‎Nov 27, 2023
01:17 AM
So glad I found this post, was making me crazy! my lowres pdf's became heavier than my highres pdf's Nevertheless, problem solved 🙂
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‎Mar 21, 2023
08:50 AM
Since the Indesign update to v18.2.1, this bug is fixed!
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‎Mar 06, 2023
12:33 AM
Hi, I have found a reproducible bug (I think) in Indesign 18.2 on macOS 13.2.1 with Intel processor When trying to export a Indesign document where there is a placed indesign document containing any text frame, Indesign will give an error while exporting, and eventually crash. To reproduce: - create a new blanc indesign document and add a text frame with some text - save and close that file - make another new indesign file, place the previous made indesign file - try to export to pdf (print) with any settings. - indesign will crash? -remove the text frame from the first file and place some other non-text frames and all will export fine. Using previous version of Indesign 18.1, all works fine. Tried this on other Mac with same versions of Indesign and macOS, but with silicon processor and there, some documents will crash, others not…
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‎Oct 26, 2022
11:03 PM
Yes thank you for helping out, but I know, I have several scripts and automator actions to rapidly save any image to any other fileformat, however, thats not my real problem, Indesign could previously handle those TIFF's, and I expect that in the new 2023 version also.
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‎Oct 26, 2022
05:06 AM
no, not at all, in no way linked or synced with a cloud service.
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‎Oct 26, 2022
04:21 AM
No, either on the local hard drive or server, all with same errors.
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‎Oct 26, 2022
03:54 AM
Thank you for helping looking into this! For now, all my new renders are being saved as webp files, which Indesign apparently accept with no problem. And even with 100% quality they are so light. I am aware of the batch, image processor possibilities in photoshop, and I use this whenever I need to work on an older file with tiff images linked to, however, greater would be if this bug (at least I think it is) is fixed, so I can continue work without resaving files. I reported this issue yesterday on uservoice and it seems to be "under review", so fingers crossed 🙂
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‎Oct 25, 2022
11:34 PM
1 Upvote
I try to place TIFF images rendered from Blender and get the error "Error encountered while reading TIFF image. Image may be damaged or incompatible." While this was no problem at all in all previous versions of Indesign (2022, 2021, …) version 2023 can't handle them anymore. Also opening files previously created with version 2022 containing those tiff's can be openend, however, I get errors trying to make pdf's and they show grey. Open them and resave in photoshop, without changing any settings, solves this issue, however, I have hundreds Indesign files containing much of those files.
The TIFF's are saved with zip compression, since all others (LZW, No compression) gives me images where the transparency is shown black, so no option for me.
In the future I can use other file formats for my render, but I would like to continue use my old TIFF's. I attached 1 example image.
<Title renamed by MOD>
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‎Aug 25, 2022
05:59 AM
This problem occured to me when using my work account. I have fixed it by using my private (free) account and signed up again.
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‎Aug 18, 2022
12:58 AM
Hi, hope someone could help me here. A while ago, when the Substance add-on for Blender was released, I signed up for this prerelease and installed it. After not using it for a while and using newer versions of Blender without copying add-ons from previous versions, to keep it clean, I try to download the new release of this add-on, and thats where I'm stuck… When I try to download again, I log in, go to the programs and select "Join", then I get a message saying "An Adobe ID with this Email is already part of the program." However, when I go to "My Programs", on the Adobe prerelease site, there are "no programs available". Any idea how to fix this so I can download the add-on again?
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‎May 14, 2018
07:42 AM
That is exactly what I intend to do… My problem is that I am not an expert at all, I cut, past and adjust most of the script I use. Maybe it is possible to call the system print dialog prior to the Indesign printing dialog? I don't know if that even makes any sense…
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‎May 08, 2018
07:55 AM
Since it seems hard to find any solution I put only the most important piece of the scripts here: print using (mgPrintPreset as string) without print dialog I can change this to: print using (mgPrintPreset as string) with print dialog delay 0.5 repeat 12 times key code 48 delay 0.5 end repeat keystroke space delay 0.5 keystroke return Then I tried to call a system event to "tab" x times so the Printer button comes active, "space" to go there and so on. However, I cannot run this system event while the Indesign pint dialog is active. When that dialog closes, then runs the system events, too late of course…
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‎May 07, 2018
04:34 AM
Hi, I have a few Applescripts to automate all of my print jobs. Since we us a new pinter in the office, the machine uses a authentication. That authentication is just a number provided in a submenu of the Finders Print window. When printing manually, in the Indesign print window, we have to click the "printer" window first, click ok and then print, just to activate the authentication. However, when I print from Indesign using a script, that print screen is ignored, so, the authentication code is also ignored. Is there a way to call that Finder print window (and close it again) prior to the Indesign print command? I hope my explanation is clear to understand 🙂 Any help or suggestions are welcome. Thanks! Here's one example of one of my scripts (all credits go to MacGrunt for this) on returnNumbersInString(inputString) set s to quoted form of inputString do shell script "sed s/[a-zA-Z\\']//g <<< " & s set dx to the result set numlist to {} repeat with i from 1 to count of words in