Charlie Arehart
Community Expert
Charlie Arehart
Community Expert
Jan 05, 2025
Compass, are you sure you shared the link you meant to? What you've offered is the Adobe page which lists cf2021 *updates*. The discussion in this thread (for now over 4 years) has instead been about how one would find a link to get the *installer* for cf.
And the link offered in the initial post does work. It's just that back when this post started in 2020, cf2021 had just come out and the OP had found the page somehow cached and still offered only cf2018. I offered then another link that's always worked (, but that's just a shortcut to get to the main cf products page, which also offers a link to the page where one can always download the latest version (and which is linked to in many cf pages).
Then the conversation pivoted to how to get the installer for an old cf version once the new one had come out (like how to get cf2021 once cf2023 had come out), and I offered official and unofficial links for getting that (including
Since you've tried to help readers here with this link to the updates, but I don't see anyone requesting that, it's why I ask if that's really what you'd meant to share. Or did you mean to share some other url, perhaps?
As always, just trying to help--and I appreciate when others do.
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‎Jan 03, 2025
10:32 PM
Thanks for the update, Dejank. You've not yet clearified whether you are storing these CFC instances in a shared scope (like application, server, or session). My guess is that you'd find you are. That would explain why the changes were not picked up (given what else you shared). And yep, that call to onapplicationstart won't necessarily help. It depends on what you do in there, as I discussed above.
Also, I have tweaked my previous reply to add a bit more about trying to handle if the CFC instances are saved in the server or session scope instead. See especially the 2 paragraph before the last one.
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‎Jan 02, 2025
10:54 PM
It looks like you're facing intermittent email delivery issues with the 451 4.7.500 Access denied error. Here are some quick fixes: Check Sending Limits: Ensure you’re not exceeding your server’s sending limits. IP Reputation: Your IP might be blacklisted; use tools like MXToolbox to check. SMTP Configuration: Review settings for any misconfigurations or blocks. Retry Mechanism: Implement automatic retries for undelivered emails. Dedicated SMTP: Consider switching to a dedicated SMTP server to improve deliverability. Some reliable SMTP services: SMTPmart SMTPget SendGrid iDealSMTP Amazon SES These can help improve email delivery and avoid blocks.
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‎Dec 30, 2024
09:50 AM
ok, so only "200" (the status code) is returned instead of the combined "200 ok"? (When using CFHTTP, I would always evaluate this using val(cfhttp.statusCode) eq 200 which ignores the "reason" string.) Does this affect both CFHTTP and CFHeader? I believe that CFHTTP should return whatever the target URL's server would return (ie, "200 WHATEVER IS CONFIGURED"). Custom content via the CFHeader tag (using the "StatusText" argument) is no longer possible in Tomcat 8.5? I believe that CF2016 uses Tomcat 8.5.6 and was upgraded to 8.5.28 in Update 6. The "Statustext" feature does NOT appear to be removed in 8.5 as stated in the above notice. (Ex. If I perform a CFHTTP of a ColdFusion 2016 webpage, CFHTTP.Statuscode is returned as "403 this is a test" which retuns the custom statusText phrase.) Did you mean to state that Tomcat 9 has this feature disabled? If so, which version? I'd like to explicitly test this so I can identify the best workarounds in order to be compatible with ACF in the future.
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‎Dec 26, 2024
02:19 PM
Cindy, it's possible that the problem your encountering is not caused by Adobe or any mistake with the recent updates. Let me offer first what may be amiss, then how you may be able to easily fix things. I also offer how you (or others) could get into this situation. I don't KNOW this is your situation. I'm guessing it from some of the info you've shared, and my experience helping others.
1) Can you please look in your CF Admin (which you said you can get to), and look at the "Package Manager" page, and its "Settings" option (at the top of that page), and tell us the value of the "Packages Site" field. Is it pointing to some file? If so, that might be something someone changed previously...not realizing it could need to be reset to the default for later updates. (More on "why" one might change that value, in a moment.)
But here's good news: note that there is a button there called "restore default url", which will do just that. FWIW, with your CF2021, that default is (which technically redirects to, whereas CF2023 (for the sake of other readers) sets it instead to (which technically redirects to
Anyway, is your value different than the default? If so, I would recommend you first take note (copy/paste) the current value, then click that "restore default url". Then click "submit changs" to implement that change.
