Mar 04, 2025
12:13 PM
I would like a panel with a textbox that says "What would you like to do?" I would describe a task and the software would perform it, using some basic vision and the existing API built into Photoshop. For example: "Select every shape layer and the layer directly below it, and for each, put them in a group." "Add 'preview_' to the start of every layer name" "Select the outline of every layer and add a layer mask to each" "Copy the layer style from first text layer and apply it to every text layer" "Repeat the last 3 operations performed on Layer1 to every layer" "Distribute the selected layers in an evenly spaced circle around the center" Strictly speaking, I could open up a project right now, and every 20 seconds, think of another example. To me, this is a significantly more important feature than the ability to use AI to paint or draw for me. There's loads of things that can be done via Action (and I use them a lot), but Actions lack the ability to adjust on-the-fly, and take time to set up (and require me to do half the task in order to record one). Every menu, tool, and option in Photoshop is documented and tool-tipped; actions already have a scripting api.
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Feb 20, 2025
08:22 AM
When I turn on paint symmetry, the plane is based on the center of the total geometry of my project. Suppose that I have several materials in my project. It is frequently the case that I want to symmetrize around a specific subset of geometry containing a single material. To do this in today's version od Sunstancec Painter, I need to turn on symmetry, set the axis, and then drag the offset sliders to (very) roughly get the plane to the center of the intended piece of subset geometry. I would like for a checkbox option in the symmetry settings to choose to center the plane on the active material's geometry, so that I can easily get in the middle without dragging sliders and eyeballing it.
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Sep 05, 2024
07:09 AM
1 Upvote
Greatly appreciated; thanks Pete!
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Aug 16, 2024
09:30 AM
In the beginning, there was the Photoshop~ Over time, the list of things a person might reasonably wish to do to pixels grew rather unweildy. Remember Photoshop CS3 Extended? I do. Remember the "3D hat" option? I remember a time when the hue and cry was for Adobe to stop adding features to the "bloated" Photoshop (and I remember waiting 5 minutes for CS2 to load). Cutting a lengthy reminisce short, we got Lightroom. It's bundled with Photoshop and remains a popular tool for photography-processing-minded folks. It's basically a set of already-existing tools--mostly from Bridge and Photoshop--rearranged into custom-designed interface and workflow for a major area of digital media. Here we are again; Adobe has a certain reputation among independent digital paint artists for being "evile" for being rental software loaded up with genAI and other such subscription features side-loaded onto an otherwise "good" digital painting tool. Adobe's brush format is the defacto pixel-art brush standard, borrowed in non-Adobe raster painting tools; Illustrator has most of the vector paint features popular in non-Adobe vector painting tools. You have the tools, but they are spread across several programs and generally perceived to be "loaded up" with lots of features that aren't essential to the digital painting work task. Photoshop, Illustrator etc need to continue to evolve, explore, innovate and grow if the Adobe suite are to remain cutting edge industry-definers. But you also need people, living and working in the Adobe ecosystem with tools focused on their needs. Nobody should have to produce vector-drawn brush art in Illustrator or non-Adobe tools, and then "bring it into Photoshop for lighting/shading" for example, and yet this is seen as the workflow that artists are fated to follow. I propose Photoshop Paint: a lightweight paint tool that joins the Photoshop family. This tool roams the space of painting-specific tools, creating vector and raster layers with vector and raster brushes, gradients, fills, shapes, and masks. Raster layers support lasso and "smart" selection, vector layers support re-coloring and there's a small set of basics (eyedropper, canvas move/rotate, Free Transform, layer fill/opacity). Roll it into the Photoshop plan ($10/month) or... Do you want to be heros? You're losing a certain percentage to CSP, Affinity etc anyways, why not convert a few: Sell it standalone for MacOS and Windows for $X ($45? $55?) one-time purchase, single-version only. If it's cheap enough (and remember, you're just selling UX development for features already buried under the mountains of the full suite), you don't need to fiddle with discounted upgrade deals and next-versio-selling whiz-bang features. Yes, sure, feel free to roll painting-like AI features into Photoshop... For example..."sketch to ink" conversion, using presets or an artist's local-built collection as a generative guide. And then, when you need to make a few more standalone sales, slide a toggle into the "next" version of Photoshop Paint to enable that tool. I know app and web versions require more continuous development so, sure, if you make a mobile version, make it exclusive to the Photoshop Family subscription plan. Above all: This isn't a revisit of Photoshop Essentials. Like Lightroom, this is a curated selection of the existing tools most needed (and most borrowed by single-sale competitors) for digital painting, reworked into a UX/UI better suited for that industry. It gives Adobe room to continue to explore every direction in its pillar apps, while using an arrangement of the "best bits" for one major use-case to drive constumer engagement and to serve as an inspiration point for future main-line tech. Pivot on your strengths, pls!
