Community Expert
Community Expert
‎Mar 10, 2025
03:20 PM
I understand the frustration.
The Linux Subsystem for Windows is a feature exclusive of Microsoft starting on Windows 10 to be able to run Linux commands seamlessly on a Windows desktop on real time.
The equivalent alternatives on GNU/Linux are WINE, PlayOnLinux and Crossover.
With the exception of WINE, PlayOnLinux and Crossover will make it very easy to install Windows apps on a linux desktop.
Nevertheless, there are additional dependencies and software packages that must be installed alongside with the Adobe Lightroom app in order to make it work on a Linux box.
The problem is not because it is too complicated. In fact, every operating system is complicated to learn.
But the skills that I am referring to go beyond the learning curve of using a new operating system, or the skills of a regular power user, a network administrator, or an experienced content creator.
Whatever Adobe Lightroom version you've downloaded, it ONLY supports the system requirements for Microsoft Windows (not GNU/Linux).
You can't just download and extract an Windows .msi file on any GNU/Linux distro to perform an installation like you would on a Windows desktop.
The methods that I mentioned earlier work (sometimes partially, sometimes with a lot of errors).
It is complicated, however, because Adobe repeatedly have made it clear that they won't support Adobe apps on GNU/Linux.
And because Adobe doesn't provide support, if you encounter any issues, there are no technical manuals or references; sadly, you must figure it out on your own.
I say again, is not because it is too complicated, once you've learned how to do it is very straight forward.
In fact, many old versions of Adobe Photoshop can work, but Adobe no longer supports them or are discontinued already.
What is more important to bear in mind is that, the introduction of the Adobe subscription-based licensing model changed the game forever, making it extremely hard for avid Linux users like yourself, to try and use Adobe apps on GNU/Linux.
Moreover, in contrast to Microsoft, Adobe simply doesn't support their software on any GNU/Linux distribution, period!
In other words, you'll be pushing the envelope and exploring boundaries that otherwise may fall under the spectrum of obscure software copyright violations in order to test what works and what doesn't.
That is the real challenge!
As such, you must learn how to force copyrighted softare (that was meant to work on a copyrighted operating system), to be emulated legally on an open source operating system, such as GNU/Linux.
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‎Mar 09, 2025
07:42 PM
Is rendering fine in my Acrobat Mobile app on Android. See screenshot.
One thing I noticed, if you view this PDF on a mobile web browser, the text may not decrease or increase if you are typing in any additional lines of text on any field.
While if the same file is viewed with the Acrobat Mobile App, the text become smaller or bigger as you tap and type in additional text.
Without looking at the file on my desktop computer, this tells me that the Font size text field properties are set to "Auto".
In which case, using this PDF with the Acrobat Mobile App will render text in such text fields in a very clunky way, defaulting the Font size to the smallest size possible.
If this is correct, you may need to edit the original file.
You can do so by using the Prepare Form Tool with Adobe Acrobat Pro DC (requires paid subscription), and set the Font Size text field property to a specific text size instead of "Auto".
See the next slide below:
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‎Mar 09, 2025
06:56 PM
Are you able to share a copy of one of those files with no sensitive data on it?
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‎Mar 09, 2025
06:47 PM
++Adding to the discussion
Hi @james1017 ,
Here are a couple of thoughts:
Is this happening with any and and every PDF document or just one particular PDF?
Would it make any difference if you sign off your AdobeID from both devices (your iPad and mobile phone device) and then sign back in?
Are the Acrobat mobile apps used on that iPad and phone device fully update to their latest versions from their corresponding app stores?
On the desktop computer, if you've installed Adobe Acrobat through Adobe Creative Cloud, is the CC app fully updated to its latest version?
In any case, did you preview those documents on a mobile web browser or using the Files app before viewing it on the Acrobat Mobile app? (just curious)
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‎Mar 09, 2025
06:26 PM
++Edited Reply
Hi @Heisenberg122 ,
Is this smart card being used to digitally sign secured government forms?
Is this macOS part of a network environment by any chance?
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‎Mar 09, 2025
06:20 PM
Hi @Livescroll58650 ,
Is this happening with just that file or with every PDF document?
