The Art of Retouching
The Art of Retouching
‎Aug 14, 2024
11:15 PM
Mine still says "Import new photos (632)". I still need to import to another folder, then drag/drop actual new images into this folder. As I've already taken extreme measures, one day I'll go over the top and figure it out.
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‎Aug 04, 2024
11:26 PM
This is the second time I have come across this recently, two screenshots attached. I've found that if I synchronize a folder, I am getting almost the same amount missing, as are found. I already tried to fix manually (move images to another folder, then find missing, etc), but the issue persists. Definately a bug, at least on Windows 11.
[moved from bugs to discussions according to the community rules - Mod.]
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‎Jul 28, 2024
09:07 PM
Same problem. Here's a video. I start with Clone Stamp, no problem. Then Spot Healing, no problem (but noticed other issues while working), then finally Healing Brush set to Legacy, Layer and Below. Nothing clones as expected. When I disable Legacy, it works better, but still exibits other issues long term. Think I'm reverting back. I don't have tolerance for basic tools being broken at the expense of adding new stuff I'll never use... mostly because an experienced user could do the same stuff over a decade ago. As usual, I say we are not Beta testers for Adobe, we are the Alpha testers.
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‎Nov 04, 2023
08:08 PM
If it's not in Photoshop "proper", then it doesn't exist. Therefore Peter Green's answer is welcome hope when it is released (and reset glitch fixed), I was just looking to see if it was available now somewhere. They introduced a feature, but not the ability to turn it off. And despite this open topic, I "still" want that Adjustment Presets to disappear. I'm constantly needing to scroll down to see the bottom of my Adjustments Palette. Just the other day I was explaining to my IT client why there are 3 completely different views for Control Settings still available in Windows. But as I think about it, I really don't know. It worked fine back in '95. Maybe I'm old, but I still feel the same about Photoshop. While I love to play with new features and tools (and often reject them due to the unreliability), I see no need to change long established interfaces or procedures. As a professional, I have stuff I need to work "ON". I hate when updates require me to work "around". Think they would have learned with that Lightroom Import screen mess several years back. How long did that last? One week?
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‎Nov 03, 2023
08:47 PM
I just came across this "bug". It's the same type of Adjustment Preset "bug". I miss the old days when they used to update once every year and half, and it was worth the wait. Companies have nothing new (and good!) to add, so they make pointless interface changes that nobody wants. This is just added lutter.
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‎Sep 10, 2023
07:27 PM
I use Smart Objects when coming out of Lightroom. This way I can edit in Camera Raw in detail later. When I "Save As Object", I've started getting occasional corruption in Photoshop like attached. I will have to open Camera Raw again, make some pointless change, and try to Save again. Usually that works, and the damage goes away. Seems to be only with the newest version of ACR, as I never had the issue before. I'm on Windows 10.  
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‎Aug 04, 2023
11:31 PM
[cursing removed]
Adobe, please address this Beta problem. Once I installed the Beta, the problems started. I've seen many threads on this, nothing new. Well almost, this is the first time I saw this screenshot. Please just name the Beta something like "Steve", and my Lightroom and my Droplets can keep working with 2023 while you figure out Generative AI. No matter how many times I keep Un-installing and Re-Installing Photoshop, the problems keep coming. Please just fix this, so we can all move on with our lives.
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‎Jul 20, 2023
09:00 PM
1 Upvote
I did a series of Windows 11, 10, 11 installations to figure out another crashing issue I was constantly having (pretty sure it was overheating due to overclocking). So this example comes from after several re-installs from scratch since the first in this thread. I finally had another file-damaging glitch in the most current, base version of Photoshop. In this case, I duplicated/merged all layers and used the old Content Aware Fill. While the tool itself behaved properly, this is what it did to my Temporary merged Layer. The top corner of pixels became corrupted. In this case, I just threw it away. But for a time period I was bumbping into a series of oddities like this. That pixel information that it's overlaying is coming from another part of the image.  
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‎Jul 08, 2023
10:53 PM
1 Upvote
I don't know what happened to start all of this. But a new day, and everything seems to have resolved itself. I don't know. I was able to log in normally, and access all of the apps we use. All I can say is thank you for all of your time. This thread can be closed.
