Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Aug 20, 2019
03:45 PM
Try toggling it off and on again. If that doesn't help, can you recording into an app that does work, then, without unplugging/altering the audio device from the iPhone, try recording in Rush? -Matt
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‎Aug 20, 2019
03:18 PM
Hi, Matt from the audio team here. Rush much be granted explicit access to access the audio inputs on iOS. You might have accidentally denied that access the first time you launched Rush. You can check access here: "Settings>Privacy>Microphone..." and check that the option for "Premiere Rush" is turned on. -Matt
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‎Aug 19, 2019
03:34 PM
A bug was created for this.
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‎Aug 13, 2019
04:03 PM
"A client disabled some audio tracks in a premiere project". How were the tracks disabled?
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‎Jul 23, 2019
01:59 PM
@asiabrands, I've sent you a PM with my direct email. Can you get back to me so we can try to figure out what is causing this?
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‎Jul 16, 2019
10:05 AM
1 Upvote
Please start a new thread.
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‎Jul 15, 2019
01:08 PM
Hi all, Matt from the Development team here. Premiere had a bug that was fixed in the last few month where performing a "Remove Attributes" in certain scenarios would also removed some of the intrinsic effects. Intrinsic effects are things like the Panner and Volume keyframe envelops. This should have been fixed as I remember though. Is this still happening? There is a second, less likely bug though. Projects imported from Premiere Rush could also be missing all of these intrinsic effects, as well as the FX badge. The above screen shot id using a bunch of .mov files, so it is less likely that the project originated from Rush. Are either of these two things the likely cause? Has any one seen this in recent versions of Premiere? -Matt
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‎May 30, 2019
09:55 AM
1 Upvote
This is fixed in our internal builds and will be in the next patch we ship.
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‎May 22, 2019
11:03 AM
This points to some crufty preferences. Can you tell me what audio hardware you are using? And if you are using either Bluetooth or UBS microphone? My guess is that the sample rate of the input device was causing the playback engine to stall, and when you cleared your preferences the troubling device was not being used. -Matt
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‎Apr 24, 2019
05:26 PM
The Solo bug has been long fixed. I've not heard of any other users hitting anything like what you describe here. The only thing I can thing of was that you had somehow routed the track output to someplace that was not outputting sound? Were you working in an Adaptive track or Multichannel master? -Matt
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‎Apr 03, 2019
01:51 PM
Hi, Matt from the Premiere team here. Are you using BlueTooth headphones? Can you take a picture of your Audio Hardware Preferences so I can take a look? -Matt
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‎Feb 28, 2019
01:37 PM
Hi, Matt from the Premiere team here. Is there any other reports of this happening with 13.0.3? Can you describe detail what you were doing? There are too many variables left out of the above report for us to start any kind of meaningful investigation. "Had the notorious audio error today while changing audio levels on a file." Please, any and all details will help here. -Matt
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‎Feb 06, 2019
03:57 PM
1 Upvote
Hi all, can you post a copy of their Project for me to inspect? Also, can you point out any other audio software that is installed or running in the background when you experience this? iTunes or Audio Hijack or Twitch streaming in the background? Also, were you playing when you added the audio effect, or had you just trimmed/moved a clip when you added the audio effect? Any and all info would be very helpful. -Matt
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‎Nov 26, 2018
09:44 AM
The setting for "Preferences>Playback>Audio Device..." always overrides any device setting you have chosen in "Preferences>Audio Hardware...". In this case Premiere was doing exactly what it was supposed to do. -Matt
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‎Nov 20, 2018
11:27 AM
binGGo​ I looked back through this tread and see this is the first you have posted, please conform what version of Premiere Pro you are using? For example 12.1.2 build 69. This is vitally important for anyone helping you to know exactly what version you are using since there are bug fixes being introduced with each and every version. The use of NDI makes me think that is the root cause of your issue. Can you tell me what is set for you in the "Preferences>Playback>Audio Device..." dropdown? And, are you actually using the NDI output for playback? And, what audio device are you using? And, do you expect the out to playback over the NDI stream or from your hardware? And, Mac or Win? Even better, and so I can provide faster help, would be to post screen shots of both of these preferences pages for me: Preferences>Audio Hardware... Preferences>Playback... A picture, as they say, is worth a thousand words. -Matt
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‎Nov 08, 2018
04:17 PM
So what you are describing sound like the solo bug that was fixed in 12.1.2. Are you using 12.1.2 or newer? Also, with this particular bug, once the project is saved in this state, you need to open it, solo and un-solo an audio track, then save the project and the project will correct itself. If you do not do that the audio will remain silent.
