Oct 12, 2023
09:23 AM
Yes, It actually obscures the mask istelf, making it a lot harder to visually identify whats in the mask in the layers Panel. The only way to see now is to option click each mask. (And option clicking in the layers panel now often takes the whole image full screen, a deeply annoying "feature" for anyone doing detail work.) The circle, whatever its for, is also visually far too large and obtrusive.
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Jun 12, 2023
08:36 AM
It likely for this reason. "generative fill" works on the cloud it must do a color profile conversion, ("document profiles" are things like sRGB AdobeRGB etc, simply put they are descriptions of the colour characteristics of an image, and mean that the pixel values "mean" different things in different profiles. Areas can be converted or "assigned" to different profile ) It's likely converting your new "generative fill" section to a different profile for the 8 bit "inpainting" technology to be applied. And then it is converting back to the source profile of your document. When it comes back there is a mismatch. A skilled color correction expert, like me, could easily match the numbers of the adjascent areas for you
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May 24, 2023
06:42 AM
Cory Thank you, For me I got a solution yesterday. The way it worked for me- It didnt need a completely fresh re-install of the BETA, this was not necessary. For me the "Update" flag came up again in Creative Cloud app, even though it was the same version 24.6.0. So updated once again, and this time it worked, It's as if the wrong version had been uploaded to Adobes servers yesterday morning. Below is a screenshow I took before updating for the second time, to confim that I had updated My post, was moved to a different thread today, I'd created a post which I cannot edit or modify,
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May 23, 2023
07:36 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for your reply, hopefully I'll get a definitive one. 8 core 'gamers' CPU? Hopefully that's not it. Can't be surely. it wasn't so long ago that geniuses like me, only kidding, had to physically paint, (paint tools, angled brushes) missing areas into images. As you can machine this was a somewhat unique and unusual skill, making it possible to 'out-retouch'. I've just discovering that our entire profession is being swallowed by a beta version only available to a select few with machines, predominately Windows users? My iMac runs Photoshop smoothly, the CPU and GPU had more than enough to handle Photoshop's demanding requirements. The AI models themselves are capable of running on anything given the right setup. Sure, I'm aware of alternatives like DALL.E and Stable Diffusion in-paint this feature right inside Photoshop itself is a real game-changer! No need to engineer actions and scripts to take sections out externally anymore. It's an killer feature, and it won’t be killing your “I’ve just been doing this for 5 seconds” people, it’ll be killing everyone who’s developed - better stop or ill damage the keyboard with tears
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May 23, 2023
05:50 AM
1 Upvote
The new "Generative Fill" option doesnt appear for me. This is Photohsop Beta version in the Contextual Task Bar (this seems to be the only way to access this feature?) 1. Beta is updated, 2. I have relanched Possible problem? I have a a relatively recent (meaning not THAT old) imac with Radeon Pro 580 graphics card. I'd expect all these important new tools to work with this graphics card, which is quite powerful card. Please someone expain. I need to remain competitive with co-workers, Hopefully I dont have to spend £2,000 buying new computer, as this will mean I cant go on holiday this year? Thanks
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Apr 27, 2023
12:27 PM
Was trying to do this myself - just discovered the solution: Launch Creative Cloud, if you look left hand side at the bottom, there is a listing for "Beta apps", it is tucked away in there For some worrying reason Adobe removed it from the apps list. I'd advise NOT to uninstall the basic version of Photoshop for this reason,
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Apr 27, 2023
03:19 AM
Despite my repeated attempts, I have been unable to download the Photoshop BETA as it does not appear in the apps list. I have updated the Creative Cloud app, but to no avail. While I have come across a similar thread on this issue, "AI Remove Tool doesn't show in my Photoshop" my situation is different as I cannot even download the beta, Previously, I refrained from installing the beta version, mainly the features had no immediate use to me and I predicted some (like the "live gradient" tool) may cause structural problems that would lead to instabilty. However, I urgently require access to the new AI Remove Tool, which will be immensely beneficial. Can you please assist me in resolving this issue?
