‎Feb 04, 2025
08:37 AM
This works great if you are using the automated TOC feature to style your TOC. This is a powerful setup. But sometimes I have situations where this isn't workable and we are creating a manual TOC. The challenge is recreating this ability with regular Paragraph Styles and possibly nested or GREP styles. That is, how to isolate the tab with the dot leader from other tabs in order to apply a Char Style, and same for the right-tab folio, without using the automated TOC feature. This can be necessary if the content styles are not consistent enough to automate. Or the chapters are done separately and not in the ID Book feature. I will probably try to use GREP to discover the various tabs, see how that works.
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‎Feb 08, 2024
08:40 AM
I have seriously f-ed up jobs because of this change. When I see no scroll bar, I assume I'm looking at a one-page document. I've had to re-do things because of the lack of a scroll bar, and apologized to clients. The rationale Adobe provides is ridiculous. InDesign (in their alleged "suite" of applications that barely resemble each other) STILL has the right scroll bars. Out of compliance with Apple standards? Photoshop has scroll bars. So Apple decides that we all have a scrolling mouse? Are they going to mail us all one as part of our Creative Cloud subscription? Just please make scroll bars a preference, so I can dig through the 36 Acrobat preferences screens and somewhere find "scroll bars always on".
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‎Jan 31, 2024
01:58 PM
1 Upvote
I have been able to delete lots of things without problems. I delete the "assets" folders inside various Library>Caches > Adobe > CCX Welcome folders and nothing bad happens. I've deleted all Camera Raw camera and lens profiles, leaving the enclosing folders in place. It helps for a litte while, to be able to keep working on an SSD hard drive. But the files come back. It's insanely frustrating that Camera Raw is considered a mandatory installation. I will never use it, and that should be up to me, not Adobe.
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‎Oct 31, 2023
07:49 AM
Thanks a ton, @Peter Kahrel ! When my current mayhem subsides, I will experiment with this! Very powerful.
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‎Oct 30, 2023
01:10 PM
Yes, I agree Rob, that's what I wrote in my post that started all this. "I thought I would replace with .ai and also Simplify the path." You've pointed that out a few times now and I've replied a few times that I did put a new .ai in and the resulting PDF was no smaller. I'm very aware of the vectors, believe me, it was the first thing I saw when I inherited this file. That is my plan, and there are additional things at play, like on some pages these are used as photo frames, so I have some choices to make as to achieving the window effect. This is the start of my experimentation, but it was moot when we discovered the problems was the XMP. I appreciate your help with the default.xmp.
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‎Oct 30, 2023
01:02 PM
@Peter Kahrel , that's excellent to hear. I have homework to do.
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‎Oct 30, 2023
01:00 PM
Indeed, @Robert at ID-Tasker , that is so indiscriminate, the text would be a mess. "My text alternates like H1, P, H1, P, and I can only add space above the H1s." Client has very strict rules about where space above is allowed.
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‎Oct 30, 2023
06:59 AM
Yes, this is actually the initial problem I was trying to solve. I know all these vectors are bogging down the 48 page file, and this is but one of many (the sister file is 148 pages, some with 6 or 8 "picture frames" done in that same vector style). I converted one footer to simplified .ai and did a test to be sure it looked ok and would result in a smaller file, but it did not. That's what led me to step-by-step remove things until I had a one page doc and continued to test each step of removal. I had never heard of Canto, this is an inherited file. I'd never really explored XMP at all. Thank you for the default.xmp!!!!! I hunted online and couldn't find one anywhere, despite many mentions of it. I'm a bit puzzled why I don't have one. Isn't that supposed to be part of the default INDD install? I put it in the Metadata Templates folder so I can apply it to the other books in this project. >>> In my 48 page original file, swapping the default.xmp in the File Info>Raw Data reduced my .indd from 105mb to 56mb right away. Exporting page 4 with the dumb vectors intact, the PDF is now 465kb. I think the ID file is still sluggish, assuming it's drawing on a lot of RAM to paint all those vectors, so I will probably still pursue replacing with .ai, so at least I'm only operating with a preview. Files from this client routinely come with highly questionable production choices. I suspect some young whippersnapper designer hasn't learned about efficient production work. I will be fixing lots of dumb styles and other things as well, but it will pay off since there are 12 books to the series. I agree that Canto is poorly executed if it's bloating an exported PDF to the point where one page is 30mb (from another of my test files). I'll have to see if that xmp data is also in the photos placed in the other books. They are insanely slow to work in as well. Thanks for your patience and sticking with me to a working solution!