Meanwhile, three things come to my mind:
turn off the mobile device and power on the device (not a restart)
If your Acrobat Mobile app isn't updated, try to update the app to its latest version from its app store and try again
If your app is already updated to its latest version, Backup all of your PDF documents in your mobile device, and uninstall/reinstall the app; a phone restart may be required after this procedure
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‎Mar 09, 2025
05:57 PM
Hello @marc_7062 ,
I have not personally explored the installation of that application on Linux, but there are indeed various methods available.
At the time of writing this post, I was an active member of the support forums and not affiliated with the Adobe Community Expert Program, nor was I well-versed in Adobe system requirements for Creative Cloud apps or its Licensing, which are important factors to consider.
On Linux, there are multiple approaches to circumvent the installation of software originally designed for a Windows or macOS environment, with the online versions of Adobe Creative Cloud apps being the most viable option. While these online applications may have some limitations, they can still provide you satisfactory results when accessed through a secure and efficient web browser on a capable Linux machine.
If you are determined to attempt a manual installation, be also aware that Adobe Creative Cloud system requirements are only meant for Microsoft Windows and Apple's macOS platforms. Therefore, it is essential to have a solid understanding of both your Linux distribution and the Windows or macOS application you wish to emulate.
Users of RedHat Linux and Linux Fedora, for example, or users of Ubuntu-based Linux distributions, may find themselves at an advantage.
There are several methods you could try using the RedHat, Fedora or Ubuntu-based Linux distributions :
One option is PlayOnLinux, combined with the Creative Cloud install script by Corbin Davenport available on GitHub and various Ubuntu support forums; however, this script only installs certain files, leaving much of the setup to be completed manually.
Another alternative is Crossover for Linux, which is known for its reliability but requires a paid single-user license for use on multiple computers.
Lastly, you could consider using a Windows 10 or 11 desktop with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Given that Creative Cloud apps operate on a subscription basis and the install script has primarily been tested for Photoshop, I believe that testing the installation of Lightroom on a Windows 11 machine using WSL may be more straightforward, as it allows you to identify the necessary directories and files required for installation on a Windows desktop, and then you can maually recreate them or add them as needed to your emulated layer of Creative Cloud on Linux.
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‎Mar 06, 2025
03:51 PM
Hi @Helpmeplease345 ,
Please review the information provided on the website linked below, and address your issue through the appropriate Adobe security channel(s):
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‎Mar 06, 2025
03:32 PM
Hi @youshi-2025 ,
Thank you for updating this discussion.
If you suspect this is a bug use this channel to report the observed issue or suggest a feature request:
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‎Mar 06, 2025
03:01 PM
Hi @Bron34659552y44k ,
Can you tell if that user is trying to use Adobe Online Services or have signed in on physical machines with the same credentials?
In any case , please refer to this guidance:
A while ago, I was trying to help another user with a very similar issue. See that discussion in context linked below for additional insights:
I believe that we provided that user with the correct answer, but never got a reply back from them to confirm if this information was useful.
If you've deployed your workflow using VMWare also review this section:
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‎Mar 06, 2025
02:35 PM
Hi @jean-martin_6597 ,
I am curious if this issue would manifest as well on different desktop computers running the same version of Adobe Acrobat on both Microsoft Windows and macOS... just curious.
If you would be able to test successfully with the same attachments on a different PC, you may be able to narrow down the issue to just the PC that you're currently using Acrobat with.
Also, is not a good rule of thumb to use numbers or special character at the beginning of a filename.
One way of ruling this out is to test with the same file attachments but renaming such files to standard file naming conventions such as "slide20.jpg" or "slide-10.jpg" or "slide_10.jpg" for example.
This should work accross all platforms and apps regardless of operating system, as suggested by @MikelKlink .
From other sources that I am reading outside of these support forums, computers, in general, they sort out file names in chronological order within a database structure.
On Microsoft Windows computer, the file indexing feature plays a big role when files are searched, cached, synced or categorized.
Additionally, if a file is named 10.jpg, it may also be possible that a hidden file with the same name of "10" could be present in the same directory (or folder) where the .jpg image files are being saved to:
That said, email attachnent programs may also override some system-wide default settings and take over as the system default application for the file type :
In which case, this may explain why you are able to open such files on a desktop computer with Foxit and on Android.
One final thought:
In your screenshot, I noticed that you are using the New Adobe Acrobat Experience.
Would it make any difference if you revert to the Classic UI?
As observed by @umair_1449 , I have experience myself erroneous data structure displayed within Adobe Acrobat's File Viewer when compared side-by-side with how the same files are displayed on File Explorer (Microsoft Windows).