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Feb 14, 2023
02:45 PM
Looks liek you didnt get an answer? Ive also noticed it is sometimes basically unusably slow to use the the neural filters. This varies hugely, its never fast. With a tight deadine, at certain times of the day, peak US hours - forget these features like AI jpeg removal - it's impossible. It all has to go adobes online servers. I suspect personally that people in the United States are being priortiseined over users in other countries. It is possible that Adobe are prioriting fast connections. But in the UK, some times of day, its not even worth trying to use these features.
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Jan 17, 2023
07:30 PM
Jane - maybe you're not aware? you can access your Photoshop Settings folder and copy files elsewhere (actions preferences, tool presets are all stored there) this is always been my first way of recovering from any adobe created mishaps in the past. Been a few years since I've had to do this, the prefs file used to corrupt regularly, doesnt anymore. Its quicker than saving down all your settings individually that's for sure. Side-subject about upgrading - - I notice that upgrading from one version to the next, no longer copies your custom curves or scripts any more. You have to plonk them across from one folder to another manually. If you ask me it sometimes seems as if new folks at Adobe don't understand whats already IN their software, before they set about updating things.
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Jan 17, 2023
07:21 PM
Ahh - Thank you Conrad,not sure this is the answer, I'd gone down the YouYube rabbit hole.. Has the vanilla 2023 got practically no new features then? You see, more supsiciously, I also dont have the select then content aware with shift-delete that's supposed to be there (not that I'll ever need it, or any one the other features, as they've been there with actions of course for a good 10 years ). Maybe Adobe are giving their engineers time to get things finished before releasing. Or with the advent of AI, theyre involved in something else…
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Jan 17, 2023
05:02 PM
Thank you, but does this mean I will lose my preference settings, as well as my actions? If I do not carefully write everything in prefs down page by page? What about tool presets that I've been using for years? Wouldnt it be better, before doing this, to pull files out of the Preferences folder, and over-write them after cleanup?
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Jan 17, 2023
03:17 PM
Only just got around to installing 2023. Sorry, personally can't risk brand-new versions as soon as they're out, too risky had problems in the past/ So just installed it today, leaving the old version 2022 on my machine, just in case. None of the new features seem to be working, including the vector gradients, The matertials panel is there in the menu, but doesnt come up. Neural filters? The "create background" filter is NOT there. but "photo restoration" IS. Every other new feature I cant find, is not there Please help me to understabd what I've done wrong? Intel mac running Monterey
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Dec 07, 2022
04:45 AM
There is no what I call "fluid shortcut" for this. If you use a tablet, as most people do, (meaning right click is unavailable) then you can get the brush "point" menu up by control clicking (control on mac, not "command" key, I dont know what the shortcut on windows is - experiment ) but this is the quickest way.
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Dec 22, 2021
07:14 AM
For the moment I need to continue to use 2021, because there are various glitches, including graphical glitches, too numerous to get into with the new beta, - so I had to uninstall it and continue with 2021,. Im afraid 2022 doesnt feel “complete” as it seems certain fundamentals have been changed that shouldnt have been … sorry to say this. In 2021 everything in neural filters interface is greyed out. With no warnings or clues as to what might be happening, Here are the possibilities … Perhaps the filters interface is not connecting to Adobe Creative cloud, as I know it needs to process files? - all other features are working okay and the Creative Cloud app is up-and-running, so I don’t believe this is the problem. The images I’m using certainly did load into Neural filters interface beforehand, so something has changed I have a HUGE amount of personalised settings, actions, brushes, so the default answer “just re-install photoshop” or “reset preferences” represents a lot of work to save down old files and copy/backup the preferences files… and is also quite risky for me. So please if I could ask that this default answer is considered very carefully thank you.