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‎Oct 29, 2023
09:00 AM
Thanks, Peter! That's very interesting. It may motivate me to re-do some documents with two separate text frames for columns, so I can run it separately for each column. I look forward to further experimentation with this. Best Regards, Carol
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‎Oct 29, 2023
08:27 AM
Hi Rob, I'm not sure who marked this topic Solved, wouldn't that be up to the posting person? I appreciate the help, but don't consider this solved quite yet... I read through that thread and it seems all about .PSD metadata and having a document with a huge amount of images in it. I am not seeing exactly how I replace the metadata in the InDesign file. From the File Info > Raw Data screen, my choices are to Import, Export, or Template Folder. There are no XMP templates in my Adobe Application support folders. I checked my older Mac and these same folders are empty there also. There are mentions of Bridge in a search for "default xmp template for indesign", but I don't use Bridge or have it installed, nor do I want to , as Adobe CC is already taxing my computer's memory and SSD. So to solve this, I need to find an alternative XMP template to replace the excessive data put there by Canto, correct? Thanks for your insight, this is far down the rabbit hole. The bigger issue is replacing all the insane vectors with .ai, thereby improving InDesign's sluggish response in this file, but before doing so, the XML default would be the place to start.
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‎Oct 29, 2023
08:04 AM
Hi Rob, As I mentioned in my post, that's what started this, I made a .ai to replace the footer image. Before I edited the master for the whole book (which is many pages), I deleted the footer on my test page and placed the .ai so I could run a before/after test. Since my tests PDFs never got smaller, as I describe in my post, I have not yet gotten to the point of placing the .ai on a master page. There are many other masters in the original and all will need new .ai to replace these vectors, but first I need to solve the metadata in InDesign issue.
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‎Oct 27, 2023
10:28 AM
Indeed, Peter, like so many generic errors, I would have to export each page, to see which have missing glyphs. But the second problem, font name not unique, would be trickier. I think I can hunt through the preflight analysis to try to see common fon names, but I can't change their ads. I think most ad makers do embed the fonts in the PDF ads. If I I have the fonts, sometimes I will open and convert to outlines or rasterize, but usually I don't have the fonts. Ultimately I think all I can do is warn the advertisers and perhaps ask them to rasterize the file, but most folks don't have Photoshop or understand resolution, so that's probably riskier. Acrobat is kind of too good at allowing anyone to create a PDF but few people have the tools to fix them.
