‎Feb 05, 2025
04:52 AM
1 Upvote
I'm having the exact same issue as well. Mac OS Sequoia, Photoshop 26.3.0 Gradient Tool Presets not applying at all.
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‎Feb 01, 2025
08:37 AM
As you can see from the second step of the action, all the parameters are set, however the drop down doesn't provide enough room for the final parameter (absolute) to be viewed. If you double click "...3 more" it opens the adjustment layer itself which does have the absolute button ticked. When I run this action back it defaults to relative. As you can see from the above Action script, I figured out a work around that adds a separate step that reselects the Selective Color Adjustment layer and then selects the Absolute button. This seems to make the Action sticky and now works. But... I'm still having an issue with creating my intended full Action. Ultimately I want to take the current selection (based just on the Red info) and create a new channel mask based on that selection, all recorded as an Action. To this end I further recorded to the same Action a step to add a named Channel Mask and then delete the Selective Color Adjustment layer. See attached screenshot below. However while this Action works when I play each Action Step individually, it fails when I play it "all at once"   This is how it should be after running the Action (which works if I run it one step at a time)   This is how it ends up after running the Action in in one go.    
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‎Jan 09, 2025
04:41 AM
I'm using the Selective Color Adjustment layer to create a Red mask by turning the Black in all the Colors in the dialog to +100% except the Red which is - 100%. The Absolute radio button is selected.
The problem is when I incorporate these parameters into a recorded Action. The Action defaults back to the Relative radio button which ruins the result I'm trying to achieve as a repeatable option.
This seems like a programming bug.
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‎Oct 28, 2020
05:14 PM
I installed the latest 2021 release of Photoshop and have been checking out all the tutorials for new features. Several of them mention automatic preset syncing that's triggered by a checkbox in the Preferences/General tab. However that check box is not available/visible in my Photoshop. Definitely perplexed by this. See screenshot for my Preference pane.  
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‎Nov 30, 2013
04:19 PM
It's been 5 months since I jumped in to this thread regarding serious problems with Tethered shooting in LR5. I fully understand that initial releases of new versions can present bugs. I've been hopefully waiting for point upgrades in LR5 to eliminate the Tether errors and had also hoped that a Mavericks upgrade might help. Unfortunately the disconnect problems still remain. LR4 had no such problems. LR5 Beta has been available since 4/15 and LR5.0 was released on 6/9. I think it's reasonable to expect bugs of this nature to be fixed in a 7 month period of time. As a serious and long time Adobe user it's very disheartening to see an apparent abandonment of professional standards. Earlier this week I had a two day, high volume, production shoot with models where we were churning through 80 shots a day. Their was literally no time for errors. LR5 Tethering had multiple disconnects, sometimes resulting in a restart of the program. My patience was exhausted and I finally had enough. The night of the first day I downloaded Capture One 7.1.5 and used it for the entirety of my second day's shoot. It's tethering was rock solid and many times faster than LR. I wish I could say that Capture One is the perfect solution but it's simply not for the following reasons: In LR I usually convert all my CR2s to DNG which wraps all the metadata into the file. However, while C1 can export DNGs they are not like Adobe DNGs. Any changes to the RAW data made in C1 is NOT bundled into the DNG which makes them pointless for post production workflow. It seems like once you commit to C1 RAW processing you've committed to living in their universe which is parallel to Adobe but not interchangeable. After establishing a robust Adobe workflow for a large image library I find this confounding. So I'm still sitting on the fence weighing the pros and cons of switching to C1 until Adobe gets it's act together and fixes the Tether issues. For smaller jobs without time constraints, I'll stick with LR. For intensive high volume productions I'll use C1 and will have to figure out a new system for cataloging, key wording, etc across the two worlds.
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‎Nov 08, 2013
10:33 AM
I've upgraded my Mac OS to Mavericks and the disconnect problem is still prevalent with my 1DS MKIII. It happens most often when I'm using a Modal Diaog box. I've also nailed down another tether bug that I've been plagued with in ALL versions of LR: With Tether enabled, if you delete a capture and trash it, the next tethered capture will stall for a very long time, and then eventually appear but with all metadata unsynced. The gear will continue to keep spinning and LR thinks a capture is still coming in. I usuall apply Develop Settings: Same as previous to all my captures and was very frustrated by having to manually sync the metadata settings after this kind of stall.The only solution is to quit the program and restart. I never associated the error to trashing a previous capture, but have been able to repeat the bug with consistency. I now wait until after my sessions are over to delete captures. All the production environments I work in use Capture One. I started out many years ago with Capture One as well but switched to LR as soon as it introduced Tethered Capture. I'm now seriously contemplating a swich back because of these unresolved issues.
