Mark C. Dahm
Adobe Employee
Mark C. Dahm
Adobe Employee
‎Dec 08, 2022
04:16 PM
1 Upvote
@Mark-Sweeney , @J453 helped track down the cause; if you float any of the application frame outside your main monitor where Photoshop is, you can trigger the green. If you maximize the app, or bring the app frame fully withinn the main monitor, the green should be gone.
Another workaround for now is to Deactivate the Native Canvas (in Preferences > Technology Preview), also correcting the issue.
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‎Dec 08, 2022
03:45 PM
@lalo5E23 , a colleague of mine was browsing through some crash logs and we're finding an uptick in crashes coming in with systems that have your driver installed (Driver Version: We also found independent software vendors (not Adobe) reporting issues with that driver, so maybe the update that shipped today will be more stable. I never had that exact version installed, so never saw these kinds of issues.
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‎Dec 08, 2022
03:38 PM
@Mark-Sweeney , if you turn off Automatic graphics switching in system battery preferences, does the problem go away?
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‎Dec 08, 2022
09:57 AM
1 Upvote
@lalo5E23 , thanks for uploading the files. The GPU indicator confirms that Photoshop's 'relationship' with your graphics card is unhealthy, since it says 'CPU'. I have the 3070 laptop card and it's solid, as it should be for you too.
Can you do a 'clean' driver install from nVidia (new driver just arrived today; do 'custom' install and check the clean install option on the bottom left) and see if that does the trick? If that doesn't do it, then I'm guessing a new OS re-install might, but admittedly, that's a big hammer and hope that's not necessary.
Make sure you do not have Adaptive Sync enabled for Photoshop (GSync); there are gremlins there we haven't worked out yet.
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‎Dec 08, 2022
09:04 AM
@J E L , @lalo5E23 posted a video and it looks like Photoshop is not using the GPU at all, and the CPU mode graphics are hosed (canvas updates are laggy/corrupted, which is common for the canvas when the graphics sub system is unhealthy). In fact it is so unusably busted that something more than just losing access to the GPU is going on. The CPU shouldn't be this bad, either. The graphics driver, perhaps, needs a reinstall.
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‎Dec 02, 2022
09:44 AM
@lalo5E23 , not giving up here. Your system is pretty good, but we also can't rule out a hardware error (we had a case recently where Photoshop was launching very slowly, and it required swapping out the RAM card to fix it), but let's keep going with all the software troubleshooting we can bring to bear. I presume that the GPU status indicator says CPU all the time? And what about the GPU status indicator?
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‎Nov 29, 2022
11:37 AM
1 Upvote
@robertw44482386 , I can confirm that Jeff is pursuing this with developers right now. Sorry it's taking so long; can you tell us anything about the documents you are working on (if there is a correlation)?
Bit depth
color profile being used
is 3D content in the file
If you turn off the GPU, does the issue go away?
We're tracking down the system and right folks to look into the cause.
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‎Nov 23, 2022
10:02 AM
1 Upvote
@Viscott , the note was for those that had older versions of the driver, which would have been problematic for any version of Photoshop.
If you have 24.0.1 installed, then could you try the following:
Navigate with Windows Explorer to: [Installation Drive]:\Users[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2023\Adobe Photoshop CC 2023 Settings\ Create a text file called "PSUserConfig.txt" with the only text line in that file as follows:
GPUAllow3D 0
This does NOT work in versions of Photoshop before 24.0.1.
Restart Photoshop and test.
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Nov 17, 2022
04:16 PM
‎Nov 17, 2022
04:16 PM
Those of us with nVidia GPUs, driver 517.40 came out on Sept 20, and it includes a fix for a Photoshop error. If your driver is older than Sept 20, grab the update and see if that mellows things out.
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‎Nov 17, 2022
04:12 PM
@PECourtejoie , escalating that thread you shared regarding the diagnostic plugin; will update when I have new information.
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‎Nov 17, 2022
04:09 PM
@vinny dellay we will be rolling out 24.0.1 tomorrow; give that a whirl once it shows up in your Creative Cloud app and let me know how it goes.
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‎Jun 02, 2022
04:58 PM
1 Upvote
@gsasaki , OpenCL is used across a wide range of Photoshop features (Liquify, Blur Gallery, Image resize) to tap into GPU and CPU computing methods to speed up certain functions. But times have changed, and Apple and Microsoft promote altnerate methods for acceleration that require significant rewrites of all these features. When OpenCL and OpenGL are eventually discontinued, features not reworked will just not work at all.
Turning OpenCL off falls back to the previous CPU only methods, which might work slower, but more reliably on modern operating systems. Turning off the whole GPU is, as you say, overkill, and it also puts Photoshop into a GPU-less state, whick knocks out a broader set of features than just the OpenCL features listed above.
Keep it off, and I don't think you'll notice the impact. In the meantime, we are continuing to work on converting features off of Open CL/GL to more modern frameworks.
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‎May 09, 2022
01:13 PM
@TiagoRocha , if you check that "Legacy Compositing" button there (and restart), does that clean it up? Second, do you have multiple monitors and are they attached when you launch the app?
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‎May 09, 2022
01:07 PM
@TiagoRocha , that's a quite a bit older version of Photoshop you have there; can you try things out with the current version?
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‎May 09, 2022
01:05 PM
@TiagoRocha , if you do not have an HDR monitor, please make sure that "Precise color management for HDR display' is not checked; restart Photoshop if you change this setting.
