‎Aug 21, 2021
11:37 AM
@Riccardo Zancan
To have any kind of color and exposure consistency across devices, you must calibrate them. Even then it won't be perfect but better than what you are seeing.
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‎Aug 19, 2021
03:56 PM
Still, if it is working fine for most people, there must be something different about your machine. For Adobe to test a potential fix, they are going to have to understand why it is unique to a small number of systems.
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‎Aug 19, 2021
12:15 PM
I've not had the problem on Windows and my son doesn't have the problem on either his previous MacBook Pro 16 nor his new MacBook M1 (16GB RAM). He and I are both using the Dell P2715Q 4K monitors. I also have a Benq PD3200Q 4k monitor and switching which is the primary and secondary monitor has no effect; beautiful on both screens.
Hence it is likely that something else is causing the issue though what it is, is anybody's guess. Most likely would be the video card (hardware and/or drivers) though other posters have said that disabling it in preferences didn't help.
I might suspect other resource shortages but LarryGRC is a very potent machine with the problem.
And of course, plug-ins often cause problems even if they aren't in use.
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‎Aug 16, 2021
06:39 PM
IMHO this is an indication that the Canon sensor is not ISO invariant. The colors are correct with the -0EV image and muddy with the -5EV image. I guess I don't understand but this does not appear to be a Lightroom issue to me.
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‎Aug 16, 2021
05:29 PM
You are most welcome. Since they are free to download and try out, you might have a different opinion.
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‎Aug 16, 2021
08:51 AM
For me, I don't find a need for individual adjustments. By setting the noise reduction to 100 instead of 98 and recover details to 10-20, I get results that are pleasing.
At first I thought that it might overdo the adjustments to low ISO shots but it just nicely cleaned up the shadows and left everything else alone. By keeping the recover detail no higher than 20, sharpening artifacts are minimal though I'm starting to use 10-15. More experimentation needed.
I also have the Topaz AI tools. It takes 1-2 minutes per image to hand adjust the noise reduction and another 2-5 minutes to adjust sharpness because the sharpness tool inside the noise reduction tool is poor. This has to be done one at a time for each individual image. When done, the results are no better to my eyes than using ON1.
This is on a 6-core Xeon with 64GB of RAM and only a Quadro P2200 video card.
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‎Aug 15, 2021
05:03 PM
I've got to reread your Dpreview posting and try again but too busy with the garden right now. All I can state for sure is that the ISO 8,000 image had no color noise that I can see on calibrated 4K monitors at 100% and 200%.
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‎Aug 15, 2021
04:59 PM
Batch processing thru ON1 NoNoise AI performs all the noise reduction and sharpening in a single pass. Then those steps are no longer necessary in Lightroom.
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‎Aug 15, 2021
12:08 AM
I downloaded the ISO 8000 image. It could be your plugins.
While unlikely to be your Mac, it could be the video card. Apple does a better job of testing video card drivers than Microsoft but still I'd test without the video card active in preferences.
The ISO 8000 image did have lots of luminance noise but no color noise.
Side issue, I now use ON1 NoNoise AI instead of the Lightroom noise reduction and sharpening sliders. By batch processing all my raw images into DNGs first before importing into Lightroom, I'm getting results that I prefer as well as saving time editing in Lightroom. Even low ISO shadow noise is nicely cleaned up.
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‎Aug 14, 2021
11:23 PM
I can't recreate the problem on Windows. But don't you think that there would be a flood of complaints if this was a Lightroom issue?
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‎Aug 09, 2021
10:06 PM
I would call again and talk to someone else. I've had this problem several times and when I explained that I just wanted the previous computers deleted, they took care of it in seconds. It would be nice if Adobe would fix the website but after years, I've given up on that.
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‎Aug 09, 2021
01:20 PM
Why Adobe does not allow us to login to our account and deactivate computers is a mystery. We've been asking for this for years. This is a standard feature of rental software.
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‎Aug 04, 2021
03:10 PM
2 steps
Export with the keep in catalog option selected.
Search for all *. dng and Remove with the Delete From Disk option.
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‎Aug 02, 2021
03:42 PM
Something had to change between when it worked and the failure occurring. Regardless of their faults, computers are predictable. My Win 10 Pro machine had an update last week but there wasn't any info about the effects. It did have to reboot.
Adobe's update history website is broken ( but I think there was a Camera Raw update last week. I have Adobe updates applied automatically so there was just a quick popup that didn't last long.
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‎Aug 02, 2021
03:21 PM
If you have automatic updates on then you might not have noticed it, just a reboot applied it. Has there been a Lightroom update between working and failure? There was an iOS update last week, could that have done it?
So many moving parts, makes problem isolation difficult.
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‎Aug 02, 2021
03:07 PM
Just my experience. Periodically copying files into a folder will result in all the new files being at the top or bottom. Closing and reopening the folder fixes the problem. An update to Windows comes out and the problem goes away, last week it came back. I've seen the same pattern with Lightroom though I can't prove they are related. Did you have the problem before last week's Windows update?