dx set this_item to word i of dx try set this_item to this_item as number set the end of numlist to this_item end try end repeat return numlist end returnNumbersInString tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign" tell document preferences of active document set myBleedText to document bleed top offset as string end tell end tell set myBleed to returnNumbersInString(myBleedText) tell application id "com.adobe.InDesign" tell active document set theLinks to every link repeat with aLink in theLinks if status of aLink is link out of date then -- update aLink display dialog "Er zijn gewijzigde beelden aanwezig in het document, ben je zeker dat je wil verder gaan?" else if status of aLink is link missing then -- other options are normal/link out of date/link missing/link embedded --missing link handling display dialog "Er zijn ontbrekende beelden aanwezig in het document, ben je zeker dat je wil verder gaan?" end if end if end repeat set mgPgFace to facing pages of document preferences as string set mgPgOrnt to page orientation of document preferences as string set mgDocHght to page height of document preferences set mgDocWdth to page width of document preferences set mgDocHght to mgDocHght as integer set mgDocWdth to mgDocWdth as integer set the page range of print preferences to all pages set mgPgHght to mgDocHght + myBleed + myBleed + 10 set mgPgWdth to mgDocWdth + myBleed + myBleed + 10 if mgPgFace is "true" then --print document as spreads if mgPgHght is greater than 185 or mgPgWdth is greater than 130 then --use one of the A4 presets if mgPgHght is greater than 277 or mgPgWdth is greater than 200 then --use A3 fit preset set mgPrintPreset to "A3 comp liggend spread fit" else --use A3 100% preset set mgPrintPreset to "A3 comp liggend spread" end if else --use A4 horizontal preset set mgPrintPreset to "A4 comp liggend spread" end if else --print document as single pages if mgPgOrnt is "portrait" then --use one of the vertical presets if mgPgHght is greater than 277 or mgPgWdth is greater than 200 then --use one of the A3 presets if mgPgHght is greater than 400 or mgPgWdth is greater than 277 then --use A3 fit preset set mgPrintPreset to "A3 comp staand spread fit" else --use A3 100% preset set mgPrintPreset to "A3 comp staand spread" end if else --use A4 vertical preset set mgPrintPreset to "A4 comp staand spread" end if else --use one of the horizontal presets if mgPgHght is greater than 200 or mgPgWdth is greater than 277 then --use one of the A3 presets if mgPgHght is greater than 277 or mgPgWdth is greater than 400 then --use A3 fit preset set mgPrintPreset to "A3 comp liggend spread fit" else --use A3 100% preset set mgPrintPreset to "A3 comp liggend spread" end if else --use A4 horizontal preset set mgPrintPreset to "A4 comp liggend spread" end if end if end if print using (mgPrintPreset as string) without print dialog if modified is true then save display notification "Uw document wordt geprint" with title mgPrintPreset end tell end tell print using (mgPrintPreset as string) without print dialog if modified is true then save display notification "Uw document wordt geprint" with title mgPrintPreset end tell end tell
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‎Feb 18, 2015
12:59 AM
Hi all, Is it possible to use Apple's Notification Center to display alerts using JavaScript? Now I am using alert("This is my Alert"); However, this displays a static alert that requires action from me. For me it would be easier to make advantage of the Notification Center. In Applescript it is something like this: display notification "My Allert" with title "Alert Title"
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‎Jun 25, 2014
12:07 AM
Uwe, Ariel, the two last scripts do work, however without the shortcuts assigned, nevertheless, all credits to both of you 🙂 Uwe, you say you cycle between open documents using cmd-tab, here, that shortcut is in use by Mac OS itself, used to cycle between open applications. I will mark this question here in the scripting forum as answered and will dig deeper with my question in de main Indesign forum. Thanks for all the help!
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‎Jun 24, 2014
07:26 AM
@Laubender, this one takes me from the last opened doc to the 3th doc (if 5 docs are open) and then to the first, then the 4th, the 2nd and last again. your script makes sense but actes strange here. Nevertheless both scripts are working fine when double click them but not using the shortcuts I want. Now I have found out that when I assign CMD-F13 and CMD-F15 to those scripts, they work, even with open files. So the main issue is still, why is Indesign ignoring the CTRL-TAB shortcut?
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‎Jun 24, 2014
07:06 AM
Thank you very much Ariel, sooo,… The script itself takes me to the previous doc, that's ok for me however, when I assign CTRL-TAB to this script it doesn't react, when I assign the shortcut to another script, this also has no effect, until I close all open docs, then I can use the shortcut For now I have assigned OPTION-TAB and OPTION-SHIFT-TAB, but this is confusing for me. I also tried assigning a shortcut by going to the Mac's system preferences and in the keyboard section, you can create custom shortcuts for all installed apps,… except adobe apps I also tried changing my keyboard layout to US, with no result… I guess I will have to live with that…
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‎Jun 24, 2014
05:32 AM
Thanks Ariel for your reply, I am aware that this is a "local" issue, maybe typical for Belgian layout keyboards, I have tried it on all other Macs here and all have the same issue. I also asked this question in the main Indesign Forum, the reason why I asked it here is to have a quick workaround this thing…
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‎Jun 24, 2014
05:13 AM
Hi, since CC it's impossible to assign the shortcut CTRL-TAB to "next document" and CTRL-SHIFT-TAB to "previous document" what I found out is, that it is possible to assign these shortcuts to a script, so, if I had a script that go's to next document and one to go to previous document, I can assign those shortcuts to these scripts and my problem is solved (in a way) So now I have two little questions, 1. how to make a script that takes me to the next document 2. how to make a script that takes me to the previous document I know how to edit scripts, but scripting itself is like Chinese for me 🙂 Thanks in advance for helping me out!