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‎May 09, 2022
10:56 AM
1 Upvote
@Jann Lipka , we think we have fixed some of the issues you noted above, if you re-enable the Native Canvas it should work. We'll wrap up this issue as fixed unless we hear otherwise from you; thanks!
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‎Apr 08, 2022
08:42 AM
1 Upvote
@ucphotog , what is the format of the document you are working on? What does the option say if you don't have any documents open?
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‎Apr 08, 2022
08:06 AM
@Adventure.Mentality , any chance you have the Microsoft Open CL Compatibility pack installed on that system? If it is, then uninstall it; it is not required on a non ARM based system, and in fact, it could be the problem in your scenario.
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‎Mar 17, 2022
12:47 PM
@SteveSchadt Are you using a ProPhoto profile with this image?
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‎Aug 20, 2021
10:10 AM
This problem did not reproduce on all systems here, and we had a fix that addressed the problem on the customer's systems that had the issue, so we thought we had it fixed; sorry for the inconvenience; the range of GPU hardware is vast and some combinations (that we don't have readily available to us) can exhibit issues.
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‎Aug 18, 2021
10:48 AM
Go into Photoshop Preferences > Technology Preview and check 'Deactivate Native Canvas', then restart Photoshop. We're investigating the issue.
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‎Aug 17, 2021
11:20 AM
*hudsonmeadors , Lighting Effects is perhaps the most used 3D feature that is unfortunately part of the soon-to-be deprecated 3D features. We are looking at ways to bring back that particular function, since it's usefulness goes well beyond strictly 3D things.
The rendering issue that you are seeing is actually affecting all 3D features; some users have been able to go into Preferences > Technology Preview > Deactivate Native Canvas (then restart), and it has popped back to life, but I'm not 100% sure that option will be around for long.
Things related to 3D were more stable back in 22.2, which you can install from the CC Desktop app (click the 3 dots and go to 'other versions', as described here: https://helpx.adobe.com/download-install/using/install-previous-version.html#:~:text=Scrolldowntotheapp,tocontinuewiththeinstall.)
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‎Jun 10, 2021
12:05 PM
1 Upvote
According to what I found, that card does not support Direct X 12.
It's true that Photoshop used to be able to work with those cards at one time, but increasing demands on GPUs from both Operating systems and today's Photoshop features have surpassed the breaking point for these older cards, and Photoshop can't use them.
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‎Jun 09, 2021
03:32 PM
Oh, and we did specifically fix a pen tool path issue with the last segment of the pen tool working after saving a path in 22.4.2; be sure you are using 22.4.2. That System info is from 22.4.1.
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‎Jun 09, 2021
03:31 PM
This part of your system info is interesting:
Native API stable: True OpenGL API stable: False OpenCL API stable: False
That is saying that Photoshop is finding openCL and openGL to be unstable on that system at the time Photoshop is launched. That explains why you are seeing the GPU card option grayed out.
Reasons for 'false':
1. General Operating system instability
2. Driver instability
3. Photoshop's detection code being crazy
Having to speculate here, but OpenCL it seems is getting into a bad state; could be caused by other software, operating system or drivers or the interaction of all 3. Even the use of other Adobe software could be causing the OCL instability, although I am not aware of that fact at the present. Whatever the reason, Photoshop can't use the GPU when OpenCL is hosed. Unhosing OpenCL could be done with a system restart, an operating system reset, or avoiding the use of the applications that cause it, whatever they are. At least know that inconsistent results is probably due to some wrench in the OCL stack.
Your driver is only a month old, but bad driver updates can and do happen, so in some cases, while we often say 'get the latest driver', it can be the case that some version other than the latest may be the correct path. Just have to try via trial and error to see if another driver is more stable.
We will continue to monitor this and see if better GPU detection APIs can be used here, but we're using pretty standard stuff to identify the GPU and at this point, I'm doubtful our API is broken.
Wish the answer were more straightforward.
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‎Jun 07, 2021
08:53 PM
*s4nari , what does your System Info say (from the Photoshop Help menu)?
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‎Jun 03, 2021
04:00 PM
You had me at 73 EVERs.
Not sure which version you are working on, or what aspect of the line tool degradation is wearing you the most, but we've had a number of releases now where we've been restoring the functionality, and it's clear the original change missed the mark, at this point. Sorry for the interruption, and I hope the current version has the attributes you need for your work.
For what it's worth, the width control was not removed, it was changed to work like all vector line tools, as a stroke. Not unprecedented, but in hindsight not helpful for many folks.
Props on the GIF work, too. *Manuel Orendain There were a few days there where that hit the mark.
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‎May 18, 2021
03:50 PM
@Aura Entertainment , we suspect a fix that was made in 22.4 that cured a larger problem, but mixed up our ruler code; if you disable the ruler, we believe you could steer clear of issues for now. We'll get an update out to restore the rulers ASAP.
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‎May 18, 2021
01:39 PM
@joachim_barrum Studio drivers should be fine. I think something else (other than drivers) may be in play. We are collecting information.
Initial investigation looks like Rulers might be causing some of this; do you use rulers in your documents? Does this issue still occur if you turn rulers off?
Clearly, this is just a short term investigation; we obviously gotta get rulers to work.
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‎May 13, 2021
08:48 AM
@fung_swee_wong , try out 22.4; I believe transform warp and GPU detection were improved.
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