Then finally without even needing to restart the CF instance, try doing your "install all" of the packages (right there in the CF Admin, though you could also do it via cfpm).
Does that end up getting all the package updates properly implemented for you?
If not, consider setting that "packages site" value back to what you had...though you may want to also take a look at the files in that folder. Note how most of the files are .jar files which start with a package name, then have an indication of the CF version and update level. Do any of them have update values greater than the update 16 where you started having trouble? My guess is that they don't, but let us know.
2) If restoring that default DOES work for you, you may wonder "how did that change happen in the first place?". There are two things to consider, one for everyone who may find it changes, and one for you in your deploying of CF as a WAR file.
First, if you look at the CF update technotes section on "Install the update in offline mode manually", updating that field is one of the steps they discuss, to point it to a folder where you manually download the updates instead. I am always afraid people will do that "this time" but forget "next time", not realizing that the next update which includes package updates will now fail to work, as now the update mechanism can't FIND the updated packages (even if they WERE downloaded online this time).
Second and finally, you also say at the start that you "created the war" that you're deploying: you could create that either of a few ways. And if you did it by starting with an existing CF instance (using its "Packaging & Deployment">"JEE Archives" feature, not available in CF Standard), then note that that configures the WAR based on that instance from which you created it.
As such, if you DID create the WAR this way, then you'd want to consider also changing that "Packages Site" setting on that original CF Admin. That way if you create the WAR again, it will have this problem corrected.
I'd love to hear if this helps. If not, apologies for the long note. If this stuff was easy (and if everyone always did everything the same way as everyone else), it would certainly be a lot easier to explain and solve problems. Since it's not, sometimes we need to dig further than most would ever expect.
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‎Dec 25, 2024
08:38 AM
Forrest, the scriptsrc setting has not related to the CFIDE folder since cf2016, when Adobe split the cf_scripts folder out of the CFIDE folder to instead be now a SIBLING to it.
If you mean you had somehow overridden that scriptsrc admin settings to point again at the CFIDE folder, that would indeed now be blocked by the connector change as well as the file block.
Good that you've solved that tweak you'd made. Hope all the details I offered might also help future readers who may find this thread.
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‎Dec 24, 2024
11:14 AM
Thank you Satyam! A high compliment!
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‎Dec 23, 2024
07:14 AM
Thanks for the clarification @Charlie Arehart, that is indeed what I meant.
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‎Dec 22, 2024
06:16 AM
@forrestmahannah , you are right. There seems to be something wrong with the installation of packages in ColdFusion 2021.
The same issue emerged in a recent discussion about packages failing to install during a ColdFusion 2021 update. I offered a possible solution there. Try it and let us know how it goes.
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‎Dec 20, 2024
12:06 PM
@nak33 , did you ever solve this problem? We never heard back from you after the last comments.
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‎Dec 20, 2024
03:47 AM
The Adobe team should, in any case, do a review of the changes in log4j (implementation, configuration and settings) in Update 13 of ColdFusion 2021.
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‎Dec 19, 2024
04:14 PM
Abby, you can simply do this with the New Reader. Just go to Menu > Preferences > Documents > (5th checkbox) "Remember last state of All tools pane when opening documents" > Check on > Click OK at the bottom of the window.
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‎Dec 19, 2024
06:38 AM
Client, how did things work out?
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‎Dec 12, 2024
07:29 AM
Thanks for the update, glad it's resolved now, and glad what I offered may help you (or perhaps others also) down the road. 🙂
As for that code change affecting step debugging, that's fascinating to contemplate. I can't see how it would matter. As I said I my reply, error handling and the debugging output are unrelated. As for errors and the step/line debugger, there IS provision (in the CFBuilder setup) to indicate if the debugger should STOP on errors...but I'd not expect that to PREVENT the step debugger working.