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May 30, 2024
12:12 PM
Hi Peter, thank you for your reply and openness to feedback. In this case, a keyboard shortcut would not do the job as effectively (I believe Cmd/Ctrl + T already accomplishes this task); I'll try to articulate the logic and some workflow situations. First, that setting versus "the other ones": Placing settings inside the gear menu creates the need to make multiple clicks while moving the mouse around quite a bit. For many of the options, this is not a major hindrance; for Transform Controls, it is. This is because most of the settings are "passive." They control the overall workflow and expectations of the user. For example, it's quite rare that I would want to "show layer bounds on hover" for just one single layer one time while creating a document. It is very likely I'd want to set such a setting and have it remain for a portion of my work, so navigating to it once when needed isn't an issue. Conversely, the transform controls are often needed to perform a quick one-time action at many points throughout typical work, and need to be manifested and dismissed regularly. I believe this is a truer guidance to which settings should be at the top level of visibility (always) versus down a level or two. The comparison is "Activates tool" versus "activates background behavior"... Or, more generally, whether the feature is intended to frequently temporarily disrupt the visuals with an immediate and interruptive UI to use then dismiss (like transform controls does), or whether the feature is intended to passively alter behavior that augments and supports other actions (like showing bounds on hover or alignment tools). I understand the interest in consolidating the options, but I'd assume this is what the Workspace preference "Enable narrow options bar" is for. If I have the screen space, I want the options. As a use-case: imagine you're working from a graphics tablet with a pen. It is trivial to move your hand a small physical distance to tap the option on and off when you need it. It is much more challenging to get the taps on the menu icon and sub-menu setting without hitting the wrong one. And, while using a tablet, impractical to have to push it away to go to a keyboard every time.
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May 30, 2024
09:56 AM
As we see in this screenshot, I have turned off the "Narrow" options bar. This would seem to suggest that I do not want all of the options for the tool to be compressed into a drop down menu. With that option selected, I do get more settings in the move tools options bar, but it seems that I'm doomed to get some of my options "narrowed" even when I ask for non-narrow options. Here's what I'm seeing in the latest Photoshop version: As you can see I have miles of space remaining in my tools options bar, but a whole bunch of my options are condensed down into a little gear menu. The show transform controls option used to be on the tools options bar, but now it's an additional click away. In fact, I now have 2 different icons that both serve the purpose of dropping down a sub-menu of more options. I am aware that I can press control T. I am aware that I can toggle the option and then use control H to show and hide the controls. The concern is not whether or not there are alternative ways to get one specific feature, but rather that the options that used to be displayed on a toolbar are now selectively and somewhat arbitrarily being moved to little drop down menus. You'll note, for example, that all of the align and distribute options still have icons on the tool options bar, but the ability to select the target to "align to" requires me to click that little triple dot menu. Transform Controls and alignment hints require the gear drop-down menu. Items that used to be icons and drop-down options are now becoming meta icons with sub options and sub drop down menus. It is absurdly arbitrary that this one options bar has two separate icons for pulling up additional settings; that triple dot menu and the gear menu. (As an aside, what was the logic there? Using the identical, generic 3-dot icon in multiple places in the software for entirely different purposes is a poor choice.) If the concern is that we're getting too many different options and it's impossible to choose which ones should go and stay, Adobe should not make these arbitrary decisions, like having a duplicate of the alignment and distribute options as both icons on the toolbar and within a sub menu, while having various move options exclusively buried into a sub menu. Instead, you need to give us the ability to customize what goes on our tool options bar, similar to how we can edit the toolbar if we don't want our tools buried under that ellipsis button.
