‎Oct 14, 2024
08:26 AM
If there is one truly "silver bullet" problem that gen AI should be solving -- and specifically Firefly should strive towards -- for creatives, especially those in archviz, interior design, environment concepting, etc. is to make Firefly brilliant at understanding how to populate an image, render, photo of a space and fill it with accurate crowd imagery, and provide controls on how dense to populate the scene. To accurately account for lighting, perspective, have controls for the demographs (general public? VIP event?) and how dense the scene should be filled, and intuitively know to put a few people in the front of the scene, a few in the back, to understand how to generate crowds to interact with the elements of the image, like seated guests on couch furniture, or ordering a drink at a bar element.
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‎Sep 03, 2024
05:09 PM
Utterly insane, 2024 no polygonal lasso tool, no ruler. Yikes.
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‎May 11, 2023
10:00 AM
FWIW, after just now uninstalling, cleaning registry, and reinstalling, the app updated to Continuous Release Version 2023.001.20174 (looks like slightly changed UI and such.) But the same issue persists--hovering over my user profile produces the exact same hanging issues. There also seem to be even additional triggers for the hangups. In summary, nothing seems to have improved or changed.
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‎May 11, 2023
09:34 AM
Have no idea what is going on with this.
Video of the issue here (sorry for squashed resolution)
When the cursor is seen wildly moving across the screen, that's me trying to click and get anything to react.
At 2m30s, you'll see I hover over my profile icon in the top right. The second I do that, that is the moment the program hangs, hiccups, stalls, whatever you want to call it. After a moment, the program catches up and gets back to "normal." This is repeatable anytime and everytime I hover over my username / profile picture.
I've tried to uninstall / reinstall the program. I've also tried logging out / logging back in.
System report attached.
Copy/paste from About this Computer:
Device name ********* Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2276M CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz Installed RAM 64.0 GB (63.8 GB usable) Device ID **** Product ID **** System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch Pen and touch support with 5 touch points
Edition Windows 10 Pro for Workstations Version 22H2 Installed on ‎12/‎28/‎2022 OS build 19045.2965 Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19041.1000.0
From the About Creative Cloud:
Cretive Cloud Installer
Stock & Marketplcae
Adobe Content Synchronizer (Core Sync)
Creative Cloud Content Manager (CCX Process)
From the About Adobe Acrobat:
Core Version 23.256 | 64-Bit
JP2K Version 4.000.00000.52671 | 64-Bit
Continuous Release | Version 2023.001.20143 | 64-Bit
Version File Version: 23.001.20143.0
AGM Version 7.000.00004 | 64-Bit
CoolType Version 8.002.00001 | 64-Bit
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‎Apr 26, 2023
08:13 AM
The ONLY thing I can think of is there's content in my Adobe CC files that the software just has issues with, some folder or file that it has a hard time with and causes the system resources to devote to it. It's the only consistent unchanged thing. Probably need to delete everything out of there and bit by bit move stuff back into it to properly test it
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‎Apr 26, 2023
08:11 AM
Yea wish I could say otherwise. Doesn't matter what I do, it always comes back.
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‎Apr 26, 2023
07:57 AM
they simply renamed these processes as Adobe Content Synchronizer (or similar) Still happens to me. But adobe has worn me down. I just kill all the main creative cloud background tasks and then the Adobe Content Sync task. Everything back to normal. scoobydooAndTheGhostIsmeme.png and to kglad, I've experienced this issue after an absolute clean format / win10 reinstall. It's the adobe cloud processes on an otherwise vanilla install of the os.
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‎Oct 16, 2022
11:32 AM
1 Upvote
Shout outs to those who keep saying this is only an issue on widows, and that it's explorer's fault. I'm still getting this issue, months later, and actually feels worse than before with latetst updates. I've had this session of PS open for an hour, I can't even open a file from PS because it's lagged / frozen at the open file dialog, core sync is at 10% useage, PS at another 10%, win explorer at 30%, insane lag and performance hits. I kill Core Sync, all returns to normal.