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Oct 29, 2021
09:34 AM
When launching PS2021 Mac OS - comes up with this message The problem? It’s loading the same brushes in from the drive, not once but THREE times. giving two unwanted copies with the words "local" appended. Meaning that you are exceeding the maximum limit. If you are needing a large brush-set. There is a long pause downloading brushes. even in the latest system this process takes too long, and also dragging the old backed uop psp file (which always worked in past) causes the app to freeze To try and be helpful I've investigated this. And have discovered that the problem is likely caused by an update to the "Brushes" file and its formatting in Photoshop preferences folder.? It seems the old version of photoshop has been updated and interfered with to accommodate a buggy new version? This possibly has something to do with Preset "synching", which possibly is happening in trying to keep the two panels (Photoshop 2021 and 2022) in snych with each other? Please do an update immediately, with the old format reintroduced so it is possible to retrieve many days of work putting these sets together.
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Sep 21, 2021
11:22 AM
This bug seems to a hangover from the release of 2021, when the colored "heads-up" preview was disabled completely on all tools for a while. For some reason it was never re-activated on the Blur Tool. The other two tools in the same set, the Smudge and Sharpen tools do have a preview, like all the other painting tools in Photoshop they are working correctly. So its now impossible to resize the brush and see its size, even the circular preview no longer exists, you have to use the smudge tool as a substitute. _______ Before anyone is thinking "who uses the BLUR tool these days?" I'll tell you who - me. It is still used (as are the smudge) for very slightly softening mask edges, used lightly and painrted to interactively control sharpness of these masked edges for compositing. The only feasable work-around is to blur the whole mask and repaint completely sharp areas back in with the history brush. Or use the smudge (which im guessing most people are doing) Please sort this bug out, thank you.
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Sep 21, 2021
06:02 AM
1 Upvote
Its a shame - but Being completely frank, Photoshops 3D features were never properly designed. And by they finally accepted that. The mistake they made was this: Most Photoshop users did indeed need 3D features within the app. Just not in the way they were implemented. … What 3D features Photoshop users DO NEED … There's always one single 'plane of view' for 98% of people working in Photoshop . One vanishing point, one camera angle, various sources of lighting, but those are all fixed. So for the 3D elements to be created to fit within an existing still image -what Photoshop needed was a way of establshing those as fixed perameters, and it be made possible to work within those as a base. If this approach had been taken from the outset, you would have got something people could use, and would have found useful. The 3D finctionality was seemingly designed by those with only a 3D backround, no knowledge of the esisting Photoshop interface layering system, how powerful it was. So they were created a world apart. And therefore became impenetrable for most. In addtion, sorry to say, but some of the inteface decisions were crazily unimaginaitve and cludgy, which kept most people away. You dont need multiple cameras, shifting vanishing points, all existing in multiple objects that are at odds with the layering structure. It was slow, clunky. rendering times were impossible and it was full of bugs. That said Adobe still need to honor ist existing subcribers and customers, and permanently provide an oder version of the software in which you can run the old 3D. ___
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Jul 28, 2021
06:17 AM
1 Upvote
This is the way to do it. But Adobe should have an assignable step in the layers panel menu "close group" in addition to what exits and the moment, which is "close all groups" Simple fact is. many things keep getting missed when Photoshop gets developed, and therefore become seemingly not possible to record these steps in Actions. One other example is the "align to" .. choose "canvas" in Align the toolbar. Does not record. This kind of this is essential in Actions.
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Apr 30, 2021
06:58 AM
Is there any way to exit out of the dialog, to interrupt the processes of Select and Mask? Because there is still some fundamental issue with the coding within Select and Mask dialog on mac - For example - at the moment I've a file open, which I spent an hour on, (not saved yet sadly) and I mistakenly, oops, launched Select and Mask forgetting the file size. Total freeze, it's churning through some step-by-step process as if it was 1995 precessor speeds, and there was single-core processor. Activity Montor tells me that it is still chugging. It doesnt actually crash Photoshop completely now, granted, it will eventually recover sometimes, taking a long time. When you have deadline (in my field deadles can be minutes) its tortuous to have to make a decision bewteen losing all your work, force-quitting the whole app, just to restart and get perfomance up again. Here's the clues - and why I'm cofident in saying 'poor fundamental structual design decisions within S&M dialog" (since the beginning, sorry Select and Mask people, but this dialog ain't ever worked properlt)' 1. Graphics card is not involved, so it is not a GPU preference issue as peopke have answered in the past. It is possible to switch out of photoshop aand all apps work perfectly, while this whole process is going on. Going in and out of photoshop works seemlessly. If GPU were involved in any way this wouldnt be happening, 2. There's is some confusion between display issues (what the dialog os showing you of your image), and perfomance of the tools, thy sould not be linked, not deteriorate either in any way. They should now certainly be using diffrent parts of the processor. 3. Wacom issues persist, there is hesitation while the driver or cursor hesitates and jogs around. I'm on latest Photoshop, but still running Mojave. Have to, Please don't hit me.