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‎Jul 07, 2023
05:41 PM
Yes I have the 403 error because I still cant log in. When I try, it gives me the same page. No, I am at home, his school is closed for summer.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
09:42 PM
In the past week, I installed and uninstalled the Photoshop Beta, let's say every other day. I like to play with the new features, but it breaks my Droplets, so I uninstall it. Everything was fine yesterday, maybe the day before. Yesterday Adobe took out my monthly payment, and now these errors are popping up and I can't log in. That's all I know.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
09:23 PM
I had another visual glitch, so thought I would share. The mask is a simply shadow, but the thumbnail display has lines all over it. It's a pointless glitch, but shows odd things are happening. I can't show the Adobe logs because I have another thread showing a completely different issue right now. Makes me very upset that we pay Adobe for Alpha level software. The next update should forget about pointless new tools, and fix the myriad of complaints I see in this forum.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
09:14 PM
306 Error was when I tried to log in to Creative Cloud Application directly. I can't copy/paste the code right now. I had to install a slightly older bootleg to use Photoshop. So stupid, but it is what it is. Anyway, It just said Error 306, and that was about it. Pretty vague.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
08:22 PM
403. That’s an error. Error: app_not_configured_for_user Service is not configured for this user. Request Details pli=1 SAMLRequest=nZLNbtswEIRfReBdf7RqWYRlw00QNECCGJHSQ28rcq2wkEiVS7nJ20e1bCS9BGgB8kBwdmc5H9fbl74LjuhIW1OyNEpYgEZapU1bsqf6Jlyx7WZN0Hd8ELvRP5tH/DUi+WAqNCTmm5KNzggLpEkY6JGEl6La3d8JHiVicNZbaTsW7IjQ+cnqyhoae3QVuqOW+PR4V7Jn7wcScXxAhQ48Kq1CA2lEs4YiULbBSNr+XRL/8Y+r6iGGTgPFOU8VVxJD3hQyzIpDERYZ5mG6apZq1TQIy4wF19P82oA/vfliC1La0XiKWmvbbvaxp/481mrYTlur8ipJX9HL4TcLbqyTeIqkZAfoCFlwe10y4CD1l5xzmTdtztvFssg5/tQy0zrN1CSiPRDpI76XEY14a8iD8SXjCV+EST6tOlkIzkWyitJl+oMF+3OQX7WZAX2WejOLSHyr6324f6hqFny/gJ4E7IxVnNzdR56fN4YLRLb5f2Q9elDg4R+4reOP827Ox79/5eYN RelayState=AZFwdzCoRuZzsmammdyvg2WpRaR6hZkU_rmeWeoc2oyJw6RLl1uRIkZlEsVz8Z9zt6suTCfBlNED SigAlg=http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256 Signature=OCkRYATptc3IXYkVJNC2OTSOze8Qeur9nJEgULJvQw5lMQ6KssKAjrVF/Y9Dj9RUEqgBsKVZ9V3N5lXNOPhAWBPZRmDyM6EEClP6nccRUpNd+sfJ630Svux4eJhfG0UyZghEITkEdSSK8sh2wfy7ZK+Ds0ZdeaI87e1HS9fBR7kSpNIIQczSlCL3DahJQQ7D7sRuPhl//p2AN/KGZNLtw3+6LLm0pT6T5PHaYK2GjGtrNSgiC89v92DJmvfZ+DHMyCT+I3yQtfHaI5Hz5qidBekl1pNgGj3ODTpHKLtT+M3WIuQeELUg5lpbOBglr3yjFgIk6XQ93f6y2UZr8DhP8Q== That’s all we know.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
08:16 PM
Yes, i already provided it. here it is again.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
07:52 PM
Nope. That's now 3 devices and 4 browsers that get the same error message.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
07:39 PM
I've tried in Firefox, Chrome, and now Android. They all end with the same screenshot I sent previously. We can rule out it being a cache issue.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
07:23 PM
I am posting this using my own login account. I simply can not login with my son's account. On the website it asks for the email, then I have to select "Company or School Account" (Not Personal), then it sends me to google to authenticate, then I get an adobe window saying the screenshot attachment about "Error: app_not_configured_for_user. Service is not configured for this user." I can seprately log into Google with the account just fine. I can access his gmail and all that. The issue is exclusively the inability to login to Adobe with it.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
07:03 PM
I pay for it myself. I do not have a school plan administrator. Even if I did, it's summer, nobody is working. Additionally, your link needs me to login to find out who the administrator is supposed to be. But again, I can't log into the account to find anything out.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
06:56 PM
Yesterday all was fine. Today Adobe took my monthly payment, but locked my son's school account. Every attempt to login with his account is met with "something went wrong" messages and 306 errors. I tried to contact support, but it says that "A member of your organization is a designated contact for issues with your Adobe products. Reach out to your administrator or IT contact for help." I've also tried my other account and used "Agent" in the chatbox to skip Bot, but it tells me I need to login with a paying account. But I can't login. I'm stuck in a loop.