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‎Aug 05, 2022
01:33 PM
I just had this happen to me, again, as well. I can recreate it with 99% confidence by simply: no matter how long I have had photoshop open, and no matter how long it's open through any number of computer sleep/wakes... If it's the first time I utilize Object Select or Quick Selection, it will crash. Period. If I then open up Photoshop again, any future use of these tools is without issue. But, if I totally turn off the computer, turn it back on, and open Photoshop for the first time a hard power on--it again doesn't matter how long I use photoshop for any reason. The second I use either Object or Quick Selection for the first time within the first session of Photoshop since my most recent hard power on, it will crash photoshop. -------- Evan Seccombe [personal info removed by moderator ]
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‎Jun 30, 2022
09:21 AM
1 Upvote
Still happening as of June 30 2022. Confirming it's the issue as described: If it's the first time opening Photoshop, typically after waking the computer from standby, Magic Wand works fine, but the second I cycle to Object Select (and sometimes cycle through to Quick Select) PS crashes. This situation results a crash nearly 100% of the time.
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‎Jun 30, 2022
09:18 AM
6 MONTHS LATER no respone to this video link, hopefully cause someone from Adobe is trying to solve it but just being mum cause they don't want to admit it.
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‎Feb 11, 2022
10:22 AM
The Coresync is the biggest culprit, and has been for a year plus. It singlehandedly tanks everything on my computer. Without fail, if I ever suspect Photoshop is lagging, or Unreal Engine isn't compiling fast enough, or Windows Explorer hangs up on opening folders--I will check to see if Coresync is running. Sure enough, I close it out, everything snaps right back to working order. But the kicker is despite closing Coresync from task manager, it comes right back. You have to shut down the Creative Cloud app as well.
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‎Jan 08, 2022
11:00 AM
1 Upvote
Checking back in a month after last post with video showing the issue still persists on windows. Without fail, the only way to maintain a productive workflow is to have creative cloud always closed and not running in the background, that's how bad this still is.
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‎Dec 11, 2021
10:30 AM
1 Upvote
Following up with a video capture of the issue becuase this is getting ridiculously worse somehow. https://youtu.be/dOFs8jPZdhw Clear evidence that Adobe CC / Coresync.exe are the culprit for bringing Win Explorer to a grinding halt, high cpu useage for both, how Exiting CC does NOT actually kill the background process, and how a 100% guaranteed solution to getting the high-cpu useage to go down, and thus, full Win Explorer functionality back is to close out of every Adobe CC background process.
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‎Dec 11, 2021
10:23 AM
My experience, video capture of my showing how CC/Coresync CPU useage are very high, causing Windows Explorer to also be very high, how it affects any useability of Win Expl., and how closing those programs 100% solves it every time. https://youtu.be/dOFs8jPZdhw
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‎Dec 11, 2021
10:22 AM
Here's a video capture of my experience with Coresync / Creative Cloud completely grinding windows explorer to a useless halt whenever they are running. https://youtu.be/dOFs8jPZdhw Experienced it most of this year but lately it's been getting ridiculous. I hadn't even heard of Adguard until seeing this forum post. I don't know what it is, never installed it.
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‎Dec 04, 2021
11:46 AM
Like you said to the proposed Solution post, that doesn't solve the issue that you're talking about. I still see super high CPU useage on a daily basis from CoreSync. I've posted elsewhere--but one can see that when CoreSync is using high cpu, it's in tandem with a) high Windows Explorer CPU (Very high, most of the time 20-35% most of the time) which b) cascades into major performance issues when trying to do nearly anything: like, just opening another explorer window, or moving files, trying to select files for copy/paste operations (almost always hangs). When these high cpu percentages occur, every single time I force quit CoreSync, I get normal performance back...but the kicker is that CoreSync will restart itself. It will also restart itself if I have closed/exited out of Adobe Creative Cloud entirely. Only until I have force quit every single Creative Cloud helper background app do I get my desired result of CoreSync not showing up anymore to bog down the system. Writing this as of Dec 4 2021, have been experiencing this for months.
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‎Nov 30, 2021
06:49 PM
1 Upvote
Yes please, for the love of God, look into this. Trying to sync my presents between my work and home laptops, but everytime I open one or the other, I'm greeted with either a dozen "Something went wrong while syncing your presets. Please try to restart Photoshop to recover." error messages (that just keep popping up---had two just now that came up in the middle of my typing this.) or I see a "Cannot load more shapes / brushes / tools etc." errors, and then go to find my brushes preset has the following attached.