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May 07, 2024
02:43 PM
After using the Paint Along a Path feature to draw a shape, I sometimes find that I need to slide the shape that I've drawn "up or down a little" and this is an excercise in frustration. While it is possible to select all of the control points in a shape, it is not possible to move them all as one. Simply being able to shift points along global XYZ with the arrow keys would be a huge improvement. As a follow-up, adding the ability to "maintain snap to face" would be a bonus, but more difficult implementation. Imagine a circle of path points around the base of a cone. Selecting any number of points and moving them "up" would hopefully cause them all to simply translate upwards; projection depth would determine whether they still leave paint on the surface. But with "maintain snap" enabled, the initial "closeness" of the points to a surface would be checked, to determine if each point is snapped onto a face, and if so, the direction to that face. As the Up key is pressed, each point would raycast towards the initial detected direction, and if the face is detected, snap to it. On a cone, this would result in a ring of points scaling inwards as they are moved upwards.
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May 07, 2024
02:31 PM
If I wish to add painted embellishments that follow modeled geometry, it's suprisingly difficult to be precise, even with the newish Path tool. My goal is often to snap a painted line along an edge, or to snap a brush stroke to an edge or vertex, and I cannot find a way to do this precisely; I keep needing to zoom wayyy in to wiggle path control points around to get the paint to fold around corners and follor edges reliably.
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May 07, 2024
02:25 PM
While it is neat and useful to place paths in 2D, it would also be valuable to use the tool on the 2D view. Since our paintbrush materials are already in Painter, it's vastly more difficult to add 2D shape painting via a round-trip into Photoshop or Illustrator.
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Apr 02, 2024
07:16 AM
1 Upvote
Here, we have an asset page. Interesting asset. How do I use this asset? How do I download it? What is needed to make use of this asset? An utter impossibility. Look at the page. Do I need a subscription? Credits? Ist there a cost? Is this available in some way? This is just a page on the internet showing me a ball. There is nothing suggesting how to engage. Yes, I'm signed in. Yes, I'm on an Enterprise plan. No, I don't have and "credits" (I see the zero up there in grey). So what? What happens now? Do I need credits? How many would I need for this asset? How would I get them? Do I need a subscription? What kind? Where do I get that?
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Dec 17, 2023
06:18 PM
1 Upvote
I've seen other ideas for content aware paste, similar to the harmonization Neural filter, but I'd like to see the AI-powered version. Basically, when I paste content into a document, I want to be able to "make it fit." I'm including an example of the kind of thing that would be a real break-through: Here we've got an office backdrop, and I've dropped a picture of a pedestal on a base into a new layer. The new object does not match the perspective and lighting of the background image. Traditionally, I'm in for a long night after a bit of perspective warping with some clone stamping and custom painting to fake bits of perspective. What about an AI powered set of tools? Can I "paste into" a selected region and have the image scaled and redrawn with an estimation of the correct perspective and lighting? Can I merge layers, adapting one to look at home in the other? --at present, I know I cannot. I asked Generative Fill to put in a Greek Vase on a stone pedestal and I got a lampshade on a metal pole. But generative is irrelevant. I need this image, manipulated to match perspective and lighting. I imagine someday, a generated 3D object that I can position and then "Apply" as a guide. But I'd be happy in the short term to just see some kind of low-rank adaptation features for perspective matching etc.
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May 23, 2023
05:48 PM
1 Upvote
Along these lines, some sort of depth slider in the polygon fill properties panel would be really nice--something where I could set the % of the way "across the size of the geometry that this UV is on" would complete things. In a bean shape like the screenshot below, imagine trying to paint the hilighted quarter of the mesh using poly fill at present. If I could choose the polygon fill mode, set it to 0.5 depth, and drag across the top half of the model from a side-on view, I'd have it in one click-and-drag. Default could be 1, to preserve current behavior, and dragging the slider down to a small % could cull the depth down to just the visible portion, as per the original request. Bonus points if dragging such a slider would provide a shaded preview on a partially transparent mesh to help adjust the depth visually.
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May 23, 2023
03:15 PM
With apologies if this already exists and I simply haven't found it, but... "File > Export Textures" has a default export location of "Documents/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Painter/export" on every project. Intuitively, I would never wish for every texture from every project to dump into this directory, and fairly logically, I would love to export to the project's working directory, into, perhaps, a sub-folder (maybe named "export"). I occasionally migrate a project from one computer to another and would not benefit from the project directory being locked down to the folder structure of the "other" computer, and so it would be useful for the default export directory to be a sort of "live variable" of the current project directory. Could we please have this? It seems simple enough to fetch the "working directory" rather than the "Documents directory environment variable" which is the current behavior. I'd usually ask "can we have this be an optional setting to default to?" but in this case, I'm unable to see the benefit of--or impact from--keeping the current default behavior of saving everything from every project into one single folder. Minor feature, benefit is that it's one less thing I need to remember to do on every single project export and it eliminates accidentally dumping a project worth of textures into an unintended location.