But then you only said about it that it "does not work", so it was not quite clear in what WAY it wasn't working for you: opening but not stepping? stepping but not showing expected results? and so on. Anyway, for now things work for you and perhaps that's all that needs to be said. Future readers can press for more if interested. 🙂
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‎Dec 09, 2024
01:13 PM
Hmm. Same here. To answer Charlie's questions: yes, update install command was run from elevated CMD prompt update was installed using cfusion JRE yes, JRE version is 17.0.9 so > 17.0.8 update install log is pretty much clean and all successful there's no mention of ZipException in the update install log Then, the symptoms: all applications AND ColdFusion administrator UI are broken there are exceptions in the logs mentioning "Could not process Application.cfc successfully for template <...>" Caused by 'Could not initialize class coldfusion.runtime.AppHelper' at coldfusion.runtime.AppEventInvoker.getAppThisDefaults( at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.resolveApplicationScope( Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory.getClientScopeService We'll be retrying at a later point. Any suggestions are welcome. I suspecting the introduction of the 'Clientvariable support in CFSetup' might have anything to do with it, but that's just guessing.
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‎Dec 07, 2024
10:05 AM
Then clicked Update and instead of updating, it removed the PDF service altogether.
By @AdeptDeveloper
Removing the last PDF Service Manager? That points to a serious problem right there. I expect ColdFusion to hang on to at least one PDF Service Manager, and to prevent you from deleting the last one.
Those retries you did might have upset the settings. I would therefore suggest a reset of the PDF engine.
Try the following steps and see if they help:
In the ColdFusion Administrator, go to the page Server Settings. Check whether the setting 'Default ScriptSrc Directory' is correct. The default is /cf_scripts/scripts/ (relative to the web root). Incorrect values have been known to cause PDF problems.
Next, proceed to reinstall the PDF packages. Go to the page Data & Services > PDF Service. Click on the 'Disable' button to temporarily disable the PDF Service Manager.
Open the command prompt (CMD) as administrator;
Use the DOS command CD to navigate to C:\ColdFusion2023\cfusion\bin;
Type cfpm.bat and press ENTER. That should bring up ColdFusion's Package Manager tool.
Type install all and press ENTER. The Package Manager should then temporarily install all packages.
Type update packages and press ENTER, instructing the Package Manager to update all packages. When ColdFusion finishes, type quit and press ENTER.
Close the CMD window.
Restart ColdFusion 2023.
Open Windows Services and restart the ColdFusion 2023 Add-on Services.
Open the ColdFusion Administrator and return to the page Data & Services > PDF Service. Click on the 'Enable' button, then on the button 'Verify All Service Managers'. You should get Connection Status 'OK' .
Run @jascomp 's test code: <cfhtmltopdf orientation="landscape">
<h3>Test Landscape Output</h3>
</cfhtmltopdf>​ Does that work as expected?
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‎Dec 06, 2024
02:47 AM
@BKBK I understand however, in first part, we want users to rename from .zip to.VSIX and in the second part, users can select the file and install from VSIX.
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‎Dec 05, 2024
08:33 AM
Thank you for the information. I will not go into details as to why this came about as it is not on topic.
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‎Dec 03, 2024
05:58 AM
Thanks for the update. And to help save future readers time in assessing the question and its replies, could you please use the "correct answer" option on the reply which initially communicated that solution to you?
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‎Dec 03, 2024
04:49 AM
Hi @Vishnu22410012h6s8 , was the problem resolved?
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‎Nov 30, 2024
09:39 AM
@xfreeman89x , can you let us know how things worked out for you?
You'd reported here on Nov 6 that you were having heap problems, similar to Dave Cordes (who started this thread). We pointed to various aspects of what had been shared with Dave, but it's not clear if those helped, or if you found any new info to share. (In the end, he found his problem was really about new, excessive bot traffic--so it was NOT about CF2023 after all.)
Of course, it's not clear to us if your problem even remains, now a few weeks on. 🙂 Can you confirm? Even if only to report that the problem remains unresolved for you? And if so, are you just restarting CF every couple of days to "solve" the problem?
One other thing: you've indicated in another forum post that you're running on an AWS AMI. Indeed, one reason I'm asking about the state of things for you is that I know someone else who is running on an AMI, and they ARE on update 11, yet they are experiencing unexpectedly high heap that can't be GCed (so grows to the heap limit and eventually CF must be restarted). As you're on an AMI as well, maybe there's another thing specific to AMI's that could be investigated (or perhaps someone will identify a new known issue).
