‎Feb 24, 2025
10:03 AM
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‎Feb 22, 2025
12:38 PM
1 Upvote
Wow, jumping in on a Satruday. Thanks @BKBK ! Good catch, you are correct that the application of a cache appears to be the pivoting factor in this example's error. However, I'm not sure the time span of the cache is the issue. I've created a simplified standalone example which employs a full one day cache - and the error is still present, even when employing the "does it exist?" test first. Here is the "broken" version: <cfstoredproc procedure="Get_Centers" datasource="[redacted]" cachedwithin="#createTimespan(1,0,0,0)#">
<cfprocparam variable="IdClient" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="2" />
<cfprocresult name="qResults" />
<cfdump var="#qResults#" />
<cfdump var="#qResults.columnList#" />
<cfdump var="#queryKeyExists(qResults, "ADDED_IDUSERS")#" />
<cfif queryKeyExists(qResults, "ADDED_IDUSERS")>
<cfset queryDeleteColumn(qResults,'ADDED_IDUSERS') />
<cfdump var="#qResults.columnList#" /> Which produces this: Next, here is the "fixed" version: <cfstoredproc procedure="Get_Centers" datasource="[redacted]" cachedwithin="#createTimespan(1,0,0,0)#">
<cfprocparam variable="IdClient" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="2" />
<cfprocresult name="qResults" />
<!--- ADDED --->
<cfquery name="qResults" dbtype="query">
SELECT * FROM qResults
<cfdump var="#qResults#" />
<cfdump var="#qResults.columnList#" />
<cfdump var="#queryKeyExists(qResults, "ADDED_IDUSERS")#" />
<cfif queryKeyExists(qResults, "ADDED_IDUSERS")>
<cfset queryDeleteColumn(qResults,'ADDED_IDUSERS') />
<cfdump var="#qResults.columnList#" /> Here's the error-free result, after the ADDED interim step "turn this query into a query" step So to me, it seems a bit buggy. The application of the cache seems to affect some internal column array, no matter how long the life span of the cache. The queryKeyExists function considers the column extant, while the queryDeleteColumn disagrees, perhaps using a different test. Can you audit my logic? Thanks again.
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‎Feb 21, 2025
01:27 PM
It's been a year plus since the last reply, and I get the same error from an attempt to delete a column from a SP (sproc) generated cfprocresult set (Azure MS-SQL) in CF2021: <cfstoredproc procedure="Get_Centers" datasource="#application.datasource#" cachedwithin="#createTimespan(0,0,0,2)#">
<cfprocparam variable="IdClient" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#val(struReturn.sessionStruct.client_id)#" />
<cfprocresult name="" />
<cfset queryDeleteColumn(,'SECRETCOL') /> <!--- NegativeArraySizeException ERROR ---> My fix was a QoQ to "re-cast" the results as a query type - that CF apparently likes better: <cfstoredproc procedure="Get_Centers" datasource="#application.datasource#" cachedwithin="#createTimespan(0,0,0,2)#">
<cfprocparam variable="IdClient" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#val(struReturn.sessionStruct.client_id)#" />
<cfprocresult name="qResults" />
<cfquery name="" dbtype="query"> <!--- DUMB BUT NEEDED --->
SELECT * FROM qResults
<cfset queryDeleteColumn(,'SECRETCOL') /> <!--- WORKS ---> Hope this helps someone.
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‎Aug 30, 2024
04:09 PM
OK, well I don't want to pollute the original post's subject with any more discussion on the update issues. It looks like my last attempt may have suceeded, with only one "Server taking too long to restart..." message. In this case, the 6 modules noted priot were again removed by the process, but the options to install any 2021.0.15.* plugin versions were gone from the dropdown now, and the 2021.0.14.* version installs actually survived a restart now. So maybe the update 15 to the core was incomplete last time... or some other conspiracy theory is welcome. This probably deserves a separate ticket if I encounter more on it later. Back to the original post now: There is still a problem with the same CFREPORT, which is logged something like this: "An error occurred while parsing XML from '(already loaded from stream)', see nested exceptions org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; Premature end of file." However, I've found other CFREPORT tags which are actually running fine. So I'm going to chaulk this up to some corrupted XML (which is what I think CF gets after it decrypts a CFR file) or the decryption process itself. One way to test this would be to try Adobe's "Report Builder" product to rebuild the file. Or I could just convert the report to some other technology and be done with it. Hmmm... decisions ;-] Thanks Charlie, Dave, BKBK, and Rich! Al P.S. Why they decided to encrypt these report formatting files in the first place escapes me. Perhaps they didn't want us to know that they might just be using Jasper's xml format?