Probably a silly question but with 2 different cameras: do they both store the date in the same format and in the same location? Did you check the dates with something like EXIFTOOL to ensure they are properly formatted in the images?
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‎Aug 02, 2021
02:00 PM
I've seen slightly different versions of this and was always able to "fix" it by choosing a couple of different sequences and then going back to the desired one. If you are on Windows as I am, this is actually a Windows bug that comes and goes, came back with the last update.
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‎Jul 13, 2021
08:51 AM
While Adobe has responded that they are working on it, you can help. Is there anything unique about those 18 images?
I've tested exports of over a thousand images on Windows 10 and can't recreate the problem.
Have you posted a couple of those images somewhere to enable others to conduct additional tests?
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‎Jul 09, 2021
11:19 AM
What do you mean by "much bigger keyword sets?" I've hundreds and not run into a limit.
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‎Jul 03, 2021
03:12 PM
Not a fix but a couple possible go-arounds while waiting for a fix from Adobe;
1) After flipping the image, export it. Then import that one and apply the watermark. This might not work if the edit history is baked into the image.
2) What will work is to flip the image outside of Lightroom before importing.
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‎Jun 24, 2021
01:08 PM
It probably is an Adobe bug that is unique to Macs. I don't have the problem on Windows 10 Pro with two 4K monitors.
When one considers that the market for photo editing software is declining at an average 15-20% per year together with the reduction in still camera sales, I'm surprised at the relatively high level of support that we are getting from the Lightroom developers. I'm sure that the Lightroom Product manager has to fight for every nickel they get to spend on this product.
Not much of a consolation but just a fact of life in the world of business. Furthermore I expect that the Adobe execs are pressuring the Lightroom team to develop an end-of-life plan. I doubt that our $10/mo can support the product for many more years.
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‎Jun 24, 2021
12:44 PM
Adobe has accepted this as a defect and are working on it.
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‎Jun 24, 2021
11:59 AM
This probably won't help as it didn't for most folks with the problem but consider updating MacOS to the latest version. The one you are running has memory leak bugs as well. I understand that you might be gun shy about staying current with MacOS but those problems from last year have been resolved. It was a short term quality control problem that they have resolved. And don't run the early MacOS V11 releases, go to at least 11.3 though the latest would be preferred.
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‎Jun 23, 2021
09:13 AM
Why are you using a photo editing app for videos? You should be using Premiere or...
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‎Jun 20, 2021
12:34 PM
Sorry Andrew but all the manufacturers are doing is CYA in case the user makes a mistake when formatting on a computer. Yes there are many incorrect articles defending this view just as there are thousands proving that the world is flat.
The OP wants the option to erase/format as part of the import process. There are several threads on this forum describing lost images on import while the images were still on the card. An auto erase / format would be an unpleasant side effect.
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‎Jun 20, 2021
12:15 PM
So an import problem causes you to lose all your photos. Great idea Sebastien.
That "always format in the camera" is nonsense written by someone who is ignorant of how file systems work. If memory cards didn't use a standard file system then the memory card couldn't be read by the computer.
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‎Jun 11, 2021
12:31 PM
As a temporary go around, try different export settings. These are not fixes, just ideas that might keep you productive. This is not a new problem. For example:
some have reported that the problem goes away if they always export to a new folder that Lightroom creates as part of the export. (Put in Subfolder)
others have reported the reverse, only export into an existing folder.
try sRGB, Adobe RGB and ProPhoto RGB
try different Output Sharpening settings, particularly uncheck the Sharpen For box as you've probably already adjusted the sharpening. If that doesn't work, try other Sharpening settings, particularly Amount: low.
and so forth though the other settings.
don't use an Export preset
Since your problem is relatively rare, it is likely that the bug is related to some combination of Export settings.
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‎Jun 11, 2021
10:49 AM
A "go around" that sometimes works and is quicker than restarting. Use the Library module
give a temporary keyword to all the "!" files
Text search and search for the filename of one of the missing files
if the ! is gone then click on the temporary keyword to display all the files
maybe they will all correctly display
This works for "lost files" returned from Photoshop.
This bug was fixed for LRC on Windows, I guess you could switch? hey hey hey
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‎May 20, 2021
01:32 PM
On Windows, this bug existed for certain mod levels of Version 9. Too long ago for me to remember which one but I was so glad when it was fixed. I'm also suspicious that it was actually a video driver bug, had a bunch of those at the same time. Great fun with bugs affecting bugs.
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‎May 18, 2021
10:51 AM
I have NEVER suggested that anyone rebuild their catalog. When folks have asked, I have explained how I do it.
When you consider the rarity of this problem, it's very unlikely to be a bug. It's much more likely to be related to the system configuration or conflicts with other concurrent tasks.
With hundreds of thousands of users not experiencing this problem, problem determination methodology says to first seek elsewhere for the cause.
While it could be a bug in Lightroom, that's certainly not at the top of a list of likely candidates.
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