but moderators changed it to "Collections take 2 minutes to appear in list" which was misleading and not descriptive of the main issue. After I have pointed out to them that my issue is not about "collections taking 2 minutes to appear in list", but about lags in various vital operations, like new collection creation, adding pics to collections, exporting pics, applying AI mask presets, updating previews for edited pics in Loop vs Develop modules to name a few - ALL of them direclty connected to whether the cloud sync is enabled and running or not, they locked the topic so that nobody can add any information. Many people chimed in before that they have similar issues, but the moderator power wielding and pride seems to be above job responsibilities for them! I am looking for a person at Adobe who would deal with this situation and punish the selfish moderators.
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‎Sep 15, 2024
02:20 AM
so it seems the community helper experts are hypnotised by Adobe magic also? Tell me what you would call a situation where a certain operation in software (like cloud syncing in our case, but could be backup syncing in another very similar scenario) reports completed successfully, and only later (when you look in the cloud, or in your backup) you find out that it was not done properly, and some files are missing. Do you call it a well-implemented feature or what? I seem to be talking to some enchanted elves in the wonderland!
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‎Sep 15, 2024
02:16 AM
Mac OS Sonoma 14.6.1, Lightroom Classic 13.5.1,
I've noticed recently that my Mac display won't turn off after specified inactivity timeout in display sleep settings. The issue is intermittent but pretty frequent. I would walk up to my mac after an hour and the display would still be on. I've checked the system power settings many times, should sleep after 5 minutes. My Lightroom Classic does have the option to prevent system sleep while syncing ON.
However, that should not keep the display on!
pmset -g reports that Lightroom Classic is keeping THE DISPLAY on for some reason. Seems like a bug to me.
Please see attached screenshot
[moved from bugs to discussions according to the community rules - Mod.]
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‎Sep 13, 2024
07:04 PM
Are you kidding me? If that is the case then why Lightroom Classic happily accepts such images for sync, without any warning that custom profiles are not supported, and finally reports that sync was successful? And why then the error message from lightroom mobile doesn't instruct the user that he needs to register his custom profiles with other Lightroom application (which he might never think of using on his desktop computer since why would he do it if he has the full blown Lightroom Classic already ?) Still a bug in my opinion, and moved again toDiscussions section as usual - you folks at Adobe have a funny way of dealing with bugs - you just ignore them!
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‎Sep 13, 2024
02:15 AM
Lightroom Classic for Mac 13.5.1, Mac OS Sonoma 14.6.1 (all current updated versions)
This is an old bug, that was with us intermittently since Adobe first allowed syncing of custom .dcp profiles to mobile cloud. I believe it WAS FIXED some time in the past, I definitely remember my custom profiles working for some time, but as of now, in 13.5.1 - they are broken again (I think were broken since 13.3 when they changes something major in the sync engine again).
Steps to reproduce:
1/ in LR Classic enbale cloud sync, create a synced collection and populate it with some pics with custom camera profiles (.dcp) in Develop settings. Let the sync complete.
2/ Result: despite the sync status in Lightroom reporting "all synced", if you attempt to open this pic in Lightroom mobile on your phone, or iPad, or Mac, it will report "Missing Profile" with warning that if you continue editing the profile will be reset to Adobe defaults.
Please fix this bug once and for all already.
I cannot attach the custom profile .dcp file to this post because the forum engine won't let me upload .dcp file (why?).
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‎Sep 10, 2024
01:31 AM
my own definition? So by your definition an operation that is initiated and completed successfully by all visible markings, so the user is justified in assuming it worked, - later proves to be incomplete so that user risks producing final exports with the preset not applied - is NOT A BUG in your definition?
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