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‎Oct 27, 2023
10:17 AM
I don't have that option, since I am not the publisher/designer. If I were starting from scratch and creating book specs for my client, yes, I would design my styles that way. This is what my client requires, unfortunately. They have detailed specs for above and below all styles, then tell me to override them all on a page by page basis to base-align the pages. It's not wise, for sure, but I am the production grunt here, not the one setting the specs. This is freelance book production life, and I believe even the famous Peter Kahrel experiences this, as his great script suggests. 🙂
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‎Oct 27, 2023
10:10 AM
1 Upvote
I hesitate to post, as there are so many discussions, but I am stumped. A client file had way too many pasted vector shapes and I thought that's what was bogging down the file and making the exported PDFs large. I thought I would replace with .ai and also Simplify the path. Nope. The vector art, pasted into illustrator, and Simplified to 2.2 mb and linking in ID didn't help. A single page PDF with minimal text and the graphic is over 9MB. I tried making a 1MB PSD and that didn't help much. I made sure Output included no Profiles. Using default Press Quality as a benchmark. I eventually deleted all the other pages in the file, nope. I saved as IDML, which really helped reduce the ID file size, but had no impact on the single back blank PDF. I'm attaching the IDML, the .ai, and a series of PDF tests. What is the content on the "blank 5.pdf" that makes the file 9.2 MB? ( tried uploading .ai and it says content type doesn't match extension, which makes no sense. Adobe does not recognize it's own file type? I will upload as PDF, but it was placed as .ai)
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‎Oct 27, 2023
10:01 AM
That is an interesting video. I don't really need anything but what I said above, adding 1pt or 2pt to selected paragraphs, but ideally exclusive by style. That's a lot to control, I realize. And I'm on a Mac, which makes so many things more difficult. I would probably prefer to use a keyboard shortcut instead of mouse wheel, but it does sound interesting.
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‎Oct 27, 2023
09:54 AM
Hi James, Not sure I understand your question... my styles do not result in base-align automatically, unfortunately. I have to tweak every page to hit the base-align (both columns and spreads) and that means addeing equal space above, say, all 5 H1s in a column to try to hit base-align. This is hard with the intervening paragraphs.
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‎Oct 26, 2023
10:20 AM
Super helpful, as I have to basealign everything for a publisher client. I see the scripts on CPro lead with "app.scriptPreferences.measurementUnit = MeasurementUnits.POINTS". When I first ran it, it added 1p, since my default unit was 1p. I changed my default unit to Points, and now it works. It doesn't work for me to do this as noted above: (to add e.g. 1 mm, use '1mm') I tried putting 1pt in the script and it errored on the pt. If I select a range of paragraphs, it doesn't apply to all, just the one where the cursor is. A range would be nice. What I'd really love to do is search the selection for a specific paragraph style and increment only that style. My text alternates like H1, P, H1, P, and I can only add space above the H1s. I know I could search the H1s and change to a different style, like H1+p1, but that's impractical for many reasons. Scripts and GREP are always a lifesaver!
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‎Oct 18, 2023
07:51 AM
I get the same message, but the bigger problem is that I have no way of figuring out which imported ad is missing the fonts. Acrobat > Print Production > Preflight > PDF Analysis > "List potential font problems" does not show any missing fonts. [Is a missing glyph the same as a missing font, or does it mean an embedded font doesn't have a certain character?] It does say "A font name is not unique." "A font with the same name is embedded multiple times." I can't do anything about that if multiple advertisers embed the same font in their ads. But Preflight doesn't say any fonts or glyphs are missing. So InDesign is offering an error but no way to track it down, right?
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‎Feb 17, 2023
02:32 PM
This just started happening and I upgraded to 18.1 and it's still happening. Screenshot below. Regardless of the Numbering settings, the Pages panel shows the first page as 1. I've looked at all the settings I can find. Restarted ID, restarted the Mac mini. The page numbering in the document is working fine, as far as I can tell. Not a Book, not automatic, just set for each file. This seems like a small glitch, but it's really hard to work when you can't see page numbers here. Wondering if anyone is experiencing same or know a setting I don't? Mac Mini 2018, OS 10.15.7, ID 18.1 (Yes, I need an upgrade soon, but this setup has worked well until now.)
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‎Apr 08, 2022
12:16 PM
Yeah, this is infurating, Adobe downloading 1GB of stuff I will never use. When I travel, I don't dare tether my laptop to my phone for fear that Adobe will download MB of data. I really wish this bloatware could be controlled by the user. I never use Learn or Stock or anything like this.  Basically means I can't use my laptop on the road unless it's guaranteed free WiFi. Adobe assumes there's fast free wifi everywhere and that my hard drive is infinite. These comments have been in the Support Community for years.