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‎Aug 05, 2013
05:06 PM
To whatname can i use?, I'm still having persistent issues with tether disconnects in LR5 as discussed above. My only workaround is to create a keyboard shortcut for the File/Tethered Capture/Start Tethered Capture... menu item. When I have a disconnect I can quickly hit the keyboard shortcut, press enter twice and I'm back in business. One good thing about LR5 is that it connects tethering very quickly, so the downtime is minimal. This isn't a long term solution but it's the best I can come up with if I want to keep using LR5 for production work. I'm hopefull that the next maintenance release will address the problem but I'm also not holding my breath.
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‎Jul 03, 2013
10:20 AM
Latest report after more testing: I've trashed LR5 preferences and restarted. I've tried alternative USB cables. I've changed USB ports. Still getting several random tether disconnects per session. Problem is intermittent, however I do notice that when I change Shot Name in the Initial Shot Name Dialog Box the camera will disconnect while the dialog is open and then most often reconnect when dialog is closed (although occasionally it will disconnect after the dialog closes). This really seems like a software bug introduced in LR5. Very disappointing in such a mature product.
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‎Jun 29, 2013
08:55 AM
I'm having the exact same problem with LR5 repeatedly disconnecting the tethered connection at random time intervals. My camera is a 1DS MKIII shooting to a Macbook Air, Mac OS 10.8.4. Auto power off is set to OFF on the camera, so that is definitely not the issue. Camera, cable, etc. works flawlessy with LR4. This issue first started with the LR5 beta. I had assumed it was a beta issue but it's behaving exactly the same now that I've upgraded to the final release version of LR5. Once I restart tethering, the camera is recognized quickly but won't maintain the connecton through a full day of production shooting. LR5 loses the connection about 3 - 4 times during an 8 hour day of shooting with no clear signifier as to why it drops the tethered connection.
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‎Apr 27, 2012
08:51 AM
1 Upvote
As a working professional with demanding production requirements, my workflow runs on keyboard shortcuts. I’m excited about many of the improvements to LR4 but the one shortcut I’ve been most hoping for is not included.
There is no keyboard shortcut for firing the camera remotely when tethered. The user must use the mouse to click on the Capture button in the Tether dialog box. This can be awkward and slow production down, especially when working with a 2 monitor setup and you need to quickly fire a shot without having to search for where the cursor is on your screen and then navigate to the Tether dialog box and click the button. A keyboard shortcut would really speed things up when you’re shooting 50+ shots a day.
It doesn’t seem that the software engineering would be so difficult to Implement. I know that Capture One has had this ability since before LR introduced tethered capture.
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‎Apr 08, 2011
07:34 AM
I've been longing for a true DAM makeover to the Library module since version 1.
For years my workflow relied on iView Media Pro which then got sold to Microsoft, renaming it Expression Media 2, which was then sold to Phase One where it's once again languished. Talk about a kicked around foster kid. But the one thing about EM2 is that's it's vastly superior to LR for in-application file handling.
For instance you can create a new Folder without having to open a Modal dialog box. If you want to Rename a Folder you can click on the name and rename in place, again without having to open a clunky Modal dialog box. You can move multiple Folders at the same time. And most importantly you can set Folders to be Watched so that if any files are added or changed in the Finder (outside of LR interface) it will give you a visual cue that a change has taken place. (See attached image). This feature is invaluable. Sure you can synchronize a folder in LR but you're never sure if you need to.
Image is not available
LR allows you to select multiple Folders (of course) but if you have more than one selected and try to move them into another Folder it will only move the first Folder selected without giving you any warning. If you're not paying attention you might assume all the Folders were moved properly as they would be in the Finder (Mac OS).
For a long time I used EM2 for DAM and only sent the files to LR for processing but after awhile I found this too tedious and potentially confusing. I pretty much only use LR now but I fervently hope that the next version upgrade will give a little love to the Library.
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‎Apr 01, 2011
12:29 PM
Tethered Capture in LR3 was a huge step forward for using LR to capture in a production environment. One UI feature that seems to have been overlooked is a keyboard shortcut for hitting the Capture button. Having to find the cursor and then drag it to the button to click is an annoyance (granted, a small one) when shooting multiple captures throughout the day.
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