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New Here
‎Apr 27, 2020
08:15 AM
Hi Tim, Just FYI, the error stems from AE struggling to compute the comp even on very powerful workstations. I was able to get around this glitch issue on recent projects with some project optimization. At the level i was pushing AE, even speading the layers in z-space did not solve the glitches. Best,
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‎Mar 12, 2015
01:44 AM
Well, you want to return a 2D value. Your expression was returning [X,Y], which is 2D, but just contains your "control" values. And all the IF ELSE code was actually not affecting the result (except throwing error) If you want to return the "computed" values (X2 and Y2) you have to: 1_declare X2 and Y2 2_modify (or assign value to) X2 and Y2 according to your IF ELSE condition 3_return X2 and Y2 Having declared X2 and Y2 in the beginning lets you modify them independently. But you could also have something like this without declaring X2 and Y2: if (X < 2500 && Y < 2500) { [X*.95, Y*.95]; } else if (X > 2500 && Y < 2500) { [X*.1.05, Y*.95]; } else if ... and so on
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