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‎Aug 13, 2024
01:21 AM
I checked and saw that indeed this is only the case for fillings (at least in my test). So a normal curve / outline / path withouth filling, it's exported normally as close path, alhtough there also is a start/end point. It does not seem to be related to this. But I don't know why the filling with a path around should be different. I also asked in the Acrobat community about the specification but no answers yet.
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‎Aug 13, 2024
01:19 AM
By the way with normal curves / outlines (without filling) this is not the case. So there are paths that are closed in a vector software like Illustrator and CorelDraw. When it's exported as non editing PDF the software looks whether it's about a filling or not and then opens the path :). I think I learned in the meantime that this is not a big problem for normal printing. But it would be still interesting from any Acrobat expert why this is the case from the PDF specification perspective.
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‎Aug 12, 2024
06:52 AM
Hello, I just asked some related question here in the Illustrator forum: From the answers of the experts there the issue seems not to be really known in the Illustrator community. But on the other hand does not to cause many problems. When you save an easy object with no outline and only filling in a file as PDF (non editing) in Illustrator or InDesign or CorelDraw (like 1 simple circle) and open it again in Illustrator again, then the object changed from closed path (normal circle) to open path with one additional point at the start/end point. So the mentioned three programs create an additional anchor/node and open the path just because the PDF is exported in a specific way. It seems to be related to PDF and Acrobat :). So I ask here also. - Is there any option in Acrobat or additional tool to check a PDF for open paths and double anchors? - Do you have any idea why this is created like that both from Adobe and Corel software, because of the PDF specification? - when you only do "normal" printing, this is not a problem probably in the PDF? - could it be a problem for other tasks (cutting, engraving) ? thank you.
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‎Aug 11, 2024
07:47 AM
Yes, for questions about prepress and PDF specification that's a good idea. So to continue here with the Illustrator issue :). Most of the time when delivering to a customer, probably a PDF version is chosen which does not allow too much editing. At least me, mostly I deliver X-1a. When more editing is needed, also *.ai. When a customer absolutely needs closed paths, I can't deliver a non-editing PDF from Adobe (InDesign, Illustrator). So then I would have to deliver e.g. *.ai. When he does not know anything or need anything about the paths and it's only about printing, then I could deliver a non-editing PDF. Is this change of the path and creation of a hidden additional anchor in the PDF export really a new issue to Illustrator users? I did not find any information on Adobe sites or discussions by search engine. And if so: seems to be a good sign that all those many PDFs created the last decades with open paths have not made any problems in printing :). (By the way I also asked the Corel community and there this also seemed to be new, and the export of PDF from CorelDraw should work fine though, while it's not intented for editing anyway.)
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‎Aug 11, 2024
03:30 AM
I don't know anything about cutting 🙂 and engraving, I just mentioned it as a possible use where there could be a problem. Just to emphasize that even if for me and you and others, who only do printing, it does not matter, it still is an issue. Illustrator (and CorelDraw e.g.) have some code implemented that changes the export of a simple circle concerning the number of nodes and the open/closed path question - just depending on which file type (PDF type) you choose. Perhaps this is because of the PDF specification and indeed this would be a question to PDF expert. But as for me it is more important to understand if this is normal or common behaviour of Illustrator and other vector software and if it matters for printing, I asked here in the Illustrator forum and appreciate if it is dicussed here.
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‎Aug 11, 2024
03:04 AM
Thank you again! Very interesting findings and I did not expect them to be still there in Illustrator CC today (and InDesign). I thought this was more a problem of different tools (like CorelDraw vs Illustrator). Yes, when I save the circle in Illustrator as X-1a then the path is open as well with one more point. Interesting that from Affinity it seems to export closed paths. From CorelDraw open paths as Illustrator. This is such an easy object (circle) that I am surprised that it does not seem to be a known issue for Illustrator users. And that lets me think that it does not matter in terms of printing. But it would perhaps matter for some cutting, engraving. In those cases open paths should not happen, but the editing PDF option is probably not the most often used from Illustrator.
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‎Aug 11, 2024
12:32 AM
This is very interesting, thank you very much. Just to know: so you used the Illustrator CC and reproduced a circle and exported as PDF (e.g. PDF/X) and then the path is open? Yes, the additional point is because the start/end point becomes two points over each other. And another question to you: how did you get then the information about the path after export, in Illustrator or is there any way to read this from a PDF elsewhere (like in Acrobat or any preflight)? (yes Monika, also a little bit a Acrobat question but I would like to keep the context here together, and as Ton Frederiks showed it's perhaps even more an Illustrator topic)
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‎Aug 10, 2024
02:35 PM
yes I just created it as closed path. I never thought a second about this that a simple circle could be read differently after exporting a PDF (today in 2024) depending on which vector software you use. And it's not "those other products" as e.g. a simple circle created in CorelDraw is opened in Illustrator as open path while it is not opened that way somewhere else. Does the PDF format understand the concept of start/end anchor anyway?