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Nov 05, 2019
08:16 PM
Problem also exists in CC2020, version 21.0.0 release. Sample STL file: When opened in Photoshop, select 3d > Generate UVs and observe the paint-on-3D result shown below: Observe the result in the 2018 version of the software--the UV meshes are sensible and easy to paint on, and the paint-on-3d feature does not leave large jagged gaps and flyaway bits: I'll become slightly concerned, as the 2018 version is approaching end of life and also can no longer be deployed in our enterprise environment, yet it remains the only viable way to use 3D models in Photoshop!
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Sep 10, 2019
08:42 PM
Thanks Jeff! (Incidentally, EVGA GeForce RTX 2070/PCIe/SSe2 is my graphics card--I seem to have just mashed a bunch of incorrect number keys when I tried to type it before)
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Sep 05, 2019
07:34 PM
Can confirm, running Windows 10 and NVidia GTX2027. If I disable the GPU, the clone and stamp cursor correctly shifts through various inverse greys as I clone through different areas. With the GPU enabled, the source crosshair remains solid white regardless of what I drag through. The brush cursor and crosshair are fine, the source crosshair is not.
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Jun 27, 2019
09:42 PM
1 Upvote
For game/app dev, the File > Generate > Image Assets utility, but leaves you with a bunch of images and no info on how they were arranged in PS. I've created a script (with help from searching the forums and the PS scripting guide) that searches through layers and layer sets for anything with a .png layer name, and exports metadata for these items. The script determines the true x, y coordinates for the upper left and lower right corner (the bounding box), and also the color label and linked layers. This information can be used to ingest images into code much more easily, and I wanted to provide the script since I saw a lot of partial things like it in my searching, but never anything quite like it. #target photoshop // This script should be run from within Photoshop String.prototype.endsWith = function( str ) { return this.substring( this.length - str.length, this.length ) === str; }; // PS runs EMCA3, does not know this function var orig_ruler_units = app.preferences.rulerUnits; app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS; var cTID = function(s) { return app.charIDToTypeID(s); }; // Shorten var doc = activeDocument; var docPath = doc.path; var output = ''; var txtDoc = new File(doc.path + '/' +'.')[0]+'.json'); doc.activeLayer = doc.layers[0]; var extension = ".png"; var docWidth = doc.width; var docHeight = doc.height; var hw = docWidth/2; var hh = docHeight/2; var centerX = (doc.width/2); var centerY = (doc.height/2); var cropBounds = [(centerX-hw),(centerY-hh),(centerX+hw),(centerY+hh)]; // When layers/groups are duplicated, PS breaks their // links and re-links to the new duplicate layer instead. // Since there is no accurate way to determine layer bounds // consistently for layers and sets, I need to duplicate and // flatten layers, which will break links. As a safety, I've // added Paul Riggott's functions for setting/reverting history. createNamedSnapshot("BeforeExport"); var fileLayers = listMatches (doc, extension); // Get a list of layers/sets with extension compoundList(fileLayers); // Assemble layer info into json string revertNamedSnapshot("BeforeExport"); // Restore doc to pre-script state writeFile (txtDoc, output); // Write json to file deleteNamedSnapshot("BeforeExport"); app.preferences.rulerUnits = orig_ruler_units; function listMatches(lSet, match){ var coords = []; for(var i=0;i<lSet.layers.length;i++){ doc.activeLayer = lSet.layers; if(doc.activeLayer.typename == 'LayerSet'){ if(doc.activeLayer.layers.length>0){ if({ coords.push(doc.activeLayer); } var b = listMatches(doc.activeLayer, match); for(var j=0; j<b.length; j++){ if(b .name.endsWith(match)){ coords.push(b ); } } } }else{ if({ coords.push(doc.activeLayer); } } };//end loop return coords; }; function compoundList(array){ var len = array.length; for(var i=0;i<len;i++){ var l = array; if(typeof l !