‎Nov 25, 2024
11:48 AM
I have to tell you, that in my (learned) opinion, you are doing your student a disservice by advocation Figma. Their approach is — in the end — an incentive for dangerous laziness. Designing and lay outing a website two-dimensional and promising to deliver ready-made CSS and HTML is making them bad web-designers. Websites are structured Information and often need to incorporate UIs for increasingly complex Applications. They have to run on so many devices and service users with different needs in countless languages. It might have looked like a doable thing to design a layout for each conceivable case, but it isn't anymore, and probably never was. The challenge is not to design so much as to develop highly sophisticated design systems, that can handle a virtually unlimited combination of states, environments and user-influence. Sketching out building blocks, work-flows and structures in wireframes is a helpful step. Developing a visual-design language on exemplary elements also is. Selling the illusion that one can do both in one sexy tool and a website drops out of it is selling snake-oil. Any tool that suggested that you can do CSS without knowing CSS died a well-deserved death sooner than later. And that was long before CSS became so much more powerful. You cannot teach students to be professional cooks by teaching them how to warm up ready-made meals. And while a microwave might have a marginal place in some professional kitchens, it surely shouldn't be the most important tool there. Figma is more or less Microsoft FrontPage resurrected. I was coming here, looking for an alternative to XD as a wireframing-tool, just in case you're wondering, and being offered Figma is triggering me, so I'm sorry if I went a bit overboard here, but I stand by my word - nothing personal.
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‎Feb 21, 2020
01:34 AM
Hi there, I spent hours after each Photoshop Update trying to solve the problem. Installing, removing, cleaning, reinstalling etc. At onr point I made a second account on my mac and voila, I was able to start Photoshop 2020 without the problem. It turns out, that when I disabled all of my user-fonts in Font Book it started to work in my main account. Obviously there was a conflict with an installed font... Maybe that can help somebody else too....
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‎Nov 11, 2019
11:36 PM
I'm having Similar issues with photoshop and Illustrator on my Mac. Please help.
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‎Nov 29, 2012
03:05 AM
Thanks Fabio,for the hint. But still how can that happen? And there is no such thing as unsinging a bell. Is Adobe trying to completely sabotage Flash and with it all of us who formed a loyal and dedicated (not to mention paying) community! I wonder where the BIG shit-storm is!
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‎Jun 27, 2011
06:14 AM
Basically, yes that is what he suggests. There are of course a lot of other possible approaches, but this would be the most flexible and sensible solution - at least in my judgment. best M
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‎May 16, 2011
01:28 PM
Hi, I don't think I understand your question, or the code in combination with it,or probably the combination of both throws me off track. Concerning your question, I#d simply say you need a Input-textfield and start from there, but the code you provide does not tell me anything, and most likely no one else here....
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‎May 15, 2011
12:25 PM
I really didn't mean to criticize you or the idea you offered. I still think it is a very good one. My last comment just meant, that I don't consider the case fully closed. Not so much because I "need" to find a perfect solution, but more because I hoped for even deeper insight - I just felt that ther might be a way to hinder the execution of "default" arrow-key behavior. It might come a situation, where this would be necesary. You offfered a very good solution for my problem: Thank You! (I mean it!) Still I would be interested in: A: a way to set (new) focus to a textfield with the up-key without triggering the default cursor-movement in said textfield. and/or B. a way to supress default behavior of the arrow-keys (maybe tabs?) but still receiving the events to use them "manually"
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‎May 15, 2011
10:03 AM
I totally agree. But (smart ass that I tend to be - sorry) Your solution isn't perfect too, as for one thing, the Cursor most times blinks at least once at the "wrong" (first) position and I have to remove the KEY_UP listener (which is additional work.... 😉 ). I found a thread over at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1018259/how-do-you-prevent-arrow-up-down-default-behaviour-in-a-textfield, and I did more research, along that line. I tried Event priority and tinkered with the bubbling- and capturePhases using the stage and the textfield as targets. I even achieved the right order of events, but still I couldn't find a way to prevent the up-arrow from moving the cursor to the front within my event-chain.. (I even tried changing the textfield's type temporarily to dynamic with no luck at all) Even if I can run with what we have, I still would be very interested in a "cleaner" solution. Thanx M
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‎May 15, 2011
08:41 AM
Tanks a lot. I'll give that a try if I cannot find a better solution. It is somehow similar to using my timer, but slightly more elegant. M
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‎May 15, 2011
07:47 AM
No, I don't. I have one (Input)Textfield, that is the one I'm Talking about. the fields I use for suggestions aren't even selectable. Actually, I don't "touch" the in any way during the described process. During highlightnig of the Suggestinon I keep the focus "null". Meanwhile I remembered some pages in Colins "Essential AS3" about preventing the default behavior, and reread it, but still i only found out how to change the default behavior of TEXT_INPUT, and the arrow keys obviously do not trigger that event....