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‎Oct 28, 2021
03:21 PM
I don't know why a post of mine was integrated into this support ticket--in my issue I was specifically describing my issue being with the Wacom On-Screen controls overlay being brought up. This causes PS v23 to crash everytime (at least while the GPU is activated via PS Prefs) The On-Screen controls can be brought up either by touch OR by mouse, it's the overlay, not the Touch controls that cause the crash.
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‎Oct 28, 2021
01:33 PM
yep, v22.5.2 still works with no issues, so sticking with it until v23 gets patched.
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‎Oct 28, 2021
01:15 PM
And just to clarify, never had this issue with the last version. This is a brand new, consistent problem with v23.0.0.
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‎Oct 28, 2021
01:03 PM
On Cintiq 13 Pro Touch, I can use the pen well enough to draw in photoshop v23.0.0., but the second I use touch controls to bring up an on-screen overlay, it crashes. Video here for the crash happening. https://youtu.be/Bs0bapED0q0 I talked to Nividia chat support to ensure I was using the latest drivers, which are installed, with the latest wacom drivers available for this produce. Video shows all of this information being correct. Video then shows me using Photoshop with a pen on a pre-made document, showing I can draw with the pen and mouse input just fine. It's when I click an indicated On-Screen controls that then I lose all input and PS crashes. When I deactivate the GPU from the PS Preferences, I don't get this issue.
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‎Mar 25, 2021
05:26 AM
The CoreSync app is the legit Adobe app, as confirmed by Opening File Location from Task Manager. This is a bug.
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‎Mar 09, 2021
04:49 AM
1 Upvote
There was a very relevant post that got locked, so here's an attempt to bring this up and keep it recent. Coresync.exe causes Explorer.exe to shoot up to 40% cpu usage, with coresync.exe itself running at about 15%. When this happens, my computer is nearly unuseable, and good luck navigating Windows Explorer--stutters like crazy. When I kill coresync.exe / close out of Adobe Creative Cloud alltogether, Explorer.exe resumes normal cpu usage and everything is peachy again. (sidenote: for any Adobe forum mods or anyone from Adobe Support that cares--in order to post this question here, I was required to pick a topic category from four options that were, at best, very inaccurate to the nature of this issue. This question is unrelated to "File Sync" "Collaboration" "Libraries" or "Cloud storage web assets." Consider reviewing how this feature is implemented.)
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‎Mar 08, 2021
02:09 PM
This will probably get me booted off or trigger some mod--but since the only other relevant post for this issue dealing with Windows 10 users is locked, I just wanted to echo and get known that this bug is still on Win10 as of this post. Specifically, CoreSync.exe causes Explorer.exe to run super high at about 40% cpu usage, while CoreSync.exe itself hovers around 15%. The second I kill Creative Cloud deskopt app or the CoreSynx.exe process? Explorer.exe returns to normal. These two are linked.
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‎Dec 02, 2020
02:37 PM
Bump -- Two years later on their latest CC 2020, with a 1.5 year old Razer 15 Adv laptop, Photoshop still can't pull enough power from a GTX 2070 graphics card to keep scrubby zoom active on two monitors. Yikes.
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‎Sep 09, 2020
05:48 AM
Adobe Creative Cloud desktop client uses every friggin available inch of bandwidth on its own accord to update apps. I'm given a setting to throttle the speeds when syncing files, but this apparently does not affect app update speeds. When CC is updating apps, my computer's internet access is crippled. Give me the ability to throttle the speed settings for Apps as well.
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‎Mar 30, 2020
05:32 PM
Can't even get this program to open. When I click...the UX shows for half a second, and then closes out. No uninstalling / reinstalling fixes this, and same issue with version 9.1. Adobe log file provided if needed. This is a work / admin-locked computer, so I'll try to get anymore system info if necessary.
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‎Dec 30, 2018
03:42 AM
I've looked elsewhere and found solutions include making sure the GPU acceleration options are all turned on, and making sure Use Gestures in the Tools preferences is also on. I've done both, but still get this issue. If photoshop is on the cintiq display, and I attempt to pinch/zoom/rotate/pan, all I see is on my other Dell monitor the little Windows 10 touch indicators, like it thinks im touching the Chrome window that's up on the Dell monitor. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the latest Wacom drivers multiple times. Anyone else?
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‎Dec 30, 2018
03:34 AM
Dec 2018 and I'm having this same issue, but I have the GPU settings all turned on and the Use Gestures setting as well.
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