‎Mar 07, 2025
05:00 PM
@jonathan_freeman Your screenshots indicate you are working on One Drive. Why? Have you moved all your files to One Drive? If so, very bad idea. You need to to be working on your local hard drive, not on One Drive. As @GoldingD points out, your most recent catalog by date is very much smaller than the previous one. Less than half the size. This indicates a major problem. I don't see a capitalization problem. The missing folders that have a duplicate have the same case, eg. there are two "Coastal Views", each with 185 photos, but one is marked as missing. This looks like a folder problem in the catalog. Is there anything wrong with "Lightroom Catalog-2-v12.lrcat"?
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‎Mar 04, 2025
06:56 PM
@Robert Ripps If you Import a raw file into LrC and edit in Develop, the settings are stored in the catalog. Any AI Masking or Removes are stored in the catalog folder with the .lrcat-data appended. If you choose to save from LrC to the .xmp sidecar file, the settings and AI masking/removes are all saved to the .xmp file, making it potentially large. If you then open the raw file in ACR, the .xmp file is read and settings applied to the photo. The AI masking/removes are written to a new file with the .acr extension and are removed from the .xmp file when Camera Raw is finished (Done or Open in Ps). The .xmp file is small again, but there is another sidecar file, the .acr file. If you then return to LrC and Read Metadata from File, if the .acr file is available, LrC will read it into the catalog along with the other settings from the .xmp file. Now that LrC has all the metadata it needs to continue editing, the .acr file is no longer of any use to LrC. If you rename the file in LrC, the .xmp file gets renamed, but the .acr file does not. Whether this changes one day, who knows, but as far as editing the renamed file in LrC is concerned, the .acr file can be deleted. ACR creates, writes to and reads from .acr files, which it uses to store AI generated data. If the .xmp file has this AI data saved to it by LrC, ACR will extract it from the .xmp file and save to a .acr file, making the .xmp file smaller. LrC only reads .acr files when Read Metadata from File is done and once read, it is no longer needed by LrC. If the .acr file was deleted before being read by LrC, AI Masks and Removes would be flagged as needing Updating, which could generate entirely different content than previously generated. Not good. From your workflow description, I understand: Import into LrC; apply Presets and some edits; save to .xmp; edit further in ACR; back to LrC and read metadata from .xmp (and .acr); and rename file (.acr is orphaned here). If you need to go back to ACR, you must save the settings again to .xmp. ACR will read that and create a new .acr file if needed. The orphaned .acr is no longer needed by LrC or ACR, so can be deleted. I hope this helps.
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‎Mar 03, 2025
07:34 PM
In LrC's Menu, Edit > Preferences..., then click the tab Performance. Select Off, then click the Ok button and see if the problem is still there.
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‎Mar 03, 2025
05:05 PM
@marcduf_HDNT Try turning off your GPU in Preferences. Does it make any diffierence. Although not far out of date, your GPU driver should be updated - latest version from NVIDIA is (fives days ago).
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‎Mar 03, 2025
04:57 PM
@stzanove Do you think this problem has fixed itself? I'm a bit confused. In you original description you say "Historically, when I switch from Mac to Windows and open the catalog, images are not stacked in the MacOS version" Are you saying that on the Mac, the four images selected and shown in the 'No stack option' screen shot are stacked? When you open this catalog on the Windows PC, the same four images do not appear stacked and the Stack option is greyed out (disabled)? If this is the case, what happens if you unstack the four photos on your Mac, then switch back to your Windows PC and try to stack the four photos?
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‎Mar 03, 2025
03:37 PM
@stzanove Can you confirm that your catalog is on your external ssd and that you are swapping this drive from Mac to Windows machines and vice versa?
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‎Feb 28, 2025
04:36 PM
@jonathan_freeman Difficult to help without some more information. Re-import is the last thing you want to do. Press the Alt key and click the LrC icon to launch. A Select Catalog dialog will be displayed. Take a screen shot (press the Print Screen key) and share it here as a starting point.