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‎Aug 23, 2024
11:53 AM
Hi @richt82047916 We do not have that module installed for this very reason. Sorry that I saved that trivia tidbit for the last line of my OP. Yes @BKBK that's definately what they did, after @Priyank Shrivastava. replied that a patch was available for their problem. I tried that patch - as archived by Charlie - without any luck. I'll reach out to cfsupport as soon as I can revert this and all the stuff I've tried. Maybe they have something new for 2021
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‎Aug 21, 2024
05:46 PM
Thanks @Dave Watts, but I'm not sure what else I would get beyond what's in the update.log file. I've always thought that the message "Connection Failure: Status code unavailable" simply means that the endpoint is not there or refuses the connection. My amateur conclusion is that the version cited in the updater UI selection option is not there, and that a message like this means we're not gonna see much else. Is that flawed logic? Let me see what else I can find out, however: Do you know or suspect that this family of core and plugin updates will actually fix the cfreport xml parsing error? Al P.S. I think you led a Macromedia MAX course that I attended (maybe in New Orleans?). How's that for a throwback?
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‎Aug 20, 2024
02:13 PM
Working on some legacy code that runs fine in older CF versions like 10~16, and hitting an error while trying to migrate to (Developer) CF 2021,0,15,330303 on Win 11 for a client. The line producing the error is: <cfreport template="#struReturn.reportGen.cfrTemplate#" query="#struReturn.reportGen.queryName#" format="PDF" filename="#struReturn.reportGen.outputFilename#"> (yes, the source cfr is there, and the line is not even called if the query is empty) The error is: Report compilation error. Premature end of file. Which implies that the server cannot handle or decrypt the cfr, or parse the resulting xml internally (?). I have tried placing the patch file hf202100-4212391.jar in the \cfusion\lib\updates\ folder - as prescribed in a similar issue here. The jar is still there after restarting the service. I don't know if this is relevent, but since UPDATE 15 the CF Admin keeps insisting that 6 modules are not installed: document, htmltopdf, pdf, presentation, print and report. I can "successfully" install versions 2021.0.14.* of these individually, but attempting to install all (or update any one to version 2021.0.15.*) will throw "Not able to connect to Update Site: Connection Failure: Status code unavailable" But after I restart the CF App service, CF Admin says that 6 modules are not installed again. When I revert the server back to UPDATE 14, the modules no longer "remove themselves", but the Premature end of file CFREPORT error remains. So just a red herring? FYI: We do NOT install the print or presentation modules, as the later was known to cause issues with other pdf modules.
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‎Jan 13, 2023
01:52 PM
First of all, this is NOT about a Flash app or the Flash Player. We know that ship has sailed. The client has a legacy front-end desktop executable which was compiled from mxml/as files and runs on the AIR application platform - on many devices in a closed network. So, a console, and not a web or browser-based app. The back-end data & biz rules are provided by a ColdFusion 11 server via a homegrown API that pumps traffic through the /flex2gateway/ daemon. Obviously they need to migrate to CF2021, right away - IMO. I'd also like them to rework this front end too, but that's a 2 year project at least. Anywhoo: When I hit the /CFIDE/flex2gateway/ folder on my development version of 2021, I get a plain 404. So it's not there? Does this mean the support is entirely missing (deprecated) now? Or maybe it's hidden behind some lockdown defaults and config fiddling? I've heard of a possible solution using Lucee and BlazeDS, but I'd prefer to exhaust the ACF options first. I know this is a legacy framework. Please don't throw rocks at me. I just want to make these guys happy.