(Speaking of issues unique to AMI's, and as xfreeman89x already knows, those using them should be aware of another issue: those on an AMI--on AWS OR Azure--will find if they DO apply the latest (Oct 2024) CF update, CF will fails start properly after that. This is fixed with an Adobe hotfix, as discussed by him in another forum post here. You will need to ask Adobe for that hf202300-4224138.jar, at . This is all one more reason I wonder if there's yet some other memory issue that may be affecting those on AMIs. BTW, this is not to be confused with a DIFFERENT memory issue, reported in another thread by @sdsinc_pmascari and resolved by a code change about calls TO cloud services--rather than merely running CF *on* an AMI.)
Finally, xfreeman89x, if your response to this might be more than just a simple one (especially if your problem remains, or you would ask any questions), I REALLY think it would be best if you would open a new thread here in the forums. This discusison of your problem is buried 4 pages down in the replies to Dave Cordes' original post. Folks may have a hard time seeing it, let alone sorting out the thread references, indentation, etc. If you DO do that, please offar a link here as a reply, and interested folks can follow along there. HTH.
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‎Nov 29, 2024
08:12 PM
Certainly good to hear things are resolved. I'd said in my previous reply's point 5 that you'd find the jkloglevel set to debug, which was causing the problem. Your response was to say "no, it is configured".
I see bkbk then said to change it "in the spirit of" what I'd proposed...but I must say that it's what I was proposing from the very first reply 🙂 (though i admitted I mistook things as your referring to iis--but either way the debug logging was so clearly the issue).
Just a bit frustrating to see this thread drag out, with so much effort on all our parts, for what was identified from the first.
But again, glad it's resolved for you.
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‎Nov 28, 2024
05:39 AM
Does anyone know how do we find information (version etc) about the built-in "Oracle" driver Adobe Coldfusion is using?
By @dejank52055655
The error message contains lines such as
which lead me to guess that the version number is
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‎Nov 27, 2024
09:04 AM
Nice to hear. However, I am confused by your final conclusions. We have been busy discussing a code problem. But you now conclude with a new remark about installation.
What was the issue, and what fixed it? Please share your solution with the forum. It will help a fellow developer in future.
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‎Nov 27, 2024
05:34 AM
Please mark your own answer as correct. Thanks!
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‎Nov 25, 2024
10:35 PM
Okay understood. Thank you!
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‎Nov 25, 2024
06:54 AM
sirTangale, I have not heard of that being a limitation. Do you find it documented somewhere?
My understanding is that the ability of the redis client to handle a "moved" response from redis is a built-in feature of the jedis library cf uses. I've not explored what jedis version adds that support, and different cf versions can have different jedis versions--perhaps updated in a cf uodate, in fact.
But Kane refers to being on cf 2016. Kane, are you really still stuck on that, which last got any updates (including security updates) in 2021? That's a grave risk. Then also you could run into such issues6 with the old libraries it includes.
I've not yet tried myself to connect cf sessions to a Redis configured as a cluster, and I'd like to try it just to be sure.
But until then, Kane, here's another idea to consider: do a test of a cf page that you open in a new incognito/private window in your browser (or clear all your cookies). I'm wondering if cf may handle things better when it creates a NEW session and then redis implements that in its cluster member. That may cause it to better track where it is, thus preventing the MOVE operation. That's just a guess.
Finally, what is the version of the REDIS server you're connecting to? That may also have a bearing on things here.
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‎Nov 25, 2024
02:07 AM
Thanks for the update.
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‎Nov 21, 2024
07:42 AM
1 Upvote
Yep, so you should find that this is resolved by simply a) stopping cf, b) deleting the cfusion/bin/felix-cache, then c) starting cf and testing of your datasource now works. We look forward to confirmation of success or failure.
And if it works, the big lesson (for all) to take away is the importance of reading the update technotes. Yes, it's like flossing. 🙂 I'll add that I also do a blog post on each update when they come out, where I highlight things that folks should pay attention to. More at (including a simple signup form to get notified of new posts).
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