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‎May 15, 2011
06:53 AM
...that follows the up-Arrow. Hi all, I'm building part of an UI that suggests certain words based on to the user's input. (Quit like Google's suggestions) It works quite well but one detail bothers me: When I have a list of suggestions I highlight the list-items by listening to the arrow up and down keys. When the fist element is highlighted, and the user presses the up arrow, I want the cursor to be in the Text(Input)Field again, but at the last position. (I removed the focus from the InputField not to move the cursor in my singel line field to the first position when the up-arrow is pressed) I set the cursor to the last Position using setSelection() but as it is the field receives the key-press after my event callback is executed and the pressing of the up-arrow in a single line field does what it always does, it places the cursor at the first position. My somewhat dirty solution is to use a Timer to solve it, but a fast typer might still experience problems. I considered using the CHANGE event, but as the arrow key does not actually change the content of the TextField, that is not working. Still I think that the solution might be along that way, as the CHANGE event is/would be at the end of the event-chain, where I need to do the repositioning of the cursor. I did some research, but could not find something so I would be very glad I someone could point me into the right direction. TA M
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‎Mar 14, 2011
11:27 AM
Thanks for the info, guess I haven't read into it too deep before. I'll definitely play around with it a little more sometime soon. Regarding the EULA violation, I'm sure that if you ask them they will likely consider everything than outright buying the font as a violation in some way or the other I guess 😉 but do you have any concrete evidence of any actual legal proceedings about flash font-embedding? It has been around for years and I haven't heard of actual problems. Also I'm quite impressed with how Flash handles fonts (even without hinting in the font data) down to a sub-pixel level so I still feel that it might be worth trying it. After all if one goes through the trouble of implementing, testing and delivering any such solution it is only for reasons of readability and maximized graphical fidelity. But you surely have some valid points.Some of mine I feel are also still standing, and it is clear that there is no perfect and 100% legally bullet proof solution. M
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‎Mar 14, 2011
10:00 AM
Hi Kennethkawamoto2, I considered Cufón, but I do not feel very comfortable with it. For one thing I think that there still is al lot more support for Flash out there then for canvas (IE!) and even so I have not tested it my educated guess would be that the toll on the processor is much higher than with properly programmed AS3 Flash. What I love about flash is, that you do not have to consider (a lot) of browser issues, which I fear we all will have to do with the next generations of browsers once we use the more advanced native features. Also my experience in the past very often was that there tend to be a much higher risk for side effects with other complex elements and js-frameworks. And there still ist the legal issue. So I'm not saying, that Cufón isn't a valid approach, but I feel like it is a lot more "risky" (stability wise, and as Its a lot harder to test due to the numerous rendering engines one has to rely on) for the web-site visitor than Flash is. It is a bit tricky to implement on the developer side, but I'd hope to improve a bit on that and somehow, that is where the fun is isn't it? 😉 One way or the other I would be interested why you do feel less comfortable using Flash for font replacement than you do with java-script, especially as the sIFR way was/is to be unobtrusive. THX M
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‎Mar 14, 2011
07:59 AM
Hi all, I liked the idea of sIFR for quite a while, even if I myself never used it aside from testing. The real need never came up I guess. Now I wanted to use it - if only for a small project and not with pressing need behind - and found, that sIFR has reached version 3 but still is stuck with AS2. I looked around further and found a jQuery plug-in and some lite-version for the js-part which are both interesting, or might be, but that was all. My questions are: Have I missed out badly and there is still something more current as an alternative to sIFR? Are there good reasons not to try to build a "new sIFR" with AS3? (And I don't mean @Blissful_help0D4E-face which has legal restrictions, produces larger downloads [often] and renders mostly horrible as of now, also I don't like serverside generated images for various reasons.) Would you think it is worth the effort / will anybody likely use it? Would anyone like to join the fun if I decide to start rolling the ball? Thanks for your time M
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‎Mar 04, 2011
07:31 AM
OK, I ready your post once again and you are right, this isn't the way to do it. You have to use the Loader Class and load the image at the specified path with it. I'd suggest you thak a look at the help-files for the Loader Class, and if that does not help you come back here. M
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‎Mar 04, 2011
07:27 AM
1 Upvote
I just doublechecked, and it still works the way it use to, more or less at least, what is the exact code you put in your frame script?