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‎Oct 01, 2013
01:14 AM
Hi Phil, this works great! I was just a little confused with the dialog "Where to save the Indesign files?", but I figured out this should be "Where to save the PDF files?" So it does what is should, and I'm a happy person! Thanks again Phil
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‎Oct 01, 2013
12:35 AM
Hi, I once got a script by this thread (http://forums.adobe.com/thread/962689) That script gets Indesign files from a specific folder, now I want to change this script, so it can be used for allready opened Indesign files. Below is the original script (with huge thanks to Muppet Mark) #target indesign function exportFolder() { var i, inFolder, idFiles, doc, offSet, pdfPre, pdfFile; inFolder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Where\'s the folder of ID files?' ); if ( inFolder == null ) { return }; idFiles = inFolder.getFiles( '*.indd' ); for ( i = 0; i < idFiles.length; i++ ) { doc = app.open( idFiles ); offSet = doc.documentPreferences.documentBleedTopOffset; if ( offSet == 0 ) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 3 mm snit + slug' ) }; if ( offSet == 3 ) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 3 mm snit + slug' ) }; if ( offSet == 5 ) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 5 mm snit + slug' ) }; if ( offSet == 10 ) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 10 mm snit + slug' ) }; if ( offSet == 11 ) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 11 mm snit + slug' ) }; if ( offSet == 12 ) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 12 mm snit + slug' ) }; if ( offSet == 13 ) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 13 mm snit + slug' ) }; if ( offSet == 14 ) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 14 mm snit + slug' ) }; if ( offSet == 15 ) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 15 mm snit + slug' ) }; if ( offSet == 16 ) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 16 mm snit + slug' ) }; if ( offSet == 17) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 17 mm snit + slug' ) }; if ( offSet == 18 ) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 18 mm snit + slug' ) }; if ( offSet == 19 ) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 19 mm snit + slug' ) }; if ( offSet == 20 ) { pdfPre = app.pdfExportPresets.itemByName( 'LANNOO 20 mm snit + slug' ) }; pdfFile = File( doc.fullName.toString().replace( '.indd', '.pdf' ) ); doc.exportFile( ExportFormat.pdfType, pdfFile, false, pdfPre, '', false ); doc.close( SaveOptions.NO ); }; }; exportFolder();
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‎Oct 18, 2012
11:20 PM
Hi Winterm, you made my day! This is the best-free-fast solution. I have tried it and it worked real good.
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‎Oct 18, 2012
11:16 PM
Hi Peter, thanks for your idea, the plugin is only 99$, so it is to consider …
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‎Oct 18, 2012
07:25 AM
Steve, your solution is an option, though, also time-consuming for large documents. When using the "Find Font" command in Indesign, and showing "More Info", there you can see on which pages a certain font is used, that is fast and easy.
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‎Oct 18, 2012
07:06 AM
1 Upvote
Hi everyone, is there a way to find out where a certain colour (swatch) is used inside a document, like on what page or something? Inside a single-page document is not a big deal, in a 200+ paged document it is hell to find out… I can search for "character colour" and search again for object fill and again for stroke and again and again. I'm looking for an "easy" way to use. or maybe there is a script for that? thanks for helping me out!
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‎Feb 15, 2012
10:54 PM
Dear Muppet Mark, you are my hero! this works perfect in fact, I have a total of 7 different bleed settings and export setting, I just have to copy the "if" line, change the offset and export setting name. You made me a very happy person! Thanks!!
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‎Feb 14, 2012
11:08 PM
thanx, yes, all documents have uniform bleed now I have to take that value to my export settings, not as bleed (this) but as offset for my marks. I will try this... I will post my results here
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‎Feb 14, 2012
06:08 AM
hi, I want to make a script for doing the following: I have a folder with let's say 100 Indesign documents Many documents have different bleed setting, let's say, documents with 5 mm bleed, 10 mm bleed and 15 mm bleed I have PDF export settings for 5, 10 and 15 mm bleed, in fact, the only difference between the settings is the "Offset" of my marks, in all settings "Use document Bleed Settings" is enabled. I want to batch output all Indesign documents at once now, I have to look at each document, determine how many bleed it has, choose export, choose the right export setting according to the amount of bleed and finaly export to pdf. is there a way to make the script look at the document's bleed setting and make that value also the value for the "Offset" for the marks? so at the end, in all my pdf's, the crop marks should always be outside the cropbox. that is my goal. thanks.
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