== 'undefined'){ var linked = getLayerLinks(l); if(l.typename == 'LayerSet'){ var b = get_bounds(l); }else{ var b = l.bounds; } var x0 = String(b[0]).split(" ")[0]; var y0 = String(b[1]).split(" ")[0]; var x1 = String(b[2]).split(" ")[0]; var y1 = String(b[3]).split(" ")[0]; var col = getLayerColor(; if(col == 'grain') col = 'green'; // Make a json string output += "{"; output += '"name" : "' + + '",'; output += '"x0" : ' + x0 + ','; output += '"y0" : ' + y0 + ','; output += '"x1" : ' + x1 + ','; output += '"y1" : ' + y1 + ','; output += '"linked" : ' + linked + ','; output += '"color" : "' + col + '"'; output += "}"; if(i<len-1){ output += ","; } output += '\n'; } } } function get_bounds(layer){ var copy = layer.duplicate(); activeDocument.activeLayer = copy; copy.merge(); copy = activeDocument.activeLayer; doc.crop(cropBounds); var b = copy.bounds; copy.remove(); activeDocument.activeLayer = layer; return b; } function getLayerColor( layer ) { var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putProperty( charIDToTypeID("Prpr") ,stringIDToTypeID('color')); ref.putIdentifier(charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " ), layer ); return typeIDToStringID(executeActionGet(ref).getEnumerationValue(stringIDToTypeID('color'))); }; function getLayerLinks( layer ) { var lis = layer.linkedLayers; var linked = "["; for(var i=0; i<lis.length; i++){ var layerName =; if(layerName.endsWith(extension)){ linked+= '"' + layerName + '"'; if(i<lis.length-1) linked+=","; } } linked += "]"; return linked; } // Thanks to Paul Riggott @ Adobe forums for these 2 scripts function createNamedSnapshot(name) { var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putClass( charIDToTypeID('SnpS') ); desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID('null'), ref ); var ref1 = new ActionReference(); ref1.putProperty( charIDToTypeID('HstS'), charIDToTypeID('CrnH') ); desc.putReference( cTID('From'), ref1 ); desc.putString( charIDToTypeID('Nm '), name ); desc.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID('Usng'), charIDToTypeID('HstS'), charIDToTypeID('FllD') ); executeAction( charIDToTypeID('Mk '), desc, DialogModes.NO ); }; function revertNamedSnapshot(name) { var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putName( charIDToTypeID('SnpS'), name ); desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID('null'), ref ); executeAction( charIDToTypeID('slct'), desc, DialogModes.NO ); }; function deleteNamedSnapshot(name) { var desc = new ActionDescriptor(); var ref = new ActionReference(); ref.putName( charIDToTypeID('SnpS'), name ); desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID('null'), ref ); executeAction( charIDToTypeID('Dlt '), desc, DialogModes.NO ); }; function writeFile(file, txt) { file.encoding = "UTF8";"w", "TEXT", "????"); //unicode signature, this is UTF16 but will convert to UTF8 "EF BB BF" file.write("\uFEFF"); file.lineFeed = "unix"; var preTxt = '{ "Default" : ['; var postTxt = "]}"; file.write(preTxt); file.write(txt); file.write(postTxt); file.close(); alert("JSON Export Created"); };
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Jun 27, 2019
09:31 PM
That should be F12....(Revert) Still works for me! (On Mac, you might have to hold Fn + F12)
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Mar 25, 2019
12:58 PM
In CC 2018, it was possible to animate a material on a 3D object. I am unable to do so on 20.0.4. The test setup is really straightforward: 1) Create a new, blank 1000 px square document 2) Create a new 3D mesh preset from layer, and make a sphere. 3) Create a new video timeline. 4) Double-click on the sphere's material in the Layers panel to open it. 5) Add a layer, and draw a line on the layer. 6) Create a video timeline, and keyframe the position of the "line" layer. 7) Move the play head to another position and move the "line " layer to create a short animation. 8) Save and close the material. On CC 2018, I could scrub the video timeline and watch the line move on the surface of the sphere. On CC 2019, when I scrub the timeline, the animation in the material does not play. Exporting the rendered video also does not include the material animation. This constitutes a major loss of functionality in the 3D area of Photoshop.
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Mar 25, 2019
12:38 PM
If anyone at Adobe is looking for something to point Sensei towards... Cell counting, identifying, analyzing, counting...these are still big, difficult image data tasks.
