The Very Nout
New Here
The Very Nout
New Here
‎Feb 20, 2025
02:59 AM
It's a year later now. I'm desperately trying to send a manuscript to print, and all I want from Adobe is to show me the dimensions plus all the bleed / slug settings in one quick glance for a quick double-check. Or forget about "quick", just give me a convoluted way to display all that info and i'll take it. So what's the current solution for that? I'm paying for a "professional" product, is it too much to ask for it to be used professionally?
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‎Feb 11, 2021
08:47 AM
So I closed Ae, opened the project, et voila: "Internal verification error, sorry! string at index has wrong match name". I knew what's gonna happen when i "upgrade"... I was meant to be working, but naaah, hours of bug hunting, as friggin usual
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‎Feb 11, 2021
08:43 AM
Ah yes, I'm talking about AE. Not Premiere.
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‎Feb 11, 2021
08:38 AM
And speaking of bugs, I can't even edit my original post. The three "more" dots remain silent. Wanted to add the usual: Win10, all drivers up to date, 32 gigs ram, etc. The faulty essential graphics entry appears red, by the way.
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‎Feb 11, 2021
08:35 AM
I connected some glow colors via expression to one particular Fill Effect color. This color is set to Essential Graphics. Dandy. On a very similar comp (which i duplicated beforehand), differing only in some minor, unrelated details, I do the same: Hook every glow across several layers to one particular Fill Effect color. Right click to set it as Essential Graphics, and: "After Effects warning: Property is unrelated to "FIRST COMP" and will not affect rendering". Same happens when I re-do the steps in yet another duplicate comp. As far as I can remember, I never had this issue in the past / with past versions. Just upgraded to 2020, et voila... typical Adobe bug-merry-go-round
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