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‎Feb 27, 2025
03:18 AM
Hi @centexman ,
Can you confirm if you are you experiencing with a single type of document or with every document tht you try to work with in Acrobat?
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‎Feb 27, 2025
03:15 AM
I just wanted to acknowledge that I love this app.
However, on my Android device, I've noticed that it takes way too long for the app to load when launched and to load all personal assets.
Also, if I am working on a project, and let's say for instance, that I switch to another app, or even minimize the Adobe app and bring it back up, it launches the whole app again, and personalize the whole experience again.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
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‎Feb 27, 2025
02:55 AM
@preston_1883 ,
Thank you for updating this old thread.
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‎Feb 02, 2025
09:51 PM
@cherie_5765 thank you for updating !
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‎Jan 26, 2025
01:35 PM
I am having the same issue. It appears that an account is absolutely needed for a recipient to sign an Adobe form. Disappointing.
By @Aethers Reach
Hi @Aethers Reach ,
Would you mind sharing a screenshot or short video as suggested by @S. S ?
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‎Jan 26, 2025
01:30 PM
Hi @Risha_ ,
Have you tested this with different web browsers and see if it makes any difference?
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‎Jan 26, 2025
01:19 PM
Hi @Thomas33346017q11r ,
My apologies, I am just seeing this reply very late.
I am wondering if you were able to figure it out or if you still need help.
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‎Jan 17, 2025
04:26 AM
Hi @lironl87718391 ,
I am curious if resetting the Acrobat preferences to default can improve that issue.
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‎Jan 17, 2025
04:21 AM
@3838484 thank you for updating this thread with your feedback.
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‎Jan 11, 2025
05:54 AM
Thank you @neil_3317 for updating this thread.
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‎Dec 13, 2024
05:13 PM
@Skye29625825cy2k ,
Thank you for updating the thread!
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‎Dec 13, 2024
04:46 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you for sharing this !
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‎Nov 07, 2024
10:50 AM
Hi @Tom_Nassayan7657 ,
Thank you for updating this old thread and confirming this solution!
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‎Nov 07, 2024
10:43 AM
Sure thing! Happy to assist.
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‎Nov 05, 2024
09:57 PM
Hi @Josh Emery ,
Have you recently changed any memory module on that computer (i.e like performing RAM upgrade? ). Or same question, but asked differently: Would replacing a memory module resolves the issue? (just to rule out if there is any issue with a bad memory stick.
Is that a laptop with another monitor hooked up via HDMI, havin the Display Preferences set to extend the Windows desktop on that other monitor?
Just curious.
However, looking at the given "unknown module" message, it looks to me that (maybe), Windows could've done an unattended update and installed its own sets of generic chipset drivers. In which case, a module in this case could be a dynamic link library file (.dll) file that didn't install properly in its corresponding 32-bit or 64-bit directory (or is missing a particular .Net version, for example, to handle a specific dependency).
These are just guesses in the blind. But you can try and see if that is the issue.
One way for me that always work, use a last known configuration restore checkpoint and roll back to that. In doing so you may be able to trace what exactly installed that caused the crash.
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‎Oct 31, 2024
01:47 PM
Hi @Zealous_neighbor0227 ,
See if this solution resolves the issue:
I'd recommend also to try two things if the solution above doesn't resolve your issue:
Force a manual update of the operating system and also of Adobe Acrobat (just to rule if you're mising any optional updates)
repair the installation (if you haven't done so yet)
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‎Oct 31, 2024
01:29 PM
Hi @stepheng54012748 , @PDF Automation Station
I was also testing this as a Mouse Up event script executed from the checkbox widget:
( !== "Off") ? this.getField("6a").readonly = true : this.getField("6a").readonly = false
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‎Oct 28, 2024
10:01 AM
++Adding to the topic,
From looking at the screenshot, it looks like you're trying to merge a PDF document with another PDF document that was protected (with encryption) or having a digital signature in place.
In which case, if the document with the exclamation mark(on your screenshot) is indeed signed (or is a secured form), the signature must be removed before combining that file with other PDF documents.
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‎Oct 28, 2024
09:51 AM
Hi @Franz5C1D ,
Please describe in more detail what software are you using (i.e operating system, web browser, etc.), and what exaclty do you mean by a having an "Adobe Acrobat File in the Internet"?
Did you mean to say, that you try to open a PDF file with a web browser using Adobe Online Services?
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