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‎Mar 06, 2025
08:06 AM
Hello Jamie Clarke, The reset may not have fully worked, but it was worth a try. I opened up several projects and had no problem for a while, then the bug occured again in one of the projects, so I began to record with SnagIt. Not all of the actions shown are in the recording, but at first, I was able to select the channels, but not curve points. Then, the channels were not selectable, so I began recording. As can be shown, I am clicking on the color channels and trying to also get the mouse pointer to change hovering over a curve line. Eventually, I twirl the option below to jostle the interface and was able to break out of the lock and once again to select the channels and manipulate points. It's not a show stopper, but its very random and highly specific, this only seems to happen with curves and nothing else in the lumetri color. We do get new PCs around May or June, so if this issue persists on the new machines, I may further report in this discussion. Thank you for your help. All of this technology is really sophisticated stuff, it's amazing any of it works so well.
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‎Feb 28, 2025
08:04 AM
Hello Jamie Clarke, Yes, we use dual monitors, but I mainly edit on the extra wide Dell monitor. I generally do not have to split panels between monitors since the main monitor has a lot of width. I started Premiere Pro holding down the shift key, checked the two boxes, and the editor started fine. I went back into lumetri color and so far the bug did not activate. Only time will tell.
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‎Feb 28, 2025
07:25 AM
Hello Jamie Clarke, Thank you for the response. For the original post, I recently added a video example. This even occured with the most recent Nvidia Studio Driver 572.60 for the A4000, just released about 24 hours ago. And the bug still occurs, as demonstrated in the video. I am working on the clip level with the supplied default Lumetri Color for each clip (not an adjustment layer or additional Lumetri Color in Effects Control). As you see me hover over the channels in the video, I am clicking the mouse to attempt to select each channel. When you see me hover over the curves themselves (specifically the one that is already selected), the mouse pointer is not selecting and changing and I cannot effect the curve, whether moving it or the pen icon not showing up. Evenuatly I break out of the issue, but it takes some going here and there to make it work. I was able to do that without leaving the panel, because all I was recording was just the panel.
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‎Feb 26, 2025
02:03 PM
Good day Jamie Clark, Here are our current specs, at least until May or June (we lease from Dell for about 3 years and then switch out). Premiere Pro version 25.1. I never install and use beta versions (I would if I had more time on my hands!). If I do install betas, it would be on the home PC. PC Specs: Dell Precision 5820 Tower Windows 11 Pro for Workstations Latest Dell Bios 2.39.0, 11/7/2024 CPU - Intel Xeon W-2265 (12 Cores) System RAM - 64 GB GPU - Nvidia A4000 with 16 GB using studio driver OS on SSD with extended HHDs Please let me know if there is anything else. Warm regards, Scott Williams
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‎Feb 26, 2025
09:25 AM
1 Upvote
Good day Adobe Community, I keep running into this selection bug when accessing RBG curves in the Lumetri Color panel in any project I open up and work on. I do have the latest updates. This bug appears to be two-part. The first part will not allow the RGB channels to be selected. Once I can kick this part of the bug an able to select channels, then the pointer will not appear to make changes (whether to pen or curve changing pointer). I do all kinds of things to kick out of this double bug, including but not unlimited to: - Close and reopen the Lumetri Color panel - Twirl up and down - Move the playhead back and forth over the clip so Premiere Pro can figure out what clip is being targeted - Twirl around 'n' around somewhere else - Etc. etc. What generally works, as a last resort, is saving and closing the project, then reopening the project. To say another way, I have the correct channel selected (once I get passed the channel selection bug) and when hovering over the channel point, the pointer will not change, but staying at the default mouse icon. The bug is very repeatable and has been going on for at least several months. I am 99.99% certain this bug has nothing to do with render times, because I can let the editor set there for a while, and the bug won't kick. Also, whether working with shorter, longer, or upscale source clips, this same bug occurs. Most of our clips are either generic h.264, Topaz h.264 in .mov container, Nvidia h.264, ProRes, etc. Even with proxies, this same bug occurs. It's as if the editor has difficulty figuring out which clip is being selected. No other functions in Lumetri Color panel seem to have this issue, just RBG Curves. Thank you for any help in the matter. Update: A video has recently been recorded to show what happens with this bug. When you see me hover over the channels, I am clicking to activate that channels, or at least attempting to. As I twirl around and away from curves, evently, I break out of the first layer of the, then not, then break out of the first layer again, and evently break out of the bug completely, where the mouse point can now select the channel can the pointer either turns into a pen or movement of the curve.