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‎Oct 07, 2022
11:28 AM
@Charlie Arehartagreed. My other "no pdf service?" thread was sidelined until I could address the "latest version?" dependency in this one. Now I can pivot and continue there with my year-old homework. I only threw the other Java forks in my bullet list because Pete does as much in his video. Aside from possible lags in updates to Adobe's download page, I don't see any reason to employ them. Finally, I may take you up on the consultation after I exhaust the more popular [add-on-services] fixes. One of our clients is pretty pdf intensive, and it's becoming a pain to switch dev machines just to switch projects. But I'll move the conversation over there. TTFN!
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‎Oct 06, 2022
04:05 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks @Charlie Arehart for your plethora of advice and links. Sorry I couldn't get back to this right away. Clients do not consider our personal development environments when setting their arbitrary due dates ;-] I suspect the problem is "solved" via your JVM update notion, I'll end this post with some quirks. But for now, a condensed summary of my steps for future Google posterity! Again, this is specific to my Zorin Linux 16 laptop: Only download Java release with documented compatability for your CF version (usually LTS version) Download (archive/zip version) from Adobe (my choice), Oracle, Amazon etc based on your Java licensing needs Expand archive in new location (for me, the Adobe version placed at /usr/java/jdk- ) Set ample Linux access permissions on this new location (for me, it was chmod 777 [folder] because localhost) Insure you downloaded the right thing (there's /bin and /lib folders in there, right?) Note the path to the new location. Navigate to CF Admin | Java/JVM: Note the existing path in a backup txt file for possible * undo needs (for me it was /opt/ColdFusion2021/jre/) Paste the new JVM path. Change nothing else. (Note that you are actually changing the contents of ...cfusion/bin/jvm.config, in case you blow this - and need to undo manually * when CF fails to restart) Submit form & Restart CF Service Check CF Admin | Java/JVM to confirm new version shows now... After these steps, the Update page in the CF Package Manager finally loaded up with all the plugin and core update data. Turns out I was able to either Uninstall Update 3 or Install Update 4. I did the later, and am at 2021,0,04,330004 now. Quirks: 1) After an entire system restart, the Package Manager page went blank & started logging these again: Error [http-nio-8500-exec-5] - macromedia/externals/org/bouncycastle_1_60_0_0/asn1/pkcs/PKCSObjectIdentifiers The specific sequence of files included or processed is: /opt/ColdFusion2021/cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE/administrator/updates/index.cfm, line: 219 Also, my application's calls to another dev server (our CFML API) started failing with the same Invalid SSL protocol error as before. HOWEVER, a stop and start of the CF Service seemed to get things working again. 2) Regarding the part in Pete's video about changing the file ...cfusion/jetty/jetty.lax for the CF Add-On Services, my installation has no such file - even tho I had added them with the specific installer. Perhaps it's somewhere else now? 3) The original issue here was not fixed by all this updating. I was hopeful that I could finally make a PDF, but no luck. The lack of the service started me down this whole update experience! I'll update that thread to note as much. But hopefully this one is closed now, thanks again.
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‎May 26, 2022
01:50 PM
My localhost (development) server is in a state with a few known items. One of which it is "Not able to connect to Update Site" due to some missing bouncycastle stuff - that was corrected in an update if I recall correctly. PARADOX: The updater cannot run the updates required to fix the updater. Searching produces a plethora of links and blogs on how to update CF manually, but they tend to vary widly based on age, version and platform. Thus my question: Where are the pentultimate, correct and authorative instructions for manual updating of: Adobe ColdFusion 2021 Version 2021,0,03,329779 Developer edition running on UNIX (Linux distro Zorin OS 16.1) 64 bit Send me one of the many items writen for Windows, and I will shake my first and curse your username skyward in a manner that would make William Shatner weep. You have my gratitude!
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‎Feb 09, 2022
01:54 PM
@BKBKcan you do me a favor and check this bug first (before I file my own) in reference to the things you noted in my logs posted here? I suspect that mine would then be a duplicate. Thanks, Al
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‎Feb 09, 2022
01:48 PM
Looping back to this issue, I see that I neglected to mention what happens in a GET request to Nothing happens. The browser notes that nothing is there to connect to. I will try to file a bug as you suggest. I'm reluctant to change the Java engine, as I do not want to shuffle a bunch of variables while the cause is still unknown. Let's see what quick response comes first.