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‎Jul 05, 2023
09:25 PM
1 Upvote
Yeah, I really don't know. Thats what I was saying. Tonight I took someone's arm, duplicated the layer, and I had a girl's image from outside the crop. I saved, closed, reopened, and it was his arm again. I've just passively noticed behavior like that. Maybe just compatibility issues with my 7 year old 1080 card. IDK.
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‎Jul 05, 2023
09:12 PM
I've been using Photoshop since v2.5 which dates me at around 1994 I think. I have never had so many display issues in any version of Photoshop I have ever used. I've had the same video hardware for about a 7 years, and with the newest "stable" version I am getting serious cache related issues (I can only assume). When I go to Free-Transform or duplicate a layer, I find the wrong part of the image is being displayed. I can't really describe it, just masked parts of the layer are suddenly displayed. It's odd. Unless someone on here had a better articulated version of the problem (I did not look), I am just venting and it's local to me. It's happened enough recently that I've noticed since the update.
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‎May 29, 2023
10:27 PM
1 Upvote
To be clear, this did not work for me at all.. Windows 11, Photoshop 24.5.0. My Gradient Tool, was/is set to Classic, and it still creates a Vector Layer, not a Gradient on Quick Mask.
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‎May 27, 2023
08:52 PM
Thank you very much for pointing out where to find that preference change.
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‎May 27, 2023
12:24 PM
1 Upvote
This isn't working for me. Classic mode does nothing. I also still see the Blue Share button, despite that supposedly being fixed in 24.5 like the screenshot above. Ive uninstalled and reinstalled, same thing. Why engineers always touching things that aren't broken? Adjustment palette the same for 30 years, and now they choose to change it. And I still want Shake Reduction back.
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‎Mar 31, 2022
03:24 PM
I have a client that has almost 1 million images, and this 20+ year old Catalog has many legacy issues. My suggestion was to Export Metadata to ensure everything was embedded, then we simply create a new Catalog and import everything. Much to my shock, Collections are not embedded as MetaData?!? I know your first suggestion will be to Export Catalog, which would work (although it will not complete in one pass), but the core issue is that he wants to do reorganizing and restructuring of entire folder structures. Lightroom is slow as mollassas when it thinks you're moving 5,000+ files, when you are really not. We just wanted to use the OS and PhotoMechanic to move files around quickly and reliably, then import back into a newly structured catalog. I can't think of any way to keep hundreds of Sub-Collections, and yet work quickly. Any Plugins or anything sound like they could handle this task?
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‎Dec 05, 2020
09:59 AM
Version 10.15.7 Catalina
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‎Dec 04, 2020
10:55 AM
Oddity. Mac. When in Lightroom, using Edit-In Photoshop opens behind other open image windows. So it always opens in the back, needing other windows to be moved over to get to it. Anyone see this before?
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‎Jan 01, 2020
09:28 PM
If your on a Mac, the Dock link often does not update. Check Application folder, and launch Photoshop 2020 manually, then add to Dock yourself. For Photoshop 2020, it shuld be launching with image of girl looking out a window. That's 2020.
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‎Jan 01, 2020
08:10 PM
Simply install 2020 and all your problems will go away. I hated 2018 and 2019, but have to say that 2020 is stable on my Win 10 system.
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