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‎Apr 06, 2022
03:47 PM
I pretty much want to murder the Style Mapping window. This hasn't changed in any useful way in decades, it seems. I have loads of Pre-sets, but still receive Word docs with a zillion stupid unused Styles that I have to map to [No Paragraph Style] or [None] for Character Style. This has to be done with the mouse, one line at a time, changing each Paragraph Style to [No Paragraph Style]. You can't type or paste into the stylename field. When mapping an unused Character Style, I often have to scroll down through the enter Paragraph Style list to find the Character Styles at the bottom and then find [None]. This is incredibly laborious. (And sometimes, inexplicably, it does show only the Character Style list, for one line, then changes to all styles for the next.) Several things would address this time-waster. 1. "Ignore Unused Styles" checkbox could show only those Word styles that are actually applied to anything. (Word does not allow removal of dozens of default styles.) 2. Allow a checkbox to Set Style Mapping to default to [NONE] for any unmatched styles. As in, anything I haven't already mapped gets set to No Style (or to some other default, like Delete Me). This really should just be a setting somewhere in the software, which could be made a user setting. 3. Barring these things, at least let me type the style name in the name box, and start matching as I type. 4. Have the option to Ignore Case. InDesign will not map "Footnote Reference" to "Footnote reference". Will also not map to a style of the same name if it's in a Group. I have done all I can think of to automate this process, but it is the single biggest time waster of my life in book production all day every day. I have yet to find scripts or tricks to address this particular challenge. Yes, lots of ways to format Word files, but I cannot change them and they are very well done by the editors. All the good styles are there, and many many bad ones. It's not the Word files really, it's Word's extra styles and InDesign's failure to help me deal. Thanks for anything I might be missing.
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‎Jul 21, 2021
11:10 AM
Hi Uwe, Yes, I did catch that error that they missed, and thanks for your good eyes! Now I know that World-Ready is only for right-to-left text and I do not need that (yet). I appreciate your quick help in solving this. I would not have thought about that at all. Carol
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‎Jul 21, 2021
08:17 AM
Hi Uwe, I should have clarified that this occured in other places in the document as well. Places where the German was not applied, nor hyphenate capitals. The errors were marked by my client on their proof in three locations. Two times it occured in the compound adjectives that had the Grep style "No Language No Hyphen" applied, but a third time it occured in a regular auto-hyphenated word. The Grep style was not working correctly, so I fixed it, so those hyphenations were no longer there in subsequent PDFs (so they couldn't show more errors). However, in the third location, the auto-hyphen location, the error did not re-occur, even though I did nothing to fix it. And obviously there are lots of automated hyphens that created no problems, and World Ready Composer was used throughout.    I am going to upload screenshots of the client proof in the 3 locations and you can compare to the document I sent you, which was after I fixed the Grep style. In footnote 16, the client wanted the long German word to hyphenate, so I turned on Hyphenate Capital Words in that location only. I only turn that on when there are problems in a paragraph, and I do not want it on globally. So I was glad to know that the problem was not related to the Grep style or Character style, even though 2/3 of the original errors used that technique. I have now changed to Adobe Paragraph Composer in all my styles.
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‎Jul 20, 2021
01:39 PM
Uwe, that's very interesting. I honestly have no idea what "Adobe World-Ready Composer" is but I must have switched to it for this document. I have been experimenting with setting the Language to whatever language the text is in (French, German, Italian) to see if the hyphenation changed from Englih. Perhaps I change to World-Ready Composer, since it sounds so ready for many languages! If you look at the Grep styles for body text and foonote text, you'll see a workaround that I found online for compound adjectives, which are two words with a manual hyphen. My client does not want either word to auto-hyphenate. I was afraid that this workaround was causing the problem, but it seems not. Thank you for all your help. I will fix my documents today! Carol
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‎Jul 20, 2021
01:21 PM
Hi have many many presets made specifically for clients who want certain settings for crop, bleed, slug, preview, etc. With your input, I used the same preset but I unchecked Tagged PDF. Attached are two PDFs and the only difference is output with and without that checkbox. I have to put the joboptions file in the Dropbox folder I shared previously, as I cannot attach it here. I'm on a Mac, OS 10.14.6, InDesign 16.2.1. I am not sure what caused this problem to start, as I have been using this same preset for the last 9 months. Thank you, Carol  
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‎Jul 20, 2021
12:48 PM
Thank you Uwe. I packaged the doc as-is so fonts would be included. You can jump to page xi as I described in the post. I can confirm that, at least in this file in this location, a preset without Tagged did give me clean output. Thanks for saving me headaches!
