Community Beginner
Community Beginner
Aug 29, 2023
07:20 AM
Thank you so much for your reply! I had to google where to find my color profile on Mac and I found it. Changed to sRGB instead of Color LCD and it seems to fixed the problem. In my proof colours it still shows that it shows CMYK (even if its an RGB file), but its better than it was 🙂 Thanks!
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Aug 28, 2023
10:54 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, I am having the same issue. Where did you get the Preferences window with all the profiles? I am guessing my laptop is wonky with RGB colour settings too lol
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Sep 16, 2021
02:44 AM
Thank you, but Illustrator still sets the Proof Setup to CMYK when I open the document again. Is that ok and I can just leave it like that?
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Sep 15, 2021
05:35 AM
Thank you for your reply, Ton! It says: Untagged RGB. Not sure what that means.
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Sep 14, 2021
07:30 AM
Hi, I've been trying to sort this out for ages now and I just can't seem to find an issue. So I am using Apple Mac 2019 with a good graphics card. My Illustrator is up to date and the operating system is macOS Big Sur latest version. I mostly (90%) work with RGB colours, but every time I open a previously set (or even new) RGB documents - the colours are washy/dirty. I manually every time go to View/Proof Setup/ and tick "Monitor RGB" and colours are as they should be. But I have to do it every time I open a document! As it automatically switches to "Working CMYK:coated FOGRA39...." Its the same document, I saved it in RGB, closed and opened it again. Here are my colour settings below: PLEASE PLEASE tell me there is something wrong and it has an easy fix and this has been frustrating. Thank you in advance!!! ❤️
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Feb 18, 2021
06:08 AM
Ah yes ... I selected Preview with CPU and they dissapearred. Was that my issue? Using wrong preview?
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Feb 18, 2021
02:32 AM
Hi, I have the latest update and a new powerful computer, but I noticed that lately Illustrator is creating these weird shapes to sharper corners. When I change the path they dissapear. It always appears in the corners. Luckily they do not appear when the artwork is saved. But it just bothers me as I design a lot of smaller icons and there are quite a few of these gliches. Any ideas why is this happening? Added a screenshot below:
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Jul 16, 2020
02:58 AM
Haha well, "irritating" is exactly the word I thought when my Illustrator kept crashing. I am paid by the hour and this is just very annoying when I try to do my job and instead of 1h, it takes 3h. Weirdly enough when Adobe fixes one thing - other gets broken. My Laptop has been up to date at all times, so I'm not sure why this keeps happening. Waiting patiently for the new update as this really has been rubbish haha.
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