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‎Aug 10, 2024
02:03 PM
Here as promised the file. It reads as open path in Affinity Designer and in Inkscape. Interesting: it reads correctly in CorelDraw althouth the other way around a circle from CorelDraw as PDF reads in Illustrator as open path :). Is all this still today in Illustrator CC the case? And (perhaps even more important) is the concept of start/end anchor and closed paths important when I just do normal printing (no cutting) and don't need further editing?
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‎Aug 10, 2024
01:25 PM
thank you, I will do - but actually my goal is not really to defend my old CS4 usage, because it's really old :). But it would be more interesting, probably also for other users, to know if this is still the case today with the newest CC version. As mentioned it's not about a large complicated drawing but only about 1 object, a simple circle without outline but only filling. Perhaps somebody with the new CC version could confirm that a circle saved as PDF can be opened by other software like Inkscape and Designer normally or also as open paths with double anchors. Also the other way I can't really test here as there is no Illustrator CC trial version (without signing a contract). So it would also be interesting if a PDF with the circle from CorelDraw e.g. can be opened in Illustrator normally.
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‎Aug 10, 2024
11:54 AM
hello, I use a version before CC so perhaps this has been corrected, but: when I create some shapes that are just fillings (like circles or painted fillings) and save as PDF (not matter which), and open this PDF in some other vector software (Affinity Designer, Inkscape) this object is then an open path because the start/end node is not one single node anymore but TWO :). Is this a known issue and does it matter for printing? Also the other way around by the way: if I create such a shape in Designer or also in CorelDraw and open it in Illustrator, then Illustrator says the path is open and finds two anchors instead of one. First I thought this is because of my old version of Illustrator, but it's also the case from some newer software to each other.
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‎Jul 03, 2024
12:21 PM
ok I found out: when you put a close of the document before the close of the app in the action, it does not work. if you save in the action and then close directly the app, then it works. Ok!
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‎Jul 03, 2024
12:16 PM
ok I found out: when you put a close of the document before the close of the app in the action, it does not work. if you save in the action and then close directly the app, then it works. Ok!
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‎Jul 03, 2024
12:14 PM
thank you, yes this worked for the combination. Probably I had to restart. But: here I have the same problem as before in another topic where I thought I could solve it with this topic :). When I choose the menu item "Close" or now even the script (doing the same "close") then Illustrator says during the action "The Objekt Close is not available at the moment". Is this known?
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‎Jul 03, 2024
11:41 AM
Hello, is there a way to merge a script and an action? I would like to add at the end of an action the script I created to close the Illustrator app (as it does not work in the action as the Close command). Can I call a script in an action, and how (where do I find the action source files?), or do I have to make a script out of it all? thank you.
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‎Jul 03, 2024
02:07 AM
Yes, thank you. I am not a developer but I always wonder in such cases why the cases are not the same when they are already nearly the same :). I tried all I could about the color engine. Yes, Adobe uses ACE, but I can also choose ICM in Illustrator, and ICM in Corel Draw. In CorelDraw you can choose ICM, WCS and LCMS. But perhaps I can at least learn: Has the rendering intent and the black point compensation anything to do here, or is this only about the color engine (and rounding as you say). It's interesting that I can save a file in CorelDraw as *.ai and open it in Illustrator, and the colors that illustrator shows are exactly the same, this is correct. But when I save this same *.ai and open it back in CorelDraw, the values have changed :).
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‎Jul 03, 2024
01:14 AM
Thank you - is this something I can't change - or is this because of some rendering intent, color engine (WCS, ICM) and so on. I tried many settings, some colors are exactly the same, some are not. Probably most people would not care about this as they don't use color names and accept that CorelDraw and Illustrator have such marginal differences?
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‎Jul 02, 2024
01:05 PM
Hello, I notice small differences in the RGB values about an *.ai file, whether I open it in Illustrator or CorelDraw. Yes this is now a huge door opening the color management world :). But I try to keep it simple. Any (not only one) file that opens with different colors in Illustrator and CorelDraw, for example RGB 224-115-75 becomes 223-114-75. Actually not a huge problem, but I wonder why. Same is true for CMYK. The color profile in the *.ai is normal sRGB, the color in CorelDraw is the same. Also the CMYK profiles are the same. Is there any other option that could lead to such a minimal difference, or do I have to live with it? I ask especially as I work a lot with names colors and would like to see the color names in both programs. thank you.
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‎Jul 01, 2024
02:57 AM
I found out how to close the app by vba script, but you can't combine a script with an action, correct? At least I don't find the script option in the actions menu?