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‎Dec 30, 2021
12:55 PM
Hey Charlie, always nice to hear from you 🙂 Aye, I spy both folders here: The first one is probably from the original installation: /opt/ColdFusion2021/cfusion/jetty The second is probably from running ColdFusion_2021_Addon_WWEJ_linux64.bit (the cure recommended by doctor internet). /opt/coldfusionaddonservices Both start.ini versions have the same passeges you cited, verbatim: ## Connector host/address to bind to
## Connector port to listen on
jetty.http.port=8993 I'm browsing this development environment by way of fwiw. So, if both are trying to run, I suspect that would cause an issue. Netstat did not indicate that either was listening there. So I guess nobody won that battle. Onto the logs. They are attached. 2021_12_28.stderrout.log is from coldfusionaddonservices 2021_12_30.stderrout.log is from /cfusion/jetty Both contain the Started ServerConnector message, but are soon followed by ConcurrentModificationException and ServletException messages. I suspect this will not be fixed this year 😉 Al
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‎Dec 29, 2021
12:53 PM
Thanks for the fast response, but no - the problem is not solved. 😞 The Firewall on my Linux system is disabled, and I ran netstat to see that the port range surrounding 8993 was not already LISTENING or ESTABLISHED with another process. Per your suggestion, I also reconfigured the existing PDF Service to use ports 8992, 8991 and so on (also 8501, 8600 and 8900 for fun). Each configuration logged the same errors: application.log coldfusion.document.webkit.PDFgErrorHandler$ConnectionVerificationFailedException: Connection verification failed. Error enabling PDF Service Manager. coldfusion-out.log Information [main] - Package htmltopdf started... Information [main] - Package pdf started... Error [http-nio-8500-exec-5] - Connect to<port> [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)<port>/PDFgServlet/verify Error [http-nio-8500-exec-2] - Connect to<port> [/] failed: Connection refused (Connection refused)<port>/PDFgServlet/ Error [http-nio-8500-exec-2] - Connection verification failed. Error [http-nio-8500-exec-5] - Error enabling PDF Service Manager. I will continue to entertain the "blocked port" theory, but I also suspect that the error may be presumptive or misleading: ie that the connection is actually refused because one of these daemons or services is lacking suffecient permissions on some resource or user?
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‎Dec 27, 2021
06:41 PM
Any resolution to this? I've also run the ColdFusion_2021_Addon_WWEJ_linux64.bin on my Zorin linux with successful messaging from the installer UI. There's even this message in my coldfusion-out.log "1029 Dec 27, 2021 18:23:17 PM Information [main] - Package pdf started... " But I experience the same problem from the CF Admin page: 1063 Dec 27, 2021 18:31:37 PM Error [http-nio-8500-exec-3] - Server Error 1064 Dec 27, 2021 18:31:37 PM Error [http-nio-8500-exec-3] - Connection verification failed. 1065 Dec 27, 2021 18:31:37 PM Error [http-nio-8500-exec-3] - Error enabling PDF Service Manager.
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‎May 29, 2020
07:00 PM
Thank heavens I found this post. "The next update will fix the ability to update". What a paradox, like "we don't want to loose the combination, so we keep it locked in the safe". It's six months later, and the version they're shipping on the Download page still hides the button. Anyway, thanks again! Al
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‎Mar 20, 2018
07:46 PM
I've been following the documentation here: Adobe ColdFusion API Manager Administrator ...and trying to establish a working connection to our existing users and roles tables. I was able to get a store added to the list, but the option of adding users to this store seems to be disabled, and attempts to search (for an existing user to add) only produces a generic failed message with no logged counterpart. The API Manager provided by our hosting firm must be different than the one documented in the link above. Tabs like "Connection" do not contain fields that are mentioned in the documentation (JDBC Driver, JDBC Connection URL and so forth), and other tabs may contain fields that the documentation doesn't mention. I suspect a version issue, but this UI does not contain the "Update" button/link for my account - so I cannot share which version they installed or how to fix this. Are there any manual updating steps to follow, or should I have the hosting firm contact somebody there for a resolution? Thanks, Al
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‎Mar 20, 2018
02:58 PM
Hi Priyank; This is a paradox. There is no "UPDATE" button visible for me. The "Log" button is directly above the "Analytics Dashboard". Therefore I cannot obtain the current build number. The hosting firm has just told me that this is about user permissions, and they will resolve this for me. This is a classic UI problem without a common answer: When a user does not have access to a feature, do you HIDE the feature (which will increase your support volume as evidenced here), or do you show - but DISABLE - the feature, perhaps with a tool tip to explain why?