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‎Nov 06, 2018
10:55 AM
1 Upvote
Yes please do, a video and complete explanation of how you have audio routed in your workspace will help immensely (as of right now there isn't enough info for us to try and diagnose the problem). There was a bug with the soloing of tracks but that has been fixed since 12.1.2. You mention that 3 separate computers are not playing back audio on both Windows and Mac. Which makes me think that it is something globally with how you have all these systems set up. Are you working from networks storage? Do you have the sound cards using an external audio clock or an clock that isn't internal? Are you using some sort of screen sharing software that might render the audio in a different way? Are you using a 3rd party audio routing software (like Soundflower on Mac) that might interfere with the audio sub-systems of the Computers? That is just a handful of potential questions. If you need our help here, please provide more details to your entire setup. Even a cell phone video posted to YouTube going over your setup and running though the bug will help a bunch.
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‎Sep 24, 2018
02:31 PM
Can you post a video of the bug? Even a cell phone recording posted to dropbox will save countless forum posts as I try to understand what you are experiencing.
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‎Sep 24, 2018
09:33 AM
The nature of this bug affected the .prproj itself. If you open a older project that was affected by the bug, you must solo and unsolo, then save. After that the project will be correct again. Is this what you are seeing? If you do not save the project after correcting the solo state it will appear incorrectly the next time you open it. "have it "draw" the waveform in my master sequence" "Render master timeline every time audio is changed in a scene sequence so I can see the waveform." Losing the waveform of the audio, or having audio appear to be offline, which is what I am guessing you are trying to say here, is completely unrelated to the "solo" bug. I suggest you check that your Media Cache locations are working properly (if they are on a separate disk or a network disk) or some other configuration issue. Please get a video of what you are seeing and post it to a place where we can review it.
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‎Sep 21, 2018
01:15 PM
1 Upvote
This was fixed in the latest Premiere, 12.1.2. Please update if you want to avoid the bug.
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‎Sep 05, 2018
10:38 AM
1 Upvote
There are two things you should try: 1. You are using Windows. You should make sure that the sample rate of the hardware is set to the same as your sequence. Most likely that is 48k. Also, set the Latency to a higher number, from 200 milliseconds to 500 or 700. See if that helps. 2. There is a known issue when using automation on the Graphics EQ effect which is used in the Dialog section of the Essential Sound Panel. If you are using that effect, please either remove it or remove any keyframe automation from it. -Matt
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‎Jun 01, 2018
11:58 AM
1 Upvote
@chrisa97474261 Ok, that is not a latency buffer issue. Separate issue that what I think @hayzensproductions is having. Edit: Thank you a ton for posting this video though. It is a separate issue that I've been tracking down and this gave me some ideas. -Matt
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‎Jun 01, 2018
11:18 AM
Ok, next step: Can you post a video of it happening? There is very little information for me to go on here. Many times a video of the problem happening will show me something that Is not coming through in text on the forum. What audio hardware do you have running? Can you describe how you have your audio hardware set up? Describe anything that might be out of the ordinary or special to you set up? Are you using adaptive/multichannel master and a ton of audio effect or Essential Sound panel instances? -Matt
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‎Jun 01, 2018
09:15 AM
Ok, so the buffer is not set too low. Next step: In "Prefs>Audio Hardware..." is the sample rate dropdown set to match you sequence settings. Example, if you sequence is set to work at 48,000 samples, is the hardware set to the same? -Matt
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‎May 31, 2018
05:38 PM
Same response I put in the other thread: On Mac and Windows when using ASIO "Preferences>Audio Hardware>I/O Buffer size..." or "Preferences>Audio Hardware>Latency..." on Windows if you are using MME driver model. Set that to a higher number and you should experience less audio dropouts. If not please send me a direct message. -Matt
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‎May 31, 2018
04:25 PM
Link? -Matt
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‎May 31, 2018
10:04 AM
On Mac and Windows when using ASIO "Preferences>Audio Hardware>I/O Buffer size..." or "Preferences>Audio Hardware>Latency..." on Windows if you are using MME driver model. Set that to a higher number and you should experience less audio dropouts. If not please send me a direct message and/or start a new thread and not stomp on this thread. -Matt
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‎May 31, 2018
09:28 AM
"Will it be included in the next update?" I cannot comment on future products. <shrug> Sorry.
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‎May 30, 2018
06:14 PM
"And I have audio pops and clicks randomly on all timelines with various cameras" This is a different issue. You should start another thread (in the meantime, raise the I/O buffer in "Prefs>Audio Hardware..."). -Matt
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‎May 30, 2018
06:13 PM
"After opening the project, the mp3 file worked, but all of the wav files didn't until I did the solo/unsolo trick to get them working again." This happens on a per track basis, that track must not have been affected. We have a fix in hand for this bug.
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