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‎Feb 26, 2025
04:03 PM
@benl52794612 It's unfortunate that you have lost a considerable amount of work, although not everything. The Startup Preferences file would likely give you the history of what you did and where your catalog was. It does seem that you have worked that out already.
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‎Feb 25, 2025
11:14 PM
@benl52794612 You screenshot indicates that your Lightroom folder is a bit of a mess. It appears that when the updated LrC launched, it needed to upgrade your catalog, which you did. Are you certain that the catalog you opened and upgraded was your working catalog? In your "Old Lightroom Catalogs" folder under "Lightroom" there is the saved old catalog "Lightroom Catalog_2025_2014.zip". It appears that you have unzipped this twice in the "Old Lightroom Catalogs" folder: once at 10:05 PM and again at 10:26 PM. It also appears that you had the unzipped backup catalog from 10:26 PM and opened that catalog in LrC before you took your screenshot; LrC would have upgraded again creating another zip file under another "Old Lightroom Catalogs" folder under "Lightroom Catalog_2025_2014" folder. If your working catalog was under "Lightroom", your upgraded catalog should have been the one directly under the Lightroom folder with a timestamp 9:51 PM, which clearly isn't the 600MB catalog that you say was your actual catalog. So it seems to me that LrC didn't upgrade the 600MB catalog, otherwise it would be zipped in the file under the "Old Lightroom Catalogs" folder. If you have been backing up every time you are prompted to by LrC, where are those backups? It is puzzling as why your zip file doesn't contain the 600MB catalog. LrC has two Preferences files: one is the main file; the other is a smaller Startup file. The Startup file is easier to read and may offer clues as to what you did since it keeps track of catalogs, backups and upgrades. The link below provides information on how to find the Preferences file, but you'll want to look in the Preferences folder to see the Startup file. https://helpx.adobe.com/au/lightroom-classic/kb/preference-file-and-other-file-locations.html
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‎Feb 25, 2025
03:07 PM
More likely, a Mask isn't selected.
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‎Feb 24, 2025
11:51 PM
@alumuye_1469 That is not enough description of your problem for anyone here to help you. You need to explain in some detail what you are doing, and if possible, show screen shots or a video.
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‎Feb 23, 2025
11:38 PM
@windsurfer65 There are multiple ways to do this in LrC. The Copy/Paste method does work, but @Conrad_C left out a vital piece of information that you need. The Sync... method given by @richardplondon also works. Here are you options: Copy/Paste in Develop: select one photo that you want to apply one or more spot Heals and apply them. Click the Copy... button and select only the Remove option, then click Copy. Select the other photos you want to Paste the copied settings to (exclude the one you already did). If the left button on the bottom right side is Sync..., click the switch next to it to change it to Auto Sync (missed by Conrad). Now click Paste and your Heal will be applied to all the selected photos. Sync... in Develop: Select one photo and apply the required Heal(s). Select all the other photos you what Healed, but make sure the one you just did is also selected as the 'most selected' (the current one you see in the Loupe view). Make sure the Sync... button is enabled (the switch is down) and click the Sync... button. Make sure that Remove is checked and then click Synchronize. The Heals from the 'most selected' photo is synchronized to all the other photos in the selection. This is your "THIS SOLUTION DOES WORK", although copy in Step 2) is not needed. Sync Settings in Library: this button is enabled (bottom right) when multiple photos are selected in the Library. It does the same as Sync... in Develop, so the 'most selected' photo (the one shown in Library Loupe) must have the settings you want to sync to the others in the selection. Auto Sync in Develop: Select all the photos you want to Heal. Enable the Auto Sync button (switch is up). Heal the photo 'most selected' and each Heal you do will be applied to the other selected photos as you do them. This option applies what ever you do to the current photo to all the others in the selection, so be careful here.
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‎Feb 22, 2025
07:20 PM
Bug count low! We only wish.
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‎Feb 20, 2025
02:53 PM
@Rikk Flohr: Photography Tested with ACR 17.1 and the image above opened with White Balance Temp/Tint 5950/+29. I also bumped Exposure +0.05 to save XMP, then opened in ACR 17.2. Photo showed maganeta colour cast. So, yes, happens in ACR too.