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Jun 08, 2020
10:17 AM
Ah, There are issues with the new version 21.1.3 I think. I've also had a probem with certain of the older adjustments jamming for minutes (it's happenng on adjustment layers, but possibly on live pixel layers, or on live 'layer styles') . It's possible to regress to a previous version, I am trying that that now.
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May 14, 2020
05:47 AM
1 Upvote
I wonder if someone help me achieve this please - I need a script to toggle the visibilty of a named layer group, without making it the active group - so I can assign an F Key shortcut to very quickly toggle the layer group. This is for fast retouching. Achieving this is something I've been struggling with recently. Ideally, best case, I would also like to have a variable within the script - so that this layer group could have one of three potential names. And it would toggle the visibility of whichever of these three groups was present in the file. Thank you to anyone that can help.
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Mar 13, 2020
04:51 AM
Yes seemingly they have removed the ability to copy and paste paths, or areas of paths, from one path to another. They have seemingy done this in FAVOUR of being able to "copy" and "paste" whole layers or layer groups. From my experiments its now impossibe to highligh a path or a path mask and paste into it (This is no addition of any feature, there are SO MANY ways to copy layers - that to provide Copy and Paste as anoter extra way - frankly is dumbing down to a ridiculous level)
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Mar 01, 2020
07:13 AM
1 Upvote
Photoshop doesn't seem to be too compatible with Catalina, I myself am still on Mojave. Wouldn't be a good idea to upgrade. Being fair, Adobe must be going through an absolute nightmare at the moment with Apples sudden phasing out of any 32 bit support. Seems premature and self-serving.
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Mar 01, 2020
06:09 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the suggestion. Two problems with it though… Issue 1: Unfortunately on a mac, running Safari or Chrome, that wesbsite doesn't allow you to log on. Some weird scripting isue, which from memory has been the case for more than 5 years. Just doesn't recognise any login method. even though have an account with 'Photoshop Family' - it's impossible to access now. Issue 2: Frankly I wouldnt get help anyway. Its a redundant site, with almost no posts or activity.
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Feb 29, 2020
12:40 PM
THINGS missing from Brushes panel, Oversights. So far with the Brushes panel… • Deleting brushes (important of you've got several hundred). Option clicking the delete button should remove the brush immediately whithout a warning dialog, as it does in every other panel. This oversight makes it very cumbersome to work wuthin the new "Presets" replacement panel. • It's also now muh more diffcult to organise and re-order burshes. Pease re-introduce the option to use the Preset Panel as an alternative. Actually phasing out the independent Presets dialog - seems to be a dumb decision. It means that it's not going to be possible in the future to have an overview of your presets for management. For example - viewing brush-tips has become very much more difficult, requiring continually using the slider at the bottom of the panel. Their size should be adjustable and clearly visible in the Presets Panel. You've got the code for this. please keep it. Thank You Signed Mark
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Feb 29, 2020
12:36 PM
Honestly this version seems to be full of nasty holes. Feezing is happening quite regulary Bugs first… • In the layers panel: Alt - SHIFT [ and ] (square brackets) no longer adds layers to the selection. So while recording Actions, it's now impossible to record “with modification add" anymore. This problem re-occurs with new releases - I've seen it before. • Photoshop hangs (forever) while recording an Action to do certain Transforms. In order to get this to work you have to go back to an older version of Transform. This must be to do with the updated Transform, or even worse, a fundamental change in the way actions work and work with the interface (which would be a huge mistake.) It looks as if new changes havent been tested fully with Actions before release.
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