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Mar 15, 2019
09:07 PM
While I understand that using STL files from Thingiverse aren't guaranteed in any way to work in Photoshop... I have an STL file that used to work flawlessly in CC 2018 and is now utterly unworkable in CC 2019. I've got the latest version as of this posting date. Model looks like this: RackMultipart2019031633278jpa1-05125d8d-2521-43d7-b537-11b82c1d1945-119770193.png (There's a bunch of domes). In CC 2018, opening the file immediately results in a UV map that looks like this: RackMultipart20190316128248kja-55f26a43-ea25-4eda-83ed-914b1fdb7d89-1570501865.png The round parts are the domes, and it all paints quite nicely. In CC 2019, opening the file results in a prompt to generate UVs. The generated UV looks like this: RackMultipart20190316242161cax-bc63d5ee-8d7c-4296-b929-b327590dd4a6-342195605.png It is unusable. The result is the same with/without the preserve appearance checkbox. Additionally!!!! RackMultipart201903164665ncfuu-2dd54c82-49ee-47fb-b664-40accca47aa8-1023566653.png RackMultipart20190316966011tjc-98620e64-d05a-4eba-9d5b-0274d45ecce1-1766408482.png RackMultipart20190316934661y9f-88ed5a82-f957-4f4c-ad40-14a622eb07e3-61583162.png RackMultipart2019031629471sega-f7299b30-5179-483a-8c92-338c0c8cea03-1476156611.png The exact same tool-tip appears for all 3 of these options in the Generate UVs dialog.
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Nov 08, 2017
07:46 AM
And also, if you export your frames as Photoshop Files, it flattens them and fills in the background. Really top notch stuff...
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Nov 07, 2017
10:08 AM
1 Upvote
In Photoshop 19.0, add a Linked Vector Smart Object from the library into your image.Choose Image>Trim. An error will occur and the graphic will become unlinked. Here's the problem in action:
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Jan 16, 2014
05:37 AM
I love you guys!~ ❤️
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Nov 02, 2013
07:12 AM
Ah, I see this sort of thing has been wanted in the past! (I didn't search far back enough I guess)
It looks like we're discussing, on the whole:
1) An option/checkbox to cause the "Place" command to establish a link to a file, rather than embedding a copy
2) A links panel like InDesign's to notify us of changes to a linked file and to allow us to refresh from disk
3) "Link sets" saved as presets in order to drop commonly used design elements into place
4) Methods by which Adobe staff may be bribed with moneys or coffees
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Nov 02, 2013
04:30 AM
Shortest way I can say what I need is this:
When I "Place" a Photoshop file into a layer in Photoshop, I would like there to be a link between files.
And the longer version:
At the present time, when I "Place" a Photoshop file, I essentially import all of the contents of the PSD into my new project, and no linking is established.
I do understand the usefulness of the existing mechanism--when layers are converted, for example, to a smart object, it's very helpful. But when I use the "Place" command to explicitly point to an already existing file, there is a 100% chance that I wish to link to the file rather than duplicate its contents. (You could add a checkbox to the Place dialogue to confirm, if you wanted).
Consider the following use case, which occurred today:
An individual is creating background graphic art for a card game. Several other artists are creating foreground artwork, and a designer is creating text. Each card is designed uniquely, but uses one of only a few backgrounds, which are going through various revisions. In an ideal world, updates to the network-accessible background PSD would automatically be reflected in other artists' files, since the background artwork file was selected and "Placed" into their work. This does not occur, and we must instead check frequently and "replace" our smart objects regularly.
Even worse, no card is ever "done" as long as a background may get tweaked again--they must all be re-opened and re-updated. I do understand that we could have InDesign combine the several files and that program is more than happy to update links--in fact, we use InDesign to maintain a dynamically updated layout of all the cards--but realistically, the "card art" process as a whole is going on in Photoshop, and it feels like an oversight to have to re-point smart objects to their files every time we sit down to work.
Now, perhaps our workflow is going to be considered "wrong," or unrealistic, but I'd like to offer that the issue is more along the lines of a design consistency within the software. The ability to generate embedded smart objects is very useful but so is the ability to link to a file. The "Place" command already *seems* to perform this linking behaviour for many file types by requesting which existing file to place into the document, but ultimately, the file I choose is *not* the file I work with. This is somewhat misleading, inconsistent with the "Place" feature in other Adobe software, and offers essentially no added functionality over "Open as Smart Object."