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‎Mar 04, 2011
06:58 AM
Hi, your not really telling us, what is not working, but my first guess would be, that you have a problem with your XML. You are hving an IMAGE attribute without any value (which is not good in itself) and a src atrribute with the value of teh image-path. And it seems you are trying to use tha IMAGE attributes nonexsitant value to display your image. But I am guessing here... M
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‎Mar 04, 2011
06:53 AM
Thank you very much Pete, But I think that I didn't make myself clear. Im running 4 displays on my machin:e two 24"-inch main-displays, one wacom-cintiq and a fourth smaller but quite color-true 19" one. I like to run the main-displays on the primary ports of my GPUs and the additiional ones as secondarys on each card, so that i can disable the additional displays if not needed and use the most GPU-power in 3D apps on the larger monitors. I can't find a way to convince Windows (or the catalyst drivers - and don't get me sarted there....) to see the displays in any other order then the given one. (1 for GPU1 first display, 2 for GPU1 second display, 3 for GPU2 first display an 4 for GPU2 second display). I can promote whichever display to main-display (in a OS-sense of things) but as it seems Lightroom is not able to use any other combination of displays than one and two - or three and four. I'm happy with display 1 as main display for Lightroom, but I would like to use display 3 as secondary Lightroom display most of the time, without crawling under the table and messing up my display-settings. But for retouching or color proofing sometimes the other displays would be great to be used too.I can somehow achive that by disabling displays in the OS settings, but that isn't very user-friendly and I#m hoping for a better solution. ta M
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‎Mar 04, 2011
05:06 AM
Hi, I have the same/a similar problem unter windows7. It seems Lightroom always uses the second display of the primary gpu, the shift+F11 helps somehow, but the window cannot be maximized other than by using the keyboard shortcut again, but then it is switching back to the "wrong" monitor. I'd much prefer a "normal" window for the secondary display, that way it I could use it any way I like...
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‎Jul 25, 2010
11:44 AM
Good thinking - obviously!
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‎Jul 25, 2010
11:23 AM
I'm a bit lost here. On one hand I would like to suggest, that you try to explain the "whole thing" so that maybe we could offer you a holistic approach, that might work better and easier, and one could offer better help with parts when understanding the complete system. On the other hand that might not be sensible, as you seem to have invested a lot of work already, and it might just turn out as too big a project for the "normal" use of the forum... But anyhow, I guess you need to explain the purpose of the whole project first and the specific part your struggling with second, in natural language and not with functions alone - at least to me, before I can really begin to give helping you a try. M
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‎Jul 25, 2010
11:13 AM
@kglad: Sorry, I did not mean to criticize you. And I totally understand that you make very good and efficient use of you time by helping so many. But being not a native speaker myself, and having encountered so many motivated (often young) people trying hard to speak application-logic as their first layer of foreign language, Flash as their second one and then English as third layer I sympathized and tried to offer an (obviously insufficient) alternative. I never doubted you for even a fraction of a millisecond, and am sure, that he was and will be better off with your support than with mine (alone).
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‎Jul 25, 2010
11:05 AM
Why would you need to override it? Can't you just extend it with something like "hitTest300()"? Or am I totally on the wrong track here?
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‎Jul 25, 2010
10:59 AM
Sorry to have no definitive answer. There are tools (Flash extensions) for manipulating more than one library item at once. [Example, but not what you need:] http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/exchange/index.cfm?event=extensionDetail&extid=1091471] You could dig a round a bit for one that is what you want or try to write a command yourself. I have never done that, only adjusted some in the long gone past, so I won't be of much use there. Here is a link that might provide a starting-point for looking around and maybe offer other usefull things: It is old, but a lot of the links are still useful: http://www.5etdemi.com/blog/archives/2005/01/toolsextensions-for-flash-mx-2004/ M
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‎Jul 25, 2010
10:48 AM
Aside from having had similar problems in the past myself, I somtimes teach newbies a little Flash, and the problem you had occurs all the time. So I have to disappoint you, if your looking for a field where you are uniquely brilliant and singular, "creating hard to spot Flash-problems" might just not be it - not yet! 🙂 M
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‎Jul 25, 2010
10:39 AM
My first question would be, if the functionality you describe is more or less the Whole application you try to build, or only one part of of a larger system. If the first is true, you could probably place all your symbols on the stage and make the invisible, making them visible whenever the correct keyword is entered in the textfield. I guess you also need at least one textfield, where some information/question/hint can be found about what to enter. If it is just one part of a more complex system you need to describe it first for our hints to be of value. M Side-note: kglad is some kind of superhero and he/she/they is/are 😉 helping a uncountable number of desperate people here, so I do not have anything but the highest regards for him. But as I am not a native speaker too (which is easy to determine for most foristi here) I find his advise a little harsh. But aside from English I also only have to offer German as an alternative if it happens, that you happen to feel more comfortable in that tongue than in English but I'm sure we can deal with each others shortcomings in English somehow. 🙂
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‎Jul 25, 2010
07:25 AM
Ok, I do more or less understand what you want to do, but what is it exactly you need help with? Have you already started and ran into a problem (if so pls. specify), or are you looking for advise on how to start? M
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‎Jul 25, 2010
12:37 AM
You could do that with quite a simple "action" in PS. Record it once, then open all the remaining files and use file/automate for all open files and you'll be fine. You just have to update all your bitmaps in the flash lib, but there might be a command out there to help you with that too.
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‎Jul 25, 2010
12:03 AM
What is it you want to achieve: clear out the textfield's content, or remove the last character of it's content?
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‎Jul 24, 2010
10:49 PM
Hi Robert, as far as I understand your post, you are missing some kind of "button-artwork" in the published file, but do not report a problem with the "action" that the script should perform. My guess would be that it will be hard to help you without having a better understanding what your trying to achive and how (are you using a prebuilt component, or did you build the button fron scratch etc....) It might be even necessary to have a look at the fla itself. M
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