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‎Feb 19, 2025
10:38 PM
@johnrellis I have also been testing this user's images, and it's not only the Tint that can change between Imported by LrC 14.1.1 and opened in LrC 14.2 or vice versa, but for one of the provided images, the Temperature also changed depending on which version of LrC was used to import the file. Since it appears that the user shoots with the Canon EOS R5 M2, all their images are affected. I tested some other CR3 files, not shot with EOS R5 M2, and they were unaffected. Looks like a serious bug to me.
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‎Feb 19, 2025
10:15 PM
@Garpoune I shot an image with my Nikon Z8 using White Balance set to Auto. There was no difference in Temp/Tint when Imported using LrC 14.1.1 or Imported using LrC 14.2. I tried three other CR3 files, not yours, two shot with Auto WB and one with Custom WB. Each one maintained the same Temp/Tint whether Imported using LrC 14.1.1 or Imported using LrC 14.2. None of my own tests showed any colour change between being Imported using LrC 14.1.1 and then opened in LrC 14.2 or Imported in LrC 14.2 and opened in LrC 14.1.1. This doesn't help with your situation, but it indicates there is something unusual about your CR3 files that you have shared. I think only Adobe can help you with this now. I wouldn't go messing with your catalog and risk making things worse until you get to the bottom of this problem.
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‎Feb 19, 2025
06:12 PM
@Garpoune I have downloaded your sample photos and can reproduce your White Balance issue between LrC 14.1.1 and LrC 14.2. The sample DNG doesn't change between the two versions, but your Canon CR3 files most definitely do change colour. I note that you shot these photos with White Balance set to Auto on your camera. I Imported your two CR3 files in LrC 14.1.1 and they look normal, with Temp/Tint values 6150/+27 and 5950/+29. I then opened the catalog in LrC 14.2. The photos' colour changes, showing a distinct magenta tint. The Temp/Tint values don't change. I started over, this time Importing your photos in LrC 14.2. The White Balance settings are different: 6200/+1 and 5950/+4. As expected, when I open the catalog in LrC 14.1.1, both CR3 photos now have a green tint. There may have been a change, possibly not intentional, in LrC 14.2, but I have not see anything like this in my own Nikon NEF files. The question then is why are all your CR3 files suffering from this? Adobe should look into this issue urgently. Users like yourself can't have their entire catalog of photos change colour like this! I will do some tests with my Nikon and report back.
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‎Feb 18, 2025
09:48 PM
1 Upvote
@Manuel_Carrillo3837 Can you explain a bit more about what you did and what you have done since? From which version of catalog did you upgrade? Do you still have the original catalog from which you upgraded?
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‎Feb 15, 2025
09:53 PM
@johnrellis I can reproduce on my Windows 11 PC together with the very old outstanding bug, where the Altitude doesn't load until you click the small "Fetch Altitude for coordinates" icon.
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‎Feb 15, 2025
06:03 PM
@MarvinHeston That's interesting, but I tried with the catalog and photos on an external USB 3 HDD, not SSD. It Merged the same as on my internal SSD, no problems. I'm inclined to think something is not right with your PC or USB drive.
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‎Feb 15, 2025
05:20 PM
@MarvinHeston I tried your HDR-Pano set on my Windows 11 PC and had no problems with them. What happens if you select say the third photo in each bracketed set and just Merge -> Panorama the seven files? Conversely, what happens when you just Merge -> HDR for one bracketed set of three files?
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‎Feb 15, 2025
03:38 PM
If your friend does want two catalogs, I would create two Collections, then add the Personal photos to one and Professional to the other. Once done, use "Export this Collection to a Catalog" (right-click Collection) on each, so two new catalogs are created. Always keep the original catalog until certain that everything has worked correctly. Having said that, separating Personal and professional photos into folders/drives is an alternative and possibly a better way to go. When @Rob_Cullen siad Remove, don't Delete, I think he might have meant remove from catalog, but don't Delete from disc.
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‎Feb 12, 2025
05:49 PM
This post needs to be pinned to the top. It is currently part the way down on the second page and could easily be missed by users.