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‎Mar 19, 2018
04:15 PM
Thank you Priyank - this was almost the correct answer. The APIs were not appearing on this page - under the ALL filter - because they were in DRAFT mode. Once I set the ALL + DRAFT dropdowns filters - then they appeared. Perhaps my APIM version needs an update, but there's no UPDATE button. Thanks again.
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‎Mar 18, 2018
07:15 PM
Using the CF API Manager Portal, I've added a new API by importing a cfc - using the "Create REST API From SOAP" tool. I would like to remove it now, but cannot see any button in the Edit screen or elsewhere to do so. How do I delete an API from the catalog? Could it be a permissions issue? I see that this UI does not provide the "Update" link mentioned elsewhere. Thanks, Al
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‎Mar 07, 2018
10:23 AM
Thanks Charlie. I was afraid of that. I hope it's just a temporary oversight. Al
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‎Mar 05, 2018
04:12 PM
My client has the enterprise version of CF running on the live server - with the API manager running there. We developers run our own development editions of CF, and use change and source control to send the code live. However, the only version of API Manager we can find are trials - which stop running after 30 days. Is there a developer edition somewhere? How are we supposed to develop and test our potential changes to API Manager methods and functions outside the live service?? Thanks in advance, Al Holden
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‎Jan 18, 2018
05:01 PM
I've been waiting for some resolution to this since last July. We do not compile our Flex source for the Flash player. Rather, ours is a desktop application which runs under the AIR platform in a closed network. We've been update-less since last summer, please don't tell the bad guys. I agree with Charlie's line of reasoning (something 3rd party was updated, not intentional CF engine change by the CF team). But in addition to Tomcat, I would also check the other Java libraries that are more specific to the "native" RO calls handled by flex_gateway (like BlazeDS), and see if some version trial and error could be done there. Al
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‎Jun 15, 2017
07:05 PM
Yes, sorry. Our log showed everything was successful in applying the update. So a partial or failed update was not the reason for our encoding faultString bug.
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‎Jun 15, 2017
02:31 PM
On Charlie Arehart's advice, we also checked our update logs to insure that there were no problems with the update process. How to solve common problems with applying ColdFusion updates (in 10 and above) - Charlie Arehart's ColdFusion Troublesh…
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‎Jun 13, 2017
09:26 AM
Laurence, did you ever get an answer or fix for this? Our test server was just updated to this patch and we are experiencing the same error.
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‎Nov 20, 2014
07:35 PM
1 Upvote
Specific to your problem is the behavior of some versions of IE Quoting MVP Erik Law (link below): "if a user tries to download a file over a HTTPS connection, any response headers that prevent caching will cause the file download process to fail." So, it's actually the provision of Cache-Control header tokens like no-cache & no-store, a Vary header or the infamous Pragma no-cache header which are causing the browser to abort the download when over ssl. Assuming Erik Law's blog link survives the test of time, you can read all about it via the link below. So, site-wide CFHEADER cache settings may be good in general, but you'll want to clear all that out when it comes to downloading files. Try placing this little gem above your download CFML code: <cfset getPageContext().getResponse().reset() /> and test again.!topic/openbd/ke6cSVHXMfM
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‎Sep 27, 2013
01:09 PM
Perhaps it could be stated "It's a bit like black magic trying to get CF to work properly with IIS" CF is basically a Java J2EE application. IIS is a Microsoft application. I think it's more a game of cat and mouse, than black magic.
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‎Sep 27, 2013
10:05 AM
Are you running the latest update? Does it help if you enable "Cache Web Server Paths" setting in the Caching page of the ColdFusion Administrator? The bug report for 3222748 claims that as a workaround. If not, I would go here and vote up the bug, assuming your issue is producing the same error messages as the ones stated there. HTH, Al
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