Won't you consider it?
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May 30, 2011
06:09 AM
Bingo--I agree completely, Christoph. It's funny, when I look at the photos above, it's completely trivial to determine what is a cell and what isn't, even though the cells overlap in some places (incomplete shapes), vary in intensity, and even vary in signal-to-noise. It feels like there's got to be some way to capture that, which would advance selections in general in Photoshop. Selecting by approximate shape and volume would, I suspect, really make a difference.
Adobe folks: There's a free tool called Cell Profiler ( that is designed to count cells in an image. While I think that having a selection tool that could target shape, area, intensity range, and signal-to-noise would be a universally valuable feature, it may be useful to see what other folks have done already with regards to this problem.
The formulas mentioned in that software are probably a good starting point, although I have to admit, the math is not my area of expertise. Cell Profiler's main limitations, acording to the folks using it:
1) Post-acquisition pre-processing. The software demands images to be prepped to clearly distinguish cells, and provides channel filters and contrast adjustments. These are rarely effective alone due to varying intensities and noise; Photoshop is frequently used to prep images
2) Adaptability. Cell Profiler requires the user to choose a type of cell, which results in a shape-based analysis. Some cell shapes aren't in the menu or aren't identified correctly.
3) The software chokes on large image sizes.
I hope this sort of thing is something you guys would be interested in!
Zorana--I did not know that, and it's magnificent; thank you for your insight!! 🙂
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Apr 05, 2011
04:34 PM
Re: the security thing--I can understand how there might be a concern regarding the integration of a CSLive account and a dropbox account if I had to tell Adobe the login credentials for my dropbox. I was thinking something much simpler.
Try this idea for its worth:
I can establish a setting in Photoshop, defining where I wish to keep my Adobe Presets. Maybe it's in the Adobe folder, maybe it's in my dropbox. That setting is stored as a Photoshop preference, *and* in my Adobe CSLive account, if I'm signed in.
Now, any time I go to another computer, I have several options:
1) For computer 2, set up Dropbox and tell that instance of Photoshop to point there. This keeps all presets synced so that changes on computer2 are re-acquired on computer1 by virtue of the machines having the "same" preset folder.
2) I sign into CSLive on computer2, and it notices that it should sync to dropbox and links up automagically to the configured instance of dropbox running on computer2
3) I sign into CSLive on computer2, but it does *not* have dropbox, nor do I want to/have permission to install it for any applicable reason. CSLive sees that I should sync with dropbox, and asks for my dropbox login credentials (not stored by Adobe--used to connect to dropbox). As I change presets, or close Photoshop, these credentials are used to re-upload my prefs to DB and then are wiped away.
I think that covers all use cases of needing to have Photoshop on multiple machines that you may or may not have complete control of. Right? And ost of it is accomplished by letting the prefs folder be variable. he extra coding work would be with the last bit there--sending a folder up to DB (which I assume there's an api for)
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Mar 31, 2011
12:04 PM
Sure! I can list some of the cell colony counting criteria from the top of my head right now, and I'll also shoot a few emails around and ask for additional suggestions. (I am an Instructional Media Specialist for a university in New England. I work with faculty and students on media aspects of research and class projects across every discipline)
The biology researchers I've worked with are predominantly interested in 2 types of image analysis: population count and viability count (usually in %). They are typically concerned with bacterial cell colonies, which are usually counted by hand.
The attributes they need:
~identify cell by color difference (or inversely, blank area in a field of color).
~identify expected cell attributes of area and roundness
~distinguish cells in cluster-forms (if cells are cluster-form type cells)
~identify cells that overlap
~identify sample cell shape and look for pattern matches
~allow for 2 or more cell-types by color in the same image (viability measurements)
The term I've heard tossed around regarding some of the techniques for identifying overlaps and clusters is "Algebraic Topology"
There are a few proprietary utilities from microscope manufacturers to assist with counting, but Photoshop is often needed to prepare images for analysis.
Attached also, one of the more alarmingly difficult images someone brought to be last Friday, with spindle-shaped cells.
Image is not available
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Mar 31, 2011
10:07 AM
1 Upvote
I really like this. I've moved over to keeping my Adobe presets in my dropbox account, but it would be great to see this implemented through CS Live.
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