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‎Feb 12, 2025
04:05 PM
@LilaHPhoto Based on the experience of others when dealing with Tech Support, sometimes their advice is incorrect and even misleading. I would not place too much importance on what Tech Support is telling you. I am experiencing exactly the same as you. If I use Transform with Constrain Crop enabled on a photo that has an Original aspect ratio of 3:2, then in Library Quick Edit selecting Crop Ratio 3 x 3 / 4 x 6, reverts to Original, but the image crop doesn't change. If in Transform, I had altered the crop and made it smaller while maintaining the aspect ratio, then doing the same in the Quick Edit panel, the image crop would change, resetting to the maximum possible crop. It works as it should and as it has been designed.
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‎Feb 12, 2025
02:59 PM
@LilaHPhoto "However, the 2:3 crop ratio from the Library Module is also resetting aspects such as the Transform tool." The Transform tool crops, so if you select a different Crop Ratio in the Quick Edit panel, it is going to apply a different crop that is sized as large as possible while respecting the selected aspect ratio. "Why does only the 2:3 do this?" It's not auto correcting itself, it's telling you that the current crop ratio is the Original ratio. If 4:3 was your photo's Original aspect ratio, then selecting 4 x 3 would change to Original. You shouldn't be using the Quick Edit's Crop Ratio after you have used Crop or Transform in the Develop module. That is not its purpose; it's meant to do a quick crop without going into Develop. You are using the Quick Edit's Crop Ratio incorrectly, expecting it to work the same as the Develop's Crop tool; it doesn't.
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‎Feb 11, 2025
07:53 PM
1 Upvote
@LilaHPhoto, I have slowed down your first video and studied it more carefully. The video isn't clearly showing exactly what you are doing in the Library Quick Edit panel; I now see that you are changing the Crop Ratio by clicking on it and selecting 2 x 3 / 4 x 6, but the video doesn't show the drop down list. I can now reproduce what you are trying to explain, but there is nothing wrong with what LrC is doing. It is not making random changes like you believe. You are making the change. Your photo has an aspect ratio of 3:2, i.e. the Original aspect ratio is 3:2. In the Crop tool, you set the Aspect: to 2 x 3 / 4 x 6. This is the same as your Original aspect ratio. You then draw a crop rectangle locked to the selected aspect ratio in portrait orientation. The Crop tool's Aspect: changes to Custom - you have drawn a custom crop. In Library, the Quick Edit panel's Crop Ratio shows Original; the aspect ratio is the Original 3:2 (or 2:3) despite the cropped image. It could be argued that it should show Custom, the same as it does in the Crop tool, but it is meant to show the ratio, which is the Original (3:2). You then change the Crop Ratio to 2 x 3 / 4 x 6, which resets the crop to the full Original crop, so Crop Ratio changed to Original. So my conclusion is that there is nothing really wrong here: cropping is working as designed. Try setting your Aspect: in the Crop tool to 305 x 200, draw you rectangle, then check the Library's Quick Edit panel. You will see the Crop Ratio is 3.05 x 2.
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‎Feb 10, 2025
08:12 PM
@LilaHPhoto I have followed your videos, but cannot repreduce what you are experiencing. Am I correct in that the Crop Ratio is changing in the Library's Quick Develop panel as you move the mouse around? If not done already, try rebooting your computer. If that doesn't fix it, the a Preferences Reset might be worth a try, but make sure you keep a copy of the current Preferences in case this doesn't work either. Follow the third option, - Manual, here: https://www.lightroomqueen.com/how-do-i-reset-lightrooms-preferences/ If that doesn't work, then restore your saved Preferences file (with LrC closed of course).
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‎Feb 10, 2025
05:15 PM
1 Upvote
@LilaHPhoto Try posting a video capture of what you are doing and seeing. Just to be clear, Original Crop is a crop to the sensor Aspect Ratio of your camera; for many this is 3:2. As Shot is a Crop to the aspect ratio done by an in-camera crop.
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‎Feb 10, 2025
04:00 PM
This looks like Photoshop, not Lightroom Classic.
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