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‎Jun 30, 2024
03:27 AM
Hello, I would like to include the close of Illustrator at the end of an action. But I get in German the message: "Das Objekt Beenden ist zurzeit nicht verfügbar" (close command not available) Is it possible at all? And how could I find a solution here? (it's also ok to close manually, of course, but as there is this option, I would like to use it) thank you
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‎Jun 28, 2024
11:43 AM
thank you again.
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‎Jun 28, 2024
09:15 AM
thank you again. With "allows some editing" you mean a positive thing, probably? Not in the direction of "needs some editing" like always substract them after expanding strokes? I understood everything else now. Good to know.
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‎Jun 28, 2024
03:54 AM
ok thank you very much! and is it common to substract all the shapes from each other after expand strokes, or is this again something that the client or the printer perhaps even likes when the shapes are overlapping (naturally created, after expand strokes)? Or is there any advantage of subtracting them so that they look like after live paint? (by the way, there could also be a logic in the live paint that a bit extra fill is created into the stroke, but there is not?)
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‎Jun 27, 2024
10:48 PM
hello again, obviously I am still a beginner in some areas about printing, so I wonder about filled areas today :). You can fill the areas by assigning a fill to strokes but also choosing the live paint (? "interaktiv malen"). I am not delivering - most of the time - real printing files, but the clients get a file with a drawing in RGB and CMYK and later decide what they do with it (clipart, logo). I wonder how much I have to think about overprint and overfill. a) when I choose live paint, then the fills don't have any overlapping with the lines. Sometimes in PNG exports this is visible, but it is ok. For PDF then I don't do anything with overfill or overprint? b) when I choose a fill for a stroke (by clicking on a palette color) and expand strokes later, then the fill is larger than the "stroke area" so there is an overlapping of the two shapes (fill and stroke). Here also I don't do anything about overfill, but perhaps overprint? (usually black always overprint?) c) do I even have to use pathfinder function for the b) case, to substract the shapes, so that there is no overlapping after expand strokes and I arrive at the a) case ? As mentioned this is not about a specific printing, but I just want to deliver a nice AI or mostly PDF. I wonder if it is better in such a generic way to deliver overlapping shapes or not, and what about overfill and overpring. Hope it is not too generic :). Thank you.
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‎Jun 14, 2024
10:59 AM
thank you again. Yes, I know about the offset path, but there are other cases where it is just as we wrote both :). I was drawing more in pixel mode the last years and am discovering the advantages of vector graphics now - and some additional work :).
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‎Jun 14, 2024
10:49 AM
thank you again! I thought that way when for example I creat some drawing with lines in a certain line thickness, outline the strokes to deliver everything, working some hours on it, then the customer comes back a few days later and wants another line thickness again. In that case I would have to rework the strokes and outline again and rework those again :). I guess this is normal work in this case, I was not sure whether the pros just click on outline strokes and go for it. But I am glad that this work on anchors just has to be made, fine with me.
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‎Jun 14, 2024
09:24 AM
I tried to learn more about outlining the strokes :). After all I have the effect (of course?) that the outlined strokes are not perfect concerning the anchors. So there are more anchors than I would expect. When I try to simplify this or manually correct then I get another version of the line drawing than I had with strokes. So when we talk about a case where I want to outline the strokes (as mentioned by you). What do the pros: - do they outline the strokes and from that point work with this outlined version and correct everthing that it is perfect, but then can't go back to the stroke version (because it's too different then)? - do they just click on outline the strokes when the stroke illustration is ready, and don't make too much corrections then in the outlined version? (Perhaps my images are just too bad (drawn by hand), but I have too many anchors when I outline the strokes.) (I tried also CorelDraw for all those tasks but get even more anchors and double anchors and so on, but in Illustrator also)
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‎Jun 13, 2024
07:49 AM
hello, when I create a very simple PDF (CMYK) from Illustrator or CorelDraw with for example only one black fill in 0-0-0-100 and save as PDF/X-1a, then I always get a warning in the Acrobat preflight of the "PDFX-ready" (Bogenoffset Classic) profile. It says (in German in my case) that the black color could perhaps be re-separated. This is not the case (the warning) when I save a PDF with a stroke (line with contour), only when I make a fill, brush, object. Does anybody use the PDFX-ready profiles for preflight, and is the warning normal, or where should I search a reason? Thank you!
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‎Jun 04, 2024
03:12 AM
Yes, I mostly only use normal strokes as in the test, no brushes applied. But perhaps sometimes I apply a certain look (calligraphic) to a stroke then indeed in the PDF they are outlined. But in general my thought were about normal strokes which are not automatically outlined, as I learned now.
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‎Jun 04, 2024
03:07 AM
I hope I understand correctly, but I am not sure about the english terminology sometimes. When I create a new file in Illustrator and just draw one stroke and save as PDF/X-1a and open this in Corel or Affinity (or Illustatror) then the stroke is still there, not an object / fill / shape ?
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