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‎Dec 23, 2024
12:48 PM
Greetings and thank you for the reply. Overall, I think Microsoft Windows is the issue, it seems to make inefficient decisions on resource usage. To begin with, the editing portion and exports are fine using Nvidia studio drivers. I also checked to make sure that Windows was not updating/installing at the time, stealing that processing power. The only effects applied is Lumetri Color to neutralize the footage. Here are some stats: MEDIA: General footage length per camera: 1.5 to 2 hours Average video source size: Around 100 GB (including referene files) - Generally importing 2 cameras with a program mix (3 total sources) - This makes the average source size per project about 300 GB File type: From Tricaster Elite placed in .mov container - Not 100% sure if the encoding is H.264 or ProRes Average bit rate: 12 to 9 HARDWARE: Dell 5820 Precision (fixed work station) Intel Xeon W-2265 12 Cores at 3.5 Ghz 64 GB RAM Nvidia RTX A4000 I wasn't doing any major multi-tasking while the peak files were building. Generally, peak files are done at about 5 to 7 minutes per 100 GB (if nothing else is being done). But lately, they have been slow. Not sure what I could be missing.
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‎Dec 23, 2024
07:33 AM
Good day Adobe, I would like to see Premiere Pro (in Microsoft Windows) to have the ability to activate the faster processor cores on Intel's CPU, as well as any capability Nivida cards can provide. For some reason, we have a standard size length of about 1.5 hours taking 3 to 4 times longer to process, so I can only guess it got stuck on the slower "efficient" multi-core on Intel's CPU. This thing should be activating turbo mode and just get the job done! Thank you for any help you can provide.
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‎Sep 04, 2024
09:03 AM
Greetings, Figured out a nifty solution, and seems to also help keep the playhead from freezing or skipping so much. Basically, I undock the Text and Graphics panels and place them into a far corner, especially onto another monitor. This is mainly useful if you manually edit between the timeline and the Program panel and don't need the Text and Graphics panels on the scene, with everything else already set up (genreated captions and preset style, etc.).
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‎Sep 04, 2024
07:09 AM
Hello Abhishekkapoor, I have good news and bad news. The goods news is, we obtained better tracks where no noise reduction was needed. The bad news is, I had already deleted the older sessions before I seen the reply. However, I recreated the same session with the older noisy stream track and the DeNoise plugin is working as usual, with the updated Audition session.
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‎Sep 03, 2024
11:50 AM
Wanted to clarify, meant to say double clicking the caption block in the Program panel (rather then double clicking the caption block on the timeline), to access the captions for manual editing in the Program panel. With this method, there is really no need for the Text panel and Graphics panel to always be opened by default, when everything else is already set, such as the text style, etc.
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‎Sep 03, 2024
11:40 AM
Greetings Adobe Community, While working with caption blocks on the timeline and manually editing them in the Program panel, I have noticed that the Text panel and the Graphics panel, by default, opens up while performing an operation that could be independent, especially in a custom workspace. To say another way, after the caption blocks are set from the transcript and text style, the only editing area that needs to be accessed is in the timeline (double clicking and/or rolling the caption blocks) and the text in the Program panel. There is no need for the Text panel and the Graphics panel to always be opened when editing captions. This can cause the playhead to freeze or skip, and by default overbloats the editing space (good thing I use a 42 inch long monitor!). After checking various toggles in Preferences, I could not find anything apparent, but is there a way to keep the Text panel and the Graphics panels 'closed closed'? There is no need for these to always be opened when just working with the captions blocks between the Timeline and the Program panel. Thank you for any help.
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‎Aug 23, 2024
07:17 AM
1 Upvote
Greetings, Just yesteday, and last night on a different machine (which hasn't been updated yet), the Denoise plugin was working in the multitrack session. Now, with the recent update, the DeNoise plugin only works for waveform, but sliding the 0% to 100% noise reduction back and forth, regardless of the targeted frequences, removes no noise at all when using in multitrack. This appears to be a bug, considering is was working on two entirely different machines (one in the network zone, one outside the network zone) very recently.
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‎Jun 21, 2024
09:01 AM
Update. Figured out how to fix after checking another work station, updated Premiere Pro there and noticed the playhead was moving. After a reinstall did not work on the main, I basically decided to 'cleared the media cache files' and 'reset the workspace layout' (after watching a video) under Windows menu heading, and now the playhead works and displays as normal. So its still a bug, but a reasonably fixable bug.
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‎Jun 21, 2024
08:33 AM
To clarify, audio scrubbing is working fine. However, when hitting play, the timeline plays, but the playheads does NOT move. But after stopping play, the playhead JUMPS to where landing on the stop play. I am unable to find any toggle so assuming this is a timeline display bug. Thank you for any help.
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‎Jun 21, 2024
07:57 AM
After the recent update of Premiere Pro, the playhead is not moving while playing on the timeline. Is there an option that turns this on and off? I cannot find anything in preferences.
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