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‎Jul 20, 2021
12:30 PM
I have never seen this error. There are a few places in a PDF I made from InDesign where an automatic hyphen has another letter superimposed on it. This is not visible in InDesign, only the PDF output. Fonts are fine. I've been making good print-ready PDFs up until now. I'm going to try uploading screen shots and the PDFs with a comment on an example. If you want to dig into the ID file, I can send you a link to DropBox. I may have to make a support ticket. This is a scan of a page, where the hyphen in "divinely-ordained" has an a over the hyphen. I worked with this footnote to replace auto with hard hyphens, which of course i cannot do everywhere, and it isn't a problem everywhere.... 1 Screen shot of ID with two automatic hyphens in footnote 16. Screenshot of PDF with a letter t over a hyphen. Not in ID at all. I replaced the first with a hard manual hyphen...    Resulting PDF has t over second hyphen.  This is obviously terrifying, as I design books that are proofread and checked in great detail, and then I send print-ready PDFs, which, it appears, could have random errors after proofing. I can't really send print PDFs until this is solved. Thanks for reading, Carol
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‎Jun 02, 2021
04:11 PM
Thanks Sunny, If I do chose Fixed and adjust the "Min" so the 10/12 body text is at the top of the box,adding the sharp doesn't move the line down, BUT that also sits headings on the baseline grid and they poke out the top of the box. Text is supposed to start at 5p6 according to the template and specs. The client has some overly detailed type specs that make things difficult, but this one is on me and InDesign and i shouldn't have to stand on my head to use special characters. I simply cannot put them all in anchored boxes.
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‎Jun 02, 2021
03:21 PM
I lay out academic books with special characters and some have a baseline shift. When certain characters appear in the first line at the top of the text box, the line is pushed down, so it no longer aligns across the column. In my screenshot, the sharp symbol has to be 12 pt, 4pt baseline shift in order to look right for the editor. The text is 10/12. I inherited these templates and the last line of the page must sit on a specific guideline, no exceptions. I can't align all to baseline grid because I have very specific space above and below headings and extracts. I don't use Align to Baseline Grid in the text box, it's set at Ascent. If I change that, the last line will not sit on the guide that the template is very strict about. I've tried other baseline settings. I understand InDesign doesn't want the character outside of the text box. (It's funny, because if it were an Anchored Object, it could go way outside the text box.) Is there any solution that doesn't involve changing the template on books that are hundreds of pages, a dozen Master pages, and >100 paragraph styles? I basically want to click the button that says Allow Special Characters to go Outside the Text Frame! 🙂
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‎Feb 11, 2021
02:56 PM
Thanks for trying the files. Interesting that InDesign can see the difference between the TTF and OTF. But the problems is the Variable font. It comes as 2 files, only Regular and Italic, each with 4 weights. Each weight does not get a Unique Name, at least from the point of view of FontBook (see original screen shots). When I do Find/Replace font, nothing is missing and there is no other version of Cabin to Replace it with. It's like the Variable is trying to map to the Static fonts, but unsuccessfully. FontBook does not let me install the Variables whle the TTFs are present, so I can't see what happens when both are installed. I have never gotten font missing errors at any point, just erratic behavior.
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